Exemplo n.º 1
def validate_substitute(value):
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return cv.Schema({
            cv.Required(CONF_FROM): cv.string,
            cv.Required(CONF_TO): cv.string,
    value = cv.string(value)
    if "->" not in value:
        raise cv.Invalid("Substitute mapping must contain '->'")
    a, b = value.split("->", 1)
    a, b = a.strip(), b.strip()
    return validate_substitute({
        CONF_FROM: cv.string(a),
        CONF_TO: cv.string(b)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def validator(value):
     if isinstance(value, float) and value.is_integer():
         value = int(value)
     value = cv.string(value)
     if not value.endswith('V'):
         value += 'V'
     return cv.one_of(*values)(value)
def validate_pcf8574_gpio_mode(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if value.upper() == 'INPUT_PULLUP':
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "INPUT_PULLUP mode has been removed in 1.14 and been combined into "
            "INPUT mode (they were the same thing). Please use INPUT instead.")
    return cv.enum(PCF8674_GPIO_MODES, upper=True)(value)
Exemplo n.º 4
def validate_yaml_filename(value):
    value = cv.string(value)

    if not (value.endswith(".yaml") or value.endswith(".yml")):
        raise cv.Invalid("Only YAML (.yaml / .yml) files are supported.")

    return value
Exemplo n.º 5
def validate_homeassistant_event(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if not value.startswith("esphome."):
        raise cv.Invalid(
            "ESPHome can only generate Home Assistant events that begin with "
            "esphome. For example 'esphome.xyz'")
    return value
Exemplo n.º 6
def validate_UUID(value):
    # print("UUID«", value)
    value = cv.string(value)
    # TASK improve the regex
    if re.match(r'^[0-9a-fA-F\-]{8,36}$', value) is None:
        raise cv.Invalid("valid UUID required")
    return value
Exemplo n.º 7
def preload_core_config(config):
    if 'esphomeyaml' in config:
            "The esphomeyaml section has been renamed to esphome in 1.11.0. "
            "Please replace 'esphomeyaml:' in your configuration with 'esphome:'."
        config[CONF_ESPHOME] = config.pop('esphomeyaml')
    if CONF_ESPHOME not in config:
        raise EsphomeError(u"No esphome section in config")
    core_conf = config[CONF_ESPHOME]
    if CONF_PLATFORM not in core_conf:
        raise EsphomeError("esphome.platform not specified.")
    if CONF_BOARD not in core_conf:
        raise EsphomeError("esphome.board not specified.")
    if CONF_NAME not in core_conf:
        raise EsphomeError("esphome.name not specified.")

        CORE.esp_platform = validate_platform(core_conf[CONF_PLATFORM])
        CORE.board = validate_board(core_conf[CONF_BOARD])
        CORE.name = cv.valid_name(core_conf[CONF_NAME])
        CORE.build_path = CORE.relative_path(
            cv.string(core_conf.get(CONF_BUILD_PATH, default_build_path())))
    except vol.Invalid as e:
        raise EsphomeError(text_type(e))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def validate_enum_bound(value):
     value = cv.string(value)
     for unit in _units:
         if value.endswith(unit):
             value = value[: -len(unit)]
     return enum_bound(value)
Exemplo n.º 9
def validate_variant(value):
    value = cv.string(value).upper()
    if value == 'WS2813':
        value = 'WS2812X'
    if value == 'WS2812':
        value = '800KBPS'
    if value == 'LC8812':
        value = 'SK6812'
    return cv.one_of(*VARIANTS)(value)
Exemplo n.º 10
def validate_rotation(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if value.endswith(u"°"):
        value = value[:-1]
        value = int(value)
    except ValueError:
        raise vol.Invalid(u"Expected integer for rotation")
    return cv.one_of(*DISPLAY_ROTATIONS)(value)
Exemplo n.º 11
def validate_variant(value):
    value = cv.string(value).upper()
    if value == "WS2813":
        value = "WS2812X"
    if value == "WS2812":
        value = "800KBPS"
    if value == "LC8812":
        value = "SK6812"
    return cv.one_of(*VARIANTS)(value)
Exemplo n.º 12
def validate_platform(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if value.upper() in ('ESP8266', 'ESPRESSIF8266'):
        return ESP_PLATFORM_ESP8266
    if value.upper() in ('ESP32', 'ESPRESSIF32'):
        return ESP_PLATFORM_ESP32
    raise vol.Invalid(
        u"Invalid platform '{}'. Only options are ESP8266 and ESP32. Please note "
        u"the old way to use the latest arduino framework version has been split up "
        u"into the arduino_version configuration option.".format(value))
Exemplo n.º 13
def validate_datapoint(value):
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return cv.Schema({
            cv.Required(CONF_FROM): cv.float_,
            cv.Required(CONF_TO): cv.float_,
    value = cv.string(value)
    if "->" not in value:
        raise cv.Invalid("Datapoint mapping must contain '->'")
    a, b = value.split("->", 1)
    a, b = a.strip(), b.strip()
    return validate_datapoint({CONF_FROM: cv.float_(a), CONF_TO: cv.float_(b)})
Exemplo n.º 14
def validate_mapping(value):
    if not isinstance(value, dict):
        value = cv.string(value)
        if "->" not in value:
            raise cv.Invalid("Mapping must contain '->'")
        a, b = value.split("->", 1)
        value = {CONF_FROM: a.strip(), CONF_TO: b.strip()}

    return cv.Schema({
        cv.Required(CONF_FROM): cv.string,
        cv.Required(CONF_TO): cv.string
Exemplo n.º 15
def validate_type(value):
    value = cv.string(value).upper()
    if 'R' not in value:
        raise vol.Invalid("Must have R in type")
    if 'G' not in value:
        raise vol.Invalid("Must have G in type")
    if 'B' not in value:
        raise vol.Invalid("Must have B in type")
    rest = set(value) - set('RGBW')
    if rest:
        raise vol.Invalid("Type has invalid color: {}".format(', '.join(rest)))
    if len(set(value)) != len(value):
        raise vol.Invalid("Type has duplicate color!")
    return value
Exemplo n.º 16
def validate_type(value):
    value = cv.string(value).upper()
    if "R" not in value:
        raise cv.Invalid("Must have R in type")
    if "G" not in value:
        raise cv.Invalid("Must have G in type")
    if "B" not in value:
        raise cv.Invalid("Must have B in type")
    rest = set(value) - set("RGBW")
    if rest:
        raise cv.Invalid("Type has invalid color: {}".format(", ".join(rest)))
    if len(set(value)) != len(value):
        raise cv.Invalid("Type has duplicate color!")
    return value
Exemplo n.º 17
def validate_substitution_key(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if not value:
        raise cv.Invalid("Substitution key must not be empty")
    if value[0] == '$':
        value = value[1:]
    if value[0].isdigit():
        raise cv.Invalid("First character in substitutions cannot be a digit.")
    for char in value:
            raise cv.Invalid(
                u"Substitution must only consist of upper/lowercase characters, the underscore "
                u"and numbers. The character '{}' cannot be used".format(char))
    return value
Exemplo n.º 18
def validate_cron_raw(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    value = value.split(' ')
    if len(value) != 6:
        raise cv.Invalid("Cron expression must consist of exactly 6 space-separated parts, "
                         "not {}".format(len(value)))
    seconds, minutes, hours, days_of_month, months, days_of_week = value
    return {
        CONF_SECONDS: validate_cron_seconds(seconds),
        CONF_MINUTES: validate_cron_minutes(minutes),
        CONF_HOURS: validate_cron_hours(hours),
        CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH: validate_cron_days_of_month(days_of_month),
        CONF_MONTHS: validate_cron_months(months),
        CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK: validate_cron_days_of_week(days_of_week),
Exemplo n.º 19
 def validator(value):
     if isinstance(value, list):
         for v in value:
             if not isinstance(v, int):
                 raise cv.Invalid(
                     "Expected integer for {} '{}', got {}".format(v, name, type(v)))
             if v < min_value or v > max_value:
                 raise cv.Invalid(
                     "{} {} is out of range (min={} max={}).".format(name, v, min_value,
         return list(sorted(value))
     value = cv.string(value)
     values = set()
     for part in value.split(','):
         values |= _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value, special_mapping)
     return validator(list(values))
Exemplo n.º 20
def validate_calibration_parameter(value):
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return cv.Schema({
            cv.Required(CONF_TEMPERATURE): cv.float_,
            cv.Required(CONF_VALUE): cv.float_,

    value = cv.string(value)
    parts = value.split('->')
    if len(parts) != 2:
        raise cv.Invalid("Calibration parameter must be of form 3000 -> 23°C")
    voltage = cv.resistance(parts[0].strip())
    temperature = cv.temperature(parts[1].strip())
    return validate_calibration_parameter({
        CONF_TEMPERATURE: temperature,
        CONF_VALUE: voltage,
Exemplo n.º 21
 def validator(value):
     if isinstance(value, list):
         for v in value:
             if not isinstance(v, int):
                 raise cv.Invalid(
                     f"Expected integer for {v} '{name}', got {type(v)}")
             if v < min_value or v > max_value:
                 raise cv.Invalid(
                     f"{name} {v} is out of range (min={min_value} max={max_value})."
         return list(sorted(value))
     value = cv.string(value)
     values = set()
     for part in value.split(","):
         values |= _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value,
     return validator(list(values))
Exemplo n.º 22
def validate_url(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
        parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(value))
    except Exception as err:
        raise cv.Invalid("Invalid URL") from err

    if not parsed[0] or not parsed[1]:
        raise cv.Invalid("URL must have a URL scheme and host")

    if parsed[0] not in ["http", "https"]:
        raise cv.Invalid("Scheme must be http or https")

    if not parsed[2]:
        parsed[2] = "/"

    return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
def validate_url(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
        parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(value))
    except Exception:
        raise cv.Invalid('Invalid URL')

    if not parsed[0] or not parsed[1]:
        raise cv.Invalid('URL must have a URL scheme and host')

    if parsed[0] not in ['http', 'https']:
        raise cv.Invalid('Scheme must be http or https')

    if not parsed[2]:
        parsed[2] = '/'

    return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
Exemplo n.º 24
def validate_acceleration(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    for suffix in ('steps/s^2', 'steps/s*s', 'steps/s/s', 'steps/ss', 'steps/(s*s)'):
        if value.endswith(suffix):
            value = value[:-len(suffix)]

    if value == 'inf':
        return 1e6

        value = float(value)
    except ValueError:
        raise vol.Invalid("Expected acceleration as floating point number, got {}".format(value))

    if value <= 0:
        raise vol.Invalid("Acceleration must be larger than 0 steps/s^2!")

    return value
Exemplo n.º 25
def validate_speed(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    for suffix in ('steps/s', 'steps/s'):
        if value.endswith(suffix):
            value = value[:-len(suffix)]

    if value == 'inf':
        return 1e6

        value = float(value)
    except ValueError:
        raise vol.Invalid("Expected speed as floating point number, got {}".format(value))

    if value <= 0:
        raise vol.Invalid("Speed must be larger than 0 steps/s!")

    return value
Exemplo n.º 26
def validate_speed(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    for suffix in ("steps/s", "steps/s"):
        if value.endswith(suffix):
            value = value[: -len(suffix)]

    if value == "inf":
        return 1e6

        value = float(value)
    except ValueError:
        # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
        raise cv.Invalid(f"Expected speed as floating point number, got {value}")

    if value <= 0:
        raise cv.Invalid("Speed must be larger than 0 steps/s!")

    return value
Exemplo n.º 27
def validate_acceleration(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    for suffix in ('steps/s^2', 'steps/s*s', 'steps/s/s', 'steps/ss',
        if value.endswith(suffix):
            value = value[:-len(suffix)]

    if value == 'inf':
        return 1e6

        value = float(value)
    except ValueError:
        # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
        raise cv.Invalid(
            f"Expected acceleration as floating point number, got {value}")

    if value <= 0:
        raise cv.Invalid("Acceleration must be larger than 0 steps/s^2!")

    return value
Exemplo n.º 28
def validate_commit(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if re.match(r"^[0-9a-f]{7,}$", value) is None:
        raise vol.Invalid(
            "Commit option only accepts commit hashes in hex format.")
    return value
Exemplo n.º 29
def validate_fingerprint(value):
    value = cv.string(value)
    if re.match(r'^[0-9a-f]{40}$', value) is None:
        raise vol.Invalid(u"fingerprint must be valid SHA1 hash")
    return value
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_string__invalid(value):
    with pytest.raises(Invalid):