Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: gridpp.py Projeto: metno/EVA
 def finish_job(self, job):
     @brief Retry on failure.
     if not job.complete():
         raise eva.exceptions.RetryException(
             "GridPP post-processing of '%(input.file)s' to '%(output.file)s' failed." % job.gridpp_params
Exemplo n.º 2
 def finish_job(self, job):
     @brief Retry on failures.
     if not job.complete():
         raise eva.exceptions.RetryException(
             "FIMEX could not fill file '%s' with data from '%s'." % (job.output_filename, job.input_filename)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: delete.py Projeto: metno/EVA
    def finish_job(self, job):
        @brief Retry deletion on failures, and report metrics to statsd.
        if not job.complete():
            raise eva.exceptions.RetryException("%s: deleting files failed." % job.resource)

        self.statsd.incr('deleted_datainstances', len(job.instance_list))
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: cwf.py Projeto: metno/EVA
    def finish_job(self, job):
        if not job.complete():
            raise eva.exceptions.RetryException(
                "Processing of %s to output directory %s failed." % (job.resource.url, job.output_directory)

            job.output_files = self.parse_file_recognition_output(job.stdout)
            raise eva.exceptions.RetryException(
                "Processing of %s did not produce any legible output; expecting a list of file names and NetCDF time variables in standard output." % job.resource.url
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: example.py Projeto: metno/EVA
    def finish_job(self, job):
        # Running the job populated `job.status`. You should always check this variable.
        # Throwing a RetryException will ensure that processing is retried.
        if not job.complete():
            raise eva.exceptions.RetryException(
                "Processing of '%s' failed." % job.output_filename

        # We might want to register our completed data instance with Productstatus.
        # It is, however, not required. We can skip this step for now.
        if not self.post_to_productstatus:

        # Here ends your responsibility. The code for registering new products
        # with Productstatus is added by IT-GEO.
Exemplo n.º 6
    def finish_job(self, job):
        if not job.complete():
            raise eva.exceptions.RetryException("Download of '%s' failed." % job.resource.url)

        if self.env['EVA_OUTPUT_SERVICE_BACKEND']:
            self.service_backend = self.api.servicebackend[self.env['EVA_OUTPUT_SERVICE_BACKEND']]
            self.service_backend = None

        bytes_sec = self.parse_bytes_sec_from_lines(job.stderr)
        if bytes_sec is not None:
            if self.service_backend is not None:
                self.statsd.gauge('download_rate', bytes_sec, {'service_backend': self.service_backend.slug})
                self.statsd.gauge('download_rate', bytes_sec)
            job.logger.info('Download speed is %d bytes/sec', bytes_sec)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: adapter.py Projeto: metno/EVA
    def generate_and_post_resources(self, job):
        @brief Given a finished Job object, post information to Productstatus
        about newly created resources. Performs a number of sanity checks
        before posting any information.
        if not self.post_to_productstatus():
            job.logger.warning('Skipping post to Productstatus because of missing configuration.')

        if not job.complete():
            raise eva.exceptions.JobNotCompleteException('Refusing to post to Productstatus without a complete job.')

            job.logger.info('Generating Productstatus resources...')
            resources = self.default_resource_dictionary()
            self.generate_resources(job, resources)
        except ValueError:
            raise RuntimeError('generate_resources() did not return a tuple with three arrays, this is a bug in the code!')

        self.post_resources(job, resources)

        job.logger.info('Finished posting to Productstatus; all complete.')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def finish_job(self, job):
        if not job.complete():
            raise eva.exceptions.RetryException("GRIB to NetCDF conversion of '%s' failed." % job.resource.url)

        job.logger.info('Successfully filled the NetCDF file %s with data from %s', job.data['filename'], job.resource.url)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: thredds.py Projeto: metno/EVA
 def finish_job(self, job):
     @brief Ignore errors but log them.
     if not job.complete():
         self.logger.error('THREDDS document could not be found; ignoring error condition.')
Exemplo n.º 10
 def finish_job(self, job):
     if not job.complete():
         raise eva.exceptions.RetryException(
             'Job did not finish successfully.')
     job.logger.info('Job has finished.')
Exemplo n.º 11
 def finish_job(self, job):
     if not job.complete():
         raise eva.exceptions.RetryException("Distribution of '%s' to '%s' failed." % (job.input_file, job.output_file))
     job.logger.info("The file '%s' has been successfully distributed to '%s'", job.input_file, job.output_file)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def finish_job(self, job):
     if not job.complete():
         job.logger.error("md5sum checking of '%s' failed, skipping further processing!", job.resource.url)
     job.logger.info('DataInstance %s has md5sum hash %s.', job.resource, job.resource.hash)