Exemplo n.º 1
def sortDeque(d):
    copy = d.copy()
    l = deque()
    min = KeyEvent(keyboard.Key.enter, 999999999999, 99999999999)
    while len(copy) > 0:
        for i in copy:
            if i.time < min.time:
                min = i
        min = KeyEvent(keyboard.Key.enter, 999999999999, 99999999999)
    return l
Exemplo n.º 2
def on_release(key):
    global running, quit_counter, shift_modifier, ctrl_modifier, alt_modifier, altgr_modifier, fn_modifier, cmd_modifier

    if hasattr(key, "name"):
        name = key.name
    elif hasattr(key, "char"):
        name = key.char
        name = str(key)

    if key == keyboard.Key.shift:
        shift_modifier = 0
    if key == keyboard.Key.ctrl:
        ctrl_modifier = 0
    if key == keyboard.Key.alt:
        alt_modifier = 0
    if key == keyboard.Key.alt_gr:
        altgr_modifier = 0
    if key == keyboard.Key.cmd:
        cmd_modifier = 0

    add_event(KeyEvent(time.time(), name, pressed=False, shift=shift_modifier, ctrl=ctrl_modifier, alt=alt_modifier,
                           altgr=altgr_modifier, fn=fn_modifier, cmd=cmd_modifier))

    if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
        quit_counter -= 1
        if quit_counter == 0:
            running = False
            print("[Manual] Killing tester.")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_key(self) -> KeyEvent:
        attr_o = termios.tcgetattr(_STDIN_FD)
        termios.tcsetattr(_STDIN_FD, termios.TCSANOW, _ATTR_NEW)

        buf = os.read(_STDIN_FD, _READ_BUFFER)
        kname = self.__keymap.get(buf, 'UNKNOWN_KEY')

        if kname == 'UNKNOWN_KEY' and buf in keys.K_MAP.keys():
            buf = keys.K_MAP.get(buf, buf)
            kname = self.__keymap.get(buf, 'UNKNOWN_KEY')

        termios.tcsetattr(_STDIN_FD, termios.TCSANOW, attr_o)

        return KeyEvent(buf, kname)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __read_key_loop(self):
        while True:
            if self.__stop:

            k = os.read(_STDIN_FD, _READ_BUFFER)

            kname = self.__keymap.get(k, "UNKNOWN_KEY")

            if k == keys.KEY_RETURN:
                k = keys.KEY_ENTER

            evt = KeyEvent(k, kname)

Exemplo n.º 5
def on_release(key):
        if not record:
        t1 = keyTimes.get(key) - t0
        dt = time.time() - keyTimes.get(key)
        keyEventDeque.append(KeyEvent(key, t1, dt))
        keyTimes.update({key: 0})
        print('{0} released'.format(key))
        if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
            newDeque = sortDeque(keyEventDeque)
            for i in newDeque:
            pickle.dump(newDeque, open("sequence.p", "wb"))
            # Stop listener
            return False
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error", e)
Exemplo n.º 6
def on_press(key):
    global shift_modifier, ctrl_modifier, alt_modifier, altgr_modifier, fn_modifier, cmd_modifier
    name = ""

    if hasattr(key, "name"):
        name = key.name
    elif hasattr(key, "char"):
        name = key.char
        name = str(key)

    if key == keyboard.Key.shift:
        shift_modifier = 1
    if key == keyboard.Key.ctrl:
        ctrl_modifier = 1
    if key == keyboard.Key.alt:
        alt_modifier = 1
    if key == keyboard.Key.alt_gr:
        altgr_modifier = 1
    if key == keyboard.Key.cmd:
        cmd_modifier = 1

    add_event(KeyEvent(time.time(), name, pressed=True, shift=shift_modifier, ctrl=ctrl_modifier, alt=alt_modifier,
                           altgr=altgr_modifier, fn=fn_modifier, cmd=cmd_modifier))
Exemplo n.º 7
def perform_interaction(best_box,
    x_mod = (0.5 - random.random()) * best_box[3]
    y_mod = (0.5 - random.random()) * best_box[4]
    x = int(
        max(app_x, min(app_x + app_w,
                       app_x + ((best_box[1] + x_mod) * app_w))))
    y = int(
        max(app_y, min(app_y + app_h,
                       app_y + ((best_box[2] + y_mod) * app_h))))

    # y_start = max(app_y, min(app_y + height - 5, app_y + int(height*(best_box[2] - best_box[4]/2))-5))
    # y_end = max(app_y+5, min(app_y + height, app_y + int(height*(best_box[2]+best_box[4]/2))+5))
    # x_start = max(app_x, min(app_x + width - 5, app_x + int(width*(best_box[1]-best_box[3]/2))-5))
    # x_end = max(app_x + 5, min(app_x + width, app_x + int(width*(best_box[1]+best_box[3]/2))+5))
    # image_clicked = raw_image[y_start:y_end,
    #                           x_start:x_end]
    # output_img = output_dir + "/images/" + str(event)
    # np.save(output_img, image_clicked)
    # cv2.imwrite(output_img + ".jpg", image_clicked)
    # widget = yolo.names[int(best_box[0   ])]
    # interactions.append([widget, event, input_string])
    # with open(test_file, "a+") as t_f:
    #     t_f.write(widget + "," + str(event) + "\n")
    # pyautogui.moveTo(x, y)
    # event = event + 1
    # if widget == "button" or widget == "tabs" or widget == "menu" \
    #         or widget == "menu_item" or widget == "toggle_button":
    #     if (random.random() < 0.5):
    #         pyautogui.click(x, y)
    #     else:
    #         pyautogui.rightClick(x, y)
    # elif widget == "list" or widget == "scroll_bar" or widget == "slider":
    #     x = random.randint(x_start, x_end)
    #     y = random.randint(y_start, y_end)
    #     pyautogui.moveTo(x, y)
    #     action = random.random()
    #     if action < 0.4:
    #         pyautogui.click(x, y)
    #     elif action < 0.5:
    #         pyautogui.rightClick(x, y)
    #     else:
    #         pyautogui.click(x, y)
    #         x = random.randint(x_start, x_end)
    #         y = random.randint(y_start, y_end)
    #         pyautogui.dragTo(x, y)
    #         pyautogui.mouseUp(x, y)
    #         pyautogui.click(x, y)
    # elif widget == "tree":
    #     pyautogui.click(x, y)
    #     x = random.randint(x_start, x_end)
    #     y = random.randint(y_start, y_end)
    #     pyautogui.moveTo(x, y)
    #     if (random.random() < 0.5):
    #         pyautogui.doubleClick(x, y)
    #     else:
    #         pyautogui.rightClick(x, y)
    #     x = random.randint(x_start, x_end)
    #     y = random.randint(y_start, y_end)
    #     pyautogui.moveTo(x, y)
    #     pyautogui.click(x, y)
    # elif widget == "text_field":
    #     if (random.random() < 0.5):
    #         pyautogui.click(x, y)
    #     else:
    #         pyautogui.rightClick(x, y)
    #     pyautogui.typewrite(input_string, interval=0.01)
    #     # if random.random() < 0.2:
    #     #     pyautogui.press('enter')
    # elif widget == "combo_box":
    #     if (random.random() < 0.2): #press right button of cbox
    #         x = x_start + ((x_end-x_start)*0.85)
    #     if (random.random() < 0.5):
    #         pyautogui.click(x, y)
    #     else:
    #         pyautogui.rightClick(x, y)
    #     event = event + 1
    #     next_y = best_box[2]+random.random()*0.5
    #     x = int(max(app_x, min(app_x + app_w - 10, app_x + (best_box[1]*app_w))))
    #     y = int(max(app_y, min(app_y + app_h - 10, app_y + ((next_y)*app_h))))
    #     pyautogui.click(x, y)
    #     y_start = max(0, min(height, int(height*(next_y - best_box[4]/2))-10))
    #     y_end = max(0, min(height, int(height*(next_y+best_box[4]/2))+10))
    #     x_start = max(0, min(width, int(width*(best_box[1]-best_box[3]/2))-10))
    #     x_end = max(0, min(width, int(width*(best_box[1]+best_box[3]/2))+10))
    #     image_clicked = raw_image[y_start:y_end,
    #                     x_start:x_end]
    #     output_img = output_dir + "/images/" + str(event)
    #     np.save(output_img, image_clicked)
    #     cv2.imwrite(output_img + ".jpg", image_clicked)
    # else:
    #     print(widget, "unrecognised")

    # pyautogui.mouseUp(x, y)

    events = []

    random_interaction = random.random()

    if random_interaction < 0.888888888888:  # just a normal click
        if random.random() < 0.8:
            events.append(MouseEvent(time.time(), 0, x, y))
            pyautogui.click(x, y)
            events.append(MouseEvent(time.time(), 1, x, y))
    else:  # click and type 'Hello world!'
        events.append(MouseEvent(time.time(), 0, x, y))
        events.append(KeyEvent(time.time(), input_string))

    for event in events: