Exemplo n.º 1
def play_the_board(cards, board_cards):
    hand = [eval7.Card(s) for s in (cards[:2], cards[2:])]
    board = [
        for s in [board_cards[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(board_cards), 2)]
    hand_type = eval7.hand_type(eval7.evaluate(hand + board))
    board_type = eval7.hand_type(eval7.evaluate(board))

    if hand_type != board_type:
        return False
    # cannot have a higher pair/trips
    elif hand_type in ['High Card', 'Pair', 'Trips']:
        return True
    # can have a higher two pair, if evaluation is highly different
    elif hand_type in ['Two Pair']:
        # do something
        numbers = [
            'A', 'K', 'Q', 'J', 'T', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2'
        return [2 if (cards+board_cards)[::2].count(i) == 2 else 0 for i in numbers] == \
               [2 if board_cards[::2].count(i) == 2 else 0 for i in numbers]
    # five card hands will evaluate to the same
        return eval7.evaluate(hand + board) == eval7.evaluate(board)
Exemplo n.º 2
def calc_win_prob_by_sampling_eval7(sim_num, hole_cards, board_cards, data):
    Calculate the probability to win current players by sampling unknown cards
    Compute the probability to win one player first
    And then take the power of virtual player count
    o_hole_cards = []
    o_board_cards = []
    deck = eval7.Deck()
    # remove hole cards and board cards from deck
    for card in hole_cards:
        card = eval7.Card(card)
    board_cards_to_draw = 5
    for card in board_cards:
        board_cards_to_draw -= 1
        card = eval7.Card(card)
    vpc_weighted = 1
    rivals_count = get_rivals_count(data)
    win = 0
    succeeded_sample = 0
    start = time.time()
    if board_cards_to_draw:
        for _ in range(sim_num // rivals_count):
            simulate_cards = deck.sample(board_cards_to_draw + 2 * rivals_count)
            o_board_sample = o_board_cards + simulate_cards[:board_cards_to_draw]
            my_rank = eval7.evaluate(o_board_sample + o_hole_cards)
            won = True
            for i in range(board_cards_to_draw, board_cards_to_draw + 2 * rivals_count, 2):
                if my_rank < eval7.evaluate(o_board_sample + simulate_cards[i:i + 2]):
                    won = False
            if won:
                win += 1
            succeeded_sample += 1
        my_rank = eval7.evaluate(o_board_cards + o_hole_cards)
        n = sim_num * 1.1
        for _ in range(n // rivals_count):
            won = True
            simulate_cards = deck.sample(2 * rivals_count)
            for i in range(0, 2 * rivals_count, 2):
                if my_rank < eval7.evaluate(o_board_cards + simulate_cards[i:i + 2]):
                    won = False
            if won:
                win += 1
            succeeded_sample += 1
    print("==== sampling result ==== win : %d, total : %d, takes: %f seconds" %
          (win, succeeded_sample, time.time() - start))
    win_one_prob = win * vpc_weighted / succeeded_sample

    # win_all_prob = win_one_prob ** virtual_player_count(data)
    print("==== Win probability ==== " + str(win_one_prob))
    return win_one_prob
Exemplo n.º 3
def load_all_hands():
        array_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/array_storage"
        all_possible_hands = [[eval7.Card(each[0]), eval7.Card(each[1])] for each in
                          numpy.load(array_path + "/sorted_starting_hands.npy")]
        array_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../array_storage"
        all_possible_hands = [[eval7.Card(each[0]), eval7.Card(each[1])] for each in
                              numpy.load(array_path + "/sorted_starting_hands.npy")]
    return [[each, 1] for each in all_possible_hands]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def calculate_strength(self, hole, board_cards, iters):
        A Monte Carlo method meant to estimate the win probability of a pair of 
        hole cards. Simlulates 'iters' games and determines the win rates of our cards
        hole: a list of our two hole cards
        iters: a integer that determines how many Monte Carlo samples to take
        deck = eval7.Deck()  #eval7 object!
        hole_cards = [eval7.Card(card)
                      for card in hole]  #card objects, used to evaliate hands
        board_cards = [eval7.Card(card) for card in board_cards if card]

        for card in board_cards:
        for card in hole_cards:

        score = 0

        for _ in range(iters):  #take 'iters' samples
            deck.shuffle()  #make sure our samples are random

            _COMM = 5 - len(board_cards)  #the number of cards we need to draw
            _OPP = 2

            draw = deck.peek(_COMM + _OPP)

            opp_hole = draw[:_OPP]
            community = draw[_OPP:]

            our_hand = hole_cards + community + board_cards  #the two showdown hands
            opp_hand = opp_hole + community + board_cards

            our_hand_value = eval7.evaluate(
            )  #the ranks of our hands (only useful for comparisons)
            opp_hand_value = eval7.evaluate(opp_hand)

            if our_hand_value > opp_hand_value:  #we win!
                score += 2

            elif our_hand_value == opp_hand_value:  #we tie.
                score += 1

            else:  #we lost....
                score += 0

        hand_strength = score / (2 * iters)  #this is our win probability!

        return hand_strength
Exemplo n.º 5
def projectEulerProblemFiftyFour(myList):
    total = 0
    for x in myList:
        a = x[0:5]
        b = x[5:]
        oneHand = []
        for card in a:
        twoHand = []
        for card in b:
    return total
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     suits = ['c', 'd', 'h', 's']
     values = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']
     perm = [values[i] for i in self.permute_values()]
     # create global permutation dictionary
     global PERM
     PERM = {eval7.Card(values[i % 13] + suits[i // 13]) :
             eval7.Card(perm[i % 13] + suits[i // 13])
             for i in range(52)}
     self.log = ['6.176 MIT Pokerbots - ' + PLAYER_1_NAME + ' vs ' + PLAYER_2_NAME,
                 ' ' + ' '.join(values) + ' ',
                 '[' + ' '.join(perm) + ']',
     self.player_messages = [[], []]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def query_board(self, board_state, clause, game_log, button, stacks):
        Parses one action from the pokerbot for a specific board.
        legal_actions = board_state.legal_actions(
            button, stacks) if isinstance(board_state,
                                          BoardState) else {CheckAction}
        action = DECODE[clause[1]]
        if action in legal_actions:
            if clause[1] == 'R':
                amount = int(clause[2:])

                min_raise, max_raise = board_state.raise_bounds(button, stacks)
                # print(amount)
                # print(min_raise <= amount <= max_raise)
                # print("MIN RAISE:", min_raise, "MAX RAISE:", max_raise)

                if min_raise <= amount <= max_raise:
                    return action(amount)
            elif clause[1] == 'A':
                cards_strings = clause[2:].split(',')
                cards = [eval7.Card(s) for s in cards_strings]
                return action(cards)
                return action()
        game_log.append(self.name + ' attempted illegal ' + action.__name__)
        return CheckAction() if CheckAction in legal_actions else FoldAction()
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_pickle(self):
     for i, rank in enumerate(eval7.ranks):
         for suit in eval7.suits:
             card = eval7.Card(rank + suit)
             pickled = pickle.dumps(card)
             card2 = pickle.loads(pickled)
             self.assertEqual(card, card2)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     Called when a new game starts. Called exactly once.
     self.VALUES = [
         '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'
     self.wins_dict = {v: 1 for v in self.VALUES}
     self.showdowns_dict = {v: 2 for v in self.VALUES}
     values = list('23456789TJQKA')
     suits = list('cdhs')
     self.proposal_perms = []
     for j in range(1000):
         # proposal_perm is a list with entries from 0 to 12
         proposal_perm = self.permute_values()
         perm_dict = {}
         for i, v in enumerate(values):
             for s in suits:
                 card = v + s
                 permuted_i = proposal_perm[i]
                 permuted_v = values[permuted_i]
                 permuted_card = eval7.Card(permuted_v + s)
                 perm_dict[card] = permuted_card
         # we've gone through the whole deck
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        Called when a new game starts. Called exactly once.


        #nothing in here counts towards 30 seconds
        self.VALUES = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']
        self.SUITS = list('cdhs')
        self.wins_dict = {v : 1 for v in self.VALUES}
        self.showdowns_dict = {v : 2 for v in self.VALUES}
        self.proposal_perms = []
        for j in range(1000): #play around wiht number
            proposal_perm = self.permute_values() #list with entries [0,12]
            perm_dict = {}
            for i, v in enumerate(self.VALUES):
                for s in self.SUITS:
                    card = v+s
                    permuted_i = proposal_perm[i]
                    permuted_v = self.VALUES[permuted_i]
                    permuted_card = eval7.Card(permuted_v+s)
                    perm_dict[card] = permuted_card
        perm_mistakes = {} #narrow down to best perms; instead of weeding further, track the nums that they get wrong
Exemplo n.º 11
def canbe_straight(cards):
    count = 0
    for c in [eval7.Card(x + "d") for x in eval7.ranks]:
        if not c.rank in [x.rank for x in cards]:
            hand_type = eval7.hand_type(eval7.evaluate(cards + [c]))
            if hand_type in ["Straight", "Straight Flush"]:
                count += 1
    return count
Exemplo n.º 12
    def move(self, hero_hand=None):
        if hero_hand is None:
            raise Exception("Give hero hand for move")

        hh = [eval7.Card(c) for c in hero_hand]
        self.hero_hand = hh

        return self.strategy.move(self)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def is_consistent_with_result(self, p, result):
        board_and_winner_true = [
            for c in p.map_str(result.board_cards + result.winner_hole_cards)
        board_and_loser_true = [
            for c in p.map_str(result.board_cards + result.loser_hole_cards)

        score_winner = eval7.evaluate(board_and_winner_true)
        score_loser = eval7.evaluate(board_and_loser_true)

        # If the losing hand has a higher score than the winning score, then the permutation is
        # inconsistent with observations.
        if score_winner <= score_loser:
            return False
            return True
Exemplo n.º 14
 def rank_hand_py(self, player):
     print('Player ' + player.name + ' hand: ' + player.hole_cards_str())
     cards = [eval7.Card(s) for s in
              (str(player.hole_cards[0]), str(player.hole_cards[1]), str(self.community[1][0]),
               str(self.community[1][1]), str(self.community[1][2]), str(self.community[2][0]),
     rank = eval7.evaluate(cards)
     handtype = eval7.handtype(rank)
     print(player.name + ' hand rank: ' + str(rank) + ', hand type: ' + handtype)
     return rank
Exemplo n.º 15
def evaluate(data):
    if data["game"]["board"] is not None:
        cards = data["self"]["cards"] + data["game"]["board"]
        cards = data["self"]["cards"]
    hand = [eval7.Card(x.capitalize()) for x in cards]
    score = eval7.evaluate(hand)
    type = eval7.hand_type(score)
    suitcount = maxsuitcount(hand)
    straight = canbe_straight(hand)
    return (hand, score, type, suitcount, straight)
Exemplo n.º 16
def pdict(perm):
    Generates a permutation dictionary given a permutation.
    perm_dict = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(ranks):
        for s in suits:
            card = v + s
            permuted_i = perm[i]
            permuted_v = ranks[permuted_i]
            permuted_card = eval7.Card(permuted_v + s)
            perm_dict[card] = permuted_card
    return perm_dict
Exemplo n.º 17
    def get_action(self, game_state, round_state, active):
        Where the magic happens - your code should implement this function.
        Called any time the engine needs an action from your bot.

        game_state: the GameState object.
        round_state: the RoundState object.
        active: your player's index.

        Your action.
        legal_actions = round_state.legal_actions()  # the actions you are allowed to take
        #street = round_state.street  # 0, 3, 4, or 5 representing pre-flop, flop, river, or turn respectively
        #my_cards = round_state.hands[active]  # your cards
        #board_cards = round_state.deck[:street]  # the board cards
        #my_pip = round_state.pips[active]  # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot this round of betting
        #opp_pip = round_state.pips[1-active]  # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot this round of betting
        #my_stack = round_state.stacks[active]  # the number of chips you have remaining
        #opp_stack = round_state.stacks[1-active]  # the number of chips your opponent has remaining
        #continue_cost = opp_pip - my_pip  # the number of chips needed to stay in the pot
        #my_contribution = STARTING_STACK - my_stack  # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot
        #opp_contribution = STARTING_STACK - opp_stack  # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot
        #if RaiseAction in legal_actions:
        #    min_raise, max_raise = round_state.raise_bounds()  # the smallest and largest numbers of chips for a legal bet/raise
        #    min_cost = min_raise - my_pip  # the cost of a minimum bet/raise
        #    max_cost = max_raise - my_pip  # the cost of a maximum bet/raise

        def check_fold():
            if CheckAction in legal_actions: return CheckAction()
            return FoldAction()
        # STRATEGY: fold-to-win if possible, shove if pair, otherwise check-fold
        if game_state.bankroll > ceil((NUM_ROUNDS-game_state.round_num) * (SMALL_BLIND + BIG_BLIND)/2):
            return check_fold()
        if len(legal_actions) == 1:
            return legal_actions.pop()()
        ev = eval7.evaluate([eval7.Card(s) for s in round_state.hands[active]])
        handtype = ev >> 24
        if handtype >= 1: # pair or higher
            if RaiseAction in legal_actions:
                return RaiseAction(STARTING_STACK)
            elif CallAction in legal_actions:
                return CallAction()
                soft_assert(CheckAction in legal_actions)
                return CheckAction()
            return check_fold()
Exemplo n.º 18
def monte_carlo_prob(hole_cards: list,
                     shared_cards: list,
                     remaining_cards: list = [],
                     iters: int = 50) -> float:
    if remaining_cards == []:
        remaining_cards = all_cards_excluding(hole_cards + shared_cards)

    # print(f"Monte Carlo can see {len(shared_cards)} community cards")
    above = 0  # hands that beat ours
    below = 0  # hands that ours beats
    equiv = 0  # hands that are equivalent to ours

    for _ in range(iters):
        drawn_cards = draw_random_cards(remaining_cards, 7 - len(shared_cards))

        # future_shared is the possible
        future_shared = shared_cards + drawn_cards[2:]

        pool = future_shared + hole_cards
        opp_pool = future_shared + drawn_cards[:2]

        hand = eval7.evaluate([eval7.Card(card) for card in pool])
        opp_hand = eval7.evaluate([eval7.Card(card) for card in opp_pool])
        if hand > opp_hand:
            above += 1
        elif hand < opp_hand:
            below += 1
            equiv += 1

    wins = float(above + (equiv / 2.0))

    assert (above + below + equiv == iters)
    total = float(above + below + equiv)

    return wins / total
Exemplo n.º 19
def handTypes(cards, board):

    hand = [eval7.Card(c) for c in cards + board]
    madeHand = eval7.handtype(eval7.evaluate(hand))

    handRanks, handSuits = zip(*(cards + board))
    handRanks = set(handRanks)
    suitCounts = Counter(handSuits)

    isOESD, isGSSD, isBDSD = straightDraws(handRanks)
    isFD, isBDFD = flushDraws(suitCounts)
    isOvercards = overcards(cards, board)

    draws = set()
    comboDraws = set()

    if isOvercards:

    # if made hand is worse than a flush
    if madeHandTypes.index(madeHand) > madeHandTypes.index('Flush'):
        if isFD:
            draws.add('flush draw')
            if madeHand == 'Pair':
            if isOESD:
            elif isGSSD:
        elif isBDFD:
            if isBDSD:

    # if made hand is worse than a straight
    if madeHandTypes.index(madeHand) > madeHandTypes.index('Straight'):
        if isOESD:
            if madeHand == 'Pair':
        elif isGSSD:
            if madeHand == 'Pair':
        elif isBDSD:
    return madeHand, draws, comboDraws
Exemplo n.º 20
    def adjust_ranges(self):

        if not self.adjusted[0]:
            # Initial reset - Button, Blinds, How many players
            self.button = self.game_state_history[0][1]

            self.players = self.game_state_history[1]

            self.player_bets = [0 for _ in range(0, len(self.players))]

            self.small_blind = self.game_state_history[2][3]
            self.player_bets[self.game_state_history[2][0]] = self.small_blind

            self.big_blind = self.game_state_history[3][3]
            self.player_bets[self.game_state_history[3][0]] = self.big_blind

            # First 5 lines are adjusted: Button, Players, preflop
            self.adjusted[0:4] = [True for _ in range(0, 4)]

            self.player_ranges.sort([], self.players)

        for i, action in enumerate(self.game_state_history[4:]):

            if not self.adjusted[i+4]:

                if action[0] == "board":
                    self.betting_round += 1
                    self.board = [eval7.Card(c) for c in action[1]] # Board is the next line after stage indicator
                    self.player_ranges.sort(self.board, self.players)
                    self.pot += sum(self.player_bets) # collecting the pot - money/ not weed
                    self.player_bets = [0 for _ in range(0, len(self.players))] # resetting bets to 0 - everything went to pot
                    self.adjusted[i + 4] = True

                player, player_name, move, bet_size = tuple(action)

                if "fold" in move:
                    self.players[player] = 0
                    self.adjusted[i + 4] = True

                self.player_bets[player] = bet_size
                self.adjusted[i+4] = True
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self):
        Called when a new game starts. Called exactly once.


        self.t = 1
        self.islists = False
        self.lists = []
        self.cards = [
            '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'
        values = list('23456789TJQKA')
        suits = list('cdhs')
        self.proposal_perms = []
        for j in range(20000):
            # proposal_perm is a list with entries from 0 to 12
            proposal_perm = self.permute_values()
            perm_dict = {}
            for i, v in enumerate(values):
                for s in suits:
                    card = v + s
                    permuted_i = proposal_perm[i]
                    permuted_v = values[permuted_i]
                    permuted_card = eval7.Card(permuted_v + s)
                    perm_dict[card] = permuted_card
            # we've gone through the whole deck

        self.values = [
            '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'

        self.nodes = [
            '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'
        self.edges = []

        self.carddict = PreFlopStrat()
Exemplo n.º 22
 def find_winning_hand(self, winners_hand, deck):
     returns the hand with highest evaluation score
     max_score = 0
     max_hand = []
     hand = [eval7.Card(winners_hand[0]), eval7.Card(winners_hand[1])]
     for card1 in deck:
         for card2 in deck:
             if card2!=card1:
                 for card3 in deck:
                     if card3!=card1 and card3!=card2:
                         score = eval7.evaluate(hand)
                         if score>max_score:
                             max_score = score
                             max_hand = hand
     final_hand = []
     suit_dict = {0:"c", 1: "d", 2:"h", 3: "s"}
     for card in max_hand:
         c = str(card.rank+2)+suit_dict[card.suit]
         if c not in winners_hand:
             if card.rank>=8:
                 if str(card.rank)=="8":
                     c = "T"+suit_dict[card.suit]
                 elif str(card.rank)=="9":
                     c = "J"+suit_dict[card.suit]
                 elif str(card.rank)=="10":
                     c = "Q"+suit_dict[card.suit]
                 elif str(card.rank)=="11":
                     c = "K"+suit_dict[card.suit]
                 elif str(card.rank)=="12":
                     c = "A"+suit_dict[card.suit]
     return final_hand  
Exemplo n.º 23
    def sort(self, board=[], has_cards=None):

        if len(board) > 0:
            if isinstance(board[0], str):
                hands_2_score_dict = self.hands_2_scores(board=[eval7.Card(c) for c in board], has_cards=has_cards)
                hands_2_score_dict = self.hands_2_scores(board=board, has_cards=has_cards)
            hands_2_score_dict = self.hands_2_scores(board=[], has_cards=has_cards)

        def key_lookup(x):
                return hands_2_score_dict[tuple(x[0])]
                return hands_2_score_dict[tuple([x[0][1], x[0][0]])]

        for i in range(0, len(self.card_ranges)):
            self.card_ranges[i] = sorted(self.card_ranges[i],
Exemplo n.º 24
def decide_showdown(table_cards: Iterable[TexasCard], assist=True):
    If table cards have duplicates, the eval7 implementation might go wrong!
    so check for it
    @param table_cards: five to seven cards
    if len(set(table_cards)) < len(tuple(table_cards)):
        raise ValueError('Duplicated cards')
    table_cards: List[TexasCard] = TexasCard.sort_desc(table_cards)
    hand = [eval7.Card(c.to_eval7_str()) for c in table_cards]
    int_type = eval7.evaluate(hand)
    str_type = eval7.handtype(int_type)
    best_type = STR_MAP[str_type]

    if assist and best_type == StraightFlush:
        # check with my implementation
        best = detect.decide_showdown(table_cards)
        assert isinstance(best, StraightFlush) or isinstance(best, RoyalFlush)
        if best.__class__ == RoyalFlush:
            best_type = RoyalFlush
    return best_type
Exemplo n.º 25
 def query_board(self, board_state, clause, game_log, active, stacks):
     Parses one action from the pokerbot for a specific board.
     legal_actions = board_state.legal_actions(
         active, stacks) if isinstance(board_state,
                                       BoardState) else {CheckAction}
     action = DECODE[clause[1]]
     if action in legal_actions:
         if clause[1] == 'R':
             amount = int(clause[2:])
             max_raise = board_state.raise_bounds(active, stacks)[1]
             if board_state.pips[1 - active] < amount <= max_raise:
                 return action(amount)
             elif board_state.pips[1 - active] == amount:
                 return CallAction()
         elif clause[1] == 'A':
             cards_strings = clause[2:].split(',')
             cards = [eval7.Card(s) for s in cards_strings]
             return action(cards)
             return action()
     game_log.append(self.name + ' attempted illegal ' + action.__name__)
     return CheckAction() if CheckAction in legal_actions else FoldAction()
Exemplo n.º 26
def translate_card(perm, card):
    i = ranks_rev[card[0]]
    permuted_i = perm[i]
    permuted_v = ranks[permuted_i]
    return eval7.Card(permuted_v + card[1])
Exemplo n.º 27
    def get_action(self, game_state, round_state, active):
        Where the magic happens - your code should implement this function.
        Called any time the engine needs an action from your bot.

        game_state: the GameState object.
        round_state: the RoundState object.
        active: your player's index.

        Your action.
        legal_actions = round_state.legal_actions(
        )  # the actions you are allowed to take
        #street = round_state.street  # 0, 3, 4, or 5 representing pre-flop, flop, river, or turn respectively
        #my_cards = round_state.hands[active]  # your cards
        #board_cards = round_state.deck[:street]  # the board cards
        my_pip = round_state.pips[
            active]  # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot this round of betting
        opp_pip = round_state.pips[
            1 -
            active]  # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot this round of betting
        my_stack = round_state.stacks[
            active]  # the number of chips you have remaining
        opp_stack = round_state.stacks[
            1 - active]  # the number of chips your opponent has remaining
        #continue_cost = opp_pip - my_pip  # the number of chips needed to stay in the pot
        my_contribution = STARTING_STACK - my_stack  # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot
        opp_contribution = STARTING_STACK - opp_stack  # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot
        #if RaiseAction in legal_actions:
        #    min_raise, max_raise = round_state.raise_bounds()  # the smallest and largest numbers of chips for a legal bet/raise
        #    min_cost = min_raise - my_pip  # the cost of a minimum bet/raise
        #    max_cost = max_raise - my_pip  # the cost of a maximum bet/raise

        # "check" down if already all-in
        if len(legal_actions) == 1:
            return CheckAction()

        # x/f to victory if we can
        if game_state.bankroll > ceil((NUM_ROUNDS - game_state.round_num) *
                                      (SMALL_BLIND + BIG_BLIND) / 2):
            return CheckAction(
            ) if CheckAction in legal_actions else FoldAction()

        # Simple hardcoded / eval7 strategy.
        street = round_state.street
        my_hand = round_state.hands[active]
        board = round_state.deck[:street]

        # reorder cards for consistent key in dict
        my_hand = my_hand[::-1] if CARDS.index(my_hand[0]) < CARDS.index(
            my_hand[1]) else my_hand

        # raise fraction / sizes
        # these are parameters to be tweaked (maybe by stats on opponent)
        if street == 0:
            RAISE_FRACTION = 0.33  # continue with 1/3 of our defends as 3bets
            RAISE_SIZE = 1  # raise (1x)pot
            MDF_FACTOR = 1.05  # slightly looser pre
            RAISE_FRACTION = 0.15
            RAISE_SIZE = 0.75  # bet 3/4 pot
            MDF_FACTOR = 0.6  # slightly tighter post

        if my_pip == 1 and street == 0:  # open 85% of our button preflop
            raise_range = mdf = bluff_range = 0.85
            # calculate defend frequency and raise frequency
            if my_pip == 0 and opp_pip == 0:
                raise_range = RAISE_FRACTION
                mdf = RAISE_FRACTION
                mdf = MDF_FACTOR * 2 * my_contribution / (
                    (opp_pip - my_pip) + 2 * my_contribution)
                raise_range = mdf * RAISE_FRACTION

            bluff_range = mdf * (1 + (RAISE_SIZE) /
                                 (1 + 2 * RAISE_SIZE) * RAISE_FRACTION)

        bluff_range = mdf  ### TEMP: other bots don't seem to fold too much so let's just not bluff for now. let's try changing this later

        # re-sort range based on board texture
        if street > 0 and street != self.sorted_street:
            hand_values = {}

            trans_board = [
                ALL_RANKS[self.value_ranks[c[0]]] + c[1] for c in board
            new_range = []
            for hand in self.range:
                if not hand[0] in board and not hand[1] in board:
                    trans_hand = [
                        ALL_RANKS[self.value_ranks[c[0]]] + c[1] for c in hand
                    value = eval7.evaluate(
                        [eval7.Card(s) for s in trans_hand + trans_board])

                    # don't value straights at all
                    if (value >> 24) == 4:
                        # remove single cards so we only have pair/2p/trips ranking left
                        counts = np.unique(
                            [x[0] for x in trans_hand + trans_board],
                        duplicates = [
                            counts[0][i] for i in range(len(counts[0]))
                            if counts[1][i] > 1

                        # new value based on just duplicate cards
                        value = eval7.evaluate([
                            eval7.Card(s) for s in trans_hand + trans_board
                            if s[0] in duplicates

                    hand_values[hand] = value

                    new_range += [hand]

            self.range = sorted(new_range,
                                key=lambda l: hand_values[l],
            self.sorted_street = street

            print('Ranks:', self.value_ranks)
            print(my_hand, board)
            print([ALL_RANKS[self.value_ranks[c[0]]] + c[1] for c in my_hand],
                  [ALL_RANKS[self.value_ranks[c[0]]] + c[1] for c in board],
            # print('Top 20 hands in range:', [(h, hand_values[h]) for h in self.range[:20]])
            # print('Range: ', self.range)

        # rank current hand in our range
        N = len(self.range)
        hand_position = self.range.index(tuple(my_hand)) / N

        print('Hand %:', hand_position, my_hand,
              [ALL_RANKS[self.value_ranks[c[0]]] + c[1] for c in my_hand],
        print(raise_range, '(raise)', mdf, '(defend)', bluff_range, '(bluff)')

        # determine whether hand is a raise/call/bluff-raise/check/fold

        # currently commented out range updates; to be "unexploitable" our ranges should be
        # restricted at each decision (otherwise can be overbluffed if we show weakness), but
        # that results in us overvaluing weak hands.
        # e.g. if we check flop, we eliminate all ~pair+ holdings
        #      then on turn if we bet the top 33% of our range, we'll have to start value-betting high card hands
        # to do it properly we need some "slowplay" range to protect our delayed value hands
        if (hand_position < raise_range or mdf < hand_position < bluff_range
            ) and opp_contribution < STARTING_STACK:
            raise_size = min(int(opp_pip + RAISE_SIZE * 2 * opp_contribution),
                             my_pip + my_stack)

            if street == 0:
                self.range = self.range[:ceil(N * raise_range)] + self.range[
                    int(N * mdf):int(ceil(N * bluff_range))]

            print('RAISE:', raise_size)
            return RaiseAction(raise_size)
        elif hand_position < mdf and opp_pip > my_pip:
            if street == 0:
                self.range = (
                    self.range[:int(N * raise_range)] if opp_pip == my_pip +
                    my_stack else
                    []) + self.range[int(N * raise_range):int(ceil(N * mdf))]

            return CallAction()
        elif my_pip == opp_pip:
            if street == 0:
                self.range = self.range[int(N * raise_range):int(ceil(
                    N * mdf))] + self.range[int(N * bluff_range):]

            return CheckAction()
            return FoldAction()
Exemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(self, existing_deck):
     self.cards = [eval7.Card(str(card)) for card in existing_deck.cards]
Exemplo n.º 29
    def calc_win_prob_by_sampling_eval7(self, hole_cards, board_cards, data, sim_num):
        Calculate the probability to win current players by sampling unknown cards
        Compute the probability to win one player first
        And then take the power of virtual player count

        o_hole_cards = []
        o_board_cards = []
        deck = eval7.Deck()
        # remove hole cards and board cards from deck
        for card in hole_cards:
            card = eval7.Card(card)
        board_cards_to_draw = 5
        for card in board_cards:
            board_cards_to_draw -= 1
            card = eval7.Card(card)
        # vpc_weighted = virtual_player_count_weighted()
        rivals_count = 1  # self.get_rivals_count(data)
        win = 0
        succeeded_sample = 0
        start = time.time()
        # TODO: Remove small rivals
        if board_cards_to_draw:
            n = sim_num
            index = 10
            for iteration in range(n // rivals_count):
                simulate_cards, _ = self.exclude_impossible_rivals_lookup(deck, board_cards_to_draw, rivals_count)
                o_board_sample = o_board_cards + simulate_cards[:board_cards_to_draw]
                my_rank = eval7.evaluate(o_board_sample + o_hole_cards)
                won = True
                for i in range(board_cards_to_draw, board_cards_to_draw + 2 * rivals_count, 2):
                    if my_rank < eval7.evaluate(o_board_sample + simulate_cards[i:i + 2]):
                        won = False
                if won:
                    win += 1
                succeeded_sample += 1
                if iteration == index:
                    print("==== sampling result ==== win : %d, total : %d, probability : %f, takes: %f seconds" %
                          (win, succeeded_sample, win / succeeded_sample, time.time() - start))
                    index *= 10
            my_rank = eval7.evaluate(o_board_cards + o_hole_cards)
            n = sim_num
            index = 10
            for iteration in range(n // rivals_count):
                won = True
                simulate_cards, _ = self.exclude_impossible_rivals_lookup(deck, 0, rivals_count)
                # simulate_cards = deck.sample(2 * rivals_count)
                for i in range(0, 2 * rivals_count, 2):
                    if my_rank < eval7.evaluate(o_board_cards + simulate_cards[i:i + 2]):
                        won = False
                if won:
                    win += 1
                succeeded_sample += 1
                if iteration == index:
                    print("==== sampling result ==== win : %d, total : %d, probability : %f, takes: %f seconds" %
                          (win, succeeded_sample, win / succeeded_sample, time.time() - start))
                    index *= 10
        print("==== sampling result ==== win : %d, total : %d, probability : %f, takes: %f seconds" %
              (win, succeeded_sample, win / succeeded_sample, time.time() - start))
        return win / succeeded_sample
Exemplo n.º 30
def river_action_wrapped(cards,
    hand = [eval7.Card(s) for s in (cards[:2], cards[2:])]
    board = [
        for s in [board_cards[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(board_cards), 2)]
    current_hand = eval7.hand_type(eval7.evaluate(hand + board))

    # if you have nuts, raise or jam
    RFI = "22+, 32s, 53s+, 63s+, 74s+, 84s+, 95s+, T6s+, J6s+, " \
          "Q4s+, K2s+, A2s+, A2o+, K8o+, Q8o+, J8o+, T8o+, 98o+"
    TBet = "ATo+, KJo+, QJo+, 44+, 65s, 76s, 87s, 97s+, T8s+, J9s+, Q9s+, K9s+, A2s+"
    FBet = "TT+, AJs+, KQs, AQo+"
    villain_ranges = {2: RFI, 3: TBet, 4: FBet}
    villain = eval7.HandRange(villain_ranges[pot_type])
    equity = eval7.py_hand_vs_range_monte_carlo(hand, villain, board, 1000)

    if raised:
        if equity > 0.99:
            return "Raise " + str(2.5 * bet)
        elif equity > 0.95:
            return "Call"
            return "Fold"

    if equity > 0.97:
        if bet > 0:
            return "Raise " + str(2.5 * bet)
            return "Bet " + str(0.8 * pot)

    # else, look into non-raising methods
    # multi-way pot
    if opponents > 1:
        # someone bet, only call if top pair or better (< 2 rounds of bets)
        if bet > 0:
            if first_bet:
                if current_hand != 'High Card' and not play_the_board(
                        cards, board_cards):
                    if current_hand == 'Pair':
                        if not tpttk(cards, board_cards):
                            return "Fold"
                    return "Call"
            if play_the_board(cards, board_cards):
                return "Fold"
            if current_hand == 'High Card' or current_hand == 'Pair':
                return "Fold"
            elif current_hand == 'Two Pair':
                if paired_card(board_cards) and max(list(
                        board_cards[::2])) >= highest_two_pair(
                            cards, board_cards):
                    return "Fold"
                return "Call"
                return "Call"

        # no one bet, bet if you have trips or better
        if current_hand not in ['High Card', 'Pair', 'Two Pair'
                                ] and not play_the_board(cards, board_cards):
            return "Bet " + str(pot * 0.8)
            return "Check"

    # heads up
        # someone bet, only call if enough equity, above 80%
        if bet > 0:
            if first_bet:
                if equity > bet / (bet + pot):
                    return "Call"
                    return "Fold"
            elif equity > 0.80:
                return "Call"
                return "Fold"
            if equity > 0.80:
                return "Bet " + str(pot * 0.8)
                return "Check"