Exemplo n.º 1
    def entry_formatter_lambda(allSolutions, entryIndex):
        # solution = (bestOrig, bestOrig.size, testMSE)
        solution = allSolutions[entryIndex]

        def latexTextColor(color, x):
            return r"\textbf{\textcolor{" + str(color) + "}{" + str(x) + "}}"

        value = float(solution[2])
        valueSc = scientificNotationLatex(value)
        colorValue = printer.getLatexColorCode(value, [
            (allSolutions[-1][2] + allSolutions[0][2]) / 2.0,
        ], ["darkgreen", "orange", "darkred!50!white"])
        size = int(solution[1])
        sizeStr = r"\textcolor{darkblue}{\textbf{" + str(size) + r"}}"
        # colorSize = printer.getLatexColorCode(value, sizeColorScale, ["darkred!50!white", "orange", "darkgreen"])

        sol = solution[0]
        sol = shortenLongConstants(sol)
        sol = sol[:STR_LEN_LIMIT] + " [..]" if len(
            sol) > STR_LEN_LIMIT else sol
        # sol = r"\texttt{" + sol + "}"
        return r"{0}  ({1}) ({2})".format(sol,
                                          latexTextColor(colorValue, valueSc),
Exemplo n.º 2
 def entry_formatter_lambda(allSolutions, entryIndex):
     entry = allSolutions[entryIndex]
     value = round(float(entry[1]), 2)
     nameFormatter = lambda x: r"\textcolor{darkblue}{" + str(x) + "}" if "CDGP" in str(x) else x
     color = printer.getLatexColorCode(value, [allSolutions[0][1], (allSolutions[-1][1] + allSolutions[0][1]) / 2.0,
                                       ["darkgreen", "orange", "darkred!50!white"])
     return "{0}  ({1})".format(nameFormatter(entry[0]),
                                r"\textbf{\textcolor{" + color + "}{" + str(value) + "}}")  # percentage of runs
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_freqCounterexamples(props):
    if len(props) == 0:
        return "-"
    counterex = {}
    for p in props:
        # e.g. "ArrayBuffer((Map(m1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0),None), (Map(m1 -> 1.0, m2 -> 2.0, r -> 1.0),None)
        s = p["tests.collected"]
        cxs = re.findall("\(Map\((?:[^,]+ -> [^,]+(?:, )?)+\),None\)",
                         s)  # ^ makes to match all charecters other than ','
        # cxs = <class 'list'>: ['(Map(m1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0),None)', '(Map(m1 -> 1.0, m2 -> 2.0, r -> 1.0),None)']
        for cx in cxs:
            # e.g. cx = (Map(m1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0),None)
            if "None" in cx:  # we are interested only in the noncomplete tests
                cx = cx[len("(Map("):-len("),None)")]
                # cx = 'm1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0'
                fargs = re.findall(
                    "[^,]+ -> [^,]+(?:, )?",
                    cx)  # findall returns non-overlapping matches in string
                fargs = [a.replace(", ", "") for a in fargs]
                fargs.sort(key=lambda a: a.split(" -> ")[0])
                sargs = ",".join(fargs).replace(" -> ", "=")
                if sargs in counterex:
                    counterex[sargs] += 1
                    counterex[sargs] = 1
    counterex_items = list(counterex.items())
    if len(counterex_items) == 0:
        return "n/a"
        counterex_items.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
        NUM_SHOWN = 5
        # For some strange reason makecell doesn't work, even when it is a suggested answer (https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2441/how-to-add-a-forced-line-break-inside-a-table-cell)
        # return "\\makecell{" + "{0}  ({1})\\\\{2}  ({3})".format(counterex_items[0][0], counterex_items[0][1],
        #                                        counterex_items[1][0], counterex_items[1][1]) + "}"
        res = "\\pbox[l][" + str(
            17 * min(NUM_SHOWN, len(counterex_items))) + "pt][b]{20cm}{"
        for i in range(NUM_SHOWN):
            if i >= len(counterex_items):
            if i > 0:
                res += "\\\\ \\ "
            # res += "{0}  ({1})".format(counterex_items[i][0], counterex_items[i][1])  # absolute value
            percent = round(100.0 * float(counterex_items[i][1]) / len(props),
            color = printer.getLatexColorCode(
                percent, [0., 50., 100.],
                ["darkred!50!white", "orange", "darkgreen"])
            res += "{0}  ({1})".format(
                counterex_items[i][0], r"\textbf{\textcolor{" + color + "}{" +
                str(percent) + "\%}}")  # percentage of runs
        res += "}"
        return res
Exemplo n.º 4
    def entry_formatter_lambda(allSolutions, entryIndex):
        # entry = (name, best.testMSE)
        entry = allSolutions[entryIndex]
        value = float(entry[1])
        valueSc = scientificNotationLatex(value)

        def nameFormatter(x):
            if "CDGP" in str(x):
                return r"\textcolor{darkblue}{" + str(x) + "}"
            elif x == "ALL":
                return r"\underline{ALL}"
                return x

        color = printer.getLatexColorCode(value, [allSolutions[0][1], (allSolutions[-1][1] + allSolutions[0][1]) / 2.0,
                                          ["darkgreen", "orange", "darkred!50!white"])
        return "{0}  ({1})".format(nameFormatter(entry[0]),
                                   r"\textbf{\textcolor{" + color + "}{" + str(valueSc) + "}}")  # percentage of runs
Exemplo n.º 5
    def entry_formatter_lambda(allSolutions, entryIndex):
        # entry = (name, best.testMSE)
        entry = allSolutions[entryIndex]
        value = round(float(entry[1]), 2)

        def nameFormatter(x):
            if "CDGP" in str(x):
                return r"\textcolor{darkblue}{" + str(x) + "}"
            elif x == "ALL":
                return r"\underline{ALL}"
                return x

        color = printer.getLatexColorCode(
            value, [
                (allSolutions[-1][1] + allSolutions[0][1]) / 2.0,
            ], list(reversed(["darkgreen", "orange", "darkred!50!white"])))
        return "{0}  ({1})".format(
            r"\textbf{\textcolor{" + color + "}{" + str(value) + "}}")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def entry_formatter_lambda(allSolutions, entryIndex):
        # solution = (bestOrig, bestOrig.size, best.isOptimal)
        solution = allSolutions[entryIndex]

        def latexTextColor(color, x):
            return r"\textbf{\textcolor{" + str(color) + "}{" + str(x) + "}}"

        value = round(float(solution[2]), 2)
        colorValue = printer.getLatexColorCode(
            value, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
            ["darkred!50!white", "orange", "darkgreen"])
        size = int(solution[1])
        sizeStr = r"\textcolor{darkblue}{\textbf{" + str(size) + r"}}"
        # colorSize = printer.getLatexColorCode(value, sizeColorScale, ["darkred!50!white", "orange", "darkgreen"])

        sol = solution[0]
        sol = shortenLongConstants(sol)
        sol = sanitizeLatex(sol)
        sol = sol[:STR_LEN_LIMIT] + " [..]" if len(
            sol) > STR_LEN_LIMIT else sol
        sol = r"\texttt{" + sol + "}"
        return r"{0}  ({1}) ({2})".format(sol,
                                                         value), sizeStr)
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_freqCounterexamples(props):
    if len(props) == 0:
        return "-"
    counterex = {}
    for p in props:
        # e.g. "ArrayBuffer((Map(m1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0),None), (Map(m1 -> 1.0, m2 -> 2.0, r -> 1.0),None)
        s = p["tests.collected"]
        # ?: - switches off the capturing effect
        cxs = re.findall(
            "\(Map\((?:[^,]+ -> [^,]+(?:, )?)+\),(?:Some\([^)]+\)+|None)\)",
            s)  # ^ makes to match all charecters other than ','
        # cxs = <class 'list'>: ['(Map(m1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0),None)', '(Map(m1 -> 1.0, m2 -> 2.0, r -> 1.0),None)']
        used_keys = []  # safety
        for cx in cxs:
            # e.g. cx = (Map(m1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0),None)
            # if "None" in cx: # we are interested only in the noncomplete tests
            if True:
                cx = cx[len("(Map("):-len(")")]
                # cx = 'm1 -> 0.0, m2 -> 0.0, r -> 0.0'
                fargs = re.findall(
                    "[^,]+ -> [^,]+(?:, |[)])",
                    cx)  # findall returns non-overlapping matches in string
                for i in range(len(fargs)):
                    x = fargs[i]
                    if x[-1] == ")":
                        x = x[:-1]
                    x = x.replace(", ", "")
                    fargs[i] = x
                fargs.sort(key=lambda a: a.split(" -> ")[0])
                output = re.findall("(Some\([^)]+\)+|None)", cx)[0]
                sargs = ",".join(fargs).replace(" -> ", "=") + ";" + output
                if sargs not in used_keys:
                        "({0}) Warning: duplicate test case during a run!  {1}"
                        .format(p["evoplotter.file"], sargs))
                if sargs in counterex:
                    counterex[sargs] += 1
                    counterex[sargs] = 1
    counterex_items = list(counterex.items())
    if len(counterex_items) == 0:
        return "n/a"
        counterex_items.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
        NUM_SHOWN = 7
        # For some strange reason makecell doesn't work, even when it is a suggested answer (https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2441/how-to-add-a-forced-line-break-inside-a-table-cell)
        # return "\\makecell{" + "{0}  ({1})\\\\{2}  ({3})".format(counterex_items[0][0], counterex_items[0][1],
        #                                        counterex_items[1][0], counterex_items[1][1]) + "}"
        res = "\\pbox[l][" + str(
            17 * min(NUM_SHOWN, len(counterex_items))) + "pt][b]{20cm}{"
        for i in range(NUM_SHOWN):
            if i >= len(counterex_items):
            if i > 0:
                res += "\\\\ \\ "

            test, numRuns = counterex_items[i]
            percent = round(100.0 * float(numRuns) / len(props), 1)
            color = printer.getLatexColorCode(
                percent, [0., 50., 100.],
                ["darkred!50!white", "orange", "darkgreen"])

            txtTest = r"\texttt{" + sanitizeLatex(test) + "}"
            txtPercent = r"\textbf{\textcolor{" + color + "}{" + str(
                percent) + "\%}}"
            res += r"{0}  ({1})".format(txtTest,
                                        txtPercent)  # percentage of runs
        res += "}"
        return res