Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: rooms.py Projeto: dimaguy/NOW
    def at_object_receive(self, new_arrival, source_location):
        When an object enters a room we tell other objects in the room
        about it by trying to call a hook on them. The Mob object
        uses this to cheaply get notified of enemies without having
        to constantly scan for them.

            new_arrival (Object): the object that just entered this room.
            source_location (Object): the previous location of new_arrival.
        if self.tags.get(
                category='flags') and not new_arrival.attributes.has('_sdesc'):
            sdesc = self.db.messages and self.db.messages.get(
                'species') or new_arrival.key
        if new_arrival.has_account:  # and not new_arrival.is_superuser: # this is a character
            if self.tags.get('weather', category='flags'):
                if not self.nattributes.has('weather_time'):
                        1.00)  # 100% chance of update on initial arrival.
                tickers = TICKER_HANDLER.all_display()
                counter = 0
                for tick in tickers:
                    if tick[0] == self and tick[1] == 'update_weather':
                        notice = ''
                        counter += 1
                        show = '20%% chance every %s seconds in ' % tick[3]
                        show += "%s%s" % (
                            tick[0] or "[None]", tick[0] and " (#%s)" %
                            (tick[0].id if hasattr(tick[0], 'id') else '')
                            or '')
                        if counter > 1:
                            notice = '|rExtra Ticker|n - |yadditional|n '
                            # TODO: Too many weather tickers going, maybe remove extra?
                        channel = ChannelDB.objects.channel_search('MudInfo')
                        if channel[0]:
                                '* %s\'s %s experience * %s%s' %
                                (new_arrival.key, tick[4], notice, show),
                if counter == 0:  # No weather ticker! Add a weather ticker.
                    interval = random.randint(12, 30) * 10
            for obj in self.contents_get(exclude=new_arrival):
                if hasattr(obj, 'at_new_arrival'):
Exemplo n.º 2
 def func(self):
     from evennia import TICKER_HANDLER
     all_subs = TICKER_HANDLER.all_display()
     if not all_subs:
         self.caller.msg("No tickers are currently active.")
     table = EvTable("interval (s)", "object", "path/methodname", "idstring", "db")
     for sub in all_subs:
                       "%s%s" % (sub[0] or "[None]", sub[0] and " (#%s)" % (sub[0].id if hasattr(sub[0], "id") else "") or ""),
                       sub[1] if sub[1] else sub[2],
                       sub[4] or "[Unset]",
                       "*" if sub[5] else "-")
     self.caller.msg("|wActive tickers|n:\n" + unicode(table))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def func(self):
     from evennia import TICKER_HANDLER
     all_subs = TICKER_HANDLER.all_display()
     if not all_subs:
         self.caller.msg("No tickers are currently active.")
     table = EvTable("interval (s)", "object", "path/methodname", "idstring", "db")
     for sub in all_subs:
                       "%s%s" % (sub[0] or "[None]",
                                 sub[0] and " (#%s)" % (sub[0].id if hasattr(sub[0], "id") else "") or ""),
                       sub[1] if sub[1] else sub[2],
                       sub[4] or "[Unset]",
                       "*" if sub[5] else "-")
     self.caller.msg("|wActive tickers|n:\n" + unicode(table))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def at_object_receive(self, new_arrival, source_location):
        When an object enters a room we tell other objects in the room
        about it by trying to call a hook on them. The Mob object
        uses this to cheaply get notified of enemies without having
        to constantly scan for them.

            new_arrival (Object): the object that just entered this room.
            source_location (Object): the previous location of new_arrival.

        if new_arrival.has_player:  # and not new_arrival.is_superuser: # this is a character
            outdoor = self.tags.get('outdoor', category='flags')
            if outdoor:
                tickers = TICKER_HANDLER.all_display()
                counter = 0
                for tick in tickers:
                    if tick[0] == self and tick[1] == 'update_weather':
                        notice = ''
                        counter += 1
                        show = '20%% chance every %s seconds in ' % tick[3]
                        show += "%s%s" % (
                            tick[0] or "[None]", tick[0] and " (#%s)" %
                            (tick[0].id if hasattr(tick[0], "id") else "")
                            or "")
                        if counter > 1:
                            notice = '|rExtra Ticker|n - |yadditional|n '
                            # Too many weather tickers going, maybe remove extra?
                        channel = ChannelDB.objects.channel_search('MudInfo')
                        if channel[0]:
                                '* %s\'s %s experience * %s%s' %
                                (new_arrival.key, tick[4], notice, show),
                if counter == 0:  # No weather ticker - add one.
                    interval = random.randint(50, 70)

            for obj in self.contents_get(exclude=new_arrival):
                if hasattr(obj, "at_new_arrival"):
Exemplo n.º 5
    def at_object_receive(self, new_arrival, source_location):
        When an object enters a room we tell other objects in the room
        about it by trying to call a hook on them. The Mob object
        uses this to cheaply get notified of enemies without having
        to constantly scan for them.

            new_arrival (Object): the object that just entered this room.
            source_location (Object): the previous location of new_arrival.
        if self.tags.get('rp', category='flags') and not new_arrival.attributes.has('_sdesc'):
            sdesc = self.db.messages and self.db.messages.get('species') or new_arrival.key
        if new_arrival.has_account:  # and not new_arrival.is_superuser: # this is a character
            if self.tags.get('weather', category='flags'):
                if not self.nattributes.has('weather_time'):
                    self.attempt_weather_update(1.00)  # 100% chance of update on initial arrival.
                tickers = TICKER_HANDLER.all_display()
                counter = 0
                for tick in tickers:
                    if tick[0] == self and tick[1] == 'update_weather':
                        notice = ''
                        counter += 1
                        show = '20%% chance every %s seconds in ' % tick[3]
                        show += "%s%s" % (tick[0] or "[None]", tick[0] and " (#%s)" %
                                          (tick[0].id if hasattr(tick[0], 'id') else '') or '')
                        if counter > 1:
                            notice = '|rExtra Ticker|n - |yadditional|n '
                            # TODO: Too many weather tickers going, maybe remove extra?
                        channel = ChannelDB.objects.channel_search('MudInfo')
                        if channel[0]:
                            channel[0].msg('* %s\'s %s experience * %s%s' % (new_arrival.key, tick[4], notice, show),
                if counter == 0:  # No weather ticker! Add a weather ticker.
                    interval = random.randint(12, 30) * 10
                    TICKER_HANDLER.add(interval=interval, callback=self.update_weather, idstring='Weather')
            for obj in self.contents_get(exclude=new_arrival):
                if hasattr(obj, 'at_new_arrival'):
Exemplo n.º 6
    def at_object_receive(self, new_arrival, source_location):
        When an object enters a room we tell other objects in the room
        about it by trying to call a hook on them. The Mob object
        uses this to cheaply get notified of enemies without having
        to constantly scan for them.

            new_arrival (Object): the object that just entered this room.
            source_location (Object): the previous location of new_arrival.

        if new_arrival.has_player:  # and not new_arrival.is_superuser: # this is a character
            outdoor = self.tags.get('outdoor', category='flags')
            if outdoor:
                tickers = TICKER_HANDLER.all_display()
                counter = 0
                for tick in tickers:
                    if tick[0] == self and tick[1] == 'update_weather':
                        notice = ''
                        counter += 1
                        show = '20%% chance every %s seconds in ' % tick[3]
                        show += "%s%s" % (tick[0] or "[None]", tick[0] and " (#%s)" %
                                          (tick[0].id if hasattr(tick[0], "id") else "") or "")
                        if counter > 1:
                            notice = '|rExtra Ticker|n - |yadditional|n '
                            # Too many weather tickers going, maybe remove extra?
                        channel = ChannelDB.objects.channel_search('MudInfo')
                        if channel[0]:
                            channel[0].msg('* %s\'s %s experience * %s%s' % (new_arrival.key, tick[4], notice, show),
                if counter == 0:  # No weather ticker - add one.
                    interval = random.randint(50, 70)
                    TICKER_HANDLER.add(interval=interval, callback=self.update_weather, idstring='Weather')

            for obj in self.contents_get(exclude=new_arrival):
                if hasattr(obj, "at_new_arrival"):