Exemplo n.º 1
def score_function(genome):
    # Loop over the training set and calculate the output for each.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        genome.set_variable_value(["x"], input_data)
        output_data = genome.eval()
    result = ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def score_function(genome):
    # Loop over the training set and calculate the output for each.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        genome.set_variable_value(["x"], input_data)
        output_data = genome.eval()
    result = ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def score_funct(x):
    The score function.  Calculate the MSE error between the actual network output and the ideal values for the XOR.
    @param x: The long term memory that we are to score.
    @return: The MSE error.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)
    return ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
Exemplo n.º 4
def score_funct(x):
    The score function.  Calculate the MSE error between the actual network output and the ideal values for the XOR.
    @param x: The long term memory that we are to score.
    @return: The MSE error.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)
    return ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
Exemplo n.º 5
def score_funct(x):
    The score function.  Calculate the MSE error between the actual network output and the ideal values for the XOR.
    @param x: The long term memory that we are to score.
    @return: The MSE error.
    # Setup the long-term memory that we would like to test.
    # Present all inputs to the network and accumulate the output for each.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)
    # Compare the actual output with the ideal expected output and calculate the MSE error.
    return ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
Exemplo n.º 6
def score_funct(x):
    The score function.  Calculate the MSE error between the actual network output and the ideal values for the XOR.
    @param x: The long term memory that we are to score.
    @return: The MSE error.
    # Setup the long-term memory that we would like to test.
    # Present all inputs to the network and accumulate the output for each.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)
    # Compare the actual output with the ideal expected output and calculate the MSE error.
    return ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
Exemplo n.º 7
def score_funct(x):
    global best_score
    global input_data
    global output_data
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)

    result = ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
    if result < best_score:
        best_score = result
        print("Score: " + str(result))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 8
def score_funct(x):
    global best_score
    global input_data
    global output_data
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)

    result = ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
    if result < best_score:
        best_score = result
        print("Score: " + str(result))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 9
def score_funct(coeff):
    Calculate the score with the specified coefficients.  Use MSE error calculation.
    @param coeff: The coefficients.
    @return: The score.  We are trying to minimize this score.
    global input_data
    global output_data

    # Calculate the actual output of the polynomial with the specified coefficients.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        x = input_data[0]
        output_data = poly(coeff, x)
    return ErrorCalculation.sse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
Exemplo n.º 10
def score_funct(coeff):
    Calculate the score with the specified coefficients.  Use MSE error calculation.
    @param coeff: The coefficients.
    @return: The score.  We are trying to minimize this score.
    global input_data
    global output_data

    # Calculate the actual output of the polynomial with the specified coefficients.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        x = input_data[0]
        output_data = poly(coeff, x)
    return ErrorCalculation.sse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
Exemplo n.º 11
def score_funct(x):
    The score function for Iris anneal.
    @param x:
    global best_score
    global input_data
    global output_data
    # Update the network's long term memory to the vector we need to score.
    # Loop over the training set and calculate the output for each.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)
    # Calculate the error with MSE.
    result = ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 12
def score_funct(x):
    The score function for Iris anneal.
    @param x:
    global best_score
    global input_data
    global output_data
    # Update the network's long term memory to the vector we need to score.
    # Loop over the training set and calculate the output for each.
    actual_output = []
    for input_data in training_input:
        output_data = network.compute_regression(input_data)
    # Calculate the error with MSE.
    result = ErrorCalculation.mse(np.array(actual_output), training_ideal)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_rms(self):
     actual = np.array(TestError.ACTUAL)
     ideal = np.array(TestError.IDEAL)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ErrorCalculation.rms(actual, ideal), 12.3134, 3)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_rms(self):
     actual = np.array(TestError.ACTUAL)
     ideal = np.array(TestError.IDEAL)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ErrorCalculation.rms(actual, ideal), 12.3134, 3)
Exemplo n.º 15
    for row in xrange(0, rows):
        for col in xrange(0, cols):
            d = float(np.random.randint(low, high))
            ideal[row][col] = d
            actual[row][col] = d + (np.random.normal() * distort)

    return result

# Generate data sets.
smallErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 0.1)
mediumErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 0.5)
largeErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 1.0)
hugeErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 10.0)

small_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(smallErrors['actual'], smallErrors['ideal'])
small_mse = ErrorCalculation.mse(smallErrors['actual'], smallErrors['ideal'])
small_rms = ErrorCalculation.rms(smallErrors['actual'], smallErrors['ideal'])

medium_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(mediumErrors['actual'],
medium_mse = ErrorCalculation.mse(mediumErrors['actual'],
medium_rms = ErrorCalculation.rms(mediumErrors['actual'],

large_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(largeErrors['actual'], largeErrors['ideal'])
large_mse = ErrorCalculation.mse(largeErrors['actual'], largeErrors['ideal'])
large_rms = ErrorCalculation.rms(largeErrors['actual'], largeErrors['ideal'])

huge_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(hugeErrors['actual'], hugeErrors['ideal'])
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_mse(self):
     actual = np.array(TestError.ACTUAL)
     ideal = np.array(TestError.IDEAL)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ErrorCalculation.mse(actual, ideal), 151.6205, 3)
Exemplo n.º 17
    for row in xrange(0, rows):
        for col in xrange(0, cols):
            d = float(np.random.randint(low, high))
            ideal[row][col] = d
            actual[row][col] = d + (np.random.normal() * distort)

    return result

# Generate data sets.
smallErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 0.1)
mediumErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 0.5)
largeErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 1.0)
hugeErrors = generate(SEED, ROWS, COLS, LOW, HIGH, 10.0)

small_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(smallErrors['actual'], smallErrors['ideal'])
small_mse = ErrorCalculation.mse(smallErrors['actual'], smallErrors['ideal'])
small_rms = ErrorCalculation.rms(smallErrors['actual'], smallErrors['ideal'])

medium_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(mediumErrors['actual'], mediumErrors['ideal'])
medium_mse = ErrorCalculation.mse(mediumErrors['actual'], mediumErrors['ideal'])
medium_rms = ErrorCalculation.rms(mediumErrors['actual'], mediumErrors['ideal'])

large_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(largeErrors['actual'], largeErrors['ideal'])
large_mse = ErrorCalculation.mse(largeErrors['actual'], largeErrors['ideal'])
large_rms = ErrorCalculation.rms(largeErrors['actual'], largeErrors['ideal'])

huge_sse = ErrorCalculation.sse(hugeErrors['actual'], hugeErrors['ideal'])
huge_mse = ErrorCalculation.mse(hugeErrors['actual'], hugeErrors['ideal'])
huge_rms = ErrorCalculation.rms(hugeErrors['actual'], hugeErrors['ideal'])
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_rss(self):
     actual = np.array(TestError.ACTUAL)
     ideal = np.array(TestError.IDEAL)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ErrorCalculation.rss(actual, ideal), 3032.4099,
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_rss(self):
     actual = np.array(TestError.ACTUAL)
     ideal = np.array(TestError.IDEAL)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ErrorCalculation.rss(actual, ideal), 3032.4099, 3)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_mse(self):
     actual = np.array(TestError.ACTUAL)
     ideal = np.array(TestError.IDEAL)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ErrorCalculation.mse(actual, ideal), 151.6205,