Exemplo n.º 1
 def addForce(self, itype, filename, type):
         Each processor takes the broadcasted interpolation type,
         filename and particle type
         if pmi.workerIsActive():
             self.cxxclass.addForce(self, itype, filename, type)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def scaleVolume(self, *args):
     'scale the Volume of the system, which means in detail: scale all particle coordinates, scale box length, scale cellgrid (if it exists)'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
       if len(args) == 1:
         arg0 = args[0]
         if isinstance(arg0, Real3D):
           #print arg0," is a Real3D object"
           self.cxxclass.scaleVolume( arg0 )
         elif hasattr(arg0, '__iter__'):
           if len(arg0) == 3:
             #print args, " has iterator and length 3"
             self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector(arg0) )
           elif len(arg0) == 1:
             #print args, " has iterator and length 1"
             self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector(arg0[0], arg0[0], arg0[0]) )
             print args, " is invalid"
           #print args, " is scalar"
           self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector( [arg0, arg0, arg0] ) )
       elif len(args) == 3:          
         #print args, " is 3 numbers"
         self.cxxclass.scaleVolume(self, toReal3DFromVector(*args) )
         print args, " is invalid"
Exemplo n.º 3
 def addMolecules(self, moleculelist):
     Each processor takes the broadcasted list.
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for pid in moleculelist: 
             self.cxxclass.add(self, pid)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def getAllPairs(self):
     'return the pairs of the local verlet list'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for i in range(npairs):
           pair=self.cxxclass.getPair(self, i+1)
         return pairs 
 def addSingles(self, singlelist):
     Each processor takes the broadcasted singlelist and
     adds those particles that are owned by this processor.
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for pid in singlelist:
             self.cxxclass.add(self, pid)
 def getAllTriples(self):
     'return the triples of the local verlet list'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for i in range(ntriples):
           triple=self.cxxclass.getTriple(self, i+1)
         return triples
 def addTriples(self, triplelist):
     Each processor takes the broadcasted triplelist and
     adds those triples whose first particle is owned by
     this processor.
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for triple in triplelist:
             pid1, pid2, pid3 = triple
             self.cxxclass.add(self, pid1, pid2, pid3)
    def addQuadruples(self, quadruplelist):
        Each processor takes the broadcasted quadruplelist and
        adds those quadruples whose first particle is owned by
        this processor.

        if pmi.workerIsActive():
            for quadruple in quadruplelist:
                pid1, pid2, pid3, pid4 = quadruple
                self.cxxclass.add(self, pid1, pid2, pid3, pid4)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def exclude(self, exclusionlist):
     Each processor takes the broadcasted exclusion list
     and adds it to its list.
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for pair in exclusionlist:
             pid1, pid2 = pair
             self.cxxclass.exclude(self, pid1, pid2)
         # rebuild list with exclusions
 def addTuples(self, tuplelist):
     Each processor takes the broadcasted tuplelist and
     adds those tuples whose virtual particle is owned by
     this processor.
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for tuple in tuplelist: 
             for pid in tuple:
                 self.cxxclass.add(self, pid)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def getInteraction(self, number):
     'get python object of the one single interaction number i' 
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         ni = self.getNumberOfInteractions()
         if ni > 0:
             if number >=0 and number < ni: 
                 return self.cxxclass.getInteraction(self, number)
                 raise Error("Interaction number %i does not exist" % number)
             raise Error("interaction list of system is empty")
Exemplo n.º 12
 def addAdrParticles(self, pids, rebuild=True):
     Each processor takes the broadcasted atomistic particles
     and adds it to its list.
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for pid in pids:
             self.cxxclass.addAdrParticle(self, pid)
         if rebuild:
             # rebuild list with adress particles
 def addBonds(self, bondlist):
     Each processor takes the broadcasted bondlist and
     adds those pairs whose first particle is owned by
     this processor.
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         for bond in bondlist:
             pid1, pid2 = bond
             self.cxxclass.add(self, pid1, pid2)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, system, cutoff, exclusionlist=[]):
     'Local construction of a verlet list'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         if (exclusionlist == []):
             # rebuild list in constructor
             cxxinit(self, _espresso.VerletList, system, cutoff, True)
             # do not rebuild list in constructor
             cxxinit(self, _espresso.VerletList, system, cutoff, False)
             # add exclusions
             for pair in exclusionlist:
                 pid1, pid2 = pair
                 self.cxxclass.exclude(self, pid1, pid2)
             # now rebuild list with exclusions
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, system, cutoff, exclusionlist=[]):
        'Local construction of a verlet triple list'
        if pmi.workerIsActive():
          cxxinit(self, _espresso.VerletListTriple, system, cutoff, True)
          if (exclusionlist != []):
            print 'Warning! Exclusion list is not yet implemented to the triple verlet \
                  list. Nothing happend to exclusion list'

          if (exclusionlist == []):
            # rebuild list in constructor
            cxxinit(self, _espresso.VerletListTriple, system, cutoff, True)
            # do not rebuild list in constructor
            cxxinit(self, _espresso.VerletListTriple, system, cutoff, False)
            # add exclusions
            for pid in exclusionlist:
                self.cxxclass.exclude(self, pid)
            # now rebuild list with exclusions
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, system, cutoff, adrcut, dEx, dHy, adrCenter=[], pids=[], exclusionlist=[]):
     'Local construction of a verlet list for AdResS'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         cxxinit(self, _espresso.VerletListAdress, system, cutoff, adrcut, False, dEx, dHy)
         #self.cxxclass.setAtType(self, atType)
         # check for exclusions
         if (exclusionlist != []):
             # add exclusions
             for pair in exclusionlist:
                 pid1, pid2 = pair
                 self.cxxclass.exclude(self, pid1, pid2)
         # add adress particles
         if (pids != []):
             for pid in pids:
                 self.cxxclass.addAdrParticle(self, pid)
         # set adress center
         if (adrCenter != []):
             self.cxxclass.setAdrCenter(self, adrCenter[0], adrCenter[1], adrCenter[2])
         # rebuild list now
Exemplo n.º 17
 def getSingles(self):
     'return the singles of the GlobalSingleList'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
       return singles
Exemplo n.º 18
 def add(self, pid1, pid2, pid3):
     "add triple to fixed triple list"
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         return self.cxxclass.add(self, pid1, pid2, pid3)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, storage):
     "Local construction of a fixed triple list"
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         cxxinit(self, _espresso.FixedTripleList, storage)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, _system, _verletlist, _fixedtuplelist, KTI = False):
     'Local construction of a verlet list for AdResS'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         cxxinit(self, integrator_Adress, _system, _verletlist, _fixedtuplelist, KTI)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def __init__(self, storage, integrator, mO=16.0, mH=1.0, distHH=1.58, distOH=1.0):
     'Local construction of a settle class'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         cxxinit(self, _espresso.Settle, storage, integrator, mO, mH, distHH, distOH)
 def getBonds(self):
     'return the bonds of the GlobalPairList'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
       return bonds
 def add(self, pid1, pid2):
     'add pair to fixed pair list'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         return self.cxxclass.add(self, pid1, pid2)
 def __init__(self, storage, fixedtupleList):
     'Local construction of a fixed pair list'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         cxxinit(self, _espresso.FixedPairListAdress, storage, fixedtupleList)
 def getDist(self, pid1, pid2):
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
       return self.cxxclass.getDist(self, pid1, pid2)
 def size(self):
     'count number of bonds in GlobalPairList, involves global reduction'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         return self.cxxclass.size(self)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def size(self):
     "count number of Triples in GlobalTripleList, involves global reduction"
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         return self.cxxclass.size(self)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def size(self):
     'count number of particles in GlobalSingleList, involves global reduction'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         return self.cxxclass.size(self)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def getTriples(self):
     "return the triples of the GlobalTripleList"
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         triples = self.cxxclass.getTriples(self)
         return triples
 def __init__(self, storage):
     'Local construction of a fixed pair list'
     if pmi.workerIsActive():
         cxxinit(self, _espresso.FixedPairDistList, storage)