Exemplo n.º 1
def token(dbsession, web3, eth_service, eth_network_id) -> Callable:
    # signer, multisig, cap
    extra_arguments = [
        "0x8f480474b014ea63d4fe5e52478e833fb9e8f938",  # Mikko's testnet address
        to_wei(6000, "ether"),
        2,  # 2 share per each ETH
        10**18,  # 1 ETH 10**18 wei

    token = Token.create_token(web3, name="Toycrowd", supply=0, symbol="TOYCROWD", owner=web3.eth.coinbase, extra_arguments=extra_arguments, contract_name="CrowdfundToken")

    print("Token deployed")

    return token
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, value: Union[int, float, str], denomination: str):

        # Lookup Conversion
            wrapped_denomination = self.__denominations[denomination]
        except KeyError:
            raise self.InvalidDenomination(f'"{denomination}"')

        # Convert or Raise
            self.__value = currency.to_wei(number=value,
        except ValueError as e:
            raise NU.InvalidAmount(
                f"{value} is an invalid amount of tokens: {str(e)}")
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def get_transaction_dict(self, priv, addr_to, amount, nonce, data,
        if data:  # Pull this out.
            gas = self.MAX_GAS
            get_code = await self.post('eth_getCode', addr_to, 'latest')
            gas = 50000 if len(get_code) > 3 else self.MIN_GAS

        gas_price = await self.get_gas_price()
        amount = to_wei(amount, 'ether')
        if subtract_fee:
            fee = gas * gas_price
            amount -= fee
        return {
            'from': Account.privateKeyToAccount(priv).address,
            'to': addr_to,
            'value': amount,
            'gas': gas,
            'gasPrice': gas_price,
            'data': data,
            'chainId': int(settings.ETH_CHAIN_ID),
            'nonce': nonce
Exemplo n.º 4
async def get_gas_price_mock(self):
    return to_wei(10, 'gwei')
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_buy_crowdfund_with_gas(dbsession: Session, eth_network_id: UUID, web3: Web3, eth_service: EthereumService, token, toycrowd, rich_withdraw_address):
    """Perform a crowdfunnd buy operation without giving enough gas for the transaction."""

    with transaction.manager:

        # Create withdraw operation
        caccount = dbsession.query(CryptoAddressAccount).one()

        # Use 4 as the heurestics for block account that doesn't happen right away, but still sensible to wait for it soonish
        asset = toycrowd()

        op = caccount.withdraw(Decimal(3), asset.external_id, "Buying Toycrowd", required_confirmation_count=1)
        op.other_data["gas"] = 2500333  # Limit should be ~100k

    success_op_count, failed_op_count = eth_service.run_waiting_operations()
    assert failed_op_count == 0
    assert success_op_count == 1

    with transaction.manager:
        ops = list(dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).all())
        assert len(ops) == 3  # Create + deposit + withdraw
        op = ops[-1]
        txid = bin_to_txid(op.txid)

    # This should make the tx to included in a block
    confirm_transaction(web3, txid)

    # Set op.block

    # Grab block number where out tx is
    with transaction.manager:
        ops = list(dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).all())
        op = ops[-1]
        block_num = op.block

    wallet = get_wallet(web3, rich_withdraw_address)
    token_events = token.get_all_events()
    wallet_events = wallet.get_all_events()

    # Confirm we got it all right
    receipt = web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txid)
    logs = receipt["logs"]
    assert logs[0]["topics"][0] == token_events["Buy"]
    assert logs[1]["topics"][0] == token_events["Transfer"]
    assert logs[2]["topics"][0] == wallet_events["Withdraw"]

    data = get_crowdsale_data(token)
    assert data["wei_raised"] == to_wei("3", "ether")

    # Give tx time to confirm, so all confirmations will be there for db update run
    required_conf = 3
    wait_for_block_number(web3, block_num + required_conf + 1, timeout=60)

    # This should trigger incoming notification
    updates, failures = eth_service.run_confirmation_updates()
    assert failures == 0
    assert updates == 2  # 1 eth withdraw, 1 token deposit

    # Check our db is updated
    with transaction.manager:

        # There is now new operation to deposit tokens
        ops = list(dbsession.query(CryptoOperation).all())
        assert len(ops) == 4
        op = ops[-1]  # type: CryptoOperation

        assert op.operation_type == CryptoOperationType.deposit
        assert op.state == CryptoOperationState.success
        assert op.amount == 6

        asset = toycrowd()
        crypto_address = dbsession.query(CryptoAddress).one()  # type: CryptoAddress
        caccount = crypto_address.get_account(asset)
        assert caccount.account.get_balance() == 6
Exemplo n.º 6
 async def get_gas_price(self) -> int:
     if not settings.ETH_FEE:
         fee_station = FeeStation('eth')
         transaction_fee = await fee_station.get_fee()
         return min(self.MAX_FEE, transaction_fee)
     return to_wei(int(settings.ETH_FEE), 'gwei')
Exemplo n.º 7
"""Test token transfers between initial issuer and hosted wallet. """
import pytest

# How many ETH we move for test transactiosn
from decimal import Decimal
from web3.contract import Contract
from eth_utils.currency import to_wei
from websauna.wallet.ethereum.contract import confirm_transaction, TransactionConfirmationError
from websauna.wallet.ethereum.token import Token
from websauna.wallet.ethereum.utils import wei_to_eth
from websauna.wallet.tests.eth.utils import create_contract_listener, send_balance_to_contract

CAP = to_wei(6000, "ether")

MULTISIG = "0x5589C14FbC92A73809fBCfF33Ab40eFc7E8E8467"

def token(web3, coinbase) -> Contract:
    """Deploy a token contract in the blockchain."""

    # signer, multisig, cap
    extra_arguments = [
        2,  # 2 share per each ETH
        10**18,  # 1 ETH 10**18 wei
    return Token.create_token(web3,
Exemplo n.º 8
 async def get_eth_fee(self):
     resp_dict = await self.get(self.ETH_GAS_PRICE_URL)
     average = int(resp_dict['average'] / 10)
     return to_wei(average, 'gwei')