Exemplo n.º 1
    def evalRanking(self):
        res = []  # used to contain the text of the result
        N = 0
        threshold = 0
        bThres = False
        bTopN = False
        if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
            bTopN = True
            N = int(self.ranking['-topN'])
            if N > 100 or N < 0:
                print 'N can not be larger than 100! It has been reassigned with 100'
                N = 100
        elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
            threshold = float(self.ranking['-threshold'])
            bThres = True
            print 'No correct evaluation metric is specified!'

            'userId: recommendations in (itemId, ranking score) pairs, * means the item matches.\n'
        # predict
        recList = {}
        userN = {}
        userCount = len(self.dao.testSet_u)
        for i, user in enumerate(self.dao.testSet_u):
            itemSet = {}
            line = user + ':'

            for item in self.dao.item:
                # predict
                prediction = self.predict(user, item)
                # denormalize

                prediction = denormalize(prediction, self.dao.rScale[-1],

                #prediction = self.checkRatingBoundary(prediction)
                #pred = self.checkRatingBoundary(prediction)
                # add prediction in order to measure
                if bThres:
                    if prediction > threshold:
                        itemSet[item] = prediction
                    itemSet[item] = prediction

            ratedList, ratingList = self.dao.userRated(user)
            for item in ratedList:
                del itemSet[self.dao.id2item[item]]
            itemSet = sorted(itemSet.iteritems(),
                             key=lambda d: d[1],
            if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
                recList[user] = itemSet[0:N]
            elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
                recList[user] = itemSet[:]
                userN[user] = len(itemSet)

            if i % 100 == 0:
                print self.algorName, self.foldInfo, 'progress:' + str(
                    i) + '/' + str(userCount)
            for item in recList[user]:
                line += ' (' + item[0] + ',' + str(item[1]) + ')'
                if self.dao.testSet_u[user].has_key(item[0]):
                    line += '*'

            line += '\n'
        currentTime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S", localtime(time()))
        # output prediction result
        if self.isOutput:
            fileName = ''
            outDir = self.output['-dir']
            if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
                fileName = self.config[
                    'recommender'] + '@' + currentTime + '-top-' + str(
                        N) + 'items' + self.foldInfo + '.txt'
            elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
                fileName = self.config[
                    'recommender'] + '@' + currentTime + '-threshold-' + str(
                        threshold) + self.foldInfo + '.txt'
            FileIO.writeFile(outDir, fileName, res)
            print 'The Result has been output to ', abspath(outDir), '.'
        #output evaluation result
        outDir = self.output['-dir']
        fileName = self.config[
            'recommender'] + '@' + currentTime + '-measure' + self.foldInfo + '.txt'
        if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
            self.measure = Measure.rankingMeasure(self.dao.testSet_u, recList,
        elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
            origin = self.dao.testSet_u.copy()
            for user in origin:
                temp = {}
                for item in origin[user]:
                    if origin[user][item] >= threshold:
                        temp[item] = threshold
                origin[user] = temp
            self.measure = Measure.rankingMeasure_threshold(
                origin, recList, userN)
        FileIO.writeFile(outDir, fileName, self.measure)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def evalRanking(self):
        res = []  # used to contain the text of the result
        N = 0
        threshold = 0
        if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
            N = int(self.ranking['-topN'])
            if N>100 or N<0:
        elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
            threshold = float(self.ranking['-threshold'])

        res.append('userId: recommendations in (itemId, ranking score) pairs, * means the item is matched\n')
        # predict
        recList = {}
        userN = {}
        userCount = len(self.dao.testSet_u)
        for i,user in enumerate(self.dao.testSet_u):
            itemSet = []
            line = user+':'

            for item in self.dao.item:
                if not self.dao.rating(user,item):
                    # predict
                    prediction = self.predict(user, item)
                    # denormalize

                    prediction = denormalize(prediction, self.dao.rScale[-1], self.dao.rScale[0])

                    prediction = self.checkRatingBoundary(prediction)
                    #pred = self.checkRatingBoundary(prediction)
                    # add prediction in order to measure
                    if self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
                        if prediction > threshold:

            itemSet = sorted(itemSet, key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
            if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
                recList[user] = itemSet[0:N]
            elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
                recList[user] = itemSet[:]
                userN[user] = len(itemSet)

            if i%100==0:
                print self.algorName,self.foldInfo,'progress:'+str(i)+'/'+str(userCount)
            for item in recList[user]:
                line += ' (' + item[0] + ',' + str(item[1]) + ')'
                if self.dao.testSet_u[user].has_key(item[0]):

        currentTime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S", localtime(time()))
        # output prediction result
        if self.isOutput:
            outDir = self.output['-dir']
            if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
                fileName = self.config['recommender'] + '@' + currentTime + '-top-'+str(N)+'items' + self.foldInfo + '.txt'
            elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
                fileName = self.config['recommender'] + '@' + currentTime + '-threshold-' + str(threshold)  + self.foldInfo + '.txt'
            FileIO.writeFile(outDir, fileName, res)
            print 'The Result has been output to ', abspath(outDir), '.'
        #output evaluation result
        outDir = self.output['-dir']
        fileName = self.config['recommender'] + '@' + currentTime + '-measure' + self.foldInfo + '.txt'
        if self.ranking.contains('-topN'):
            self.measure = Measure.rankingMeasure(self.dao.testSet_u,recList,N)
        elif self.ranking.contains('-threshold'):
            self.measure = Measure.rankingMeasure_threshold(self.dao.testSet_u, recList, userN)
        FileIO.writeFile(outDir, fileName, self.measure)