def __init__(self, gyr, etype, erating): Item.__init__(self) # We need engine info for calculations self.gtype = gettext(gyr.childNodes) self.g_base = int(gyr.attributes["techbase"].value) # Check for legal gyro type, save data ident = False for i in GYRO: if (i[0] == self.gtype and i[1] == self.g_base): ident = True self.gyro_bv = i[2] gweightm = i[3] self.r_level = i[4] self.cost = i[5] if not ident: error_exit((self.gtype, self.g_base)) # Calculate weight rating = erating # Hack: Make sure Primitive Engines get right gyro weight if etype == "Primitive Fusion Engine": rating *= 1.2 rating = ceil_5(rating) base_weight = ceil(float(rating) / 100.0) self.weight = gweightm * base_weight
def __init__(self, eng, unit): Item.__init__(self) self.erating = int(eng.attributes["rating"].value) self.e_base = int(eng.attributes["techbase"].value) self.etype = gettext(eng.childNodes) self.speed = self.erating / unit.weight self.unit = unit # Reference to parent unit # A note on primitive engines: # It seems like using engine rating directly does give # the right speed, even if rules says otherwise # This looks like an internal SSW issue, so # assume that the weight of these engines are incorrect # Check for legal engine type, save data ident = False for i in ENGINE: if (i[0] == self.etype and i[1] == self.e_base): ident = True self.eng_bv = i[2] if self.unit.type == "CV": self.eweight = i[3](ceil_5(self.erating - self.get_suspension_factor())) else: self.eweight = i[3](ceil_5(self.erating)) self.r_level = i[4] self.cost = i[5] self.short = i[6] if not ident: error_exit((self.etype, self.e_base))
def get_slots(self): """ Return a list of equipment slots occupied by the cockpit. """ if (self.type == "Standard Cockpit" or self.type == "Primitive Cockpit"): s_list = [("HD", 0), ("HD", 1), ("HD", 2), ("HD", 4), ("HD", 5)] if self.console == "TRUE": s_list.append(("HD", 3)) elif (self.type == "Small Cockpit"): s_list = [("HD", 0), ("HD", 1), ("HD", 2), ("HD", 3)] if self.console == "TRUE": s_list.append(("HD", 4)) elif (self.type == "Torso-Mounted Cockpit"): c_slot = self.unit.gyro.get_engine_continue() s_slot = self.unit.engine.get_side_continue() if self.unit.engine.etype == "Compact Fusion Engine": s_list = [("HD", 0), ("HD", 1), ("CT", c_slot), ("CT", c_slot + 1), ("LT", s_slot), ("RT", s_slot)] else: s_list = [("HD", 0), ("HD", 1), ("CT", c_slot + 3), ("CT", c_slot + 4), ("LT", s_slot), ("RT", s_slot)] else: error_exit((self.type)) return s_list
def __init__(self, cpt, unit): Item.__init__(self) cnode = cpt.getElementsByTagName("type")[0] self.type = gettext(cnode.childNodes) if self.type != "Torso-Mounted Cockpit": self.console = cnode.attributes["commandconsole"].value else: self.console = "FALSE" self.c_weight = 0 self.unit = unit # Reference to parent unit # Check for legal cockpit type, save data ident = False for i in COCKPIT: if (i[0] == self.type): ident = True self.wgt = i[1] self.r_level = i[2] self.cost = i[3] if not ident: error_exit((self.type)) # Hack: Add console weight if self.console == "TRUE": self.c_weight = 3
def __init__(self, arm, weight): Item.__init__(self) self.tech_base = int(arm.attributes["techbase"].value) self.atype = get_child_data(arm, "type") self.front = int(get_child_data(arm, "front")) self.left = int(get_child_data(arm, "left")) self.right = int(get_child_data(arm, "right")) self.rear = int(get_child_data(arm, "rear")) self.p_turret = int(get_child_data(arm, "primaryturret")) self.s_turret = int(get_child_data(arm, "secondaryturret")) self.rotor = int(get_child_data(arm, "rotor")) # Check for legal armor type, save data ident = False for i in ARMOR: if (i[0] == self.atype and i[1] == self.tech_base): ident = True self.armor_bv = i[2] self.armor_multipler = i[3] self.r_level = i[4] self.cost = i[5] self.short = i[6] if not ident: error_exit((self.atype, self.tech_base)) # Last sum up total armortotal = (self.front + self.left + self.right + self.rear + self.p_turret + self.s_turret + self.rotor) maxtotal = floor(3.5 * weight + 40) = ArmorLoc("Total", armortotal, (maxtotal - 9) / 2 + 3, maxtotal)
def get_weight(self): """ Get weight of AES """ if self.type == "None": return 0.0 if self.motive == "Quad": return ceil_05(self.weight / 50.0) elif self.motive == "Biped": return ceil_05(self.weight / 35.0) else: error_exit(self.motive)
def get_engine_continue(self): """ Get CT slot where the engine continues """ if (self.gtype == "Standard Gyro" or self.gtype == "Heavy-Duty Gyro"): return 7 elif (self.gtype == "Compact Gyro"): return 5 elif (self.gtype == "Extra-Light Gyro"): return 9 else: error_exit((self.gtype, self.g_base))
def get_slots(self): """ Return a list of equipment slots occupied by the gyro. """ if (self.gtype == "Standard Gyro" or self.gtype == "Heavy-Duty Gyro"): return [("CT", 3), ("CT", 4), ("CT", 5), ("CT", 6)] elif (self.gtype == "Compact Gyro"): return [("CT", 3), ("CT", 4)] elif (self.gtype == "Extra-Light Gyro"): return [("CT", 3), ("CT", 4), ("CT", 5), ("CT", 6), ("CT", 7), ("CT", 8)] else: error_exit((self.gtype, self.g_base))
def __init__(self, stru, weight, motive): Item.__init__(self) self.tech_base = int(stru.attributes["techbase"].value) self.type = get_child_data(stru, "type") wgt = weight # Check for legal structure type, save data ident = False for i in STRUCTURE: if (i[0] == self.type and i[1] == self.tech_base): ident = True self.is_bv = i[2] wgtf = i[3] self.r_level = i[4] costf = i[5] self.short = i[6] if not ident: error_exit((self.type, self.tech_base)) # Calculate IS weight wgt *= wgtf # hack to get half-ton rounding up wgt = ceil_05(wgt) self.wgt = wgt # Calculate IS points self.points = 0 # Head always have 3 IS self.points += 3 # Otherwise get from table self.points += CT_IS[weight] self.points += ST_IS[weight] * 2 self.points += LEG_IS[weight] * 2 # The arms/front legs need to check if mech is Biped or Quad if motive == "Quad": self.points += LEG_IS[weight] * 2 elif motive == "Biped": self.points += ARM_IS[weight] * 2 else: error_exit(motive) # Calculate cost self.cost = weight * costf
def __init__(self, enh, weight, eng_rating): Item.__init__(self) # Save engine weight self.eng_rating = eng_rating if enh is None: self.etb = 2 self.enhancement = "---" else: enode = enh.getElementsByTagName("type")[0] self.enhancement = gettext(enode.childNodes) self.etb = int(enh.attributes["techbase"].value) # Check for legal enhancement type, save data ident = False for i in ENHANCEMENT: if (i[0] == self.enhancement and i[1] == self.etb): ident = True self.enhweight = i[2](weight) if not ident: error_exit((self.enhancement, self.etb))
def get_weight(self): """ Get weight of jumpjets :return: the total weight of jump-jets :rtype: float """ if self.jump == 0: return 0 if self.weight < 60: base = 0.5 elif self.weight < 90: base = 1.0 else: base = 2.0 if self.jjtype == "Standard Jump Jet" or self.jjtype == "Mech UMU": base = base * 1.0 elif self.jjtype == "Improved Jump Jet": base = base * 2.0 else: error_exit(self.jjtype) return base * self.jump
def __init__(self, heat, load): Item.__init__(self) self.load = load # Reference to parent # Handle default if heat is None: self.number = 0 self.tech_b = 2 self.type = "Single Heat Sink" else: self.number = int(heat.attributes["number"].value) self.tech_b = int(heat.attributes["techbase"].value) self.type = get_child_data(heat, "type") # Check for heatsink type, save data ident = False for i in HEATSINK: if (i[0] == self.type and i[1] == self.tech_b): ident = True self.cap = i[2] self.r_level = i[3] self.cost = i[4] if not ident: error_exit((self.type, self.tech_b))
def __init__(self, jets, weight): Item.__init__(self) self.weight = weight # Mech weight, not JJ weight # Handle default if jets is None: self.jump = 0 self.jjtype = "" self.r_level = 0 else: self.jump = int(jets.attributes["number"].value) jnode = jets.getElementsByTagName("type")[0] self.jjtype = gettext(jnode.childNodes) # Check for legal jump-jet type, if jump-jets are mounted, save data if self.jump > 0: ident = False for i in JUMP_JET: if i[0] == self.jjtype: ident = True self.heat = i[1] self.r_level = i[2] self.cost = i[3] if not ident: error_exit(self.jjtype)
def __init__(self, stru, weight, mot_type, turrets): Item.__init__(self) self.tech_base = int(stru.attributes["techbase"].value) self.type = get_child_data(stru, "type") wgt = weight # Check for legal structure type, save data ident = False for i in STRUCTURE: if (i[0] == self.type and i[1] == self.tech_base): ident = True self.is_bv = i[2] wgtf = i[3] self.r_level = i[4] self.short = i[6] if not ident: error_exit((self.type, self.tech_base)) # Calculate IS weight wgt *= wgtf # hack to get half-ton rounding up wgt = ceil_05(wgt) self.wgt = wgt # Calculate IS points, start with the four basic sides base = ceil(weight * 0.1) self.points = base * 4 # Add rotor, max 3 points if mot_type == "VTOL": self.points += min(base, 3) if turrets == "Single Turret": self.points += base # TODO: Dual turret # Calculate cost self.cost = self.wgt * 10000
def __init__(self, mech, art4, art5, apollo, equip, clan_case): self.equip = equip self.c_case = clan_case # Clan CASE # We need to create local lists for avoid trouble with Omni-mechs self.weaponlist = Weaponlist(art4, art5, apollo) self.equiplist = Equiplist() self.physicallist = Physicallist(mech.weight) self.ammolist = Ammolist() self.supercharger = Supercharger(mech.engine.erating, mech.engine.get_weight()) # Keep track of tarcomp self.tarcomp = 0 # Gear weight self.a_weight = 0.0 self.e_weight = 0.0 self.tc_weight = 0.0 self.mod_weight = 0.0 self.tur_weight = 0.0 # Track explosive ammo by locations self.exp_ammo = {} # Save reference to explosive weapon count self.exp_weapon = self.weaponlist.exp_weapon = {} # Track coolant pods self.coolant = 0 # Track modular armor self.mod_armor = {} self.has_mod_armor = False # Track CASE rules level self.case_rule = 0 ### Count gear ### for name in self.equip: ### Weapons ### # Go through weapon list ident = False # A weapon if (name.typ == 'ballistic' or name.typ == 'energy' or name.typ == 'missile' or name.typ == 'artillery' or name.typ == 'mgarray'): found = self.weaponlist.add(, name.loc, name.rear, name.turret) if found: ident = True # Handle non-weapon equipment elif (name.typ == 'equipment'): for equip in self.equiplist.list: if ( == equip.addone(name.wgt, name.turret) self.e_weight += equip.get_weight() ident = True # Hack, coolant pods if == "Coolant Pod": self.coolant += 1 # Add explosive equipment to location if equip.expl > 0: self.exp_weapon.add_weapon(name.loc, equip.expl) # Hack, CASE elif (name.typ == 'CASE' or name.typ == 'CASEII'): for cas in CASE.keys(): if ( == cas): # Hack SSW store fixed CASE on omnis twice if not name.loc in self.e_weight += CASE[cas][1] ident = True # Save CASE status[name.loc] = name.typ # Hack CASE rules level if self.case_rule < CASE[cas][0]: self.case_rule = CASE[cas][0] # Hack, handle targeting computer elif ( == "(IS) Targeting Computer" and name.typ == 'TargetingComputer'): self.tarcomp = 1 ident = True elif ( == "(CL) Targeting Computer" and name.typ == 'TargetingComputer'): self.tarcomp = 2 ident = True # Hack, supercharger elif ( == "Supercharger" and name.typ == "Supercharger"): self.supercharger.add() ident = True # A possible physical weapon elif (name.typ == 'physical'): found = self.physicallist.add(, name.loc, name.turret) if found: ident = True # Modular armor elif (name.typ == 'miscellaneous'): if == "Modular Armor": ident = True mod = self.mod_armor.get(name.loc, 0) mod += 10 self.mod_armor[name.loc] = mod self.mod_weight = 1.0 self.has_mod_armor = True # Ignore Hitches for now if == "Hitch": ident = True # Ammunition elif (name.typ == 'ammunition'): for ammo in self.ammolist.list: if ( == ammo.addone() self.a_weight += ammo.get_weight() ident = True # Add explosive ammo to location if ammo.explosive == "X": expl = self.exp_ammo.get(name.loc, 0) expl += 1 self.exp_ammo[name.loc] = expl # Not found if not ident: print "Unidentified:",, ":", name.typ error_exit("gear") # Calculate tarcomp weight if self.tarcomp == 1: # IS self.tc_weight = ceil(self.weaponlist.tcw_weight / 4.0) if self.tarcomp == 2: # Clan self.tc_weight = ceil(self.weaponlist.tcw_weight / 5.0) # Calculate turret weight self.tur_weight = ceil_05((self.weaponlist.tur_weight + self.equiplist.get_turret_weight() + self.physicallist.get_turret_weight()) / 10.0) # Add ammo to weapon for ammo in self.ammolist.list: if ammo.count > 0: ident = False for weap in self.weaponlist.list.itervalues(): for i in ammo.wname: if == i: weap.add_ammo(ammo.count * ammo.weight, ammo.count * ammo.amount) ident = True # We need to do defensive equipment also due to AMS for equip in self.equiplist.list: for i in ammo.wname: if == i: equip.add_ammo(ammo.count * ammo.weight, ammo.count * ammo.amount) ident = True if (not ident): print "ERROR: Unknown weapon:", ammo.wname error_exit("weapon")
def __init__(self, arm, weight, motive): Item.__init__(self) self.tech_base = int(arm.attributes["techbase"].value) self.atype = get_child_data(arm, "type") head = int(get_child_data(arm, "hd")) c_torso = int(get_child_data(arm, "ct")) ctr = int(get_child_data(arm, "ctr")) l_torso = int(get_child_data(arm, "lt")) ltr = int(get_child_data(arm, "ltr")) r_torso = int(get_child_data(arm, "rt")) rtr = int(get_child_data(arm, "rtr")) l_arm = int(get_child_data(arm, "la")) r_arm = int(get_child_data(arm, "ra")) l_leg = int(get_child_data(arm, "ll")) r_leg = int(get_child_data(arm, "rl")) # Check for legal armor type, save data ident = False for i in ARMOR: if (i[0] == self.atype and i[1] == self.tech_base): ident = True self.armor_bv = i[2] self.armor_multipler = i[3] self.r_level = i[4] self.cost = i[5] self.short = i[6] if not ident: error_exit((self.atype, self.tech_base)) # Head always have max 9 armor self.head = ArmorLoc("Head", head, 3, 9) # Otherwise 2 times Internal Structure self.c_torso = TorsoArmor("Center Torso", c_torso, ctr, CT_IS[weight]) self.l_torso = TorsoArmor("Left Torso", l_torso, ltr, ST_IS[weight]) self.r_torso = TorsoArmor("Right Torso", r_torso, rtr, ST_IS[weight]) # The arms/front legs need to check if mech is Biped or Quad if motive == "Quad": self.l_arm = ArmorLoc("Front Left Leg", l_arm, LEG_IS[weight], LEG_IS[weight] * 2) self.r_arm = ArmorLoc("Front Right Leg", r_arm, LEG_IS[weight], LEG_IS[weight] * 2) self.l_leg = ArmorLoc("Rear Left Leg", l_leg, LEG_IS[weight], LEG_IS[weight] * 2) self.r_leg = ArmorLoc("Rear Right Leg", r_leg, LEG_IS[weight], LEG_IS[weight] * 2) elif motive == "Biped": self.l_arm = ArmorLoc("Left Arm", l_arm, ARM_IS[weight], ARM_IS[weight] * 2) self.r_arm = ArmorLoc("Right Arm", r_arm, ARM_IS[weight], ARM_IS[weight] * 2) self.l_leg = ArmorLoc("Left Leg", l_leg, LEG_IS[weight], LEG_IS[weight] * 2) self.r_leg = ArmorLoc("Right Leg", r_leg, LEG_IS[weight], LEG_IS[weight] * 2) else: error_exit(motive) # Last sum up total armortotal = (self.head.arm + self.c_torso.get_total() + self.l_torso.get_total() + self.r_torso.get_total() + self.l_arm.arm + self.r_arm.arm + self.l_leg.arm + self.r_leg.arm) maxtotal = (self.head.max + self.c_torso.get_max() + self.l_torso.get_max() + self.r_torso.get_max() + self.l_arm.max + self.r_arm.max + self.l_leg.max + self.r_leg.max) = ArmorLoc("Total", armortotal, (maxtotal - 9) / 2 + 3, maxtotal)