Exemplo n.º 1
def test_individual_attacks(cm_score_file):
    asv_score_file = os.path.join(

    # Fix tandem detection cost function (t-DCF) parameters
    Pspoof = 0.05
    cost_model = {
        'Pspoof': Pspoof,  # Prior probability of a spoofing attack
        'Ptar': (1 - Pspoof) * 0.99,  # Prior probability of target speaker
        'Pnon': (1 - Pspoof) * 0.01,  # Prior probability of nontarget speaker
        'Cmiss_asv': 1,  # Cost of ASV system falsely rejecting target speaker
        10,  # Cost of ASV system falsely accepting nontarget speaker
        'Cmiss_cm': 1,  # Cost of CM system falsely rejecting target speaker
        'Cfa_cm': 10,  # Cost of CM system falsely accepting spoof

    # Load organizers' ASV scores
    asv_data = np.genfromtxt(asv_score_file, dtype=str)
    asv_sources = asv_data[:, 0]
    asv_keys = asv_data[:, 1]
    asv_scores = asv_data[:, 2].astype(np.float)

    # Load CM scores
    cm_data = np.genfromtxt(cm_score_file, dtype=str)
    cm_utt_id = cm_data[:, 0]
    cm_sources = cm_data[:, 1]
    cm_keys = cm_data[:, 2]
    cm_scores = cm_data[:, 3].astype(np.float)

    other_cm_scores = -cm_scores

    eer_cm_lst, min_tDCF_lst = [], []
    for attack_idx in range(7, 20):
        # Extract target, nontarget, and spoof scores from the ASV scores
        tar_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'target']
        non_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'nontarget']
        spoof_asv = asv_scores[asv_sources == 'A%02d' % attack_idx]

        # Extract bona fide (real human) and spoof scores from the CM scores
        bona_cm = cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide']
        spoof_cm = cm_scores[cm_sources == 'A%02d' % attack_idx]

        # EERs of the standalone systems and fix ASV operating point to EER threshold
        eer_asv, asv_threshold = em.compute_eer(tar_asv, non_asv)
        eer_cm = em.compute_eer(bona_cm, spoof_cm)[0]

        other_eer_cm = em.compute_eer(
            other_cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide'],
            other_cm_scores[cm_sources == 'A%02d' % attack_idx])[0]

        [Pfa_asv, Pmiss_asv,
         Pmiss_spoof_asv] = em.obtain_asv_error_rates(tar_asv, non_asv,
                                                      spoof_asv, asv_threshold)

        if eer_cm < other_eer_cm:
            # Compute t-DCF
            tDCF_curve, CM_thresholds = em.compute_tDCF(
                bona_cm, spoof_cm, Pfa_asv, Pmiss_asv, Pmiss_spoof_asv,
                cost_model, True)
            # Minimum t-DCF
            min_tDCF_index = np.argmin(tDCF_curve)
            min_tDCF = tDCF_curve[min_tDCF_index]

            tDCF_curve, CM_thresholds = em.compute_tDCF(
                other_cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide'],
                other_cm_scores[cm_sources == 'A%02d' % attack_idx], Pfa_asv,
                Pmiss_asv, Pmiss_spoof_asv, cost_model, True)
            # Minimum t-DCF
            min_tDCF_index = np.argmin(tDCF_curve)
            min_tDCF = tDCF_curve[min_tDCF_index]
        eer_cm_lst.append(min(eer_cm, other_eer_cm))

    return eer_cm_lst, min_tDCF_lst
    def compute_tDCF(self):
        Computes the t-DCF score for the model assigned to self.model.
        Assumes that the cm score file is created for the model.

        # Fix tandem detection cost function (t-DCF) parameters
        cost_model = {
            'Pspoof': self.p_spoof,  # Prior probability of a spoofing attack
            (1 - self.p_spoof) * 0.99,  # Prior probability of target speaker
            'Pnon': (1 - self.p_spoof) *
            0.01,  # Prior probability of nontarget speaker
            1,  # Cost of ASV system falsely rejecting target speaker
            10,  # Cost of ASV system falsely accepting nontarget speaker
            1,  # Cost of CM system falsely rejecting target speaker
            'Cfa_cm': 10,  # Cost of CM system falsely accepting spoof

        # Load organizers' ASV scores
        asv_data = np.genfromtxt(self.asv_score_file, dtype=str)
        asv_sources = asv_data[:, 0]
        asv_keys = asv_data[:, 1]
        asv_scores = asv_data[:, 2].astype(np.float)

        # Load CM scores
        cm_data = np.genfromtxt(self.cm_score_file, dtype=str)
        cm_utt_id = cm_data[:, 0]
        cm_sources = cm_data[:, 1]
        cm_keys = cm_data[:, 2]
        cm_scores = cm_data[:, 3].astype(np.float)

        #Modify CM not to contain inf or -inf values. They appear if the model is certain about some result
        if (cm_scores[cm_scores != float("inf")] != -float("inf")).any():
            real_max = cm_scores[cm_scores != float("inf")].max()
            real_min = cm_scores[cm_scores != -float("inf")].min()
            max_abs = min(20, max(abs(real_max), abs(real_min)))
            max_abs = 20
        cm_scores[cm_scores == float("inf")] = max_abs
        cm_scores[cm_scores == -float("inf")] = -max_abs

        # Extract target, nontarget, and spoof scores from the ASV scores
        tar_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'target']
        non_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'nontarget']
        spoof_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'spoof']

        # Extract bona fide (real human) and spoof scores from the CM scores
        bona_cm = cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide']
        spoof_cm = cm_scores[cm_keys == 'spoof']

        # EERs of the standalone systems and fix ASV operating point to EER threshold
        eer_asv, asv_threshold = em.compute_eer(tar_asv, non_asv)
        eer_cm = em.compute_eer(bona_cm, spoof_cm)[0]

        [Pfa_asv, Pmiss_asv,
         Pmiss_spoof_asv] = em.obtain_asv_error_rates(tar_asv, non_asv,
                                                      spoof_asv, asv_threshold)

        # Compute t-DCF
        tDCF_curve, CM_thresholds = em.compute_tDCF(bona_cm, spoof_cm, Pfa_asv,
                                                    Pmiss_asv, Pmiss_spoof_asv,
                                                    cost_model, False)

        # Minimum t-DCF
        min_tDCF_index = np.argmin(tDCF_curve)
        min_tDCF = tDCF_curve[min_tDCF_index]

        return min_tDCF, eer_cm
Exemplo n.º 3
spoof_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'spoof']

# Extract bona fide (real human) and spoof scores from the CM scores
bona_cm = cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide']
spoof_cm = cm_scores[cm_keys == 'spoof']

# EERs of the standalone systems and fix ASV operating point to EER threshold
eer_asv, asv_threshold = em.compute_eer(tar_asv, non_asv)
eer_cm = em.compute_eer(bona_cm, spoof_cm)[0]

[Pfa_asv, Pmiss_asv, Pmiss_spoof_asv] = em.obtain_asv_error_rates(tar_asv, non_asv, spoof_asv, asv_threshold)

# Compute t-DCF
tDCF_curve, CM_thresholds = em.compute_tDCF(bona_cm, spoof_cm, Pfa_asv, Pmiss_asv, Pmiss_spoof_asv, cost_model, True)

# Minimum t-DCF
min_tDCF_index = np.argmin(tDCF_curve)
min_tDCF = tDCF_curve[min_tDCF_index]

print('ASV SYSTEM')
print('   EER            = {:8.5f} % (Equal error rate (target vs. nontarget discrimination)'.format(eer_asv * 100))
print('   Pfa            = {:8.5f} % (False acceptance rate of nontargets)'.format(Pfa_asv * 100))
print('   Pmiss          = {:8.5f} % (False rejection rate of targets)'.format(Pmiss_asv * 100))
print('   1-Pmiss,spoof  = {:8.5f} % (Spoof false acceptance rate)'.format((1 - Pmiss_spoof_asv) * 100))

print('\nCM SYSTEM')
print('   EER            = {:8.9f} % (Equal error rate for countermeasure)'.format(eer_cm * 100))
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_eer_and_tdcf(cm_score_file, path_to_database):
    asv_score_file = os.path.join(

    # Fix tandem detection cost function (t-DCF) parameters
    Pspoof = 0.05
    cost_model = {
        'Pspoof': Pspoof,  # Prior probability of a spoofing attack
        'Ptar': (1 - Pspoof) * 0.99,  # Prior probability of target speaker
        'Pnon': (1 - Pspoof) * 0.01,  # Prior probability of nontarget speaker
        'Cmiss_asv': 1,  # Cost of ASV system falsely rejecting target speaker
        10,  # Cost of ASV system falsely accepting nontarget speaker
        'Cmiss_cm': 1,  # Cost of CM system falsely rejecting target speaker
        'Cfa_cm': 10,  # Cost of CM system falsely accepting spoof

    # Load organizers' ASV scores
    asv_data = np.genfromtxt(asv_score_file, dtype=str)
    asv_sources = asv_data[:, 0]
    asv_keys = asv_data[:, 1]
    asv_scores = asv_data[:, 2].astype(np.float)

    # Load CM scores
    cm_data = np.genfromtxt(cm_score_file, dtype=str)
    cm_utt_id = cm_data[:, 0]
    cm_sources = cm_data[:, 1]
    cm_keys = cm_data[:, 2]
    cm_scores = cm_data[:, 3].astype(np.float)

    other_cm_scores = -cm_scores

    # Extract target, nontarget, and spoof scores from the ASV scores
    tar_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'target']
    non_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'nontarget']
    spoof_asv = asv_scores[asv_keys == 'spoof']

    # Extract bona fide (real human) and spoof scores from the CM scores
    bona_cm = cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide']
    spoof_cm = cm_scores[cm_keys == 'spoof']

    # EERs of the standalone systems and fix ASV operating point to EER threshold
    eer_asv, asv_threshold = em.compute_eer(tar_asv, non_asv)
    eer_cm = em.compute_eer(bona_cm, spoof_cm)[0]

    other_eer_cm = em.compute_eer(other_cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide'],
                                  other_cm_scores[cm_keys == 'spoof'])[0]

    [Pfa_asv, Pmiss_asv,
     Pmiss_spoof_asv] = em.obtain_asv_error_rates(tar_asv, non_asv, spoof_asv,

    if eer_cm < other_eer_cm:
        # Compute t-DCF
        tDCF_curve, CM_thresholds = em.compute_tDCF(bona_cm, spoof_cm, Pfa_asv,
                                                    Pmiss_asv, Pmiss_spoof_asv,
                                                    cost_model, True)

        # Minimum t-DCF
        min_tDCF_index = np.argmin(tDCF_curve)
        min_tDCF = tDCF_curve[min_tDCF_index]

        tDCF_curve, CM_thresholds = em.compute_tDCF(
            other_cm_scores[cm_keys == 'bonafide'],
            other_cm_scores[cm_keys == 'spoof'], Pfa_asv, Pmiss_asv,
            Pmiss_spoof_asv, cost_model, True)

        # Minimum t-DCF
        min_tDCF_index = np.argmin(tDCF_curve)
        min_tDCF = tDCF_curve[min_tDCF_index]

    # print('ASV SYSTEM')
    # print('   EER            = {:8.5f} % (Equal error rate (target vs. nontarget discrimination)'.format(eer_asv * 100))
    # print('   Pfa            = {:8.5f} % (False acceptance rate of nontargets)'.format(Pfa_asv * 100))
    # print('   Pmiss          = {:8.5f} % (False rejection rate of targets)'.format(Pmiss_asv * 100))
    # print('   1-Pmiss,spoof  = {:8.5f} % (Spoof false acceptance rate)'.format((1 - Pmiss_spoof_asv) * 100))

    print('\nCM SYSTEM')
        '   EER            = {:8.5f} % (Equal error rate for countermeasure)'.
        format(min(eer_cm, other_eer_cm) * 100))

    print('   min-tDCF       = {:8.5f}'.format(min_tDCF))

    # Visualize ASV scores and CM scores
    ax = plt.subplot(121)
    plt.hist(tar_asv, histtype='step', density=True, bins=50, label='Target')
    plt.hist(spoof_asv, histtype='step', density=True, bins=50, label='Spoof')
             label='EER threshold')
    plt.xlabel('ASV score')
    plt.title('ASV score histogram')

    ax = plt.subplot(122)
             label='Bona fide')
    plt.hist(spoof_cm, histtype='step', density=True, bins=50, label='Spoof')
    plt.xlabel('CM score')
    # plt.ylabel('Density')
    plt.title('CM score histogram')
    plt.savefig(cm_score_file[:-4] + '1.png')

    # Plot t-DCF as function of the CM threshold.
    plt.plot(CM_thresholds, tDCF_curve)
    plt.xlabel('CM threshold index (operating point)')
    plt.ylabel('Norm t-DCF')
    plt.title('Normalized tandem t-DCF')
        [np.min(CM_thresholds), np.max(CM_thresholds)], [1, 1],
    plt.legend(('t-DCF', 'min t-DCF ({:.5f})'.format(min_tDCF),
                'Arbitrarily bad CM (Norm t-DCF=1)'))
    plt.xlim([np.min(CM_thresholds), np.max(CM_thresholds)])
    plt.ylim([0, 1.5])
    plt.savefig(cm_score_file[:-4] + '2.png')


    return min(eer_cm, other_eer_cm), min_tDCF