Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    logger.debug("initializing imu...")
    imu = MPU9250()  # initialize mpu9250, the imu

    logger.debug("initializing esc...")
    esc_hdd = ESC(config['speed_pin_esc'], config['dir_pin1_esc'],
    esc_hdd.init_sequence()  # perform the esc initialization sequence

    # do we want to stream sensor data to the web interface
    if config['enable_mission_control']:
        logger.info("connecting to mission control server...")
        mc.connect()  # connect to mission control server

    logger.info("starting main loop...")
    #acc_array = np.zeros(3,1)
    #mag_array = np.zeros(3,1)
    while True:
        # fetch values from the IMU
        imu.update_acc_reading()  # update acc values
        imu.update_mag_reading()  # update mag values

        acc_meas_raw = [imu.acc_y * -1, imu.acc_x,
                        imu.acc_z * -1]  # fix imu right hand rule
        mag_meas_raw = [imu.mag_x, imu.mag_y * -1,
                        imu.mag_z]  # fix imu right hand rule

        # generate the necessary vectors for TRIAD
        # TODO don't recreate numpy array every time, heavy memory computation
        acc_meas = utils.to_unit_vector(acc_meas_raw)  # acc unit vector
        mag_meas = utils.to_unit_vector(mag_meas_raw)  # mag unit vector

        #acc_array[:,0] = acc_meas_raw
        #mag_array[:,0] = mag_meas_raw
        #acc_meas = numpy.linalg.oth(acc_array)
        #mag_meas = numpu.linalg.oth(mag_array)

        acc_ref = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0])  # acc ref vector
        mag_ref = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # mag ref vector

        # make sure none of the vectors are zero vectors
        if not (np.any(acc_meas) and np.any(mag_meas)):
            logger.warn("measurement zero vector computed")

        # compute the rotation matrix with the aforemened vectors
        rotation = triad.triad(acc_meas, mag_meas, acc_ref, mag_ref)

        logger.debug("acc: {} mag: {} rotation: {}".format(
            acc_meas, mag_meas, rotation))

        # broadcast all data to mission control server
        # this is the real-time gui thing
        if config['enable_mission_control']:
            mc.broadcast(acc_meas_raw, mag_meas_raw, rotation)

        # wait a sec before proceeding, this is our
        # update frequency.
def main():
    logger.debug("Initializing the imu...")

    # Initialize the imu.
    imu = MPU9250()

    # Initialize the speed controller.
    logger.debug("initializing esc...")
    esc_hdd = ESC(config['speed_pin_esc'], config['dir_pin1_esc'],

    # If enabled, connect to the web interface server.
    if config['enable_mission_control']:
        logger.info("connecting to mission control server...")
        mc.connect()  # connect to mission control server

    logger.info("starting main loop...")
    # acc_array = np.zeros(3,1)
    # mag_array = np.zeros(3,1)
    while True:
        # Fetch and calculate raw measure values from the IMU.
        raw_acc_measure, raw_mag_measure = get_updated_sensor_data(imu)

        # TODO don't recreate numpy array every time, heavy memory computation
        # Generate the necessary vectors for TRIAD.
        acc_measure_uvec = utils.to_unit_vector(raw_acc_measure)
        mag_measure_uvec = utils.to_unit_vector(raw_mag_measure)

        # acc_array[:,0] = acc_meas_raw
        # mag_array[:,0] = mag_meas_raw
        # acc_meas = numpy.linalg.oth(acc_array)
        # mag_meas = numpu.linalg.oth(mag_array)

        # Create reference vectors for the accelerometer and magnetometer.
        acc_refvec = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0])
        mag_refvec = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # Make sure none of the vectors are zero vectors.
        if not (np.any(acc_measure_uvec) and np.any(mag_measure_uvec)):
            logger.warn("measurement zero vector computed")

        # Compute the rotation matrix with the aforementioned vectors.
        rotation = triad.triad(acc_measure_uvec, mag_measure_uvec, acc_refvec,

        logger.debug("acc: {} mag: {} rotation: {}".format(
            acc_measure_uvec, mag_measure_uvec, rotation))

        # Broadcast the raw measures to the mission control server.
        if config['enable_mission_control']:
            mc.broadcast(raw_acc_measure, raw_mag_measure, rotation)

        # Simulate update frequency through sleeping.
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
         self.altimeter = TOF_VL53L1X()
         self.thrust = ESC()
         self.ahrs = AHRS()
         self.angular_pid_ahrs = PidController(QuadQav250.PID_ANGULAR, self.ahrs.get_angular_position, [0,0,0], PidController.t_angular)
     except Exception:
         print('Failed to initialize')
Exemplo n.º 4
from car import Car
from config import WEB_PORT
from esc import ESC
from led import LED
import esc
import threading
import time
import psutil
#from printf import PRINTF
import os

app = Flask(__name__)

led = LED()
car = Car()
esc = ESC()
#printf = PRINTF()

handle_map = {
    'forward': car.forward,
    'left': car.left,
    'right': car.right,
    'pause': car.stop,
    'backward': car.backward,
    'on': esc.on,
    'off': esc.off,
    #'on': printf.add,
    #'off': printf.dec,
    'work': led.work,

Exemplo n.º 5
rr_pid = PID(p=0.7, i=1, imax=50)
pr_pid = PID(p=0.7, i=1, imax=50)
yr_pid = PID(p=2.7, i=1, imax=50)
rs_pid = PID(p=4.5)
ps_pid = PID(p=4.5)
ys_pid = PID(p=10)

# RC
rc_thr = RC(0)  # throttle
rc_rol = RC(1)  # roll
rc_pit = RC(2)  # pitch
rc_yaw = RC(3)  # yaw

esc_0 = ESC(0)
esc_1 = ESC(1)
esc_2 = ESC(2)
esc_3 = ESC(3)
esc_4 = ESC(4)
esc_5 = ESC(5)

yaw_target = 0
while True:
    # MPU
    mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus()
    fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount()
    if mpuIntStatus < 2 or fifoCount == 1024:
        print('FIFO overflow!')