def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_room_paths():

	# Creates 3 instances of Room, no paths
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")
    # Add paths to the center room (K/V in paths)
    # Tests these links
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "Вы можете идти на запад и провалиться в яму.")
    west = Room("Trees",
                "Здесь есть деревья и вы можете отправиться на восток.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "Здесь темно и вы можете подняться вверх.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_room_paths():

    # 调用类创建实例,三个参数初始化实例内容
    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

    # From center get the add_paths attributr, and set it 字典
    center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
        center.go('north'), north
    )  # 断言判断两个值,值一:center.go('north')为None;值二:north为<__main__.Room object at 0x02F79950>
    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_room_paths():#测试对room类的add_paths和go操作是否正确
    center = Room("Center","Test room in the center.")
    north = Room("North","Test room in the north.")
    south = Room("South","Test room in the south.")

Exemplo n.º 6
def test_map():
    print "test_map"
    start = Room("Start", "")
    west = Room("Trees", "")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_map():
    start = Room("start", "You can go west and down a hole")

    west = Room("west", "There are trees and you can go east.")
    down = Room("dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up")

    start.add_paths({"west": west, "down": down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
def test_room_paths():

    center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")

    north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")

    south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

    center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})

    assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)

    assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    # These are all instances of the Room class and each one with have a different dict
    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, yo can go up.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)

    print("-" * 30)
    print('start paths 里面有:%r' % start.paths.keys())
    print('west paths 里面有:%r' % west.paths.keys())
    print('down paths 里面有:%r' % down.paths.keys())

    print("-" * 30)
    east = west.paths.get('east')
    # 其实没有实际声明过这个Room()类的实例east,east就是start。

    print("-" * 30)
    print('east paths 的Key值:%r' % west.paths.get('east').name)
    print('east paths 里面有:%r' % west.paths.get('east').paths.keys())

    print("-" * 30)
    def values_west():
        # 创建一个生成器
        for value in west.paths.keys():
            yield west.paths.get(value).name
            yield west.paths.get(value).paths.keys()

    for i in values_west():
        # 遍历这个生成器
        print i

    print("-" * 30)
    def values_start():
        # 创建一个生成器
        for value in start.paths.keys():
            yield start.paths.get(value).name
            yield start.paths.get(value).paths.keys()

    for i in values_start():
        # 遍历这个生成器
        print i
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_hallway():
    k_0 = Room("k_0", "0th room")
    k_1 = Room("k_1", "1st room")
    k_2 = Room("k_2", "2nd room")
    k_3 = Room("k_3", "3rd room")
    k_4 = Room("k_4", "4th room")

    # fwd, bk
    k_0.add_paths({'fwd': k_1})
    k_1.add_paths({'bk': k_0, 'fwd': k_2})
    k_2.add_paths({'bk': k_1, 'fwd': k_3})
    k_3.add_paths({'bk': k_2, 'fwd': k_4})
    k_4.add_paths({'bk': k_3})

    assert_equal(k_0.go('fwd').go('fwd').go('fwd').go('fwd'), k_4)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_weapon():
    weapon1 = Room('fight_soldiers', 'you have to fight the soldiers here.')
    weapon1.add_weapon(["knife", "gun", "sword"])

    assert_equal(weapon1.acquire_weapon(0), "KNIFE")
    assert_equal(weapon1.acquire_weapon(1), "gun")
    assert_equal(weapon1.acquire_weapon(2), "sword")
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_map():
    start = Room("Start", "You are in a hall you can go through a north door")
    north = Room("Kitchen", "You mum's kitchen nice! you can go West")
    west = Room("Dungeon", "It dark here almost like a dungeon you can go South" )
    south = Room("GoldRoom", "Oh yeah found my neXt box let's play a game")

    start.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': start})
    north.add_paths({'west': west, 'east': north})
    west.add_paths({'south': south, 'east': west})

    assert_equal(start.go('north'), north)
    assert_equal(start.go('south'), start)
    # do not understand this principle
    assert_equal(north.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(north.go('east'), north)
    assert_equal(west.go('south'), south)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        '''This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a door to the north'''
    nt.assert_equal(, 'GoldRoom')
    nt.assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", '''
        This room has gold in it to grab...there's a door to the north!
    assert_equal(, 'GoldRoom')
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_map():
    start = Room("Stert", "You can go west, north, or down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
    north = Room("Mountain",
                 "There is a huge mountain here, you can go south.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

    start.add_paths({'west': west, 'north': north, 'down': down})
    west.add_paths({'east': start})
    north.add_paths({'south': start})
    down.add_paths({'up': start})

    assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
    assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('north').go('south'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_room():
	# Create an instance of Room(name, description, empty paths)
    gold = Room("GoldRoom",
    			"""This room has gold in it you can grab.
    			There's a door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_map():

	# Creates 3 instances of Room, no paths
    start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
    west = Room("Trees","There are trees here, you can go east.")
    down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")
    # Add paths to all rooms
    start.add_paths({"west": west, "down": down})
    west.add_paths({"east": start})
    down.add_paths({'up' : start})
    # Tests these links, and their chaining
    assert_equal(start.go("west"), west)
    assert_equal(start.go("west").go('east'), start)
    assert_equal(start.go("down").go("up"), start)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_room():
gold = Room("GoldRoom",
"""This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a
door to the north.""")
assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
assert_equal(gold.paths, {})

def test_room_paths():
center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")

center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)

def test_map():
start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east.")
down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up.")

start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
west.add_paths({'east': start})
down.add_paths({'up': start})

assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        """This room has gold in it it you can grab. There's a door to the north."""
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", """W tym pokoju jest złoto, które możesz zabrać.
				   Na północy są drzwi.""")

    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_room():
    gold = Room("goldroom",
    this room has gold in it you can grab as much u like,
    there is door to the north. """)
    assert_equal(, "goldroom")
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_room():
    """docstring for setup"""
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", """This room has gold in it you can grab. There`s a
            door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a
				door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a
                door to the north.""")
    # The first tests ensures that the name of the instance of the class is GoldRoom (pretty silly as
    # That is obvious by just reading the code. The next one checks that paths is empty
    assert_equal(, 'GoldRoom')
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_room():
   gold = Room("GoldRoom",
           """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a door to the north.""")
   assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
   assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
   descr = gold.look()
   assert_equal(descr.split(' ')[1], "room")
   assert_equal(descr.split(' ')[3], "gold")
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_room():
    gold = Room("GoldRoom", """
            This room has gold in it you can grab.
            There's a door to the north
    # function comes from nosetools
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom")
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_room():
    gold = Room(
        "GoldRoom", """This room has gold in it you can grab.There's a
			door to the north.""")
    assert_equal(, "GoldRoom"
    )  #assert_equal(a,b),if a is equal to b,return normal,else return abnormal
    assert_equal(gold.paths, {})
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_room():
    gold = Room("GoldRoom",
                """This room has gold in it you can grab. There's a
                door to the north.""")
    # assert_equal 保证自己设置的变量以及自己在Room里设置的路径与你的期望相符
    # 如果得到错误的结果, nosetests将会打印一条出错的信息
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_room_paths():
center = Room("Center", "Test room in the center.")
north = Room("North", "Test room in the north.")
south = Room("South", "Test room in the south.")
center.add_paths({'north': north, 'south': south})
assert_equal(center.go('north'), north)
assert_equal(center.go('south'), south)
def test_map():
start = Room("Start", "You can go west and down a hole.")
west = Room("Trees", "There are trees here, you can go east."
down = Room("Dungeon", "It's dark down here, you can go up."
start.add_paths({'west': west, 'down': down})
west.add_paths({'east': start})
down.add_paths({'up': start})
assert_equal(start.go('west'), west)
assert_equal(start.go('west').go('east'), start)
assert_equal(start.go('down').go('up'), start)