Exemplo n.º 1
    def prtfCalc(self):
        calc = {}
        calc["FairValue"], calc["Delta"], calc["Gamma"], calc["Vega"], calc[
            "Rho"], calc["Theta"] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        calc["Vanna"], calc["Volga"], calc["Veta"], calc[
            "Charm"] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        for tr in self.tradeRecord:
            if tr:
                opt = EuropeanOption(tr["CallOrPut"] == "Call", tr["Strike"],
                                     tr["DayToExpiry"], tr["DvdYield"] / 100.0)
                opt.setLevel(self.spot, tr["ImplVol"] / 100.0,
                             tr["RiskFree"] / 100.0)
                calc["FairValue"] += opt.fairValue() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Delta"] += opt.delta() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Gamma"] += opt.gamma() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Vega"] += opt.vega() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Rho"] += opt.rho() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Theta"] += opt.theta(
                ) * tr["Notional"] / self.DaysPerYear
                calc["Vanna"] += opt.vanna() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Volga"] += opt.volga() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Veta"] += opt.veta() * tr["Notional"]
                calc["Charm"] += opt.charm() * tr["Notional"]

        return calc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def payoffProfile(self, sArr, spotMVAsZero=True, dayFromNow=0):
        if spotMVAsZero:
            mvNow = 0.0
            for tr in self.tradeRecord:
                if tr:
                    opt = EuropeanOption(tr["CallOrPut"] == "Call",
                                         tr["Strike"], tr["DayToExpiry"],
                                         tr["DvdYield"] / 100.0)
                    opt.setLevel(self.spot, tr["ImplVol"] / 100.0,
                                 tr["RiskFree"] / 100.0)
                    mvNow += opt.fairValue() * tr["Notional"]
        payoff = [0.0] * len(sArr)

        for tr in self.tradeRecord:
            if tr:
                opt = EuropeanOption(tr["CallOrPut"] == "Call", tr["Strike"],
                                     max(0.0, tr["DayToExpiry"] - dayFromNow),
                                     tr["DvdYield"] / 100.0)
                for i, s in enumerate(sArr):
                    opt.setLevel(s, tr["ImplVol"] / 100.0,
                                 tr["RiskFree"] / 100.0)
                    payoff[i] += opt.fairValue() * tr["Notional"]

        for i in range(len(sArr)):
            payoff[i] -= mvNow
        return payoff
Exemplo n.º 3
 def perTradeCalc(self):
     tradeCalc = [{} for i in range(self.NTradeInput)]
     for i, tr in enumerate(self.tradeRecord):
         if tr:
             opt = EuropeanOption(tr["CallOrPut"] == "Call", tr["Strike"],
                                  tr["DayToExpiry"], tr["DvdYield"] / 100.0)
             opt.setLevel(self.spot, tr["ImplVol"] / 100.0,
                          tr["RiskFree"] / 100.0)
             tradeCalc[i]["FairValue"] = opt.fairValue()
             tradeCalc[i]["Delta"] = opt.delta()
             tradeCalc[i]["Gamma"] = opt.gamma()
             tradeCalc[i]["Vega"] = opt.vega()
             tradeCalc[i]["Rho"] = opt.rho()
             tradeCalc[i]["Theta"] = opt.theta() / self.DaysPerYear
     return tradeCalc
Exemplo n.º 4
 def perScenCalc(self, scen):
     calc = {}
     calc["FairValue"], calc["Delta"], calc["Gamma"], calc["Vega"], calc[
         "Rho"], calc["Theta"] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
     for tr in self.tradeRecord:
         if tr:
             vol = scen[f"k={tr['Strike']:.2f}"] / 100.0
             opt = EuropeanOption(
                 tr["CallOrPut"] == "Call", tr["Strike"],
                 tr["DayToExpiry"] - abs(scen["DayToExpiry"]),
                 tr["DvdYield"] / 100.0)
             opt.setLevel(self.spot + scen["Spot"], vol,
                          (tr["RiskFree"] + scen["RiskFree"]) / 100.0)
             calc["FairValue"] += opt.fairValue() * tr["Notional"]
             calc["Delta"] += opt.delta() * tr["Notional"]
             calc["Gamma"] += opt.gamma() * tr["Notional"]
             calc["Vega"] += opt.vega() * tr["Notional"]
             calc["Rho"] += opt.rho() * tr["Notional"]
             calc["Theta"] += opt.theta(
             ) * tr["Notional"] / self.DaysPerYear
     return calc
Exemplo n.º 5
    def greekProfile(self, sArr, greekName):
        greekArr = [0.0] * len(sArr)
        for tr in self.tradeRecord:
            if tr:
                opt = EuropeanOption(tr["CallOrPut"] == "Call", tr["Strike"],
                                     tr["DayToExpiry"], tr["DvdYield"] / 100.0)
                for i, s in enumerate(sArr):
                    opt.setLevel(s, tr["ImplVol"] / 100.0,
                                 tr["RiskFree"] / 100.0)
                    if greekName.lower() == "delta":
                        greekArr[i] += opt.delta() * tr["Notional"]
                    elif greekName.lower() == "gamma":
                        greekArr[i] += opt.gamma() * tr["Notional"]
                    elif greekName.lower() == "vega":
                        greekArr[i] += opt.vega() * tr["Notional"]
                    elif greekName.lower() == "rho":
                        greekArr[i] += opt.rho() * tr["Notional"]
                    elif greekName.lower() == "theta":
                        greekArr[i] += opt.theta(
                        ) * tr["Notional"] / self.DaysPerYear

        return greekArr
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_f_vanna(self):
     #vanna = d2V/ dS dv = dDelta/dv
     dvol = 0.001
     opt1 = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
     opt1.setLevel(200.0, 0.300, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
     d1 = opt1.delta()
     opt2 = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
     opt2.setLevel(200.0, 0.300+dvol, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
     d2 = opt2.delta()        
     approx = (d2-d1)/dvol
     optMid = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
     optMid.setLevel(200.0, 0.300+dvol*0.5, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
     assert self._isFloatNear( approx/ optMid.vanna(), 1.0, 1e-3)      
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_f_charm(self):
        #Delta Decay/ Charm: - d2X/dt dS = -dDelta/dt = -dTheta/dS
        dt = 0.1
        opt1 = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        opt1.setLevel(200.0, 0.300, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
        #note for the option class, theta convention = -dV/dt        
        d1 = opt1.delta()
        opt2 = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0+dt, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        opt2.setLevel(200.0, 0.300, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
        d2 = opt2.delta()        
        approx = -(d2-d1)/(dt/365.0)
        optMid = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0+dt*0.5, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        optMid.setLevel(200.0, 0.300, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree

        assert self._isFloatNear( approx/ optMid.charm(), 1.0, 1e-3)   
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_f_veta(self):
        #veta = d2V/ dt dv = dTheta/dv
        dvol = 0.001
        opt1 = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        opt1.setLevel(200.0, 0.300, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
        #note for the option class, theta convention = -dV/dt
        t1 = -opt1.theta()
        opt2 = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        opt2.setLevel(200.0, 0.300+dvol, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
        t2 = -opt2.theta()        
        approx = (t2-t1)/dvol
        optMid = EuropeanOption(False, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        optMid.setLevel(200.0, 0.300+dvol*0.5, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree

        assert self._isFloatNear( approx/ optMid.veta(), 1.0, 1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_e_volga(self):
        #Delta Decay/ Charm: - d2X/dt dv = -dDelta/dt = -dTheta/dS
        dvol = 0.001
        opt1 = EuropeanOption(True, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        opt1.setLevel(200.0, 0.300, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
        #note for the option class, theta convention = -dV/dt        
        v1 = opt1.vega()
        opt2 = EuropeanOption(True, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        opt2.setLevel(200.0, 0.300+dvol, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
        v2 = opt2.vega()        
        approx = (v2-v1)/dvol
        optMid = EuropeanOption(True, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
        optMid.setLevel(200.0, 0.300+dvol*0.5, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree

        assert self._isFloatNear( approx/ optMid.volga(), 1.0, 1e-3)          
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _init_option_a(self):
     opt = EuropeanOption(True, 204.0, 91.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
     opt.setLevel(200.0, 0.3, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
     return opt
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_expired_put_2(self):
     opt = EuropeanOption(False, 51.0, 0.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
     opt.setLevel(50.0, 0.3, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
     assert self._isFloatNear(opt.fairValue(), 1.0, 1e-16)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _init_option_d(self):
     opt = EuropeanOption(False, 49.0, 30.0, 0.02) #isCall, strike, dayToExpiry, dvdYield
     opt.setLevel(50.0, 0.3, 0.03) #spot, ivol, riskFree
     return opt