Exemplo n.º 1
def check(cmd):
    type = ex.linecmd(cmd.plain)
    if not type or 'map' not in type or 'unmap' in type:

    sp = re.split('\s+', cmd.plain.lstrip("\t :"), maxsplit=1)
    if len(sp) == 1:
        return ex.LintMessage('Missing {lhs}')

    typestr, rest = sp

    modifiers = set()
    while True:
        if rest.isspace():
            return ex.LintMessage('Missing {lhs}')

        sp = re.split('\s+', rest, maxsplit=1)
        if len(sp) == 1:
            return ex.LintMessage("Missing {rhs}")
        val, rest = sp

        if val.lower() in map_modifiers:

        elif re.match('(<\w+>)+', val):
            all_match = True
            for m in re.findall('<\w+>', val.lower()):
                if m not in map_modifiers:
                    all_match = False

            if not all_match:


    lhs = val
    rhs = rest

    if rhs.isspace():
        return ex.LintMessage("Missing {rhs}")

    if type in ['vnoremap', 'vmap'] and re.match('([^<^]|<leader>|<space>)', lhs, re.IGNORECASE):
        return ex.LintMessage("Consider using xnoremap or xmap for visual mappings", warning=True)

    if type in ['nnoremap', 'nmap', 'noremap', 'map'] \
            and '<buffer>' not in modifiers \
            and lhs.lower() in ['<c-i>', '<tab>']:
        return ex.LintMessage("It's generally better not to remap <Tab> or <C-i>", warning=True)

    if 'remap' in type and re.match('<plug>', rhs, re.IGNORECASE):
        return ex.LintMessage("Use a normal 'map' command to make use of <Plug>")

    # if re.match(':call\s', rhs, re.IGNORECASE):
    #     return ex.LintMessage("Consider using ':<C-U>call' instead to prevent range errors", warning=True, col=cmd.plain.index(':') + 1)

    if re.match('.*\s+$', rhs):
        return ex.LintMessage("Use <space> instead of trailing spaces in mappings", warning=True, col=len(cmd.plain))
Exemplo n.º 2
def check(commands):
    messages = []
    control_stack = []

    for cmd in commands:
        type = ex.linecmd(cmd.plain)

        if type in starts:
            control_stack += [(type, cmd)]

        elif type in checks:
            nested = False
            for start, _ in control_stack:
                if start in checks[type]:
                    nested = True
            if not nested:
                messages += [ex.LintMessage('Statement not nested in the appropriate control structure', line=cmd.startline)]

        elif type in ends:
            if not control_stack:
                messages += [ex.LintMessage('There is nothing open to close', line=cmd.startline)]
                start, _ = control_stack[-1]
                if start in ends[type]:
                    messages += [ex.LintMessage('Unmatched closing statement', line=cmd.startline)]

    for type, cmd in control_stack:
        messages += [ex.LintMessage('Missing closing statement', line=cmd.startline)]

    return messages
Exemplo n.º 3
def check_cmd(cmd):
    type = ex.linecmd(cmd.plain)
    if type not in ['set', 'setlocal', 'setglobal']:

    sp = re.match('\s*:*set\S*\s+(.+$)', cmd.plain)
    if not sp:
        return ex.LintMessage('Missing options list')

    for option in parse(sp.group(1)):
        msg = check_option(option)
        if msg:
            if msg.col is None:
                msg.col = cmd.plain.index(option) + 1
            return msg
Exemplo n.º 4
def check_cmd(cmd):
    type = ex.linecmd(cmd.plain)
    if type not in ['set', 'setlocal', 'setglobal']:

    sp = re.match('\s*:*set\S*\s+(.+$)', cmd.plain)
    if not sp:
        return ex.LintMessage('Missing options list')

    for option in parse(sp.group(1)):
        msg = check_option(option)
        if msg:
            if msg.col is None:
                msg.col = cmd.plain.index(option) + 1
            return msg
Exemplo n.º 5
def check(cmd):
    type = ex.linecmd(cmd.plain)
    if not type or "map" not in type or "unmap" in type:

    sp = re.split("\s+", cmd.plain.lstrip("\t :"), maxsplit=1)
    if len(sp) == 1:
        return ex.LintMessage("Missing {lhs}")

    typestr, rest = sp

    modifiers = set()
    while True:
        if rest.isspace():
            return ex.LintMessage("Missing {lhs}")

        sp = re.split("\s+", rest, maxsplit=1)
        if len(sp) == 1:
            return ex.LintMessage("Missing {rhs}")
        val, rest = sp

        if val.lower() in map_modifiers:

        elif re.match("(<\w+>)+", val):
            all_match = True
            for m in re.findall("<\w+>", val.lower()):
                if m not in map_modifiers:
                    all_match = False

            if not all_match:


    lhs = val
    rhs = rest

    if rhs.isspace():
        return ex.LintMessage("Missing {rhs}")

    if type in ["vnoremap", "vmap"] and re.match("([^<^]|<leader>|<space>)", lhs, re.IGNORECASE):
        return ex.LintMessage("Consider using xnoremap or xmap for visual mappings", warning=True)

    if (
        type in ["nnoremap", "nmap", "noremap", "map"]
        and "<buffer>" not in modifiers
        and lhs.lower() in ["<c-i>", "<tab>"]
        return ex.LintMessage("It's generally better not to remap <Tab> or <C-i>", warning=True)

    if "remap" in type and re.match("<plug>", rhs, re.IGNORECASE):
        return ex.LintMessage("Use a normal 'map' command to make use of <Plug>")

    # if re.match(':call\s', rhs, re.IGNORECASE):
    #     return ex.LintMessage("Consider using ':<C-U>call' instead to prevent range errors", warning=True, col=cmd.plain.index(':') + 1)

    if re.match(".*\s+$", rhs):
        return ex.LintMessage("Use <space> instead of trailing spaces in mappings", warning=True, col=len(cmd.plain))