Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_initialize_model(self):
        This test is check the initialization of a model
        # Initialize the FMU model empty
        m = model.Model()

        # ReInit the model with the new FMU

        # Show details

        # Show the inputs
        print("The names of the FMU inputs are: ", m.get_input_names(), "\n")

        # Show the outputs
        print("The names of the FMU outputs are:", m.get_output_names(), "\n")

        # Set the CSV file associated to the input
        inp = m.get_input_by_name("u")

        # Initialize the model for the simulation
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_model_init_exceptions(self):
        This function tests if the model can raises exceptions in a proper way when parameters are not
        specified in a proper way

        # Initialize the FMU model empty
        m = model.Model()

        # ReInit the model with the new FMU

        # Create a pandas.Series for the input u
        ind = pd.date_range('2000-1-1', periods=31, freq='s', tz=pytz.utc)
        ds = pd.Series(np.ones(31), index=ind)

        # Set the CSV file associated to the input
        inp = m.get_input_by_name("u")

        # Initialize the model for the simulation with start time that are not correct
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.initialize_simulator, 0.0)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.initialize_simulator, [0.0])
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.initialize_simulator,
                          "2000-1-1 00:00:00")
        self.assertRaises(IndexError, m.initialize_simulator,
                          datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, tzinfo=pytz.utc))
            IndexError, m.initialize_simulator,
            datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 30, 1000, tzinfo=pytz.utc))

        # Initialize with a correct value
        self.assertTrue(m.initialize_simulator(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo = pytz.utc)), \
                        "The model has not been correctly initialized")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, Model):
        '''Constructor of UKF estimation method.

        self.name = 'UKF';
        # Instantiate UKF model
        self.model = ukf_model.Model(Model.fmupath);          
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    # Initialize the FMU model empty
    m = model.Model()
    # Assign an existing FMU to the model
    filePath = "../../modelica/FmuExamples/Resources/FMUs/Pump_MBL3.fmu"
    # ReInit the model with the new FMU
    # Show details
    # Show the inputs
    print("The names of the FMU inputs are: ", m.get_input_names(), "\n")
    # Show the outputs
    print("The names of the FMU outputs are:", m.get_output_names(), "\n")
    # Path of the csv file containing the data series
    #csvPath = "../../../modelica/FmuExamples/Resources/data/DataPumpVeryShort.csv"
    csvPath = "../../../modelica/FmuExamples/Resources/data/DataPump_16to19_Oct2012.csv"
    #csvPath = "../../../modelica/FmuExamples/Resources/data/DataPump_16to19_Oct2012_variableStep.csv"
    # Set the CSV file associated to the input, and its covariance
    input = m.get_input_by_name("Nrpm")
    # Initialize the model for the simulation
    #pars = [0.106,  0.50041746, 0.9, 1.]
    #pars = [0.11574544, 0.67699191, 0.8862938, 1.]
    pars = [ 0.11992406,  0.11864333,  0.88393507,  1.]
    #pars = [0.1222095,  0.1210177,  0.12177384, 1.]
    # Set the parameters of the model
    par_1 = m.get_variable_object("pump.power.P[1]")
    m.set_real(par_1, pars[0])
    par_2 = m.get_variable_object("pump.power.P[2]")
    m.set_real(par_2, pars[1])
    par_3 = m.get_variable_object("pump.power.P[3]")
    m.set_real(par_3, pars[2])
    par_4 = m.get_variable_object("pump.power.P[4]")
    m.set_real(par_4, pars[3])
    # Simulate
    time, results = m.simulate()
    # Show the results
    showResults(time, results, csvPath, pars)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_instantiate_model_empty(self):
        This function tests the initialization of a model that has not an FMU associated to it
        # Instantiate an empty model
        m = model.Model()

        # test default values
        self.assertEqual("", m.get_fmu_name(), "The FMU name has to be empty")

        # Check FMU details
        self.assertIsNone(m.get_fmu(), "The FMU object has to be None")
                          "The FMU file path has to be None")
        # The properties are
        # (self.name, self.author, self.description, self.type, self.version, self.guid, self.tool, self.numStates)
        self.assertEqual(("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), m.get_properties(),
                         "The property values have to be all empty")

        # Check list initialized correctly
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_inputs(),
                             "The list of inputs has to be empty")
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_outputs(),
                             "The list of outputs has to be empty")
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_input_names(),
                             "The list of input names has to be empty")
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_output_names(),
                             "The list of output names has to be empty")
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_parameters(),
                             "The list of parameters has to be empty")
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_parameter_names(),
                             "The list of parameters names has to be empty")
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_variables(),
                             "The list of variables has to be empty")
        self.assertListEqual([], m.get_variable_names(),
                             "The list of variables names has to be empty")

        # Check functions counting the list items work correctly
        self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_inputs(),
                         "The number of inputs has to be zero")
        self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_outputs(),
                         "The number of outputs has to be zero")
        self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_measured_outputs(),
                         "The number of measured outputs has to be zero")
        self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_parameters(),
                         "The number of parameters has to be zero")
        self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_variables(),
                         "The number of variables has to be zero")
        self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_states(),
                         "The number of state variables has to be zero")

        # test access to FMI methods
            "trying to access a variable object should return None")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, Model):
        '''Constructor of UKF estimation method.

        self.name = 'UKF';
        # Check correct fmu version
        if Model.fmu_version != '1.0':
            raise ValueError('Compiled fmu version is {0} and needs to be 1.0.'.format(Model.fmu_version));
            self.fmu_version = Model.fmu_version;
        # Instantiate UKF model
        self.model = ukf_model.Model(Model.fmupath);
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __instantiate_model(self, reinit = False):
     This function tests the initialization of a model given an FMU.
     The initialization can be done when creating the instance or after by calling the ReInit method.
     # Initialize the FMU model
     if reinit:
         m = model.Model()
         m = model.Model(self.filePath)
     # test default values
     name = "FmuExamples.FirstOrder"
     self.assertEqual(name, m.get_fmu_name(), "The FMU name is not: %s" % name)
     # Check FMU details
     self.assertIsNotNone(m.get_fmu(), "The FMU object has not to be None")
     self.assertEqual(self.filePath, m.get_fmu_file_path(), "The FMU file path is not the one specified")
     # Check list initialized correctly
     self.assertListEqual(['u'], m.get_input_names(), "The list of input names is not correct ")
     self.assertListEqual(['y','x'], m.get_output_names(), "The list of output names is not correct")
     # Check functions counting the list items work correctly
     self.assertEqual(1, m.get_num_inputs(), "The number of inputs has to be one")
     self.assertEqual(2, m.get_num_outputs(), "The number of outputs has to be two")
     self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_measured_outputs(), "The number of measured outputs has to be zero")
     self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_parameters(), "The number of parameters has to be zero")
     self.assertEqual(0, m.get_num_variables(), "The number of variables has to be zero")
     self.assertEqual(1, m.get_num_states(), "The number of state variables has to be zero")
     # Check getting inputs and output objects
     self.assertIsNotNone(m.get_input_by_name("u"), "The object corresponding to input 'u' should be accessible")
     self.assertIsNone(m.get_input_by_name("y"), "The object corresponding to input 'y' should not be accessible (its an output)")
     self.assertIsNotNone(m.get_output_by_name("y"), "The object corresponding to output 'y' should be accessible")
     self.assertIsNotNone(m.get_output_by_name("x"), "The object corresponding to output 'x' should be accessible")
     self.assertIsNone(m.get_output_by_name("u"), "The object corresponding to output 'u' should not be accessible (its an input)")
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_model_simulate_exceptions(self):
        This function tests if the exceptions generated by the simulate method are correctly 
        generated when needed.

        # Initialize the FMU model empty
        m = model.Model()

        # ReInit the model with the new FMU

        # Create a pandas.Series for the input u
        ind = pd.date_range('2000-1-1', periods=31, freq='s', tz=pytz.utc)
        ds = pd.Series(np.ones(31), index=ind)

        # Set the CSV file associated to the input
        inp = m.get_input_by_name("u")

        # Initialize with a correct value
        m.initialize_simulator(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc))

        # Try to simulate passing wrong values
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.simulate, 0)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.simulate, [0.0])
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.simulate, "0.0")
        self.assertRaises(IndexError, m.simulate,
                          datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, tzinfo=pytz.utc))
            IndexError, m.simulate,
            datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 30, 1000, tzinfo=pytz.utc))

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.simulate, None, 0)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.simulate, None, [0.0])
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.simulate, None, "0.0")
        self.assertRaises(IndexError, m.simulate, None,
                          datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, tzinfo=pytz.utc))
            IndexError, m.simulate, None,
            datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 30, 1000, tzinfo=pytz.utc))

        self.assertRaises(IndexError, m.simulate, \
                          datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10, tzinfo = pytz.utc), \
                          datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, tzinfo = pytz.utc))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_run_model_CSV(self):
        This function tests if the model can be run when loading data from a csv file
        # Initialize the FMU model empty
        m = model.Model()

        # ReInit the model with the new FMU

        # Set the CSV file associated to the input
        inp = m.get_input_by_name("u")

        # Initialize the model for the simulation

        # Simulate
        time, results = m.simulate()
        # Compare the results with the expected ones. Given the default
        # values of the parameters a = -1, b = 2.5, c = 3.0, d = 0.1,

        # Read the simulation time vector
        self.assertEqual(pd.to_datetime(0.0, unit="s", utc=True), time[0],
                         "The initial time does not correspond")
        self.assertEqual(pd.to_datetime(30.0, unit="s", utc=True), time[-1],
                         "The final time does not correspond")

        # Read the results of the simulation
        # x' = -1*x + 2.5*u
        # y  = +3*x + 0.1*u
        # Given the input u = 1 with t in [0, 15) then u = 2 with t in [15,30], at steady state
        # x ~ 5 and y ~ 15.2
            5.0, results["x"][-1], 2, "The steady state value of the \
        state variable x is not 5.0 but %.8f" % (results["x"][-1]))
            15.2, results["y"][-1], 2, "The steady state value of \
        the output variable y is not 15.2 but %.8f" % (results["y"][-1]))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_run_model_data_series(self):
        This function tests if the model can be run when loading data form a pandas
        data series

        # Initialize the FMU model empty
        m = model.Model()

        # ReInit the model with the new FMU

        # Create a pandas.Series for the input u
        ind = pd.date_range('2000-1-1', periods=31, freq='s', tz=pytz.utc)
        ds = pd.Series(np.ones(31), index=ind)

        # Set the CSV file associated to the input
        inp = m.get_input_by_name("u")

        # Set parameters a, b, c, d of the model
        par_a = m.get_variable_object("a")
        m.set_real(par_a, -1.0)
        par_b = m.get_variable_object("b")
        m.set_real(par_b, 4.0)
        par_c = m.get_variable_object("c")
        m.set_real(par_c, 6.0)
        par_d = m.get_variable_object("d")
        m.set_real(par_d, 0.0)

        # Initialize the model for the simulation

        # Read the values that have just been set
        self.assertEqual(-1.0, m.get_real(par_a),
                         "Parameter a of the FMU has to be equal to -1.0")
        self.assertEqual(4.0, m.get_real(par_b),
                         "Parameter b of the FMU has to be equal to 4.0")
        self.assertEqual(6.0, m.get_real(par_c),
                         "Parameter c of the FMU has to be equal to 6.0")
        self.assertEqual(0.0, m.get_real(par_d),
                         "Parameter d of the FMU has to be equal to 0.0")

        # Simulate using start and final time of type datetime.datetime
        t0 = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        t1 = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 25, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        time, results = m.simulate(start_time=t0, final_time=t1)

        # Read the simulation time vector
            t0 - time[0] < timedelta(0, 1e-6)
            or time[0] - t0 < timedelta(0, 1e-6),
            "The initial time does not correspond: {0} != {1}".format(
                t0, time[0]))
            t1 - time[-1] < timedelta(0, 1e-6)
            or time[-1] - t1 < timedelta(0, 1e-6),
            "The final time does not correspond: {0} != {1}".format(
                t1, time[-1]))

        # Read the results of the simulation
        # x' = -1*x + 4*u
        # y  = +6*x + 0*u
        # Given the input u = 1, at steady state
        # x ~ 4 and y ~ 24
            4.0, results["x"][-1], 4, "The steady state value of the \
        state variable x is not 4.0 but %.8f" % (results["x"][-1]))
            24.0, results["y"][-1], 4, "The steady state value of \
        the output variable y is not 24.0 but %.8f" % (results["y"][-1]))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_run_model_pool_data_series(self):
        This function tests if the model can be run using a pool of processes when loading data form a pandas
        data series

        # Initialize the FMU model empty
        m = model.Model()

        # ReInit the model with the new FMU

        # Create a pandas.Series for the input u
        ind = pd.date_range('2000-1-1', periods=31, freq='s', tz=pytz.utc)
        ds = pd.Series(np.ones(31), index=ind)

        # Set the CSV file associated to the input
        inp = m.get_input_by_name("u")

        # Set parameters a, b, c, d of the model
        par_a = m.get_variable_object("a")
        m.set_real(par_a, -1.0)
        par_b = m.get_variable_object("b")
        m.set_real(par_b, 4.0)
        par_c = m.get_variable_object("c")
        m.set_real(par_c, 6.0)
        par_d = m.get_variable_object("d")
        m.set_real(par_d, 0.0)

        # Select the states to be modified

        # Initialize the model for the simulation

        # Instantiate the pool
        pool = fmu_pool.FmuPool(m)

        # Define the vector of initial conditions for which the simulations
        # have to be performed.
        # values has to be a list of state vectors
        # values = [ [x0_0], [x0_1], ... [x0_n]]
        Nsims = 10
        vectorValues = np.linspace(1.0, 5.0, 10)
        values = []
        for v in vectorValues:
            temp = {"state": np.array([v]), "parameters": []}

        # Run simulations in parallel
        t0 = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        t1 = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 30, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        poolResults = pool.run(values, start=t0, stop=t1)

        # Verify that the number of results is equal to the number of different initial conditions specified
            Nsims, len(poolResults),
            "The number of simulation results must be equal to the number of initial conditions specified"

        # For every result make sure that initial conditions have been set correctly
        # and the simulations converge to the exact final value
        i = 0
        for res in poolResults:

            # Get the results of a worker of the pool
            time, results = res[0]

            # Read the simulation time vector
            self.assertEqual(t0, time[0],
                             "The initial time does not correspond")
            self.assertEqual(t1, time[-1],
                             "The final time does not correspond")

            # Verify that the initial conditions were assigned correctly
                vectorValues[i], results["x"][0], 7,
                "The initial condition of the state \
            variable x is not %.8f but %.8f" %
                (results["x"][0], vectorValues[i]))

            # Read the results of the simulation
            # x' = -1*x + 4*u
            # y  = +6*x + 0*u
            # Given the input u = 1, at steady state
            # x ~ 4 and y ~ 24
                4.0, results["x"][-1], 3, "The steady state value of the \
            state variable x is not 4.0 but %.8f" % (results["x"][-1]))
                24.0, results["y"][-1], 2, "The steady state value of \
            the output variable y is not 24.0 but %.8f" % (results["y"][-1]))

            i += 1