import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock

from ev3dev2 import auto as ev3, DeviceNotFound
from import UltrasonicSensor
from ev3dev2simulator.config.config import load_config


class TestDeviceConnector(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_give_existing_port(self):
        with patch(
        ) as Device_get_client_socketMock:
            with patch(
            ) as get_client_socketMock:
                mock_instance = MagicMock()
                Device_get_client_socketMock.return_value = mock_instance
                mock_instance.send_command.return_value = 'ev3-ports:in3'

                us = UltrasonicSensor(ev3.INPUT_1)
                self.assertEqual(us.address, 'ev3-ports:in3')

    def test_give_non_existing_port(self):
        with patch(
        ) as Device_get_client_socketMock:
            with patch(
 def setUp(self) -> None:
import os
import unittest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
from pathlib import Path
import ev3dev2simulator.config.config as conf
from ev3dev2simulator.visualisation.Visualiser import Visualiser


class TestVisualiser(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:

        path = Path(os.path.realpath(
            __file__)).parent.parent.parent.parent.parent / 'ev3dev2simulator'

    def test_constructor(self):
        if conf.production:

        world_state_mock = MagicMock()

        world_state_mock.board_height = 500
        world_state_mock.board_width = 500
        vis = Visualiser(lambda: None, world_state_mock, False, False, False)

    def test_update_current_screen(self):
        if conf.production:
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(orig_path):
    Spawns the user thread and creates and starts the simulation.
    args = vars(parse_args(sys.argv[1:]))

    if args['version']:
        print("version ev3dev2           : " + api_version.__version__)
        print("version ev3dev2simulator  : " + sim_version.__version__)

    use_second_screen_to_show_simulator = args['show_on_second_monitor']
    show_fullscreen = args['fullscreen']
    show_maximized = args['maximized']

    load_config(args['simulation_file'], orig_path)

    config = get_world_config()

    cosc343tiles = False
    for i in range(len(config['obstacles'])):
        if 'type' in config['obstacles'][i] and config['obstacles'][i][
                'type'] == 'tiles':
            del config['obstacles'][i]
            cosc343tiles = True

    if cosc343tiles:
        grout_size = 3
        small_tile_size = 33
        large_tile_size = 3 * small_tile_size

        n_large_tiles_horiz = 12
        n_large_tiles_ver = 9

        tot_width = n_large_tiles_ver * large_tile_size + (n_large_tiles_ver +
                                                           1) * grout_size
        tot_height = n_large_tiles_ver * (2 * grout_size + large_tile_size) + (
            n_large_tiles_ver - 1) * small_tile_size

        hscale = config['board_width'] / tot_width
        vscale = config['board_height'] / tot_height

        scale = min(hscale, vscale)
        if scale < 1:
            scale = 1

        grout_colour = (100, 100, 100)
        large_tile_colour = (240, 240, 240)
        black_tile_colour = (1, 1, 1)
        white_tile_colour = (254, 254, 254)

        grout_size = int(grout_size * scale)
        small_tile_size = int(small_tile_size * scale)

        large_tile_size = 3 * small_tile_size

        x = 1
        x = x * (large_tile_size + grout_size) + large_tile_size / 2
        start_tile_x = int(x)

        y = 7
        y = y * (large_tile_size + 2 * grout_size) + (
            y - 1) * small_tile_size + large_tile_size / 1.2
        start_tile_y = int(y)

        start_tile = {
            'name': 'stile1',
            'x': int(start_tile_x),
            'y': int(start_tile_y),
            'width': int(large_tile_size * 0.6),
            'height': int(large_tile_size * 0.8),
            'color': black_tile_colour,
            'type': 'tile'

        for i in range(len(config['obstacles'])):
            if 'tile' in config['obstacles'][i]:
                t = config['obstacles'][i]['tile']
                x = 8 + (t - 1) % 3
                y = 1 + int((12 - t) / 3)
                config['obstacles'][i]['x'] = int(
                    x * (large_tile_size + grout_size) + grout_size +
                    large_tile_size / 2)
                config['obstacles'][i]['y'] = int(
                    y * (large_tile_size + 2 * grout_size) +
                    (y) * small_tile_size + large_tile_size / 2)
            if 'radius' in config['obstacles'][i]:
                config['obstacles'][i]['radius'] *= scale

        # Vertical grouts
        grout_length = n_large_tiles_ver * (
            large_tile_size +
            2 * grout_size) + (n_large_tiles_ver) * small_tile_size
        for i in range(n_large_tiles_horiz + 1):
            x = i * (large_tile_size + grout_size)
            y = 0

            grout = {
                'name': 'gv%d' % i,
                'x': int(x + grout_size / 2),
                'y': int(y + grout_length / 2),
                'width': grout_size,
                'height': grout_length,
                'color': grout_colour,
                'type': 'tile'
            # x += grout_size/2
            # y += grout_length/2

        # Horizontal grouts
        grout_length = n_large_tiles_horiz * large_tile_size + (
            n_large_tiles_horiz + 1) * grout_size
        y = 0
        for i in range(2 * n_large_tiles_ver):
            x = 0
            # y = i*(large_tile_size+grout_size)
            # y = 0

            grout = {
                'name': 'gh%d' % i,
                'x': int(x + grout_length / 2),
                'y': int(y + grout_size / 2),
                'width': grout_length,
                'height': grout_size,
                'color': grout_colour,
                'type': 'tile'
            if i % 2 == 0:
                y += large_tile_size + grout_size
                y += small_tile_size + grout_size

            # x += grout_size/2
            # y += grout_length/2

        # Large tiles
        k = 0
        for i in range(n_large_tiles_horiz):
            for j in range(n_large_tiles_ver):
                x = i * large_tile_size + (i + 1) * grout_size
                y = grout_size + j * large_tile_size + 2 * j * grout_size + j * small_tile_size
                tile = {
                    'name': 'lt%d' % k,
                    'x': int(x + large_tile_size / 2),
                    'y': int(y + large_tile_size / 2),
                    'width': large_tile_size,
                    'height': large_tile_size,
                    'color': large_tile_colour,
                    'type': 'tile'

                k += 1

        # Small tiles
        k = 0
        for i in range(n_large_tiles_ver):
            y = (i + 1) * large_tile_size + (
                i + 1) * 2 * grout_size + i * small_tile_size
            for j in range(n_large_tiles_horiz * 3):
                x = j * small_tile_size + (int(j / 3) + 1) * grout_size
                if j % 2 == 0:
                    colour = black_tile_colour
                    colour = white_tile_colour

                tile = {
                    'name': 'st%d' % k,
                    'x': int(x + small_tile_size / 2),
                    'y': int(y + small_tile_size / 2),
                    'width': small_tile_size,
                    'height': small_tile_size,
                    'color': colour,
                    'type': 'tile'

                k += 1

        start_tile['name'] = 'stile2'

        x = config['robots'][0]['center_x']
        x = x * (large_tile_size + grout_size) + large_tile_size / 2
        config['robots'][0]['center_x'] = int(x)

        y = config['robots'][0]['center_y']
        y = y * (large_tile_size + 2 * grout_size) + (
            y - 1) * small_tile_size + large_tile_size / 1.2
        config['robots'][0]['center_y'] = int(y)

    world_state = WorldState(config)

    world_simulator = WorldSimulator(world_state)

    visualiser = Visualiser(world_simulator.update, world_state,
                            show_fullscreen, show_maximized,

    server_thread = ServerSockets(world_simulator)