Exemplo n.º 1
    def createTaggedRelease(self, tag, product, version=None, flavor=None,

        create and release a named collection of products based on the
        known dependencies of a given product.
        @param serverRoot   the root directory of a local server distribution
        @param tag          the name to give to this tagged release.
        @param product      the name of the product to create
        @param version      the version of the product to create.  (Default:
                               the version marked current in the EUPS db)
        @param flavor       the flavor to associate with this release (Default:
        @param distrib      a Distrib instance to use to determine which
                              products to include.  If not provided, a default
                              will be used.
        if distrib is not None and not isinstance(distrib, Distrib):
            raise TypeError("distrib parameter not a Distrib instance")
        validTags = self.getSupportedTags()
        if tag in validTags:
            if not self.eups.force:
                raise EupsException("Can't over-write existing tagged release "+
                                    "without --force")
            elif self.verbose > 0:
                print("Over-writing existing tagged release for", tag, file=self.log)
        elif self.verbose > 0:
            print("Creating new tagged release for", tag, file=self.log)

        if not flavor:  flavor = "generic"

        if not version:
            version = self.eups.findPreferredProduct(product)
            if version:
                version = version.version
        if not version:
            msg = "No local version of %s found" % product
            raise ProductNotFound(product, msg)

        if distribTypeName:
            distrib = \
            distrib = DefaultDistrib(self.eups, self.distServer, self.flavor,

        release = distrib.createTaggedRelease(serverRoot, tag, product, version,
        distrib.writeTaggedRelease(self.pkgroot, tag, products, flavor,
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, files=None, flavors=None, maxsave=None, msg=None):
     @param files    the files that were found to be out of sync.  If None
                         the files are unknown.
     @param flavors  the flavors handled by the files.  If None, the flavors
                         are unknown
     @param maxsave  if this was raised during an attempt to persist
                        stack data, this will be set to True or False
                        indicating whether persisting to files that were
                        okay was completed.  If None, this is either not
                        known or not relevent.
     message = msg
     if message is None:
         message = "In-memory stack data appears out of sync with " + "cache files"
         if files is not None:
             message += ": " + str(files)
         elif flavors is not None:
             message += " (flavors=%s)" % str(files)
     EupsException.__init__(self, message)
     self.files = files
     self.flavors = flavors
     self.maxsave = maxsave
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, files=None, flavors=None, maxsave=None, msg=None):
     @param files    the files that were found to be out of sync.  If None
                         the files are unknown.
     @param flavors  the flavors handled by the files.  If None, the flavors
                         are unknown
     @param maxsave  if this was raised during an attempt to persist
                        stack data, this will be set to True or False
                        indicating whether persisting to files that were
                        okay was completed.  If None, this is either not
                        known or not relevent.
     message = msg
     if message is None:
         message = "In-memory stack data appears out of sync with " + \
                   "cache files"
         if files is not None:
             message += ": " + str(files)
         elif flavors is not None:
             message += " (flavors=%s)" % str(files)
     EupsException.__init__(self, message)
     self.files = files
     self.flavors = flavors
     self.maxsave = maxsave
Exemplo n.º 4
class Distrib(object):
    """A class to encapsulate product distribution

    This class is an abstract base class with some default implementation.
    Subclasses will provide an implementation for specific ways to install
    packages or create distributable packages that can be installed by others.  
    A DistribServer instance, passed in via the constructor, controls how a 
    user pulls packages and related information from a distribution server.  
    A Distrib class understands how to unpack and/or build a package and 
    install into the user's software stack; this may include assumptions of 
    conventions of where to put things (though usually that information is 
    brought down from the server).  A Distrib class also understands how to 
    create a server that provides these packages to users: it understands not
    only how to create the necessary files but also how to organize them on 
    the server.  

    An instance of implemented Distrib class is usually accomplished via a 
    DistribFactory, using either createDistrib() (when installing a package) 
    or createDistribByName() (when creating a package).  During package 
    installation, the Distrib class pulls down distribution files from a 
    (usually remote) server using a DistribServer instance (provided when 
    creating the DistribFactory instance).  With package creation, the 
    Distrib class creates the distribution files based on a locally installed 
    version and deploys them into a *local* server directory tree.  Thus a 
    Distrib class can (in principle) be used to replicate an entire server 
    locally.  By using different Distrib class on installation and creation, 
    one can convert a server from one convention to another.  Similarly, one
    can create a distribution of server with a mix of distribution types to,
    for example, provide both generic, build-from-source packages and 
    flavor-spcific, binary alternatives.

    Sub-class implementations must override the value of the static string 
    variable, NAME, which is used as its default name (for look-ups via 
    DistribFactory.createDistribByName()).  They should also provide 
    implementations (at a minimum) for the following unimplemented functions:

    The DefaultDistrib subclass provides default implementations for the 
    last four functions.

    The behavior of a Distrib class is fine-tuned via options (a dictionary
    of named values) that are passed in at construction time.  This base
    implementation supports a core set; sub-classes usually support them as 
    well but are not required to.  A sub-class may support additional options
    as well.  The core set supported here are:
       noeups           do not use the local EUPS database for information  
                          while creating packages.       
       obeyGroups       If true, then any newly written directory or files 
                          will be set to groupWritable.
       groupowner       when obeyGroups is true, change the group owner of 
                          to this value
       buildDir         a directory that may be used to build a package 
                          during install.  If this is a relative path, it 
                          the full path (by default) will be relative to 
                          the product root for the installation.  (See
       useFlavor        Create a flavor-specific installation (i.e. not "generic")

    NAME = None                         # sub-classes should provide a string value
    PRUNE = False                       # True if manifests are complete, and there's no need for recursion
                                        # to find all the needed products

    def __init__(self, Eups, distServ, flavor=None, tag="current", options=None,
                 verbosity=0, log=sys.stderr):
        """create a Distrib instance.  
        A DistribServer instance (provided as distServ) is usually created
        by calling 'eups.server.ServerConf.makeServer(packageBase)' where 
        packageBase the base URL for the server.

        @param Eups       the Eups controller instance to use
        @param distServ   the DistribServer object associated with the server
        @param flavor     the default platform type to assume when necessary.
                             If None, it will be set to Eups.flavor
        @param tag        the logical name of the release of packages to assume
                            (default: "current")
        @param options    a dictionary of named options that are used to fine-
                            tune the behavior of this Distrib class.  See 
                            discussion above for a description of the options
                            supported by this implementation; sub-classes may
                            support different ones.
        self.distServer = distServ
        self.Eups = Eups
        self.flavor = flavor
        self.tag = tag
        self.verbose = verbosity
        self.log = log

        if not self.flavor:
            self.flavor = self.Eups.flavor

        if options is None:  options = {}
        self.options = options
        if not isinstance(self.options, dict):
            raise RuntimeError("Non-dictionary passed to options parameter: " +

        self.noeups = self.getOption("noeups", False)
        if self.noeups in (False, "False", "false"):
            self.noeups = False
        elif self.noeups in (True, "True", "true"):
            self.noeups = True
            raise RuntimeError("Unrecognised value of noeups: %s" % self.noeups)

        self.buildDir = self.getOption('buildDir', 'EupsBuildDir')

    # @staticmethod   # requires python 2.4
    def parseDistID(distID):
        """Return a valid package location if and only we recognize the 
        given distribution identifier

        This implementation always returns None
        return None

    parseDistID = staticmethod(parseDistID)  # should work as of python 2.2

    def checkInit(self, forserver=True):
        """Check that self is properly initialised; this matters for subclasses 
        with special needs"""
        return True

    def initServerTree(self, serverDir):
        """initialize the given directory to serve as a package distribution
        @param serverDir    the directory to initialize
        if not os.path.exists(serverDir):

    def createPackage(self, serverDir, product, version, flavor=None, overwrite=False):
        """Write a package distribution into server directory tree and 
        return the distribution ID.  If a package is made up of several files,
        all of them (except for the manifest) should be deployed by this 
        function.  This includes the table file if it is not incorporated
        another file.  
        @param serverDir      a local directory representing the root of the 
                                  package distribution tree
        @param product        the name of the product to create the package 
                                distribution for
        @param version        the name of the product version
        @param flavor         the flavor of the target platform; this may 
                                be ignored by the implentation.  None means
                                that a non-flavor-specific package is preferred, 
                                if supported.
        @param overwrite      if True, this package will overwrite any 
                                previously existing distribution files even if Eups.force is false

    def getDistIdForPackage(self, product, version, flavor=None):
        """return the distribution ID that for a package distribution created
        by this Distrib class (via createPackage())
        @param product        the name of the product to create the package 
                                distribution for
        @param version        the name of the product version
        @param flavor         the flavor of the target platform; this may 
                                be ignored by the implentation.  None means
                                that a non-flavor-specific ID is preferred, 
                                if supported.

    def packageCreated(self, serverDir, product, version, flavor=None):
        """return True if a distribution package for a given product has 
        apparently been deployed into the given server directory.  
        @param serverDir      a local directory representing the root of the 
                                  package distribution tree
        @param product        the name of the product to create the package 
                                distribution for
        @param version        the name of the product version
        @param flavor         the flavor of the target platform; this may 
                                be ignored by the implentation.  None means
                                that the status of a non-flavor-specific package
                                is of interest, if supported.

    def installPackage(self, location, product, version, productRoot, 
                       installDir=None, setups=None, buildDir=None):
        """Install a package with a given server location into a given
        product directory tree.
        @param location     the location of the package on the server.  This 
                               value is a distribution ID (distID) that has
                               been stripped of its build type prefix.
        @param product      the name of the product installed by the package.
                               An implementation may ignore this parameter,
                               allowing the package to completely control
                               what is being installed.  
        @param version      the name of the product version.  Like the product
                               parameter, an implementatoin may ignore this 
        @param productRoot  the product directory tree under which the 
                               product should be installed
        @param installDir   the preferred sub-directory under the productRoot
                               to install the directory.  This value, which 
                               should be a relative path name, may be
                               ignored or over-ridden by the implementation.
                               Implementations should be prepared that this 
                               might be set to None or "none".
        @param setups       a list of EUPS setup commands that should be run
                               to properly build this package.  This may be
                               ignored by the package.  
        @param buildDir     a directory to use as a temporary building space.
                               An implementation should attempt to create this
                               directory if it needs to.  Upon successful 
                               completion, it may clean up the contents of 
                               this directory, but it should not remove it.  
                               If None (default), use the value of the 
                               'buildDir' option.

    def cleanPackage(self, product, version, productRoot, location):
        """remove any distribution-specific remnants of a package installation.
        Some distrib mechanisms (namely, Pacman) maintain some of their own 
        state about installed package that may need to get cleaned up if the 
        installation fails.  Note, however, it is assumed okay to clean a 
        package once it has been declared to the EUPS system.  

        This implementation does nothing but return False.  Subclasses should 
        override method if additional state is maintained.  If an error 
        occurs, the appropriate exception should be raised.  

        @param product      the name of the product to clean up after
        @param version      the version of the product
        @param productRoot  the product directory tree under which the 
                               product is assumed to be installed
        @param location      the distribution location used to install the
                               package.  The implementation may ignore this.
        @returns bool    True, if any state was cleaned up or False if nothing
                             needed to be done.  Note that False is not an 
        return False

    def createTaggedRelease(self, top_product, top_version, flavor=None,
        """create a list of products to include in a tagged release based on 
        what is considered current (or more precisely, what is associated with
        the given tag name) in the local EUPS database and return it as a 
        TaggedProductList instance.  

        In this implementation, a list of dependencies for a top product is 
        generated; then each product dependency is recursively analyzed for 
        its dependencies.  
        @param  top_product    the product that determines via its dependencies
                                 which products are included.
        @param  top_version    the version of the top product.
        @param  flavor         the target platform for the release (default: 
        release = TaggedProductList(tag, flavor, self.verbose-1, sys.log)
        self._recurseProdDeps(release, top_product, top_version, flavor)

    def _recurseProdDeps(self, release, product, version, flavor):
        dependencies = self.createDependencies(product, version, flavor)
        for dep in dependencies:
            prevVer = release.getProductVersion()
            if prevVer is None or \
                    VersionParser("%s < %s" % (prevVer, dep.version)).eval():
                release.addProduct(dep.product, dep.version, flavor)

                self._recurseProdDeps(release, dep.product, dep.version, flavor)

    def getTaggedRelease(self, serverDir, tag, flavor=None):
        """get the collection of products that make up a tagged release and 
        return it as a TaggedProductList instance.  If such a release has not
        yet been created/written, return None.  This is used for creating a 
        server (i.e. it does not contact a remote host for this info).
        @param tag        the name of the tagged release of interest
        @param flavor         the target flavor for this release.  An 
                                  implementation may ignore this variable.  

    def writeTaggedRelease(self, serverDir, tag, products, flavor=None, 
        """write a given tagged release into a server distribution tree
        @param serverDir      a local directory representing the root of the 
                                  package distribution tree
        @param tag            the name to give to the release
        @param products       a TaggedProductList instance containing the list
                                  of products in the release
        @param flavor         the target flavor for this release.  An 
                                  implementation may ignore this variable.  
        @param force          if False, don't over-write file if it already

    def createDependencies(self, product, version, flavor=None, tag=None, 
        """create a list of product dependencies based on what is known from 
        the system.

        This implementation will look up the product in the EUPS database and 
        analyze its table file.  

        A typical full implementation of this function in a sub-class would 
        call _createDeps() to get the initial list of dependencies, but then 
        iterate through the products, adding the name of the table file and
        the distId.

        @param product        the name of the product to create the package 
                                distribution for
        @param version        the name of the product version
        @param flavor         the flavor of the target platform; this may 
                                be ignored by the implentation
        @param tag            where a dependency is loose, prefer the version
                                that is part of this tagged release.  This 
                                may be ignored by the implementation
        @param recursive      if False, this list will only contain the direct
                                dependencies of this product; otherwise, it 
                                will include the dependencies of the dependencies
                                recursively.  Default: False

    def updateDependencies(self, productList, flavor=None, mapping=server.Mapping()):
        """fill in information in the list of product dependencies based
        on what is known from the system

        A typical full implementation of this function in a sub-class would
        iterate through the products, adding the name of the table file and
        the distId.

        @param productList     list of products (output from createDependencies)
        @param flavor          the flavor of the target platform; this may 
                                 be ignored by the implentation
        @param mapping        Mapping from desired product,version to existent product,version

    def _createDeps(self, productName, versionName, flavor=None, tag=None, 
                    recursive=False, exact=False, mapping=server.Mapping()):
        """return a list of product dependencies for a given project.  This 
        function returns a proto-dependency list providing only as much 
        generic information as is possible without knowing the details of 
        how the data is organized on the server.  Thus, the dependency list
        will not include 
        if flavor is None:  flavor = self.flavor
        if tag is None:  tag = self.tag
        productList = Manifest(productName, versionName, self.Eups, self.verbose-1,

        # add a record for the top product
        productList.addDependency(productName, versionName, flavor, None, None, None, False)

        dependencies = None
        tablefile = None
        if self.noeups:
            if recursive and self.verbose > 0:
                print >> self.log, "Warning dependencies are not guaranteed", \
                    "to be recursive when using noeups option"

            def getTableFile(product, version, flavor):
                tablefile = self.findTableFile(product, version, flavor)
                # use the server as source of package information
                if not tablefile and self.distServer:
                        tablefile = self.distServer.getTableFile(product, version, self.flavor)
                    except RemoteFileNotFound, e:
                return tablefile

            tablefile = getTableFile(productName, versionName, self.flavor)
            if not tablefile:
                buildProduct, buildVersion = mapping.apply(productName, versionName, self.flavor)
                if buildProduct == productName and buildVersion != versionName:
                    tablefile = getTableFile(productName, buildVersion, self.flavor)

            if not tablefile and self.verbose > 0:
                print >> self.log, "Failed to find %s's table file; trying eups" % productName

        if tablefile:
            dependencies = self.Eups.dependencies_from_table(tablefile)
            # consult the EUPS database
            def getDependencies(productName, version):
                    product = self.Eups.getProduct(productName, version)
                    dependencies = self.Eups.getDependentProducts(product, productDictionary={},
                    return None
                return dependencies

            dependencies = getDependencies(productName, versionName)
            if dependencies is None:
                buildProduct, buildVersion = mapping.apply(productName, versionName, self.flavor)
                if buildProduct == productName and buildVersion != versionName:
                    dependencies = getDependencies(productName, buildVersion)
            if dependencies is None:
                if self.noeups:
                    if self.verbose > 0:
                        print >> self.log, ("Unable to find dependencies for %s %s, assuming empty" %
                                            (productName, versionName))
                    dependencies = []
                    raise EupsException("Unable to determine dependencies for %s %s" %
                                       (productName, versionName))
        # Still no luck? If noeups we'll proceed without a tablefile
        if self.noeups and dependencies is None:
            if self.verbose > 0:
                print >> self.log, "Unable to find a table file for %s; assuming no dependencies" % productName

            dependencies = self.Eups.dependencies_from_table("none")
        # We have our dependencies; proceed
        # The first thing to do is to ensure that more deeply nested products are listed first as we need to
        # build them first when installing
        def byDepth(a, b):
            """Sort by recursion depth"""
            return cmp(b[2], a[2])

        for (dprod, dopt, recursionDepth) in dependencies:
            dproductName = dprod.name
            dversionName = dprod.version

            product, vroReason = self.Eups.findProductFromVRO(dproductName, dversionName)

            if product:
                versionName = product.version
                if dopt:
                raise eups.ProductNotFound(dproductName, dversionName)

            productList.addDependency(dproductName, versionName, flavor, None, None, None, dopt)

        # We need to install those products in the correct order
        productList.roll()              # we put the top-level product at the start of the list

        # now let's go back and fill in the product directory
        for dprod in productList.getProducts():
            if self.noeups and productName == dprod.product:
                basedir, dprod.instDir = None, "/dev/null"
                (basedir, instDir) = self.getProductInstDir(dprod.product, dprod.version, dprod.flavor)

        return productList
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _createDeps(self, productName, versionName, flavor=None, tag=None,
                    recursive=False, exact=False, mapping=server.Mapping()):
        """return a list of product dependencies for a given project.  This
        function returns a proto-dependency list providing only as much
        generic information as is possible without knowing the details of
        how the data is organized on the server.  Thus, the dependency list
        will not include
        if flavor is None:  flavor = self.flavor
        if tag is None:  tag = self.tag
        productList = server.Manifest(productName, versionName, self.Eups, self.verbose-1,

        # add a record for the top product
        productList.addDependency(productName, versionName, flavor, None, None, None, False)

        dependencies = None
        tablefile = None
        if self.noeups:
            if recursive and self.verbose > 0:
                print("Warning dependencies are not guaranteed", \
                    "to be recursive when using noeups option", file=self.log)

            def getTableFile(product, version, flavor):
                tablefile = self.findTableFile(product, version, flavor)
                # use the server as source of package information
                if not tablefile and self.distServer:
                        tablefile = self.distServer.getTableFile(product, version, self.flavor)
                    except server.RemoteFileNotFound:
                return tablefile

            tablefile = getTableFile(productName, versionName, self.flavor)
            if not tablefile:
                buildProduct, buildVersion = mapping.apply(productName, versionName, self.flavor)
                if buildProduct == productName and buildVersion != versionName:
                    tablefile = getTableFile(productName, buildVersion, self.flavor)

            if not tablefile and self.verbose > 0:
                print("Failed to find %s's table file; trying eups" % productName, file=self.log)

        if tablefile:
            dependencies = self.Eups.dependencies_from_table(tablefile)
            # consult the EUPS database
            def getDependencies(productName, version):
                    product = self.Eups.getProduct(productName, version)
                    dependencies = self.Eups.getDependentProducts(product, productDictionary={},
                    return None
                return dependencies

            dependencies = getDependencies(productName, versionName)
            if dependencies is None:
                buildProduct, buildVersion = mapping.apply(productName, versionName, self.flavor)
                if buildProduct == productName and buildVersion != versionName:
                    dependencies = getDependencies(productName, buildVersion)
            if dependencies is None:
                if self.noeups:
                    if self.verbose > 0:
                        print(("Unable to find dependencies for %s %s, assuming empty" %
                                            (productName, versionName)), file=self.log)
                    dependencies = []
                    raise EupsException("Unable to determine dependencies for %s %s" %
                                       (productName, versionName))

        # Still no luck? If noeups we'll proceed without a tablefile
        if self.noeups and dependencies is None:
            if self.verbose > 0:
                print("Unable to find a table file for %s; assuming no dependencies" % productName, file=self.log)

            dependencies = self.Eups.dependencies_from_table("none")
        # We have our dependencies; proceed
        # The first thing to do is to ensure that more deeply nested products are listed first as we need to
        # build them first when installing
        def byDepth(a):
            """Sort by recursion depth"""
            return -a[2]

        for (dprod, dopt, recursionDepth) in dependencies:
            dproductName = dprod.name
            dversionName = dprod.version

            product, vroReason = self.Eups.findProductFromVRO(dproductName, dversionName)

            if product:
                versionName = product.version
                if dopt:
                raise eups.ProductNotFound(dproductName, dversionName)

            productList.addDependency(dproductName, versionName, flavor, None, None, None, dopt)

        # We need to install those products in the correct order
        productList.roll()              # we put the top-level product at the start of the list

        # now let's go back and fill in the product directory
        for dprod in productList.getProducts():
            if self.noeups and productName == dprod.product:
                basedir, dprod.instDir = None, "/dev/null"
                basedir, dprod.instDir = self.getProductInstDir(dprod.product, dprod.version, dprod.flavor)

        return productList