def __init__(self, userid, weaponslist): if playerlib.getPlayer(userid).isbot: es.give(userid, "weapon_" + weaponslist[0]) return None if len(weaponslist) == 1: es.give(userid, "weapon_" + weaponslist[0]) return None self.userid = userid self.weaponslist = weaponslist menuid = random.randint(0, 1000) if es.exists("popup", "ultilib_weaponmenu%d" % menuid): popuplib.delete("ultilib_weaponmenu%d" % menuid) weaponMenu = popuplib.create("ultilib_weaponmenu%d" % menuid) weaponMenu.addline("Choose a weapon:") weaponMenu.addline(" ") if len(self.weaponslist) < 9: for i in range(0, len(self.weaponslist)): weaponMenu.addline("->%d. %s" % (i + 1, self.weaponslist[i])) else: for i in range(0, 9): weaponMenu.addline("->%d. %s" % (i + 1, self.weaponslist[i])) weaponMenu.addline(" ") weaponMenu.addline("0. Cancel") weaponMenu.menuselect = popuplib.send("ultilib_weaponmenu%d" % menuid, userid)
def giveWeapon(userid, weapon): """ Gives a player a named weapon. The reason we have a custom function for this is so we can alter the method. @param int userd The ID of the user @param str weapon The Weapon name to give to the player """ es.give(userid, weapon)
def replacePrimaryWeapon(self, prim_wep): """Replace the primary weapon prim_wep - the name of a primary weapon""" validwep = tuple(weaponlib.getWeaponList("#primary")) if prim_wep not in validwep: raise TypeError("You must have a valid weapon to switch a secondary weapon") else: currentprim = self.getPrimary() if currentprim: if currentprim == prim_wep: return self.removePrimary() es.give(self.userid, prim_wep)
def replaceSecondaryWeapon(self, sec_wep): """Replace the secondary weapon sec_wep - the name of a secondary weapon""" validwep = ("weapon_glock", "weapon_usp", "weapon_p228", "weapon_deagle", "weapon_elite", "weapon_fiveseven") if sec_wep not in validwep: raise TypeError("You must have a valid weapon to switch a secondary weapon") else: currentsec = self.getSecondary() if currentsec: if currentsec == sec_wep: return self.removeSecondary() es.give(self.userid, sec_wep)
def prepare(self, match): """ prepares the player for a match """ self.switchTeam(int(es.ServerVar("uam_vipteam"))) self.removePrimary() self.replaceSecondaryWeapon("weapon_deagle") ultilib.WeaponSelectionMenu(self.userid, GuardWeapons) self.resetColor() es.give(self.userid, "item_assaultsuit") = es.ServerVar("uam_guardhealth") self.nightvision = 1 self.giveSmoke(1) self.giveFlash(2) self.giveHE(1) es.centertell(self.userid, "You're a guard! Protect %s! Kill %s!" % (,
def prepare(self, match): """ prepares the player for a match """ self.switchTeam(int(es.ServerVar("uam_vipteam"))) self.removePrimary() self.setColor(0, 255, 255, 255) self.replaceSecondaryWeapon("weapon_deagle") es.give(self.userid, "item_assaultsuit") self.armor = 150 = es.ServerVar("uam_viphealth") self.nightvision = 1 self.giveSmoke(1) self.giveFlash(0) self.giveHE(0) self.setSpeed(1.2) es.centertell(self.userid, "You're the VIP. Survive at all cost. The assassin is %s." % es.dbgmsg(0, "The VIP id is %s" % self.userid)
def player_hurt(ev): userid = ev['userid'] if superhero.hasHero(userid,'Magneto'): attacker = ev['attacker'] weapon = ev['weapon'] weapon = 'weapon_%s'%weapon dice = random.randint(1,1) if dice == 1: if not weapon in ['weapon_glock','weapon_usp','weapon_p228','weapon_fiveseven','weapon_deagle','weapon_elite','weapon_knife','weapon_flashbang','weapon_hegrenade','weapon_smokegrenade']: wep_remove(attacker) for wep in ['weapon_glock','weapon_usp','weapon_p228','weapon_fiveseven','weapon_deagle','weapon_elite']: es.sexec(attacker, 'use %s'%wep) if ev['health'] > 0: if ev['es_userweapon'] in ['weapon_glock','weapon_usp','weapon_p228','weapon_fiveseven','weapon_deagle','weapon_elite','weapon_knife','weapon_flashbang','weapon_hegrenade','weapon_smokegrenade']: es.give(userid, weapon) es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[SH]#lightgreen You have taken#green',ev['es_attackername'],'#lightgreenprimary weapon') es.tell(attacker, '#multi', '#green[SH]#lightgreen Magneto has taken your primary weapon')
def prepare(self): if int(es.ServerVar("uz_select")): ultilib.WeaponSelectionMenu(self.userid, weaponsToGive) else: for weapon in weaponsToGive: es.give(self.userid, "weapon_%s" % weapon) if self.teamid == 3: self.defuser = 1 if int(es.ServerVar("uz_grenade")) > 0: self.giveHE(1) self.nightvision = 1 es.give(self.userid, "item_assaultsuit") = int(es.ServerVar("uz_humanhealth")) = 16000
def prepare(self, match): """ prepares the player for a match """ self.switchTeam(int(es.ServerVar("uam_assassinteam"))) self.removePrimary() self.setColor(0, 0, 0, AssassinAlpha) self.replaceSecondaryWeapon("weapon_deagle") es.give(self.userid, "item_assaultsuit") self.armor = 150 = es.ServerVar("uam_assassinhealth") self.nightvision = 1 self.giveSmoke(2) self.giveFlash(3) self.giveHE(2) self.setSpeed(0.8) ultilib.WeaponSelectionMenu(self.userid, AssassinWeapons) es.centertell(self.userid, "You're the Assassin. Kill %s!" % es.dbgmsg(0, "The Assassin id is %s" % self.userid)
def player_hurt(ev): userid = ev['userid'] if superhero.hasHero(userid, 'Magneto'): attacker = ev['attacker'] weapon = ev['weapon'] weapon = 'weapon_%s' % weapon dice = random.randint(1, 1) if dice == 1: if not weapon in [ 'weapon_glock', 'weapon_usp', 'weapon_p228', 'weapon_fiveseven', 'weapon_deagle', 'weapon_elite', 'weapon_knife', 'weapon_flashbang', 'weapon_hegrenade', 'weapon_smokegrenade' ]: wep_remove(attacker) for wep in [ 'weapon_glock', 'weapon_usp', 'weapon_p228', 'weapon_fiveseven', 'weapon_deagle', 'weapon_elite' ]: es.sexec(attacker, 'use %s' % wep) if ev['health'] > 0: if ev['es_userweapon'] in [ 'weapon_glock', 'weapon_usp', 'weapon_p228', 'weapon_fiveseven', 'weapon_deagle', 'weapon_elite', 'weapon_knife', 'weapon_flashbang', 'weapon_hegrenade', 'weapon_smokegrenade' ]: es.give(userid, weapon) es.tell(userid, '#multi', '#green[SH]#lightgreen You have taken#green', ev['es_attackername'], '#lightgreenprimary weapon') es.tell( attacker, '#multi', '#green[SH]#lightgreen Magneto has taken your primary weapon' )
def giveSmoke(self, amount): """Gives smoke grenade to player amount - the amount of smoke grenade in integer""" = amount if amount > 0: es.give(self.userid, "weapon_smokegrenade")
def select(self, userid, choice, popupid): if choice < 11: es.give(userid, "weapon_" + self.weaponslist[choice - 1])
def giveFlash(self, amount): """Gives flash bang to player amount - the amount of flashbangs""" self.fb = amount if amount > 0: es.give(self.userid, "weapon_flashbang")
def give(argv): es.give(*argv)
def give(argv): es.give(*argv)
def giveHE(self, amount): """Gives he grenade to player amount - the amount of he grenades""" self.he = amount if amount > 0: es.give(self.userid, "weapon_hegrenade")