Exemplo n.º 1
class ConsoleCleanUp(EutesterTestCase):
    def __init__(self, extra_args= None, **kwargs):
        if extra_args:
            for arg in extra_args:
        for kwarg in kwargs:
            self.args[kwarg] = kwarg[kwarg]
        # Setup basic eutester object
        if self.args.region:
            self.tester = EC2ops( credpath=self.args.credpath, region=self.args.region)
            self.tester = Eucaops( credpath=self.args.credpath, config_file=self.args.config,password=self.args.password)
        self.tester.poll_count = 120

    def populate_resources_for_console_test(self):
        This method creates resources in the cloud.

        s_group=self.tester.ec2.create_security_group("mygroup", "Security group for console test.").name
        instance=self.tester.run_image(image=image, keypair="test-key", group="mygroup",auto_connect=False, zone=zone)
        self.tester.create_launch_config("LC1",image_id ,keypair ,[s_group], instance_type="m1.small")
Exemplo n.º 2
class TaggingBasics(EutesterTestCase):
    def __init__(self, extra_args= None):
        if extra_args:
            for arg in extra_args:
        # Setup basic eutester object
        if self.args.region:
            self.tester = EC2ops( credpath=self.args.credpath, region=self.args.region)
            self.tester = Eucaops(config_file=self.args.config, password=self.args.password, credpath=self.args.credpath)
        self.tester.poll_count = 120

        ### Add and authorize a group for the instance
        self.group = self.tester.add_group(group_name="group-" + str(time.time()))
        self.tester.authorize_group_by_name(group_name=self.group.name )
        self.tester.authorize_group_by_name(group_name=self.group.name, port=-1, protocol="icmp" )
        ### Generate a keypair for the instance
        self.keypair = self.tester.add_keypair( "keypair-" + str(time.time()))
        self.keypath = '%s/%s.pem' % (os.curdir, self.keypair.name)
        self.image = self.args.emi
        if not self.image:
            self.image = self.tester.get_emi(root_device_type="instance-store")
        self.address = None
        self.volume = None
        self.snapshot = None
        self.private_addressing = False
        zones = self.tester.ec2.get_all_zones()
        self.zone = random.choice(zones).name
        self.reservation = None

    def clean_method(self):
        ### Terminate the reservation if it is still up
        if self.reservation:
            self.assertTrue(self.tester.terminate_instances(self.reservation), "Unable to terminate instance(s)")

        if self.volume:

        if self.snapshot:

        ### DELETE group

        ### Delete keypair in cloud and from filesystem

    def InstanceTagging(self):
        This case was developed to exercise tagging of an instance resource
        if not self.reservation:
            self.reservation = self.tester.run_instance(self.image, keypair=self.keypair.name, group=self.group.name)
        test_instance = None
        tags = { u'name': 'instance-tag-test', u'location' : 'over there'}
        for instance in self.reservation.instances:
            test_instance = instance

        ### Test Filtering , u'tag:location' : 'over there'
        tag_filter = { u'tag:name': u'instance-tag-test'}
        reservations = self.tester.ec2.get_all_instances(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(reservations) != 1:
            raise Exception('Filter for instances returned too many results')
        reservation = reservations[0]
        if self.reservation.id not in reservation.id:
            raise Exception('Wrong instance id returned after filtering, Expected: ' + self.reservation.id  + ' Received: ' + reservation.id )

        ### Test non-tag Filtering
        ### Filters can be found here, most will be tested manually, but a spot check should be added
        ### http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ApiReference-cmd-DescribeInstances.html
        new_group = self.tester.add_group("filter-test")
        self.tester.authorize_group_by_name(group_name=new_group.name )
        self.tester.authorize_group_by_name(group_name=new_group.name, port=-1, protocol="icmp" )
        filter_test_reservation = self.tester.run_instance(self.image, keypair=self.keypair.name, group=new_group.name)
        keypair_filter = {u'key-name': self.keypair.name}
        group_filter = {u'group-name': new_group.name}

        keypair_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_instances(filters=keypair_filter)
        group_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_instances(filters=group_filter)

        if len(group_match) != 1:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of instances by group name: " + str(len(group_match))  + " expected: 1")
        if len(keypair_match) != 2:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of instances by keypair name: " + str(len(keypair_match))  + " expected: 2")

        ### Test Deletion
        instances = self.tester.ec2.get_all_instances(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(instances) != 0:
            raise Exception('Filter returned instances when there shouldnt be any')

        if all(item in test_instance.tags.items() for item in tags.items()):
            raise Exception('Tags still returned after deletion')
        self.reservation = None

    def VolumeTagging(self):
        This case was developed to exercise tagging of an instance resource
        self.volume = self.tester.create_volume(zone=self.zone)
        tag_id = 'volume-tag-test-' + str(int(time.time()))
        tags = { u'name': tag_id, u'location' : 'datacenter'}

        ### Test Filtering
        tag_filter = { u'tag:name': tag_id}
        volumes = self.tester.ec2.get_all_volumes(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(volumes) is 0:
            raise Exception('Filter for volumes returned no results:"{0}", filter:"{1}"'
                            .format(volumes, tag_filter))
        if len(volumes) is not 1:
            raise Exception('Filter for volumes returned too many results:"{0}", filter:"{1}"'
                            .format(volumes, tag_filter))
        if volumes[0].id != self.volume.id:
            raise Exception('Wrong volume ID returned after filtering:"{0}", filter:"{1}"'
                            .format(volumes, tag_filter))

        ### Test non-tag Filtering
        ### Filters can be found here, most will be tested manually, but a spot check should be added
        ### http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ApiReference-cmd-DescribeImages.html
        vol_size = 3
        filter_test_volume_1 = self.tester.create_volume(zone=self.zone, size=vol_size)
        filter_test_volume_2 = self.tester.create_volume(zone=self.zone, size=vol_size)
        size_filter = {u'size': vol_size }
        id_filter = {u'volume-id': self.volume.id}

        size_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_volumes(filters=size_filter)
        id_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_volumes(filters=id_filter)


        for sz_vol in size_match:
            if sz_vol.size != vol_size:
                    self.debug('Size filter returned the following volumes:{0}'.format(size_match))
                raise Exception('Filtering of volumes by size:"{0}" returned a volume of '
                                'wrong size. vol:{1}, size:{2}'
                                .format(vol_size, sz_vol, sz_vol.size ))
        if len(id_match) != 1:
                self.debug('Id filter returned the following volumes:{0}'.format(id_match))
            raise Exception("Filtering of volumes by id:'{0}' returned {1} volumes, expected 1"
                            .format(self.volume.id, len(id_match or [])))

        ### Test Deletion
        volumes = self.tester.ec2.get_all_volumes(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(volumes) != 0:
            raise Exception('Filter returned volumes when there shouldnt be any')
        if self.volume.tags != {}:
            raise Exception('Tags still returned after deleting them from volume')

    def SnapshotTagging(self):
        This case was developed to exercise tagging of an instance resource
        if not self.volume:
            self.volume = self.tester.create_volume(zone=self.zone)
        self.snapshot = self.tester.create_snapshot_from_volume(self.volume)
        tags = { u'name': 'snapshot-tag-test', u'location' : 'over there'}

        ### Test Filtering , u'tag:location' : 'over there'
        tag_filter = { u'tag:name': 'snapshot-tag-test'}
        snapshots = self.tester.ec2.get_all_snapshots(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(snapshots) != 1:
            raise Exception('Filter for instances returned too many results')
        if snapshots[0].id != self.snapshot.id:
            raise Exception('Wrong instance id returned after filtering')

        ### Test non-tag Filtering
        ### Filters can be found here, most will be tested manually, but a spot check should be added
        ### http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ApiReference-cmd-DescribeSnapshots.html
        filter_description = "filtering" + str(int(time.time()))
        filter_test_snapshot = self.tester.create_snapshot_from_volume(self.volume, description=filter_description)

        description_filter = {u'description': filter_description }
        volume_filter = {u'volume-id': self.volume.id}

        description_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_snapshots(filters=description_filter)
        volume_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_snapshots(filters=volume_filter)


        if len(description_match) != 1:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of snapshots by volume description: " + str(len(description_match))  + " expected: 1")

        if len(volume_match) != 2:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of snapshots by volume id returned: " + str(len(volume_match))  + " expected: 2")

        ### Test Deletion
        snapshots= self.tester.ec2.get_all_snapshots(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(snapshots) != 0:
            raise Exception('Filter returned snapshots when there shouldnt be any')
        if self.snapshot.tags != {}:
            raise Exception('Tags still returned after deleting them from volume')
        self.snapshot = None

    def ImageTagging(self):
        This case was developed to exercise tagging of an instance resource
        nametag = u'ImageTaggingName'
        locationtag =  u'ImageTaggingLocation'
        tags = { nametag: 'image-tag-test', locationtag : 'over there'}
        orig_image_tags = self.image.tags
        self.tester.create_tags([self.image.id], tags)

        ### Test Tag Filtering , u'tag:location' : 'over there'
        tag_filter = { u'tag:'+nametag: 'image-tag-test'}
        images = self.tester.ec2.get_all_images(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(images) != 1:
            raise Exception('Filter for instances returned too many results')
        if images[0].id != self.image.id:
            raise Exception('Wrong instance id returned after filtering')

        ### Test non-tag Filtering
        ### Filters can be found here, most will be tested manually, but a spot check should be added
        ### http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ApiReference-cmd-DescribeImages.html
        image_description = "image-filtering"
        filter_image_id = self.tester.register_image(

        description_filter = {u'description': image_description }
        location_filter = {u'manifest-location': self.image.location}

        description_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_images(filters=description_filter)
        location_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_images(filters=location_filter)
        filter_image = self.tester.get_emi(emi=filter_image_id)

        if len(description_match) != 1:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of volumes by size: " + str(len(description_match)) + " expected: 1")
        if len(location_match) != 2:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of volumes by zone: " + str(len(location_match)) + " expected: 2")

        ### Test Deletion
        self.tester.delete_tags([self.image.id], tags)
        images = self.tester.ec2.get_all_images(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(images) != 0:
            raise Exception('Filter returned images when there shouldnt be any')
        for tag in tags:
            if tag in self.image.tags:
                raise Exception('Tags still returned after deleting them from image: ' + str(self.image.tags))

    def SecurityGroupTagging(self):
        This case was developed to exercise tagging of an security group resource
        tags = { u'name': 'security-tag-test', u'location' : 'over there'}
        self.debug("Security group ID: " + self.group.id)
        self.tester.create_tags([self.group.id], tags)

        ### Test Tag Filtering , u'tag:location' : 'over there'
        tag_filter = { u'tag:name': 'security-tag-test'}
        groups = self.tester.ec2.get_all_security_groups(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(groups) != 1:
            raise Exception('Filter for groups returned too many results')
        if groups[0].id != self.group.id:
            raise Exception('Wrong group id returned after filtering')

        ### Test non-tag Filtering
        ### Filters can be found here, most will be tested manually, but a spot check should be added
        ### http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ApiReference-cmd-DescribeSecurityGroups.html
        group_name = "filter-test"
        group_description = "group-filtering"
        filter_group = self.tester.add_group(group_name=group_name, description=group_description)
        filter_group_2 = self.tester.add_group(group_name=group_name + "2", description=group_description)

        description_filter = {u'description': group_description }
        group_id_filter = {u'group-id': filter_group.id}
        description_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_security_groups(filters=description_filter)
        self.debug("Groups matching description:" + str(description_match))
        group_id_match = self.tester.ec2.get_all_security_groups(filters=group_id_filter)
        self.debug("Groups matching owner-id (" + group_id_filter[u'group-id']  + "):" + str(group_id_match))


        if len(description_match) != 2:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of security groups by description: " + str(len(description_match))  + " expected: 2")
        if len(group_id_match) != 1:
            raise Exception("Non-tag Filtering of security groups by id: " + str(len(group_id_match))  + " expected: 1")

        ### Test Deletion
        self.tester.delete_tags([self.group.id], tags)
        groups = self.tester.ec2.get_all_security_groups(filters=tag_filter)
        if len(groups) != 0:
            raise Exception('Filter returned security groups when there shouldnt be any')
        if self.group.tags != {}:
            raise Exception('Tags still returned after deleting them from '
                            'security group:' + str(self.group.tags) )

    def test_restrictions(self, resource):
        max_tags_number = 10
        max_tags = {}

        for i in xrange(max_tags_number):
            max_tags[u'key' + str(i)] = 'value' + str(i)

        self.test_tag_creation(max_tags, resource=resource, fail_message="Failure when trying to add max allowable tags (" + str(max_tags_number) + ")", expected_outcome=True)
        self.test_tag_deletion(max_tags, resource=resource,fail_message="Failure when trying to delete max allowable tags (" + str(max_tags_number) + ")", expected_outcome=True)

        too_many_tags = {}
        for i in xrange(max_tags_number + 1):
            too_many_tags[u'key' + str(i)] = 'value' + str(i)

        self.test_tag_creation(too_many_tags, resource=resource,fail_message="Allowed too many tags to be created", expected_outcome=False)

        max_key = u'0' * 127

        maximum_key_length = { max_key : 'my value'}
        self.test_tag_creation(maximum_key_length, resource=resource, fail_message="Unable to use a key with " + str(max_key) + " characters", expected_outcome=True)
        self.test_tag_deletion(maximum_key_length, resource=resource, fail_message="Unable to delete a key with " + str(max_key) + " characters", expected_outcome=True)

        key_too_large = { max_key + u'0' : 'my value'}
        self.test_tag_creation(key_too_large, resource=resource, fail_message="Allowed key with more than " + str(max_key) + " chars", expected_outcome=False)

        maximum_value = '0' * 255

        maximum_value_length = { u'my_key': maximum_value}
        self.test_tag_creation(maximum_value_length, resource=resource, fail_message="Unable to use a value with " + str(maximum_value) + " characters", expected_outcome=True)
        self.test_tag_deletion(maximum_value_length, resource=resource, fail_message="Unable to delete a value with " + str(maximum_value) + " characters", expected_outcome=True)

        value_too_large = { u'my_key': maximum_value + '0'}
        self.test_tag_creation(value_too_large, resource=resource, fail_message="Allowed value with more than " + str(maximum_value) + " chars", expected_outcome=False)

        aws_key_prefix = { u'aws:something': 'asdfadsf'}
        self.test_tag_creation(aws_key_prefix, resource=resource, fail_message="Allowed key with 'aws:' prefix'", expected_outcome=False)

        aws_value_prefix = { u'my_key': 'aws:somethingelse'}
        self.test_tag_creation(aws_value_prefix, resource=resource, fail_message="Did not allow creation value with 'aws:' prefix'", expected_outcome=True)
        self.test_tag_creation(aws_value_prefix, resource=resource, fail_message="Did not allow deletion of value with 'aws:' prefix'", expected_outcome=True)

        lower_case = {u'case': 'value'}
        upper_case = {u'CASE': 'value'}
        self.test_tag_creation(lower_case, resource=resource, fail_message="Unable to add key with all lower case", expected_outcome=True)
        self.test_tag_creation(upper_case, resource=resource, fail_message="Case sensitivity not enforced, unable to create tag with different capitalization", expected_outcome=True)
        self.test_tag_deletion(lower_case, resource=resource, fail_message="Unable to delete a tag, when testing case sensitivity", expected_outcome=True)
        self.test_tag_deletion(upper_case, resource=resource, fail_message="Unable to delete a tag, when testing case sensitivity", expected_outcome=True)

    def test_tag_creation(self, tags, resource, fail_message, expected_outcome=True, timeout=600):
        actual_outcome = None
        exception = None
            resource.create_tags(tags, timeout=timeout)
            actual_outcome =  True
        except Exception, e:
            exception = e
            actual_outcome =  False