Exemplo n.º 1
def add_rally_user(config_names, variables, **kwargs):
    if "x-pack-security" not in config_names:
        return False
    logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
    users_binary = "elasticsearch-users"
    install_root = variables["install_root_path"]
    logger.info("Adding user 'rally'.")
    users = resolve_binary(install_root, users_binary)

    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
        '{users} useradd rally -p "rally-password"'.format(users=users),
    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("%s has exited with code [%d]", users_binary, return_code)
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not add user 'rally'. Please see the log for details.")

    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
        '{users} roles rally -a superuser'.format(users=users),
    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("%s has exited with code [%d]", users_binary, return_code)
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not add role 'superuser' for user 'rally'. Please see the log for details."

    return True
Exemplo n.º 2
 def detach_from_cluster(self, cluster):
     data_paths = self.config.opts("provisioning", "local.data.paths", mandatory=False)
     if data_paths is not None:
         data_path = data_paths[0]
         index_size_bytes = io.get_size(data_path)
         self.metrics_store.put_count_cluster_level("final_index_size_bytes", index_size_bytes, "byte")
         process.run_subprocess_with_logging("find %s -ls" % data_path, header="index files:")
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_rally_user(config_names, variables, **kwargs):
    if "security" not in config_names:
        return False
    install_root = variables["install_root_path"]
    logger.info("Adding Rally user.")
    users = os.path.join(install_root, "bin", "x-pack", "users")

    # ./bin/x-pack/users useradd rally -p pw-rally-benchmark
    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
        '{users} useradd rally -p "rally-password"'.format(users=users))
    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("users has exited with code [%d]" % return_code)
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not add x-pack user 'rally'. Please see the log for details."

    # ./bin/x-pack/users roles rally -a superuser
    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
        '{users} roles rally -a superuser'.format(users=users))
    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("users has exited with code [%d]" % return_code)
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not add role 'superuser' for user 'rally'. Please see the log for details."

    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
 def stop(self, nodes):
     logger.info("Stopping Docker container")
     for node in nodes:
         node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=True)
             "docker-compose -f %s down" %
         node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_prerequisites():
    if process.run_subprocess_with_logging("docker ps") != 0:
        raise AssertionError(
            "Docker must be installed and the daemon must be up and running to run integration tests."
    if process.run_subprocess_with_logging("docker-compose --help") != 0:
        raise AssertionError(
            "Docker Compose is required to run integration tests.")
Exemplo n.º 6
 def detach_from_node(self, node, running):
     # we need to gather the file size after the node has terminated so we can be sure that it has written all its buffers.
     if not running and self.attached and self.data_paths:
         self.attached = False
         index_size_bytes = 0
         for data_path in self.data_paths:
             index_size_bytes += io.get_size(data_path)
             process.run_subprocess_with_logging("find %s -ls" % data_path, header="index files:")
         self.metrics_store.put_count_node_level(node.node_name, "final_index_size_bytes", index_size_bytes, "byte")
Exemplo n.º 7
 def stop(self, nodes):
     if self.keep_running:
         logger.info("Keeping Docker container running.")
         logger.info("Stopping Docker container")
         for node in nodes:
             node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=True)
             process.run_subprocess_with_logging("docker-compose -f %s down" % self.binary_paths[node.node_name])
             node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=False)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def stop(self, nodes, metrics_store):
     self.logger.info("Shutting down [%d] nodes running in Docker on this host.", len(nodes))
     for node in nodes:
         self.logger.info("Stopping node [%s].", node.node_name)
         telemetry.add_metadata_for_node(metrics_store, node.node_name, node.host_name)
         node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=True)
         process.run_subprocess_with_logging(self._docker_compose(node.binary_path, "down"))
         node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=False)
         node.telemetry.store_system_metrics(node, metrics_store)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def detach_from_cluster(self, cluster):
     if self.attached and self.data_paths:
         self.attached = False
         data_path = self.data_paths[0]
         index_size_bytes = io.get_size(data_path)
             "final_index_size_bytes", index_size_bytes, "byte")
         process.run_subprocess_with_logging("find %s -ls" % data_path,
                                             header="index files:")
Exemplo n.º 10
 def stop(self, nodes):
     if self.keep_running:
         self.logger.info("Keeping Docker container running.")
         self.logger.info("Stopping Docker container")
         for node in nodes:
             node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=True)
             process.run_subprocess_with_logging(_get_docker_compose_cmd(self.binary_paths[node.node_name], "down"))
             node.telemetry.detach_from_node(node, running=False)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def detach_from_cluster(self, cluster):
     data_paths = self.config.opts("provisioning",
     if data_paths is not None:
         data_path = data_paths[0]
         index_size_bytes = io.get_size(data_path)
             "final_index_size_bytes", index_size_bytes, "byte")
         process.run_subprocess_with_logging("find %s -ls" % data_path,
                                             header="index files:")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _prepare_env(self, car, node_name, t):
        env = {}
        java_home = self.cfg.opts("runtime", "java8.home")
        # Unix specific!:
        self._set_env(env, "PATH", "%s/bin" % java_home, separator=":")
        # Don't merge here!
        env["JAVA_HOME"] = java_home

        # we just blindly trust telemetry here...
        for k, v in t.instrument_candidate_env(car, node_name).items():
            self._set_env(env, k, v)

        # probe if this JVM supports +ExitOnOutOfMemoryError
        if process.run_subprocess_with_logging("%s/bin/java -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -version" % java_home):
            logger.info("JVM supports +ExitOnOutOfMemoryError. Setting this option to detect out of memory errors during the benchmark.")
            java_opts = "-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError "
            logger.info("JVM does not support +ExitOnOutOfMemoryError. Cannot detect out of memory errors. Please consider a JDK upgrade.")
            java_opts = ""

        if car.heap:
            java_opts += "-Xms%s -Xmx%s " % (car.heap, car.heap)
        if car.java_opts:
            java_opts += car.java_opts
        if len(java_opts) > 0:
            self._set_env(env, "ES_JAVA_OPTS", java_opts)
        self._set_env(env, "ES_GC_OPTS", car.gc_opts)

        logger.info("ENV: %s" % str(env))
        return env
Exemplo n.º 13
def unzip(zip_name, target_directory):
    Decompresses the provided archive to the target directory. The following file extensions are supported:

    * zip: Relies that the 'unzip' tool is available on the path
    * bz2: Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.

    The decompression method is chosen based on the file extension.

    :param zip_name: The full path name to the file that should be decompressed.
    :param target_directory: The directory to which files should be decompressed. May or may not exist prior to calling this function.
    filename, extension = splitext(zip_name)
    if extension == ".zip":
        if not process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
                "unzip %s -d %s" % (zip_name, target_directory)):
            raise RuntimeError("Could not unzip %s to %s" %
                               (zip_name, target_directory))
    elif extension == ".bz2":
        # We rather avoid external tools as much as possible to simplify Rally's setup, hence we use the library functions
        target_file = os.path.join(target_directory, filename)
        with open(target_file, "wb") as extracted, bz2.BZ2File(zip_name,
                                                               "rb") as file:
            for data in iter(lambda: file.read(100 * 1024), b''):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Unsupported file extension '%s'. Cannot unzip '%s'" %
            (extension, zip_name))
Exemplo n.º 14
def clone(src, remote):
    # Don't swallow subprocess output, user might need to enter credentials...
    if process.run_subprocess_with_logging("git clone %s %s" %
                                           (remote, io.escape_path(src))):
        raise exceptions.SupplyError("Could not clone from [%s] to [%s]" %
                                     (remote, src))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def install(self, es_home_path, plugin_url=None):
        installer_binary_path = os.path.join(es_home_path, "bin",
        if plugin_url:
            logger.info("Installing [%s] into [%s] from [%s]" %
                        (self.plugin_name, es_home_path, plugin_url))
            install_cmd = '%s install --batch "%s"' % (installer_binary_path,
            logger.info("Installing [%s] into [%s]" %
                        (self.plugin_name, es_home_path))
            install_cmd = '%s install --batch "%s"' % (installer_binary_path,

        return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(install_cmd)
        # see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/current/_other_command_line_parameters.html
        if return_code == 0:
            logger.info("Successfully installed [%s]." % self.plugin_name)
        elif return_code == 64:
            # most likely this is an unknown plugin
            raise exceptions.SystemSetupError("Unknown plugin [%s]" %
        elif return_code == 74:
            raise exceptions.SupplyError(
                "I/O error while trying to install [%s]" % self.plugin_name)
            raise exceptions.RallyError(
                "Unknown error while trying to install [%s] (installer return code [%s]). Please check the logs."
                % (self.plugin_name, str(return_code)))
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_anonymous_proxy_no_connection(cfg, http_proxy, fresh_log_file):
    env = dict(os.environ)
    env["http_proxy"] = http_proxy.anonymous_url
    assert process.run_subprocess_with_logging(it.esrally_command_line_for(cfg, "list tracks"), env=env) == 0
    assert_log_line_present(fresh_log_file, f"Connecting via proxy URL [{http_proxy.anonymous_url}] to the Internet")
    # unauthenticated proxy access is prevented
    assert_log_line_present(fresh_log_file, "No Internet connection detected")
Exemplo n.º 17
def pull_ts(src_dir, ts):
    clean_src = io.escape_path(src_dir)
    revision = process.run_subprocess_with_output(
        "git -C {0} rev-list -n 1 --before=\"{1}\" --date=iso8601 origin/master".format(clean_src, ts))[0].strip()
    if process.run_subprocess_with_logging("git -C {0} checkout {1}".format(clean_src, revision)):
        raise exceptions.SupplyError("Could not checkout source tree for timestamped revision [%s]" % ts)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _prepare_env(self, car, node_name, t):
        env = {}
        java_home = self.cfg.opts("runtime", "java8.home")
        # Unix specific!:
        self._set_env(env, "PATH", "%s/bin" % java_home, separator=":")
        # Don't merge here!
        env["JAVA_HOME"] = java_home

        # we just blindly trust telemetry here...
        for k, v in t.instrument_candidate_env(car, node_name).items():
            self._set_env(env, k, v)

        # probe if this JVM supports +ExitOnOutOfMemoryError
        if process.run_subprocess_with_logging("%s/bin/java -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -version" % java_home):
            logger.info("JVM supports +ExitOnOutOfMemoryError. Setting this option to detect out of memory errors during the benchmark.")
            java_opts = "-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError "
            logger.info("JVM does not support +ExitOnOutOfMemoryError. Cannot detect out of memory errors. Please consider a JDK upgrade.")
            java_opts = ""

        if car.heap:
            java_opts += "-Xms%s -Xmx%s " % (car.heap, car.heap)
        if car.java_opts:
            java_opts += car.java_opts
        if len(java_opts) > 0:
            self._set_env(env, "ES_JAVA_OPTS", java_opts)
        self._set_env(env, "ES_GC_OPTS", car.gc_opts)

        logger.info("ENV: %s" % str(env))
        return env
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_authenticated_proxy_user_can_connect(cfg, http_proxy, fresh_log_file):
    env = dict(os.environ)
    env["http_proxy"] = http_proxy.authenticated_url
    assert process.run_subprocess_with_logging(it.esrally_command_line_for(cfg, "list tracks"), env=env) == 0
    assert_log_line_present(fresh_log_file, f"Connecting via proxy URL [{http_proxy.authenticated_url}] to the Internet")
    # authenticated proxy access is allowed
    assert_log_line_present(fresh_log_file, "Detected a working Internet connection")
Exemplo n.º 20
def run_docker_compose_up(test_command):
    env_variables = os.environ.copy()
    env_variables["TEST_COMMAND"] = test_command
    env_variables['RALLY_VERSION'] = version.__version__

    return process.run_subprocess_with_logging(f"docker-compose -f {it.ROOT_DIR}/docker/docker-compose-tests.yml up "
                                               f"--abort-on-container-exit", env=env_variables)
Exemplo n.º 21
def supports_option(java_home, option):
    Detects support for a specific option (or combination of options) for the JVM version available in java_home.
    :param java_home: The JAVA_HOME to use for probing.
    :param option: The JVM option or combination of JVM options (separated by spaces) to check.
    :return: True iff the provided ``option`` is supported on this JVM.
    return process.exit_status_as_bool(lambda: process.run_subprocess_with_logging("%s/bin/java %s -version" % (java_home, option)))
Exemplo n.º 22
def supports_option(java_home, option):
    Detects support for a specific option (or combination of options) for the JVM version available in java_home.
    :param java_home: The JAVA_HOME to use for probing.
    :param option: The JVM option or combination of JVM options (separated by spaces) to check.
    :return: True iff the provided ``option`` is supported on this JVM.
    return process.exit_status_as_bool(lambda: process.run_subprocess_with_logging("%s/bin/java %s -version" % (java_home, option)))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def probe(src, *args, **kwargs):
     # Probe for -C
     if not process.exit_status_as_bool(lambda: process.run_subprocess_with_logging("git -C %s --version" % src, level=logging.DEBUG)):
         version = process.run_subprocess_with_output("git --version")
         if version:
             version = str(version).strip()
             version = "Unknown"
         raise exceptions.SystemSetupError("Your git version is [%s] but Rally requires at least git 1.9. Please update git." % version)
     return f(src, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def probe(src, *args, **kwargs):
     # Probe for -C
     if not process.exit_status_as_bool(lambda: process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
             "git -C {} --version".format(src), level=logging.DEBUG), quiet=True):
         version = process.run_subprocess_with_output("git --version")
         if version:
             version = str(version).strip()
             version = "Unknown"
         raise exceptions.SystemSetupError("Your git version is [%s] but Rally requires at least git 1.9. Please update git." % version)
     return f(src, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _start_process(self, binary_path):
        compose_cmd = _get_docker_compose_cmd(binary_path, "up -d")

        ret = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(compose_cmd)
        if ret != 0:
            msg = "Docker daemon startup failed with exit code[{}]".format(ret)
            raise exceptions.LaunchError(msg)

        container_id = _get_container_id(binary_path)
Exemplo n.º 26
def build_docker_image():
    rally_version = version.__version__

    env_variables = os.environ.copy()
    env_variables['RALLY_VERSION'] = rally_version
    env_variables['RALLY_LICENSE'] = get_license()

    command = f"docker build -t elastic/rally:{rally_version} --build-arg RALLY_VERSION --build-arg RALLY_LICENSE " \
              f"-f {ROOT_DIR}/docker/Dockerfiles/Dockerfile-dev {ROOT_DIR}"

    if process.run_subprocess_with_logging(command, env=env_variables) != 0:
        raise AssertionError("It was not possible to build the docker image from Dockerfile-dev")
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: git.py Projeto: levylll/rally
 def probe(src, *args, **kwargs):
     # Probe for -C
     if not process.run_subprocess_with_logging("git -C %s --version" % src,
         version = process.run_subprocess_with_output("git --version")
         if version:
             version = str(version).strip()
             version = "Unknown"
         raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
             "Your git version is [%s] but Rally requires at least git 1.9. Please update git."
             % version)
     return f(src, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _start_process(binary_path, env):
        if os.geteuid() == 0:
            raise exceptions.LaunchError("Cannot launch Elasticsearch as root. Please run Rally as a non-root user.")
        cmd = ["bin/elasticsearch"]
        cmd.extend(["-d", "-p", "pid"])
        ret = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(command_line=" ".join(cmd), env=env)
        if ret != 0:
            msg = "Daemon startup failed with exit code[{}]".format(ret)
            raise exceptions.LaunchError(msg)

        return wait_for_pidfile("./pid")
Exemplo n.º 29
def create_keystore(install_root, keystore_binary, env):
    logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

    keystore_create_command = "{keystore} -s create".format(

    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(keystore_create_command,

    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("%s has exited with code [%d]", keystore_create_command,
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not initialize a keystore. Please see the log for details.")
Exemplo n.º 30
def install_certificates(config_names, variables, **kwargs):
    if "security" not in config_names:
        return False

    node_name = variables["node_name"]
    node_ip = variables["node_ip"]
    install_root = variables["install_root_path"]
    x_pack_config_path = os.path.join(install_root, "config", "x-pack")

    logger.info("Installing x-pack certificates for node [%s]." % node_name)
    # 0. Create instances.yml for the current ES node.
    instances_yml = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "instances.yml")
    with open(instances_yml, "w") as f:

    # 1. Create certificate if needed. We will prebundle the CA with Rally and generate instance certificates based on this CA.

    cert_gen = os.path.join(install_root, "bin", "x-pack", "certgen")
    cert_bundle = os.path.join(install_root, "config", "x-pack",

    # ./bin/x-pack/certgen
    #   -cert=/Users/daniel/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/elasticsearch-5.5.0/config/x-pack/ca/ca.crt
    #   -key=/Users/daniel/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/elasticsearch-5.5.0/config/x-pack/ca/ca.key
    #   -in=/Users/daniel/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/elasticsearch-5.5.0/config/instances.yml
    #   -out=/Users/daniel/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/elasticsearch-5.5.0/config/x-pack/node-cert.zip

    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
        '{cert_gen} -cert="{config_path}/ca/ca.crt" -key="{config_path}/ca/ca.key" -in="{instances_yml}" -out="{cert_bundle}"'
    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("certgen has exited with code [%d]" % return_code)
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not create x-pack certificate bundle for node [%s]. Please see the log for details."
            % node_name)

    # 2. Unzip /Users/daniel/.rally/benchmarks/distributions/elasticsearch-5.5.0/config/x-pack/node-cert.zip
    io.decompress(cert_bundle, x_pack_config_path)

    # Success
    return True
Exemplo n.º 31
 def _do_download_via_s3(self, url, data_set_path, size_in_bytes):
     tmp_data_set_path = data_set_path + ".tmp"
     s3cmd = "s3cmd -v get %s %s" % (url, tmp_data_set_path)
         success = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(s3cmd)
         # Exit code for s3cmd does not seem to be reliable so we also check the file size although this is rather fragile...
         if not success or (size_in_bytes is not None and os.path.getsize(tmp_data_set_path) != size_in_bytes):
             # cleanup probably corrupt data file...
             if os.path.isfile(tmp_data_set_path):
             raise RuntimeError("Could not get benchmark data from S3: '%s'. Is s3cmd installed and set up properly?" % s3cmd)
         logger.info("Removing temp file %s" % tmp_data_set_path)
         os.rename(tmp_data_set_path, data_set_path)
Exemplo n.º 32
def unzip(zip_name, target_directory):
    Decompresses the provided archive to the target directory. The following file extensions are supported:

    * zip: Relies that the 'unzip' tool is available on the path
    * bz2: Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.
    * gz: Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.
    * tar: Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.
    * tar.gz Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.
    * tgz Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.
    * tar.bz2 Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.

    Did not implement LZMA because LZMAFile is not thread-safe.

    The decompression method is chosen based on the file extension.

    :param zip_name: The full path name to the file that should be decompressed.
    :param target_directory: The directory to which files should be decompressed. May or may not exist prior to calling
    this function.
    filename, extension = splitext(zip_name)
    if extension == ".zip":
        if not process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
                "unzip %s -d %s" % (zip_name, target_directory)):
            raise RuntimeError("Could not unzip %s to %s" %
                               (zip_name, target_directory))
    elif extension == ".bz2":
        _do_unzip(target_directory, filename, bz2.BZ2File(zip_name, "rb"))
    elif extension == ".gz":
        _do_unzip(target_directory, filename, gzip.GzipFile(zip_name, "rb"))
    elif extension == ".tar":
        _do_unzip(target_directory, filename, tarfile.TarFile(zip_name, "rb"))
    elif extension == ".tar.gz":
        _do_unzip(target_directory, filename,
                  tarfile.TarFile(zip_name, "r:gz"))
    elif extension == ".tgz":
        _do_unzip(target_directory, filename,
                  tarfile.TarFile(zip_name, "r:gz"))
    elif extension == ".tar.bz2":
        _do_unzip(target_directory, filename,
                  tarfile.TarFile(zip_name, "r:bz2"))

        raise RuntimeError(
            "Unsupported file extension '%s'. Cannot unzip '%s'" %
            (extension, zip_name))
Exemplo n.º 33
Arquivo: net.py Projeto: joshuar/rally
def download_via_s3(url, data_set_path, size_in_bytes):
    tmp_data_set_path = data_set_path + ".tmp"
    s3cmd = "s3cmd -v get %s %s" % (url, tmp_data_set_path)
        success = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(s3cmd)
        # Exit code for s3cmd does not seem to be reliable so we also check the file size although this is rather fragile...
        if not success or (size_in_bytes is not None and os.path.getsize(tmp_data_set_path) != size_in_bytes):
            # cleanup probably corrupt data file...
            if os.path.isfile(tmp_data_set_path):
            raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
                    "Could not get benchmark data from S3: '%s'. Is s3cmd installed and set up properly?" % s3cmd)
        os.rename(tmp_data_set_path, data_set_path)
Exemplo n.º 34
def add_property_to_keystore(keystore_binary, client_name, property_name,
                             property_value, env):
    logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

    p1 = subprocess.Popen(["echo", property_value], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    keystore_command = "{keystore} --silent add --stdin azure.client.{client_name}.{key}".format(
        keystore=keystore_binary, client_name=client_name, key=property_name)

    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(keystore_command,

    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("%s has exited with code [%d]", keystore_command,
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not add Azure keystore secure setting [{}]. Please see the log for details."
Exemplo n.º 35
def install_certificates(config_names, variables, **kwargs):
    if "x-pack-security" not in config_names:
        return False
    logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
    cert_binary = "elasticsearch-certutil"
    node_name = variables["node_name"]
    node_ip = variables["node_ip"]
    install_root = variables["install_root_path"]
    bundled_ca_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ca")
    x_pack_config_path = os.path.join(install_root, "config", "x-pack")

    logger.info("Installing certificates for node [%s].", node_name)
    instances_yml = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "instances.yml")
    with open(instances_yml, "w") as f:

    # Generate instance certificates based on a CA that is pre-bundled with Rally
    certutil = resolve_binary(install_root, cert_binary)
    cert_bundle = os.path.join(install_root, "node-cert.zip")

    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(
        '{certutil} cert --silent --in "{instances_yml}" --out="{cert_bundle}" --ca-cert="{ca_path}/ca.crt" '
        '--ca-key="{ca_path}/ca.key" --pass ""'.format(

    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("%s has exited with code [%d]", cert_binary, return_code)
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not create certificate bundle for node [{}]. Please see the log for details."

    io.decompress(cert_bundle, x_pack_config_path)

    # Success
    return True
Exemplo n.º 36
    def install(self, es_home_path, plugin_url=None):
        installer_binary_path = os.path.join(es_home_path, "bin", "elasticsearch-plugin")
        if plugin_url:
            logger.info("Installing [%s] into [%s] from [%s]" % (self.plugin_name, es_home_path, plugin_url))
            install_cmd = '%s install --batch "%s"' % (installer_binary_path, plugin_url)
            logger.info("Installing [%s] into [%s]" % (self.plugin_name, es_home_path))
            install_cmd = '%s install --batch "%s"' % (installer_binary_path, self.plugin_name)

        return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(install_cmd)
        # see: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/current/_other_command_line_parameters.html
        if return_code == 0:
            logger.info("Successfully installed [%s]." % self.plugin_name)
        elif return_code == 64:
            # most likely this is an unknown plugin
            raise exceptions.SystemSetupError("Unknown plugin [%s]" % self.plugin_name)
        elif return_code == 74:
            raise exceptions.SupplyError("I/O error while trying to install [%s]" % self.plugin_name)
            raise exceptions.RallyError("Unknown error while trying to install [%s] (installer return code [%s]). Please check the logs." %
                                        (self.plugin_name, str(return_code)))
Exemplo n.º 37
def configure_keystore(config_names, variables, **kwargs):
    logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
    keystore_params = ["gcs_client_name", "gcs_credentials_file"]
    client_name = variables.get(keystore_params[0])
    credentials_file = variables.get(keystore_params[1])

    if not (credentials_file and client_name):
            "Skipping keystore configuration for repository-gcs as plugin-params %s were not supplied",
        return False

    keystore_binary_filename = "elasticsearch-keystore"
    install_root = variables["install_root_path"]
    keystore_binary = resolve_binary(install_root, keystore_binary_filename)
    env = kwargs.get("env")

    if not os.path.isfile(resolve_keystore_config(install_root)):
        create_keystore(install_root, keystore_binary, env)

    keystore_command = "{keystore} --silent add-file gcs.client.{client_name}.credentials_file {credentials_file}".format(

    return_code = process.run_subprocess_with_logging(keystore_command,

    if return_code != 0:
        logger.error("%s has exited with code [%d]", keystore_command,
        raise exceptions.SystemSetupError(
            "Could not add GCS keystore secure setting. Please see the log for details."

    # Success
    return True
Exemplo n.º 38
def unzip(zip_name, target_directory):
    Decompresses the provided archive to the target directory. The following file extensions are supported:

    * zip: Relies that the 'unzip' tool is available on the path
    * bz2: Can be uncompressed using standard library facilities, so no external tool is required.

    The decompression method is chosen based on the file extension.

    :param zip_name: The full path name to the file that should be decompressed.
    :param target_directory: The directory to which files should be decompressed. May or may not exist prior to calling this function.
    filename, extension = splitext(zip_name)
    if extension == ".zip":
        if not process.run_subprocess_with_logging("unzip %s -d %s" % (zip_name, target_directory)):
            raise RuntimeError("Could not unzip %s to %s" % (zip_name, target_directory))
    elif extension == ".bz2":
        # We rather avoid external tools as much as possible to simplify Rally's setup, hence we use the library functions
        target_file = os.path.join(target_directory, filename)
        with open(target_file, "wb") as extracted, bz2.BZ2File(zip_name, "rb") as file:
            for data in iter(lambda: file.read(100 * 1024), b''):
        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported file extension '%s'. Cannot unzip '%s'" % (extension, zip_name))
Exemplo n.º 39
 def stop(self, cluster):
     logger.info("Stopping Docker container")
     docker_cfg_path = self._docker_cfg_path()
     process.run_subprocess_with_logging("docker-compose down -v -f %s" % docker_cfg_path)