Exemplo n.º 1
class DatastreamProfile(_FedoraBase):
    """:class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for datastream profile information
    returned by  :meth:`REST_API.getDatastream`."""
    # default namespace is fedora manage
    ROOT_NAME = 'datastreamProfile'
    label = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsLabel')
    "datastream label"
    version_id = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsVersionID')
    "current datastream version id"
    created = FedoraDateField('m:dsCreateDate')
    "date the datastream was created"
    state = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsState')
    "datastream state (A/I/D - Active, Inactive, Deleted)"
    mimetype = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsMIME')
    "datastream mimetype"
    format = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsFormatURI')
    "format URI for the datastream, if any"
    control_group = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsControlGroup')
    "datastream control group (inline XML, Managed, etc)"
    size = xmlmap.IntegerField(
        'm:dsSize')  # not reliable for managed datastreams as of Fedora 3.3
    "integer; size of the datastream content"
    versionable = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('m:dsVersionable', 'true', 'false')
    "boolean; indicates whether or not the datastream is currently being versioned"
    # infoType ?
    # location ?
    checksum = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsChecksum')
    "checksum for current datastream contents"
    checksum_type = xmlmap.StringField('m:dsChecksumType')
    "type of checksum"
    checksum_valid = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('m:dsChecksumValid', 'true',
    '''Boolean flag indicating if the current checksum is valid.  Only
Exemplo n.º 2
class _BaseMessage(_BaseCerp):
    '''Common message elements'''
    local_id = xmlmap.IntegerField('xm:LocalId')
    message_id = xmlmap.StringField('xm:MessageId')
    message_id_supplied = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('xm:MessageId/@Supplied',
            true='1', false=None)
    mime_version = xmlmap.StringField('xm:MimeVersion')
    orig_date_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:OrigDate') # FIXME: really datetime
    # NOTE: eulxml.xmlmap.DateTimeField supports specifying format,
    # but we might need additional work since %z only works with
    # strftime, not strptime
    from_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:From')
    sender_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Sender')
    to_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:To')
    cc_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Cc')
    bcc_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Bcc')
    in_reply_to_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:InReplyTo')
    references_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:References')
    subject_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Subject')
    comments_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Comments')
    keywords_list = xmlmap.StringListField('xm:Keywords')
    headers = xmlmap.NodeListField('xm:Header', Header)

    single_body = xmlmap.NodeField('xm:SingleBody', SingleBody)
    multi_body = xmlmap.NodeField('xm:MultiBody', MultiBody)
    def body(self):
        return self.single_body or self.multi_body

    incomplete_list = xmlmap.NodeField('xm:Incomplete', Incomplete)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
                self.message_id or self.local_id or '(no id)')
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestObject(xmlmap.XmlObject):
    ROOT_NAME = 'foo'
    id = xmlmap.StringField('@id', verbose_name='My Id', help_text='enter an id')
    int = xmlmap.IntegerField('bar[2]/baz')
    bool = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('boolean', 'yes', 'no')
    longtext = xmlmap.StringField('longtext', normalize=True, required=False)
    date = xmlmap.DateField('date')
    child = xmlmap.NodeField('bar[1]', TestSubobject, verbose_name='Child bar1')
    children = xmlmap.NodeListField('bar', TestSubobject)
    other_child = xmlmap.NodeField('plugh', OtherTestSubobject)
    my_opt = xmlmap.StringField('opt', choices=['a', 'b', 'c'])
    text = xmlmap.StringListField('text')
    numbers = xmlmap.IntegerListField('number')
Exemplo n.º 4
class Date(Common):
    ''':class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for MODS date element (common fields
    for the dates under mods:originInfo).'''
    # this class not meant for direct use; should be extended for specific dates.

    date = xmlmap.StringField('text()')
    key_date = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('@keyDate', 'yes', false=None)
    encoding = xmlmap.SchemaField('@encoding',
    point = xmlmap.SchemaField('@point', 'datePointAttributeDefinition')
    qualifier = xmlmap.SchemaField('@qualifier',

    def is_empty(self):
        '''Returns False if no date value is set; returns True if any date value
        is set.  Attributes are ignored for determining whether or not the
        date should be considered empty, as they are only meaningful in
        reference to a date value.'''
        return not self.node.text

    def __str__(self):
        return self.date
Exemplo n.º 5
class ExtBodyContent(_BaseExternal, _BaseContent):
    ROOT_NAME = 'ExtBodyContent'
    local_id = xmlmap.IntegerField('xm:LocalId')
    xml_wrapped = xmlmap.SimpleBooleanField('xm:XMLWrapped',
            true='1', false='0')