Exemplo n.º 1
def calc_x(Kp1, C, Cm1, rp1, lm2, Am1, A, Ap1, lm1_s, lm1_si, r_s, r_si, Vsh):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]

    x = np.zeros((Dm1, q * D - Dm1), dtype=A.dtype)
    x_part = np.zeros_like(x, order='C')
    x_subpart = np.empty_like(A[0], order='C')

    #assert not (C is None and not Kp1 is None) #existence of Kp1 implies existence of C

    if C is not None or Kp1 is not None:
        for s in xrange(q):
            if C is None:
                x_subpart = eps_r_noop_inplace(rp1, C[s], Ap1,
                                               x_subpart)  #~1st line

            if Kp1 is not None:
                x_subpart += A[s].dot(Kp1)  #~3rd line

            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_si.dot(Vsh[s]))

        x += lm1_s.dot(x_part)

    if Cm1 is not None:
        Cm1T = sp.transpose(Cm1, axes=(1, 0, 2, 3))
        for s in xrange(q):  #~2nd line
            x_subpart = eps_l_noop_inplace(lm2, Am1, Cm1T[s, :], x_subpart)
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_s.dot(Vsh[s]))
        x += lm1_si.dot(x_part)

    return x
Exemplo n.º 2
def calc_x(Kp1, C, Cm1, rp1, lm2, Am1, A, Ap1, lm1_s, lm1_si, r_s, r_si, Vsh):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]
    x = np.zeros((Dm1, q * D - Dm1), dtype=A.dtype)
    x_part = np.empty_like(x, order='C')
    x_subpart = np.empty_like(A[0], order='C')
    assert not (C is None and not Kp1 is None) #existence of Kp1 implies existence of C
    if not C is None:
        for s in xrange(q):            
            x_subpart = eps_r_noop_inplace(rp1, C[s], Ap1, x_subpart) #~1st line
            if not Kp1 is None:
                x_subpart += A[s].dot(Kp1) #~3rd line
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_si.dot(Vsh[s]))

        x += lm1_s.dot(x_part)

    if not lm2 is None:
        Cm1T = sp.transpose(Cm1, axes=(1, 0, 2, 3))
        for s in xrange(q):     #~2nd line
            x_subpart = eps_l_noop_inplace(lm2, Am1, Cm1T[s, :], x_subpart)
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_s.dot(Vsh[s]))
        x += lm1_si.dot(x_part)

    return x
Exemplo n.º 3
def calc_x_3s(Kp1, C, Cm1, Cm2, rp1, rp2, lm2, lm3, Am2Am1, Am1, A, Ap1,
              Ap1Ap2, lm1_s, lm1_si, r_s, r_si, Vsh):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]

    x = np.zeros((Dm1, q * D - Dm1), dtype=A.dtype)
    x_part = np.empty_like(x, order='C')

    assert not (C is None and not Kp1 is None)
    if not C is None:
        for s in xrange(q):
            x_subpart = eps_r_op_2s_C12_AA34(rp2, C[s], Ap1Ap2)  #~1st line

            if not Kp1 is None:
                x_subpart += A[s].dot(Kp1)  #~3rd line

            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_si.dot(Vsh[s]))

        x += lm1_s.dot(x_part)

    if not lm2 is None and not Cm1 is None:
        x_subpart = np.empty((Am1.shape[2], D), dtype=A.dtype)
        x_subsubpart = np.empty((Cm1[0, 0].shape[1], D),
        qm1 = Am1.shape[0]
        for t in xrange(q):  #~2nd line
            for s in xrange(qm1):
                eps_r_noop_inplace(rp1, Cm1[s, t], Ap1, x_subsubpart)
                x_subpart += (lm2.dot(Am1[s])).conj().T.dot(x_subsubpart)
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_si.dot(Vsh[t]))
        x += lm1_si.dot(x_part)

    if not lm3 is None:
        for u in xrange(q):  #~2nd line
            x_subpart = eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34(lm3, Am2Am1, Cm2[:, :, u])
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_s.dot(Vsh[u]))
        x += lm1_si.dot(x_part)

    return x
Exemplo n.º 4
def calc_x_3s(Kp1, C, Cm1, Cm2, rp1, rp2, lm2, lm3, Am2Am1, Am1, A, Ap1, Ap1Ap2, 
              lm1_s, lm1_si, r_s, r_si, Vsh):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]
    x = np.zeros((Dm1, q * D - Dm1), dtype=A.dtype)
    x_part = np.empty_like(x, order='C')
    assert not (C is None and not Kp1 is None)
    if not C is None:
        for s in xrange(q):            
            x_subpart = eps_r_op_2s_C12_AA34(rp2, C[s], Ap1Ap2) #~1st line
            if not Kp1 is None:
                x_subpart += A[s].dot(Kp1) #~3rd line
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_si.dot(Vsh[s]))
        x += lm1_s.dot(x_part)

    if not lm2 is None and not Cm1 is None:
        x_subpart = np.empty((Am1.shape[2], D), dtype=A.dtype)
        x_subsubpart = np.empty((Cm1[0, 0].shape[1], D), dtype=A.dtype, order='C')
        qm1 = Am1.shape[0]
        for t in xrange(q):     #~2nd line
            for s in xrange(qm1):
                eps_r_noop_inplace(rp1, Cm1[s, t], Ap1, x_subsubpart)
                x_subpart += (lm2.dot(Am1[s])).conj().T.dot(x_subsubpart)
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_si.dot(Vsh[t]))
        x += lm1_si.dot(x_part)

    if not lm3 is None:
        for u in xrange(q):     #~2nd line
            x_subpart = eps_l_op_2s_AA12_C34(lm3, Am2Am1, Cm2[:, :, u])
            x_part += x_subpart.dot(r_s.dot(Vsh[u]))
        x += lm1_si.dot(x_part)

    return x
Exemplo n.º 5
def calc_x_l(Km1, C, Cm1, rp1, lm2, Am1, A, Ap1, lm1_s, lm1_si, r_s, r_si,
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]

    x = sp.zeros((q * Dm1 - D, D), dtype=A.dtype)
    x_part = sp.empty_like(x, order='C')
    x_subpart = sp.empty_like(A[0], order='C')

    if not C is None:
        for s in xrange(q):
            x_subpart = eps_r_noop_inplace(rp1, C[s], Ap1,
                                           x_subpart)  #~1st line
            x_part += Vsh[s].dot(lm1_s.dot(x_subpart))

            x += r_si.dot_left(x_part)
        except AttributeError:
            x += x_part.dot(r_si)

    for s in xrange(q):  #~2nd line

        if not lm2 is None:
            x_subpart = eps_l_noop_inplace(lm2, Am1, Cm1[:, s], x_subpart)

        if not Km1 is None:
            x_subpart += Km1.dot(A[s])  #~3rd line

        x_part += Vsh[s].dot(lm1_si.dot(x_subpart))
        x += r_s.dot_left(x_part)
    except AttributeError:
        x += x_part.dot(r_s)

    return x
Exemplo n.º 6
def calc_x_l(Km1, C, Cm1, rp1, lm2, Am1, A, Ap1, lm1_s, lm1_si, r_s, r_si, Vsh):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]
    x = sp.zeros((q * Dm1 - D, D), dtype=A.dtype)
    x_part = sp.empty_like(x, order='C')
    x_subpart = sp.empty_like(A[0], order='C')
    if not C is None:
        for s in xrange(q):
            x_subpart = eps_r_noop_inplace(rp1, C[s], Ap1, x_subpart) #~1st line
            x_part += Vsh[s].dot(lm1_s.dot(x_subpart))
            x += r_si.dot_left(x_part)
        except AttributeError:
            x += x_part.dot(r_si)

    for s in xrange(q):     #~2nd line

        if not lm2 is None:
            x_subpart = eps_l_noop_inplace(lm2, Am1, Cm1[:, s], x_subpart)
        if not Km1 is None:
            x_subpart += Km1.dot(A[s]) #~3rd line
        x_part += Vsh[s].dot(lm1_si.dot(x_subpart))
        x += r_s.dot_left(x_part)
    except AttributeError:
        x += x_part.dot(r_s)

    return x