Exemplo n.º 1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Note for end users: #######################################################################
# Adding mrz (local) to PYTHONPATH to execute this example as a script without installing mrz
# (if it was installed using pip or setup.py the three lines below are not necessary)
from os.path import dirname, join, pardir, realpath
import sys
sys.path.append(realpath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, pardir)))

from mrz.generator.mrva import MRVBCodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "VN",  # Document type   For visas, the first letter must be 'V'
        "USA",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "TRAVELER",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "HAPPY",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "123456789",  # Document number
        "CAN",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "661212",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "M",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "140728",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "B3XLC000FD142955"))  # Optional data   Not mandatory field

open_image("visas", "USA.png")
Exemplo n.º 2
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import *
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

# search for a country by pattern listing the possible results

# get the code of a country
code = get_code("Czech republic")

        "P",  # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        code,  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "SPECIMEN",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "Vzor",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "99003853",  # Passport number
        code,  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "110101",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "M",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "120704",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "110101111"))  # Id number       Non-mandatory field in some countries

open_image("passports", "Czech_Republic.png")
Exemplo n.º 3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "I",  # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
        "Monaco",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "029067",  # Document number
        "990101",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "090324",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "Monaco",  # Nationality
        "SPECIMEN",  # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
)  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated

open_image("id_cards", "Monaco.png")
Exemplo n.º 4
from mrz.generator.mrvb import MRVBCodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "VC",  # Document type   For visas, the first letter must be 'V'
        "FRA",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "SPECIMEN",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "SPECIMEN",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "F00000000",  # Document number
        "UTO",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "031106",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "M",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "140114",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        " M300703"))  # Optional data   Not mandatory field

open_image("visas", "France.png")
Exemplo n.º 5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Adding mrz to PYTHONPATH to execute this example as script
from os.path import dirname, join, pardir, realpath
import sys
sys.path.append(realpath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, pardir)))

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import TD3CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "P",  # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        "Interpol",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "SPECIMEN",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "SAMPLE",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "XX000000",  # Passport number
        "FRANCE",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "750101",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "190730",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "1234567890"))  # Id number       Non-mandatory field in some countries

open_image("passports", "Interpol.png")
Exemplo n.º 6
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td1 import *
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "ID",  # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
        "Serbia",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "955555546",  # Document number Special characters will be transliterated
        "680229",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "130724",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "Serbia",  # Nationality
        "ТЕСТ",  # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
        "МИЛИЦА",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "2902968000000",  # Optional data 1 empty string by default
        "",  # Optional data 2 empty string by default
)  # Transliteration Dictionary (latin by default)
open_image("id_cards", "Serbia.png")
Exemplo n.º 7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Adding mrz to PYTHONPATH to execute this example as script
from os.path import dirname, join, pardir, realpath
import sys
sys.path.append(realpath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, pardir)))

from mrz.generator.mrvb import MRVBCodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

    "VB",          # Document type   For visas, the first letter must be 'V'
    "D",           # Country         3 letters code or country name. Note: Germany it's an
    #                                exception. Only uses one letter
    "DEDIC",       # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
    "SIDNAN",      # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
    "D09174053",   # Document number
    "BOS",         # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
    "820113",      # Birth date      YYMMDD
    "M",           # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
    "970801",      # Expiry date     YYMMDD
    " 2020711",    # Optional data   Not mandatory field
    force=True))   # Force           Disables checks for country, nationality and document_type
                   #                 fields. Note: 'BOS' is deprecated or non-normative

open_image("visas", "Germany.png")
Exemplo n.º 8
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "I",  # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
        "LTU",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "11810187",  # Document number
        "641123",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "190101",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "LTU",  # Nationality
        "BASANAVIČIENĖ",  # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
        "BIRUTĖ",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "46411231034"))  # Optional data 1

open_image("id_cards", "Lithuania.png")
Exemplo n.º 9
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "I",  # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
        "LVA",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "PA9992921",  # Document number
        "821212",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "M",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "170305",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "LVA",  # Nationality
        "PARAUDZINŠ",  # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
        "ANDRIS",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "121282-88882"))  # Optional data 1 empty string by default

open_image("id_cards", "Latvia.png")
Exemplo n.º 10
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import TD3CodeGenerator, dictionary
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "P",  # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        "ASU",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "محمود",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "عبدالرحيم",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "A2222222",  # Passport number
        "ASU",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "710821",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "041204",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "1000146819",  # Id number       Not mandatory field
        dictionary.arabic(),  # Dictionary      Transliteration dictionary
)  # Force           Disables checks for country, nationality and document_type fields.

open_image("passports", "ICAO_Example2.png")
Exemplo n.º 11
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "I",  # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
        "Sweden",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "59000002",  # Document number Special characters will be transliterated
        "870314",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "M",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "170102",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "SWEDEN",  # Nationality
        "SPECIMEN",  # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
        "SVEN",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated

open_image("id_cards", "Sweden.png")
Exemplo n.º 12
from mrz.generator.mrvb import MRVBCodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "VD",  # Document type   For visas, the first letter must be 'V'
        "GBR",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "MUNIR",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "FAISAL",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "AD0725981",  # Document number
        "PAK",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "760815",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "M",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "061116"))  # Expiry date     YYMMDD

open_image("visas", "United_Kingdom.png")
Exemplo n.º 13
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import TD3CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "P",  # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        "QATAR",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "AL-KAABI",  # Surname(s)
        "ALI HAMAD ABDULLAH",  # Given Names     Special characters will be transliterated
        "00000000",  # Passport number Special characters will be transliterated
        "QAT",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "710307",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "M",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "110725",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
)  # Id number       Non-mandatory field in some countries

open_image("passports", "Qatar.png")
Exemplo n.º 14
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Adding mrz to PYTHONPATH to execute this example as script
from os.path import dirname, join, pardir, realpath
import sys
sys.path.append(realpath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, pardir)))

from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

print(TD1CodeGenerator("I",               # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
                       "PER",             # Country         3 letters code or country name
                       "70275722",        # Document number
                       "890612",          # Birth date      YYMMDD
                       "M",               # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
                       "210716",          # Expiry date     YYMMDD
                       "PER",             # Nationality
                       "Cárdenas",        # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
                       "Jorge Anthony"))  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated

open_image("id_cards", "Peru.png")
Exemplo n.º 15
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import *
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "PA",  # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        "Iceland",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "ÆVARSDÓTTIR",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "ÞURÍÐUR ÖSP",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "A2040611",  # Passport number
        "ICELAND",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "121212",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "110629",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
)  # Id number       Non-mandatory field in some countries

open_image("passports", "Iceland.png")
Exemplo n.º 16
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td2 import TD2CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "I",  # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
        "Utopia",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "ERIKSSON",  # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
        "ANNA MARIA",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "D23145890",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "UTO",  # Nationality     3 letters code or country name
        "740812",  # Birth Date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "120415"))  # Expiry date     YYMMDD

open_image("other", "TD2_ICAO_Example.png")
Exemplo n.º 17
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import TD3CodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "P",  # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        "TAIWAN",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "LIN",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "MEI-HUA",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "000000000",  # Passport number
        "TAIWAN",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "760101",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "140401",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "A234567893"))  # Id number       Non-mandatory field in some countries

open_image("passports", "China.png")
Exemplo n.º 18
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Adding mrz path to PYTHONPATH to execute the example as script
from os.path import dirname, join, pardir, realpath
import sys
sys.path.append(realpath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, pardir)))

from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator
from mrz.checker.td1 import TD1CodeChecker
import examples.functions.functions as functions

mrz = str(TD1CodeGenerator("I", "LTU", "11810187", "201123", "F", "300101", "LTU", "BASANAVIČIENĖ", "BIRUTĖ",

td1_check = TD1CodeChecker(mrz)

td1_check = TD1CodeChecker(mrz, check_expiry=True)
if not bool(td1_check):

functions.open_image("id_cards", "Lithuania.png")
Exemplo n.º 19
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import *
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "P",  # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        "JPN",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "GAIMU",  # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "SAKURA",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "XS1234567",  # Passport number
        "Japan",  # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "790220",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "160320"))  # Expiry date     YYMMDD

open_image("passports", "Japan.png")
Exemplo n.º 20
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td3 import *
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

        "P",                               # Document type   Normally 'P' for passport
        "UKRAINE",                         # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "ТКАЧЕНКО",                        # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
        "МАР'ЯНА",                         # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
        "XX000000",                        # Passport number
        "UKRAINE",                         # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
        "910824",                          # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",                               # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "230925",                          # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "1234567890",                      # Id number       Not mandatory field
        dictionary.cyrillic_ukrainian()))  # Dictionary      Transliteration dictionary

open_image("passports", "Ukraine.png")
Exemplo n.º 21
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Adding mrz to PYTHONPATH to execute this example as script
from os.path import dirname, join, pardir, realpath
import sys
sys.path.append(realpath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, pardir)))

from mrz.generator.mrvb import MRVBCodeGenerator
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

    "V",           # Document type   For visas, the first letter must be 'V'
    "UTO",         # Country         3 letters code or country name
    "ERIKSSON",    # Surname(s)      Special characters will be transliterated
    "ANNA MARIA",  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
    "L8988901C",   # Document number
    "Unknown",     # Nationality     3 letter code or country name
    "400907",      # Birth date      YYMMDD
    "F",           # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
    "961210"))     # Expiry date     YYMMDD

open_image("visas", "MRVB_ICAO_Example.png")
Exemplo n.º 22
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator
import examples.functions.functions as oi

        "ID",  # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
        "LIE",  # Country         3 letters code or country name
        "ID9875401",  # Document number
        "820512",  # Birth date      YYMMDD
        "F",  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
        "190622",  # Expiry date     YYMMDD
        "LIE",  # Nationality
        "OSPELT-BECK",  # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
        "Marisa"))  # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated

oi.open_image("id_cards", "Liechtenstein.png")