Exemplo n.º 1
class Api(object):
    def __init__(self, cache, apiKey=None, urlBase='https://api.eveonline.com'):
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger(fqcn(self))
        self.urlBase = urlBase;
        if apiKey is not None and not isinstance(apiKey, ApiKey):
            raise TypeError("apiKey object must be of type %s", fqcn(ApiKey))
        self.apiKey = apiKey
        if cache is None:
            self.__cache = SmartCache()
        if not isinstance(cache, SmartCache):
            raise TypeError("cache object must be of type %s.%s", fqcn(SmartCache))
        self.__cache = cache
    def getResponse(self, urlApi, reqData=None, bypassCache=False):
        req = self.__prepareRequest(urlApi, reqData)
        self.__logger.debug("URL: %s, data: %s", req.get_full_url(), req.get_data())
        if not bypassCache:
            cached, meta = self.__cache.get(req)
        if cached is not None:
            self.__logger.debug("Cache hit, cached until: %s", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", meta['cachedUntil']))
            return cached
        self.__logger.debug("Cache miss (bypass = %s)", bypassCache)
        rawResponse = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
        self.__logger.debug("Raw response:\n%s", rawResponse)
        response = et.fromstring(rawResponse)
        self.__cache.put(req, response) 
        return response
    def __handleError(self, response):
        error = response.find('error')
        if(error is not None):
            raise ApiException(error.attrib['code'], error.text)
    def __prepareRequest(self, urlApi, reqData=None):
        reqDataFull = self.apiKey._asdict() if self.apiKey is not None else dict()
        if reqData is not None:
            reqData = reqData._asdict() if isinstance(reqData, ApiKey) else reqData
            reqDataFull = dict(sorted(reqDataFull.items() + reqData.items()))
        req = urllib2.Request('%s/%s' % (self.urlBase, urlApi))
        return req
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, cache, apiKey=None, urlBase='https://api.eveonline.com'):
     self.__logger = logging.getLogger(fqcn(self))
     self.urlBase = urlBase;
     if apiKey is not None and not isinstance(apiKey, ApiKey):
         raise TypeError("apiKey object must be of type %s", fqcn(ApiKey))
     self.apiKey = apiKey
     if cache is None:
         self.__cache = SmartCache()
     if not isinstance(cache, SmartCache):
         raise TypeError("cache object must be of type %s.%s", fqcn(SmartCache))
     self.__cache = cache