Exemplo n.º 1
def post(request):
    # Like before, get the request's context.
    context = RequestContext(request)
    # A boolean value for telling the template whether the registration was successful.
    # Set to False initially. Code changes value to True when registration succeeds.
    posted = False

    if request.method == 'POST':
	event = Events()
	event.title = request.POST['title']
	event.brief_intro = request.POST['brief_intro']
	event.organizer = request.POST['organizer']
	event.contact_email = request.POST['contact_email']
	event.contact_phonenumber = request.POST['contact_phonenumber']
	event.capacity = request.POST['capacity']
	event.age_limit = request.POST['age_limit']
	event.ticket = request.POST['ticket']
	event.description = request.POST['description']
	event.starttime = request.POST['starttime']
	event.endtime = request.POST['endtime']

        event.music = bool(request.POST.get('isMusic'))
        event.sports = bool(request.POST.get('isSport'))
        event.food = bool(request.POST.get('isFood'))
        event.party = bool(request.POST.get('isParty'))
        event.arts = bool(request.POST.get('isArts'))
        event.busniess = bool(request.POST.get('isBusniess'))

	if 'poster' in request.FILES:
		event.poster = request.FILES['poster']
	event.pubdate= timezone.now()
	event.updatedate= timezone.now()
	event.street_number = request.POST['street_number_']
	event.street_name = request.POST['street_name_']
	event.city_name = request.POST['city_name_']
	event.province_name = request.POST['province_name_']
	event.postal_code = request.POST['postal_code_']
	event.country_name = request.POST['country_name_']
	event.latitude = request.POST['latitude_']
	event.longitude = request.POST['longitude_']
	event.location = request.POST['location_']
            # Now sort out the UserProfile instance.
            # Since we need to set the user attribute ourselves, we set commit=False.
            # Thi s delays saving the model until we're ready to avoid integrity problems.
	    #user = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, pk=user.user_id)
	EventsCreater.objects.create(events=event,creater=user, createdate=timezone.now())
            # Update our variable to tell the template registration was successful.
	posted = True
	from_zone = tz.gettz('UTC')
	to_zone = tz.gettz('America/Vancouver')
	_event = get_object_or_404(Events, pk=event.id)
	_starttime = _event.starttime
	#_starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(_starttime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
	#_starttime = _starttime.replace(tzinfo=from_zone)
	_localtime = _starttime.astimezone(to_zone)

	_endtime = _event.endtime
	#_endtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(_endtime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
	_localtime2 = _endtime.astimezone(to_zone)
	subject = '[QuickActivity - Do Not Reply] You Have Posted an Activity!'
	message = 'Hi ' + user.username + ',\n\n' + 'You have successfully posted the activity ' + event.title +'. The starting time is ' + unicode(_localtime) + ', ending time is ' + unicode(_localtime2) + ', and the location is ' + event.location + '.\n\nYours,\nQuickActivity Team\n'
		send_mail(subject, message, '*****@*****.**', [user.email], fail_silently=True)
	except BadHeaderError:
		return HttpResponse('Invalid header found.')
        # Invalid form or forms - mistakes or somethi ng else?
        # Print problems to the terminal.
        # They'll also be shown to the user.
        #   print events_form.errors

    # Not a HTTP POST, so we render our form using two ModelForm instances.
    # These forms will be blank, ready for user input.

    # Render the template depending on the context.
    return render_to_response(
            {'posted': posted}, context)
Exemplo n.º 2
def post(request):
    # Like before, get the request's context.
    context = RequestContext(request)
    user = request.user
    # A boolean value for telling the template whether the registration was successful.
    # Set to False initially. Code changes value to True when registration succeeds.
    posted = False

    if request.method == 'POST':
        event = Events()
        event.title = request.POST['title']
        event.brief_intro = request.POST['brief_intro']
        event.organizer = request.POST['organizer']
        event.contact_email = request.POST['contact_email']
        event.contact_phonenumber = request.POST['contact_phonenumber']
        event.capacity = request.POST['capacity']
        event.age_limit = request.POST['age_limit']
        event.ticket = request.POST['ticket']
        event.description = request.POST['description']
        event.starttime = request.POST['starttime']
        event.endtime = request.POST['endtime']

        event.music = bool(request.POST.get('isMusic'))
        event.sports = bool(request.POST.get('isSport'))
        event.food = bool(request.POST.get('isFood'))
        event.party = bool(request.POST.get('isParty'))
        event.arts = bool(request.POST.get('isArts'))
        event.busniess = bool(request.POST.get('isBusniess'))

        if 'poster' in request.FILES:
            event.poster = request.FILES['poster']
        event.pubdate = timezone.now()
        event.updatedate = timezone.now()
        event.street_number = request.POST['street_number_']
        event.street_name = request.POST['street_name_']
        event.city_name = request.POST['city_name_']
        event.province_name = request.POST['province_name_']
        event.postal_code = request.POST['postal_code_']
        event.country_name = request.POST['country_name_']
        event.latitude = request.POST['latitude_']
        event.longitude = request.POST['longitude_']
        event.location = request.POST['location_']
        # Now sort out the UserProfile instance.
        # Since we need to set the user attribute ourselves, we set commit=False.
        # Thi s delays saving the model until we're ready to avoid integrity problems.

        #user = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, pk=user.user_id)
        # Update our variable to tell the template registration was successful.
        posted = True
        from_zone = tz.gettz('UTC')
        to_zone = tz.gettz('America/Vancouver')
        _event = get_object_or_404(Events, pk=event.id)

        _starttime = _event.starttime
        #_starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(_starttime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
        #_starttime = _starttime.replace(tzinfo=from_zone)
        _localtime = _starttime.astimezone(to_zone)

        _endtime = _event.endtime
        #_endtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(_endtime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
        _localtime2 = _endtime.astimezone(to_zone)
        subject = '[QuickActivity - Do Not Reply] You Have Posted an Activity!'
        message = 'Hi ' + user.username + ',\n\n' + 'You have successfully posted the activity ' + event.title + '. The starting time is ' + unicode(
        ) + ', ending time is ' + unicode(
        ) + ', and the location is ' + event.location + '.\n\nYours,\nQuickActivity Team\n'
                      '*****@*****.**', [user.email],
        except BadHeaderError:
            return HttpResponse('Invalid header found.')
    # Invalid form or forms - mistakes or somethi ng else?
    # Print problems to the terminal.
    # They'll also be shown to the user.
    #   print events_form.errors

    # Not a HTTP POST, so we render our form using two ModelForm instances.
    # These forms will be blank, ready for user input.

    # Render the template depending on the context.
    return render_to_response('events/post.html', {'posted': posted}, context)