max_features='sqrt', n_estimators=800,

Balanced Accuracy Score (Overall): 
Balanced Crosstab Rank (Overall): 
Predicted  +/-1%  1-5% Down  1-5% Up  5+% Down  5+% Up
+/-1%         57         18       51         1       2
1-5% Down     26         69       27         7       0
1-5% Up       28         12      157         1       7
5+% Down       1         12        3        12       0
5+% Up         0          0       26         0      23

aapl_reg = cl.prepare_classical('AAPL')  #instantiate the object
import_df = aapl_reg.get_prepare_stock_data()
dataset = aapl_reg.process_data(import_df)
dataset = dataset.drop(['adj close', 'day', 'ticker'], axis=1)
df_reshape = aapl_reg.reshape_dataset(np.array(dataset), 1)

X, y = aapl_reg.to_supervised_classical(df_reshape, 15, 5)

X_classical = pd.DataFrame(aapl_reg.reshape_X_classical(
    X))  #Reshapes X into 1 row and all columns for the features
y_classical = aapl_reg.reshape_y_classical(
    y, n_out=5)  #Reshapes y to calculate % change

nday_chg, intraday_max = aapl_reg.get_chg_pc(y_classical)

nday_chg_label = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
def instantiate(ticker):
    '''instantiate 2 class objects for a specific ticker'''
    return cps.yfinance_scrape (ticker), cl.prepare_classical (ticker)