def load(self, fileName): #Load all the data in the file, exculding the fileInfos try: with open(os.path.join(fileName), 'r') as inFile: variablesToLoad = json.load(inFile) for key in variablesToLoad.keys(): if key in type(self).__slots__: setattr(self, key, variablesToLoad[key]) else: log.message( DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_DEBUG_WARNING, 1, f'Unexpected data was encountered during the loading of the testbench parameters. Faulty key: {key}' ) if DEFINES.RAISE_ERROR_ON_UNEXPECTED_KEY: raise errors.IOError( 'Unexpected data was encountered during the loading of the testbench parameters' ) from None self.slotsCenters = np.array(self.slotsCenters) self.nbSlots = len(self.slotsCenters[:, 0]) self.maxSlots = copy.deepcopy(self.nbSlots) self.originalSlotsCenters = copy.deepcopy(self.slotsCenters) self.clear_slots() except OSError: raise errors.IOError( 'The testbench parameters file could not be found') from None
def load(self, fileName): try: #Load all the data in the file, exculding the fileInfos with open(os.path.join(fileName), 'r') as inFile: variablesToLoad = json.load(inFile) for key in variablesToLoad.keys(): if key in type(self).__slots__: if isinstance(variablesToLoad[key], list): setattr(self, key, np.array(variablesToLoad[key])) else: setattr(self, key, variablesToLoad[key]) elif key == 'alphaCommands': alphaCommands = np.array(variablesToLoad[key]) elif key == 'betaCommands': betaCommands = np.array(variablesToLoad[key]) elif key == 'alphaMeasures': alphaMeasures = np.array(variablesToLoad[key]) elif key == 'betaMeasures': betaMeasures = np.array(variablesToLoad[key]) else: log.message( DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_DEBUG_WARNING, 1, f'Unexpected data was encountered during the loading of the positioner model. Faulty key: {key}' ) if DEFINES.RAISE_ERROR_ON_UNEXPECTED_KEY: raise errors.IOError( 'Unexpected data was encountered during the loading of the positioner model' ) from None self.getCorrectedAlpha = interpolate.interp1d( alphaCommands, alphaMeasures, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') self.getCorrectedBeta = interpolate.interp1d( betaCommands, betaMeasures, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') except OSError: raise errors.IOError( 'The positioner model file could not be found') from None
def load(self, fileName): #Load all the data in the file, exculding the fileInfos try: with open(os.path.join(fileName), 'r') as inFile: variablesToLoad = json.load(inFile) for key in variablesToLoad.keys(): if key in type(self).__slots__: setattr(self, key, variablesToLoad[key]) else: log.message( DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_DEBUG_WARNING, 1, f'Unexpected data was encountered during the loading of the positioner requirements. Faulty key: {key}' ) if DEFINES.RAISE_ERROR_ON_UNEXPECTED_KEY: raise errors.IOError( 'Unexpected data was encountered during the loading of the positioner requirements' ) from None except OSError: raise errors.IOError( 'The positioner requirements file could not be found' ) from None
def setDistortionCorrection(self, config): if self.connected: fileName = os.path.join( config.get_camera_path(), 'camera_' + str(self.parameters.ID) + config.cameraFileExtension) #load the camera distortion parameters try: cam_distortion = io.loadmat(fileName) except genicam.GenericException: raise errors.IOError( "Camera distortion file could not be loaded") from None return try: cam_distortion = cam_distortion[ DEFINES.PC_FILE_DISTORTION_PARAMETERS_NAME] cam_x_corr = cam_distortion[ DEFINES.PC_FILE_DISTORTION_XCORR_NAME] cam_y_corr = cam_distortion[ DEFINES.PC_FILE_DISTORTION_YCORR_NAME] cam_scale_factor = cam_distortion[ DEFINES.PC_FILE_DISTORTION_SCALE_FACTOR_NAME] self.parameters.xCorr = np.nan_to_num(cam_x_corr[0, 0]) self.parameters.yCorr = np.nan_to_num(cam_y_corr[0, 0]) self.parameters.scaleFactor = cam_scale_factor[0, 0][0, 0] except genicam.GenericException: raise errors.IOError( "Camera distortion file data is corrupted") from None return else: log.message( DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_DEBUG_WARNING, 0, 'Trying to load calibration data of an unconnected camera')
def load_test_results(self, testResults, positionerIDs, lifetimeLoop=0): if len(testResults) is not len(positionerIDs): raise errors.Error( "Test result container has the wrong length") from None filePath = os.path.join( self.generalProjectFolder,\ self.currentProjectFolder,\ self.resultFolder) i = 0 for positionerID in positionerIDs: if self.resultsLoadingFolder == DEFINES.CONFIG_LOAD_LATEST_RESULT: resultPath = self.get_latest_positioner_folder(positionerID) if resultPath == '': raise errors.IOError( f'Positioner {positionerID:04d} results folder not found' ) from None else: resultPath = self.resultsLoadingFolder resultPath = os.path.join( filePath,\ self.positionerFolderPrefix+'_'+str(positionerID),\ resultPath) if self.check_folder_is_lifetime(resultPath): resultPath = os.path.join( resultPath,\ self.lifetimeIterationFolderName+'_'+str(lifetimeLoop+1)) try: testResults[i].load(os.path.join( resultPath,\ self.testResultsFile+self.testResultsFileExt)) except errors.IOError: log.message(DEFINES.LOG_MESSAGE_PRIORITY_ERROR, 0, str(e)) raise errors.IOError( f'Positioner {positionerID:04d} test results loading failed' ) from None i += 1
def save_QC_result(self, calibResults=[], testResults=[]): #Open the file if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.generalProjectFolder, self.currentProjectFolder, self.resultsOverviewFile)): #The file exists in the project if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.generalConfigFolder, self.configFolder, self.resultsOverviewAutosave)): #autosave exists from a previous failed save. load from it and delete it wb = openpyxl.load_workbook( os.path.join(self.generalConfigFolder, self.configFolder, self.resultsOverviewAutosave)) os.remove( os.path.join(self.generalConfigFolder, self.configFolder, self.resultsOverviewAutosave)) else: wb = openpyxl.load_workbook( os.path.join(self.generalProjectFolder, self.currentProjectFolder, self.resultsOverviewFile)) elif os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.generalConfigFolder, self.configFolder, self.resultsOverviewTemplateFile)): #The template exists wb = openpyxl.load_workbook( os.path.join(self.generalConfigFolder, self.configFolder, self.resultsOverviewTemplateFile)) else: raise errors.IOError( 'QC file: Neither the file nor the template do exist' ) #Neither the file nor the template do exist #Write results to the file ws1 = wb["Results"] if calibResults is not []: nbSlots = len(calibResults) else: nbSlots = len(testResults) for slot in range(0, nbSlots): QCpassed = False repeatabilityChecked = False hysteresisChecked = False writeLine = None if calibResults is not [] and slot < len(calibResults): alphaLength = calibResults[slot].mesAlphaLength[-1] betaLength = calibResults[slot].mesBetaLength[-1] RMSModelFit = calibResults[slot].mesRMSModelFit[-1] RMSRepeatability = calibResults[slot].mesRMSRepeatability[-1] maxHysteresis = calibResults[slot].mesMaxHysteresis[-1] maxNonLinearity = calibResults[slot].mesMaxNL[-1] maxNonLinDerivative = calibResults[slot].mesMaxNLDerivative[-1] RMSalignmentError = calibResults[slot].mesRMSAlignmentError[-1] maxAlignmentError = calibResults[slot].mesMaxAlignmentError[-1] roundnessDeviation = calibResults[slot].mesMaxRoundnessError[ -1] alphaLengthPassed = abs( alphaLength - calibResults[slot].requirements.nominalAlphaLength ) <= calibResults[slot].requirements.maxAlphaLengthDeviation betaLengthPassed = abs( betaLength - calibResults[slot].requirements.nominalBetaLength ) <= calibResults[slot].requirements.maxBetaLengthDeviation RMSModelFitPassed = RMSModelFit <= calibResults[ slot].requirements.maxPosError RMSRepeatabilityPassed = RMSRepeatability <= calibResults[ slot].requirements.rmsPosRepeatability maxHysteresisPassed = maxHysteresis <= calibResults[ slot].requirements.maxHysteresis maxNonLinearityPassed = maxNonLinearity <= calibResults[ slot].requirements.maxNonLinearity maxNonLinDerivativePassed = maxNonLinDerivative <= calibResults[ slot].requirements.maxNonLinearityDerivative roundnessDeviationPassed = roundnessDeviation <= calibResults[ slot].requirements.maxRoundnessDeviation QCpassed = alphaLengthPassed and\ betaLengthPassed and\ maxNonLinearityPassed and\ maxNonLinDerivativePassed and\ roundnessDeviationPassed if not np.isnan(RMSRepeatability): QCpassed = QCpassed and RMSRepeatabilityPassed repeatabilityChecked = True if not np.isnan(maxHysteresis): QCpassed = QCpassed and maxHysteresisPassed hysteresisChecked = True else: QCpassed = False fontPassed = openpyxl.styles.Font(color="008000") fontFailed = openpyxl.styles.Font(color="FF0000") #get line to write. Either the first writable line or the line matching the ID i = 2 while ws1.cell(row=i, column=1).value is not None and not ( ws1.cell(row=i, column=1).value == calibResults[slot].positionerID): i += 1 writeLine = i ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=1, value=calibResults[slot].positionerID) #A: ID ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=3, value=calibResults[slot].config.currentProjectTime ) #C: Calib time ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=5, value=calibResults[slot].testBenchName) #E: Bench ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=6, value=int(calibResults[slot].slotID)) #F: Slot ID currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=7, value=alphaLength) #G: Alpha length if alphaLengthPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=8, value=betaLength) #H: Beta length if betaLengthPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=9, value=RMSModelFit) #I: Model fit if RMSModelFitPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell( row=writeLine, column=10, value=RMSRepeatability) #J: Repeatability if RMSRepeatabilityPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=11, value=maxHysteresis) #K: Hysteresis if maxHysteresisPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=12, value=maxNonLinearity) #L: NL if maxNonLinearityPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell( row=writeLine, column=13, value=maxNonLinDerivative) #M: NL derivative if maxNonLinDerivativePassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=14, value=roundnessDeviation) #N: Roundness if roundnessDeviationPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed if testResults is not [] and slot < len(testResults): nbRepetitions, nbTargets, maxNbMoves, nbDims = testResults[ slot].targets.shape nbPoints = nbTargets * nbRepetitions RMSErrorFirstMove = testResults[slot].mesRMSError1stMove[-1] RMSRepeatabilityFirstMove = testResults[ slot].mesRMSRepeatability1stMove[-1] targetConvergeance = testResults[slot].mesTargetConvergeance[ -1][-1] maxNbMoves = testResults[slot].mesMaxNbMoves[-1] RMSErrorFirstMovePassed = RMSErrorFirstMove <= testResults[ slot].requirements.maxPosError RMSRepeatabilityFirstMovePassed = RMSRepeatabilityFirstMove <= testResults[ slot].requirements.rmsPosRepeatability targetConvergeancePassed = targetConvergeance >= testResults[ slot].requirements.targetConvergeance maxNbMovesPassed = maxNbMoves <= testResults[ slot].requirements.maxNbMoves #get line to write. Either the first writable line or the line matching the ID if writeLine is None: i = 2 while ws1.cell(row=i, column=1).value is not None and not ( ws1.cell(row=i, column=1).value == testResults[slot].positionerID): i += 1 writeLine = i currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=4, value=testResults[slot].config. currentProjectTime) #D: Test time currentCell = ws1.cell( row=writeLine, column=15, value=RMSErrorFirstMove) #O: Test RMS error if RMSErrorFirstMovePassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=16, value=RMSRepeatabilityFirstMove ) #P: Test RMS repeatability if RMSRepeatabilityFirstMovePassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell( row=writeLine, column=17, value=targetConvergeance) #Q: Test convergeance if targetConvergeancePassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=18, value=maxNbMoves) #R: Test max moves if maxNbMovesPassed: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed if not repeatabilityChecked: if not np.isnan(RMSRepeatabilityFirstMove): QCpassed = QCpassed and RMSRepeatabilityFirstMovePassed else: #Fail the result if the repeatability was not checked QCpassed = False if QCpassed and repeatabilityChecked and hysteresisChecked: QCresult = 'PASSED' else: QCresult = 'FAILED' if writeLine is not None: currentCell = ws1.cell(row=writeLine, column=2, value=QCresult) #B: QA result if QCpassed and repeatabilityChecked and hysteresisChecked: currentCell.font = fontPassed else: currentCell.font = fontFailed #save the file try: os.path.join(self.generalProjectFolder, self.currentProjectFolder, self.resultsOverviewFile)) except PermissionError: #If the file is already opened, autosave a copy in the template folder os.path.join(self.generalConfigFolder, self.configFolder, self.resultsOverviewAutosave))