Exemplo n.º 1
class TestAim(RotateAndAim):
    def _get_starting_status(self):
        return BotStatus.AIMING

    def _get_starting_vector(self):
        return self.initial_turret

    def _get_pre_update_status(self):
        return BotStatus.AIMING

    def _get_actual_vector(self):
        return self.armour.turret

    def _continue(self, target_vector):
        angle = self.armour.turret.angle(target_vector)
        return angle != pytest.approx(0.0)

    def _act(self, angle):

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("angle, target_vector", (
        pytest.param(90, Vector2(0, -1), id="anti-clockwise"),
        pytest.param(-90, Vector2(0, 1), id="clockwise"),
    def test_aim(self, angle, target_vector):
        self._test("", angle, target_vector)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def resolve_collisions(self):
        """If hero touches, hero eats. Also reward gets updated."""
        hero_radius = self.hero.radius
        to_remove = []
        to_bounce = []
        self.just_got_hit = False
        for obj in self.objects:
            collision_distance = hero_radius + obj.radius
            if self.squared_distance(self.hero.position, obj.position) <= (collision_distance ** 2):
                if obj.obj_type == 'gems':
        for obj in to_remove:
            self.objects_eaten[obj.obj_type] += 1
            self.object_reward += self.settings["object_reward"][obj.obj_type]
        for obj in to_bounce:
            self.just_got_hit = True
            self.objects_eaten[obj.obj_type] += 1
            self.object_reward += self.settings["object_reward"][obj.obj_type] * obj.radius
            # Do elastic collisions to work out new velocities of object and hero
            # Mass is assumed to be radius^2 (discs as opposed to spheres)
            # Elastic collision, so both energy and momentum is conserved
            dx = self.hero.position[0] - obj.position[0]
            dy = self.hero.position[1] - obj.position[1]
            angle = math.atan2(dy, dx) + 0.5 * math.pi
            h_mass = hero_radius ** 2
            o_mass = obj.radius ** 2
            h_x_vel = self.hero.speed[0]
            h_y_vel = self.hero.speed[1]
            o_x_vel = obj.speed[0]
            o_y_vel = obj.speed[1]
            h_angle = np.arctan2(h_y_vel, h_x_vel)
            o_angle = np.arctan2(o_y_vel, o_x_vel)
            h_speed = ((h_x_vel ** 2) + (h_y_vel ** 2)) ** 0.5
            o_speed = ((o_x_vel ** 2) + (o_y_vel ** 2)) ** 0.5
            total_mass = h_mass + o_mass

            vector1_h = np.array([h_angle, h_speed * (h_mass - o_mass) / total_mass])
            vector2_h = np.array([angle, 2 * o_speed * o_mass / total_mass])
            (h_angle, h_speed) = tuple(vector1_h + vector2_h) # Add the two vectors above

            vector1_o = np.array([o_angle, o_speed * (o_mass - h_mass) / total_mass])
            vector2_o = np.array([angle + math.pi, 2 * h_speed * h_mass / total_mass])
            (o_angle, o_speed) = tuple(vector1_o + vector2_o) # Add the two vectors above

            h_xv = h_speed * np.cos(h_angle)
            h_yv = h_speed * np.sin(h_angle)
            o_xv = o_speed * np.cos(o_angle)
            o_yv = o_speed * np.sin(o_angle)

            self.hero.speed = Vector2(float(h_xv), float(h_yv))
            obj.speed = Vector2(float(o_xv), float(o_yv))

            collision_distance = hero_radius + obj.radius
            x_displ = -np.sin(angle)
            y_displ = np.cos(angle)
            while self.squared_distance(self.hero.position, obj.position) <= (collision_distance ** 2):
                obj.translate(float(x_displ), float(y_displ))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, position, max_speed=0, angle=None, radius=None):
        Create a new omni-wheel object, specifying the position and either a direction vector directly or the angle
        in degrees clockwise from the position Y axis along with the radius of the wheel.

        :param euclid.Point2 position:
            The wheel's contact point with the surface, specified relative to the centre of the
            chassis. Units are millimetres.
        :param float max_speed:
            The maximum number of revolutions per second allowed for this wheel. When calculating the wheel speeds
            required for a given trajectory this value is used to scale back all motion if any wheel would have to
            move at an impossible speed. If not specified this defaults to None, indicating that no speed limit
            should be placed on this wheel.
        :param angle:
            The angle, specified in radians from the positive Y axis where positive values are clockwise from this
            axis when viewed from above, of the direction of travel of the wheel when driven with a positive speed.
            If this value is specified then radius must also be specified and dx,dy left as None.
        :param radius:
            The radius in millimetres of the wheel, measuring from the centre to the contact point with the surface,
            this may be hard to determine for some wheels based on their geometry, particularly for wheels with
            cylindrical rollers, as the radius will vary. For these cases it may be worth directly measuring the
            circumference of the entire assembly and calculating radius rather than measuring directly. This is used
            to determine the magnitude of the direction vector. If this is not None then the angle must also be
            specified, and dx,dy left as None.
        circumference = 2 * pi * radius
        self.vector = Vector2(
            sin(angle) * circumference,
            cos(angle) * circumference)
        super(OmniWheel, self).__init__(location=position,
                                            sin(angle) * circumference,
                                            cos(angle) * circumference),
Exemplo n.º 4
def test():
    chassis = HoloChassis(wheels=[
        HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=Point2(1, 0), angle=0, radius=60),
        HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=Point2(-1, 0), angle=0, radius=60)
    print chassis.get_wheel_speeds(
        Motion(translation=Vector2(0, 0), rotation=0.5))
    print chassis.get_wheel_speeds(Motion(translation=Vector2(0, 0),
                                   origin=Point2(1, 0))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self._tans = (smalltri(), smalltri(), square(), parallelogram(),
                      bigtri(), bigtri())

        for i in range(4):
            self._tans[i]._translate(Vector2(1 + 2 * i, 0))

        for i in range(4, 7):
            self._tans[i]._translate(Vector2(1 + 3 * i, 2))

        self._selected = None
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    colors = [BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE]
    speed = 100  # pixels per second
    number_of_circles = 10
    gravity = Vector2(0, 50)  # pixels per second per second

    # Initialize the display window
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

    # Create a list of circles with random positions, radii, and velocities
    circles = []
    for i in range(number_of_circles):
        radius = random.randint(10, 20)
        x = random.randint(radius, SCREEN_WIDTH - radius)
        y = random.randint(radius, SCREEN_HEIGHT - radius)
        position = Vector2(x, y)
        velocity = get_random_velocity(speed)
        color = random.choice(colors)
        circles.append(Circle(position, velocity, gravity, radius, color))

    ### GAME LOOP ###

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    running = True

    while running:

        # break out of game loop if the window is closed
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:
                running = False

        # get the time elapsed
        dt_ms = clock.tick(FPS_LIMIT)  # milliseconds
        dt = dt_ms / 1000  # convert to seconds

        # make the background white

        # move the circles and draw them
        for i, circle in enumerate(circles):
            # detect collisions and handle them
            for other_circle in circles[i + 1:]:
                if circle.surface_distance(other_circle, dt) <= 0:

        for circle in circles:

        # refresh the display window

Exemplo n.º 7
    def update_observation_lines(self):
        observable_distance = self.settings["observable_distance"]

        relevant_objects = [
            obj for obj in self.objects
            if obj.position.distance(self.hero.position) < observable_distance
            and obj is not self.hero
        # objects sorted from closest to furthest
            key=lambda x: x.position.distance(self.hero.position))

        for observation_line in self.observation_lines:
            # shift to hero position
            l = LineSegment2(
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p1),
                self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p2))
            start_l, end_l = l.p1, l.p2

            observed_object = None
            # if end of observation line is outside of walls, we see the wall.
            if end_l.x < 0.0 or end_l.x > 1.0 or end_l.y < 0.0 or end_l.y > 1.0:
                observed_object = "wall"
            for obj in relevant_objects:
                if l.distance(obj.position) < obj.radius:
                    observed_object = obj

            intersection = end_l
            if observed_object == "wall":  # wall seen
                # best candidate is intersection between
                # l and a wall, that's
                # closest to the hero
                for wall in self.walls:
                    candidate = l.intersect(wall)
                    if candidate is not None:
                        if (intersection is None
                                or intersection.distance(self.hero.position) >
                            intersection = candidate
            elif observed_object is not None:  # agent seen
                intersection_segment = obj.as_circle().intersect(l)
                if intersection_segment is not None:
                    if (intersection_segment.p1.distance(self.hero.position) <
                        intersection = intersection_segment.pl
                        intersection = intersection_segment.p2

            self.line_end_where[observation_line] = intersection
            self.line_end_who[observation_line] = observed_object
Exemplo n.º 8
def wall_collision_soon(a, dt):
    cur = a.position
    nex = a.position + a.speed * dt
    r = a.radius
    if cur.x < r or nex.x < r:
        return Vector2(-1, 0)
    if cur.x > 1 - r or nex.x > 1 - r:
        return Vector2(1, 0)
    if cur.y < r or nex.y < r:
        return Vector2(0, -1)
    if cur.y > 1 - r or nex.y > 1 - r:
        return Vector2(0, 1)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, settings):
        """Initiallize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.size = self.settings["world_size"]

        # make 4 walls
        self.walls = [
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 0), Point2(0, self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0), Point2(0, 0))

        # make hero object
        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]),
                               "hero", self.settings)
        if not self.settings["hero_bounces_off_walls"]:
            self.hero.bounciness = 0.0  # now hero has no bounciness

        self.objects = []
        # spawn 25 friends, 25 enemy
        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():  # 2 times run
            for _ in range(number):

        # generate 32 number of antennas
        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = 0
        self.collected_rewards = []

        # every observation_line sees one of objects or wall and
        # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(
        ) + 3  # 2+3 --> maybe [friend, enemy, wall, speed X, Y]

        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(
        ) + 2  # (5 * 32) + 2 ==> 2 is hero's own speed

        self.directions = [
            Vector2(*d) for d in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]]
        ]  # there are 4 directions. up down left right
        self.num_actions = len(self.directions)  # so num_actions is 4

        self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def drive_at(self, x, y, speed, turn_speed=pi, min_distance=10, on_approach=None):
        Set and return a motion to get to a target specified relative to the robot's coordinate system. Note 
        that the 'front' is added when the motion is applied to the robot, so this implicitly is relative to that,
        with positive y axis in the direction of the robot's front.

        :param x: 
            X coordinate of the target in mm    
        :param y: 
            Y coordinate of the target in mm
        :param speed:
            Desired linear speed
        :param turn_speed:
            If a motion can't be calculated then turn on the spot instead, at turn_speed radians per second
        :param min_distance:
            If defined, and the target is closer, then stop
        :param on_approach:
            If defined, and min_distance is defined and satisfied, call this function when we hit min_distance
            The :class:`approxeng.holochassis.chassis.Motion` that was applied.
        # Explicitly cast to floats in case we're not...
        x = float(x)
        y = float(y)
        speed = float(speed)
        turn_speed = float(turn_speed)
        min_distance = float(min_distance)

        if min_distance is not None and sqrt(x * x + y * y) < min_distance:
            motion = Motion(translation=Vector2(0, 0), rotation=0)
            if on_approach is not None:
            if x == 0:
                # Straight ahead, avoid future division by zero!
                motion = Motion(translation=Vector2(0, speed), rotation=0)
            elif abs(y) < abs(x) or y <= 0:
                # Turn first without moving
                if x > 0:
                    motion = Motion(translation=Vector2(0, 0), rotation=turn_speed)
                    motion = Motion(translation=Vector2(0, 0), rotation=-turn_speed)
                radius = y * y / x
                # Angle is clockwise rotation
                angle = asin(x / y)
                arc_length = angle * radius
                print(x, y, angle, arc_length)
                motion = Motion(translation=Vector2(0, speed), rotation=angle * speed / arc_length)
        return motion
Exemplo n.º 11
def align_to_robot(robot, corners, sodas, milks):
    robfront, robback = robot

    # calculate angle to rotate by
    robvec = Vector2(*robfront) - Vector2(*robback)
    theta = np.arctan2(robvec.y, robvec.x) - math.radians(90)
    theta = -theta

    # find upper-right and lower-left corners
    ca = corners[0]
    cb = corners[1]
    ur = max(ca[0], cb[0]), max(ca[1], cb[1])
    ll = min(ca[0], cb[0]), min(ca[1], cb[1])
    corners = [ur, ll]

    # rotate everything

    for i, soda in enumerate(sodas):
        v = Vector2(*soda) - Vector2(*robback)
        vrot = Vector3(v.x, v.y, 0).rotate_around(Vector3(0, 0, 1), theta)
        sodas[i] = vrot.x, vrot.y

    for i, milk in enumerate(milks):
        v = Vector2(*milk) - Vector2(*robback)
        vrot = Vector3(v.x, v.y, 0).rotate_around(Vector3(0, 0, 1), theta)
        milks[i] = vrot.x, vrot.y

    for i, corner in enumerate(corners):
        v = Vector2(*corner) - Vector2(*robback)
        vrot = Vector3(v.x, v.y, 0).rotate_around(Vector3(0, 0, 1), theta)
        corners[i] = vrot.x, vrot.y

    return corners, sodas, milks
    def __init__(self, settings, gpsFile):
        """Initiallize game simulator with settings"""
        self.settings = settings
        self.GPS = gpsFile
        self.timeStep = 0
        self.previousOffset = 0
        self.deltaT = 0
        self.size = self.settings["world_size"]
        self.walls = [
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, 0), Point2(0, self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(0, self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]),
                         Point2(self.size[0], 0)),
            LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0), Point2(0, 0))

        self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]),
                               "hero", self.settings, 0)
        if not self.settings["hero_bounces_off_walls"]:
            self.hero.bounciness = 0.0

        self.objects = []
        count = 0
        for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items():
            count = count + 2
            for _ in range(number):
                self.spawn_object(obj_type, count)

        self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines()

        self.object_reward = 0
        self.collected_rewards = []

        # every observation_line sees one of objects or wall and
        # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable)
        self.eye_observation_size = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 3
        # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed and position.
        self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(
            self.observation_lines) + 2 + 2

        self.directions = [
            Vector2(*d) for d in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [0.0, 0.0]]
        self.num_actions = len(self.directions)

        self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def get_position(self):
     Get the current location of the mouse cursor.
     @return: Mouse cursor location
     @rtype: list
     return Vector2(*pygame.mouse.get_pos())
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _scan_catches_tank_off_center(self):
     base_vector = Vector2(1., 1.)
     angle = 10
     theta = math.pi / 180. * angle
     position_vector = base_vector.rotate(theta) * 100
     position = self.ray.p + position_vector
     return position, angle, theta, "_assert_found_tank"
Exemplo n.º 15
    def calculate_motion(self, speeds):
        Invert the motion to speed calculation to obtain the actual linear and angular velocity of the chassis given
        a vector of wheel speeds. 
        If there are exactly three speeds (and therefore the chassis has three wheels), an optimised version of the
        algorithm is used which solves explicitly, otherwise if numpy is available it's used to calculate a unique
        solution. The three-wheel explicit algorithm is approximately 5 times faster than numpy's linear solver
        See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.10.1/reference/generated/numpy.linalg.solve.html for more details on the
        linear solver

        If this function is called on a list of speeds of length other than 3 and numpy is not available an empty Motion
        will be returned

        :param speeds:
            An array of wheel speeds, expressed as floats with units of radians per second, positive being towards
            the wheel vector.
            A :class:`approxeng.chassis.Motion` object containing the calculated translation and rotation in the robot's
            coordinate space.
        if len(speeds) == 3:
            return self._calculate_motion_simple(speeds)
        elif NUMPY_AVAILABLE:
            return self._calculate_motion_numpy(speeds)
            return Motion(translation=Vector2(x=0, y=0), rotation=0)
Exemplo n.º 16
def resolve_wall_colision(obj, direction, cor=1.0):
    wall_obj = GameObject(obj.position + direction * obj.radius,
                          Vector2(0.0, 0.0),
    obj.speed = speed_after_collision(obj, wall_obj, cor=cor)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, settings, record=False, seed=None):
        self.record = record
        self.fps = settings["fps"]
        self.frames_between_actions = settings["frames_between_actions"]
        self.max_frames = settings["max_frames"]
        self.obj_radius = settings["obj_radius"]

        if seed is not None:
            raise NotImplemented()

        self.sim = HeroSimulator(settings)
        self.num_frames = 1

        self.actions = [Vector2(*a) for a in settings["action_acc"]]

        for obj_type, num_items in settings["num_objects"].items():
            for _ in range(num_items):
        self.rewards = settings["object_reward"]

        if self.record:
            self.recording = [self.sim.to_svg()]

        self.sim.collision_observer = lambda x, y: self.handle_collision(x, y)

        self.partial_reward = 0.0
        self.metrics = {'score': 0.}
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_regular_triangular_chassis(wheel_distance, wheel_radius,
    Build a HoloChassis object with three wheels, each identical in size and maximum speed. Each wheel is positioned
    at the corner of a regular triangle, and with direction perpendicular to the normal vector at that corner.

    :param wheel_distance:
        Distance in millimetres between the contact points of each pair of wheels (i.e. the length of each edge of the
        regular triangle)
    :param wheel_radius:
        Wheel radius in millimetres
    :param max_rotations_per_second:
        Maximum wheel speed in revolutions per second
        An appropriately configured HoloChassis
    point = Point2(0, cos(radians(30)) * wheel_distance / 2.0)
    vector = Vector2(-2 * pi * wheel_radius, 0)

    # Pink
    wheel_a = HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=point,
    # Yellow
    wheel_b = HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=rotate_point(point, pi * 2 / 3),
                                    vector=rotate_vector(vector, pi * 2 / 3),
    # Green
    wheel_c = HoloChassis.OmniWheel(position=rotate_point(point, pi * 4 / 3),
                                    vector=rotate_vector(vector, pi * 4 / 3),

    return HoloChassis(wheels=[wheel_a, wheel_b, wheel_c])
Exemplo n.º 19
def in_plane(vec3):
    """Convert from 3D vectors in space to 2D vectors on the plane.

    This should be easier for AI strategy calculations.

    return Vector2(vec3.x, vec3.z)
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():
	speed = 70 #pixels per second
	number_of_circles = 150
	gravity = Vector2(0, 20) #pixel per seconds per seconds
	#initialize the display the windows
	screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

	circles = []
	for i in range(number_of_circles):
		radius = rand()
		x = random.randint(radius, SCREEN_WIDTH - radius)
		y = random.randint(radius, SCREEN_HEIGHT - radius)
		position = Vector2(x,y)
		velocity = get_random_velocity(speed)
		color = random.choice(colors)
		circles.append( Circle(position, velocity, gravity, radius, color))
	### GAME LOOP###

	clock = pygame.time.Clock()
	running = True

	while running:

		#break out of game loop if the window is closed
		for event in pygame.event.get():
			if event.type == QUIT:
				running = False
		# get the time elpasef
		dt_ms = clock.tick(FPS_LIMIT) #miliseconds
		dt = dt_ms / 1000 # convert to seconds

		# make the background is white

		#move the circles and draw them
		for i, circle in enumerate(circles):
			for other_circle in circles[i+1:]:
				if circle.surface_distance(other_circle,dt) <= 0:

		for circle in circles:

Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, translation=None, x=None, y=None, rotation=0):

        :param euclid.Vector2 translation:
            Vector2 representing the translation component in robot coordinate space of the motion. Defaults to
        :param float rotation:
            Rotation in radians per second. Defaults to 0.
        if translation is not None:
            self.translation = translation
        elif x is not None and y is not None:
            self.translation = Vector2(x, y)
            self.translation = Vector2(0, 0)
        self.rotation = rotation
Exemplo n.º 22
 def spawn_object(self, obj_type):
     speed = Vector2(random.gauss(0., 0.2), random.gauss(0., 0.2))
     self.sim.add(GameObject(Point2(0., 0.),
Exemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, name='SimulationThread', update_delay=0.01):
     super(Simulation, self).__init__(name=name)
     self.daemon = True
     self.motion = Motion(Vector2(0, 0), 0)
     self.pose = Pose(Point2(0, 0), 0)
     self.last_update_time = time()
     self.update_delay = update_delay
     self.after_simulation_callback = None
     self.running = True
Exemplo n.º 24
	def _bounce(self):
		left_margin = self.radius
		right_margin = SCREEN_WIDTH - self.radius
		top_margin = self.radius
		bottom_margin = SCREEN_HEIGHT - self.radius

		if self.position.x <= left_margin:
			self.position.x = 2 * left_margin - self.position.x
			self.velocity = self.velocity.reflect(Vector2(1,0))
		elif self.position.x >= right_margin:
			self.position.x = 2 * right_margin - self.position.x
			self.velocity = self.velocity.reflect(Vector2(1,0))

		if self.position.y <= top_margin:
			self.position.y = 2 * top_margin - self.position.y
			self.velocity = self.velocity.reflect(Vector2(0,1))
		elif self.position.y >= bottom_margin:
			self.position.y = 2 * bottom_margin - self.position.y
			self.velocity = self.velocity.reflect(Vector2(0,1))
Exemplo n.º 25
    def spawn_object(self, obj_type):
        """Spawn object of a given type and add it to the objects array"""
        radius = self.settings["object_radius"]
        position = np.random.uniform([radius, radius], np.array(self.size) - radius)
        position = Point2(float(position[0]), float(position[1]))
        max_speed = np.array(self.settings["maximum_speed"])
        speed    = np.random.uniform(-max_speed, max_speed).astype(float)
        speed = Vector2(float(speed[0]), float(speed[1]))

        self.objects.append(GameObject(position, speed, obj_type, self.settings))
Exemplo n.º 26
def relate_pages_to_machines():
    Unpack the values from the settings file, create instances of Rectangle
    for the extents of both PAGES and MACHINES.


    for k in settings.PAGES:
        v = settings.PAGES[k]
        v['extent'] = Rectangle(Vector2(v['width'], v['height']),
                                Vector2(v['x'], v['y']))
        v['name'] = k

    # unpack the machine details
    for v in settings.MACHINES:
        v['spec']['extent'] = Rectangle(
            Vector2(v['spec']['width'], v['spec']['height']), Vector2(0, 0))

    return settings
Exemplo n.º 27
    def step(self, dt):
        """Simulate all the objects for a given amount of time.

        Also resolve collisions with the hero"""
        if self.settings["keep_hero_in_middle"]:
            for obj in self.objects:
                obj.step(dt, self.hero.speed)
            for obj in self.objects + [self.hero]:
                obj.step(dt, Vector2(0.0, 0.0))
 def update(self, dt):
     # handle input and move the car
     self.angle += (keyboard[key.LEFT] - keyboard[key.RIGHT]) * 150 * dt
     speed = self.properties.get('speed', 0)
     speed += (keyboard[key.UP] - keyboard[key.DOWN]) * 75
     if speed > 300: speed = 300
     if speed < -150: speed = -150
     self.properties['speed'] = speed
     r = Matrix3.new_rotate(math.radians(self.get_angle()))
     v = dt * speed * (r * Vector2(0, 1))
     self.x += v.x
     self.y += v.y
Exemplo n.º 29
        def __init__(self,
            Create a new omni-wheel object, specifying the position and either a direction vector directly or the angle
            in degrees clockwise from the position Y axis along with the radius of the wheel.

            :param euclid.Point2 position:
                The wheel's contact point with the surface, specified relative to the centre of the
                chassis. Units are millimetres.
            :param float max_speed:
                The maximum number of revolutions per second allowed for this wheel. When calculating the wheel speeds
                required for a given trajectory this value is used to scale back all motion if any wheel would have to
                move at an impossible speed. If not specified this defaults to None, indicating that no speed limit
                should be placed on this wheel.
            :param angle:
                The angle, specified in radians from the positive Y axis where positive values are clockwise from this
                axis when viewed from above, of the direction of travel of the wheel when driven with a positive speed.
                If this value is specified then radius must also be specified and dx,dy left as None.
            :param radius:
                The radius in millimetres of the wheel, measuring from the centre to the contact point with the surface,
                this may be hard to determine for some wheels based on their geometry, particularly for wheels with
                cylindrical rollers, as the radius will vary. For these cases it may be worth directly measuring the
                circumference of the entire assembly and calculating radius rather than measuring directly. This is used
                to determine the magnitude of the direction vector. If this is not None then the angle must also be
                specified, and dx,dy left as None.
            :param euclid.Vector2 vector:
                2 dimensional vector defining the translation of the wheel's contact point after a full
                revolution of the wheel.
            self.position = position
            self.max_speed = max_speed
            if angle is None and radius is None and vector is not None:
                #  Specify wheel based on direct vector """
                self.vector = vector
            elif angle is not None and radius is not None and vector is None:
                # Specify based on angle from positive Y axis and radius """
                circumference = 2 * pi * radius
                self.vector = Vector2(
                    sin(angle) * circumference,
                    cos(angle) * circumference)
                raise ValueError(
                    'Must specify exactly one of angle and radius or translation vector'
            self.vector_magnitude_squared = self.vector.magnitude_squared()
            self.co_x = self.vector.x / self.vector_magnitude_squared
            self.co_y = self.vector.y / self.vector_magnitude_squared
            self.co_theta = (self.vector.x * self.position.y - self.vector.y *
                             self.position.x) / self.vector_magnitude_squared
Exemplo n.º 30
class Rectangle():
    size = Vector2()
    position = Vector2()

    def __init__(self, size=Vector2(100, 100),
                 position=Vector2(0, 0)):
        self.size = size
        self.position = position

    def contains(self, p):
        return self.position.x < p.x < (self.size.x + self.position.x) \
                and self.position.y < p.y < (self.size.y + self.position.y)

    def __str__(self):
        return u"Rectangle size %s,%s and pos %s,%s" % (self.size.x, self.size.y, self.position.x, self.position.y)

    def height_to_width(self):
        if self.size.x != 0.0:
            return self.size.y / self.size.x
            return 1.0