Exemplo n.º 1
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
     html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
     html += u"<br/><br/>\n"
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50)
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u'value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Add files")
     html += u'<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s"' % ("upload"+self.id,
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.fileInstruc)
     html += u'<br/>\n'
     html += u'<b>%s</b>\n' % _(u'Applet Code:')
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.codeInstruc)
     html += u'<br/>\n'
     html += common.textArea('code'+self.id,
     if self.idevice.userResources:
         html += '<table>'
         for resource in self.idevice.userResources:
             html += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>' % resource.storageName
             html += common.submitImage(self.id, resource.storageName,
                                        _("Delete File"))
             html += '</td></tr>\n'
         html += '</table>'
     html += u'<br/>\n'
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u'\n</div>\n'
     return html
Exemplo n.º 2
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html  = u'<div class="iDevice">\n'
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50)
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u' value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Select a file")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.filenameInstruc)
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u'\n<b>%s</b>\n' % _(u'Label')
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.labelInstruc)
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += common.textInput(u'label'+self.id, self.idevice.label)
     html += common.formField('richTextArea',u'Description:','description',
                              self.id, self.idevice.descriptionInstruc,
     if self.idevice.userResources:
         html += u'<span style="text-decoration:underline">'
         html += self.idevice.userResources[0].storageName
         html += u'</span>\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u'\n</div>\n'
     return html
Exemplo n.º 3
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
     html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
     html += '<br/><br/>RSS URL ' + common.textInput("url" + self.id,
     html += common.submitButton(u"loadRss"+self.id, _(u"Load"))
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.urlInstruc)
     html += u"<br/>\n"
     html += self.rssElement.renderEdit()
     emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"),     Idevice.NoEmphasis),
                       (_(u"Some emphasis"),   Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]
     this_package = None
     if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
         this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
     html += common.formField('select', this_package, _('Emphasis'),
                              'emphasis', self.id, 
                              '', # TODO: Instructions
     html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 4
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block

        html = u"<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)

        html += '<br/><br/>RSS URL ' + common.textInput(
            "url" + self.id, self.idevice.url)
        html += common.submitButton(u"loadRss" + self.id, _(u"Load"))
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.urlInstruc)
        html += u"<br/>\n"
        html += self.rssElement.renderEdit()
        emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"), Idevice.NoEmphasis),
                          (_(u"Some emphasis"), Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]

        this_package = None
        if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
            this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
        html += common.formField(
            '',  # TODO: Instructions

        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block

        html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += u"<br/><br/>\n"
        types = [(_(u"Geogebra"), "geogebra"),
                 (_(u"Other"), "other")]
        html += u"<b>%s</b>" % _("Applet Type")
        html += '<select onchange="submitChange(\'changeType%s\', \'type%s\')";' % (self.id, self.id)
        html += 'name="type%s" id="type%s">\n' % (self.id, self.id)
        for type, value in types:
            html += "<option value=\""+value+"\" "
            if self.idevice.type == value:
                html += "selected "
            html += ">" + type + "</option>\n"
        html += "</select> \n"
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.typeInstruc) + "<br/><br/>"
        if self.idevice.message <> "":
            html += '<p style="color:red"><b>' + self.idevice.message + '</b></p>'
        html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50)
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
        html += u'value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Add files")
        html += u'<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s"' % ("upload"+self.id,
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.fileInstruc)
        html += u'<br/>\n'

        html += u'<b>%s</b>\n' % _(u'Applet Code:')
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.codeInstruc)
        html += u'<br/>\n'

        html += common.textArea('code'+self.id,

        if self.idevice.userResources:
            html += '<table>'
            for resource in self.idevice.userResources:
                html += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>' % resource.storageName
                html += common.submitImage(self.id, resource.storageName,
                                           _("Delete File"))
                html += '</td></tr>\n'
            html += '</table>'
        html += u'<br/>\n'
        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += u'\n</div>\n'

        return html
Exemplo n.º 6
 def renderEdit(self):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
     if self.lms.lms == "":
         return ""
     if self.lms.lms == "moodle":
         typeArr    = [[_(u'A single simple discussion'),       'single'],
                       [_(u'Each person posts one discussion'), 'eachuser'],
                       [_(u'Standard forum for general use'),   'general']]
         postArr    = [[_(u'Discussions and replies are allowed'),     '2'],
                       [_(u'No discussions, but replies are allowed'), '1'],
                       [_(u'No discussions, no replies'),              '0']]
         subscArr   = [[_(u'No'),             '0'], 
                       [_(u'Yes, forever'),   '1'], 
                       [_(u'Yes, initially'), '2']]
         groupArr   = [[_(u'No groups'),       '0'], 
                       [_(u'Separate groups'), '1'], 
                       [_(u'Visible groups'),  '2']]
         visibleArr = [[_(u'Show'), '1'], 
                       [_(u'Hide'), '0']]
         html  = common.formField('select', _(u"Forum type:"),
                                  "type" + self.id, '',
         html += common.formField('select', 
                                  _(u"Can a student post to this forum?:"),
                                  "studentpost" + self.id, '',
         html += common.formField('select', 
                                  _(u"Force everyone to be subscribed?:"),
                                  "subscription" + self.id, '',
         html += common.formField('select', 
                                  _(u"Group mode:"),
                                  "groupmode" + self.id, '',
         html += common.formField('select', 
                                  _(u"Visible to students:"),
                                  "visible" + self.id, '',
         html  = common.textInput("other"+self.id, 
         html += u"http://" + common.textInput("url"+self.id, 
                                     self.lms.otherUrl) + u"<br/>"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 7
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
     html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title) + "<br/><br/>"
     sites = [(_(u"English Wikipedia Article"), "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Catalan Wikipedia Article"), "http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Chinese Wikipedia Article"), "http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Dutch Wikipedia Article"),   "http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"French Wikipedia Article"),  "http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"German Wikipedia Article"),  "http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Greek Wikipedia Article"), "http://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Italian Wikipedia Article"), "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Japanese Wikipedia Article"),"http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Magyar Wikipedia Article"),"http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Polish Wikipedia Article"),  "http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Portugese Wikipedia Article"), "http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Slovenian Wikipedia Article"), "http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Spanish Wikipedia Article"), "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Swedish Wikipedia Article"), "http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Wikibooks Article"),         "http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Wikiversity"),         "http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Wiktionary"),         "http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/"),
              (_(u"Wikieducator Content"),      "http://wikieducator.org/"),
              (_(u"Other"),                     "")]          
     this_package = None
     if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
         this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
     html += common.formField('select', this_package, _('Site'),'s',
     url = "none"
     if self.idevice.site == "":
         url = "block"
     html += '<div style="display:%s"> %s: <br/>' % (url, _("Own site"))
     html += common.textInput("ownUrl"+self.id, self.idevice.ownUrl) + '<br/></div>'
     html += "<br/>"
     html += common.textInput("article", self.idevice.articleName)
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.searchInstruc)
     html += common.submitButton(u"loadWikipedia"+self.id, _(u"Load"))
     html += u"<br/>\n"
     html += self.articleElement.renderEdit()
     emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"),     Idevice.NoEmphasis),
                       (_(u"Some emphasis"),   Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]
     html += common.formField('select', this_package, _('Emphasis'),
                              'emphasis', self.id, 
                              '', # TODO: Instructions
     html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 8
 def renderEdit(self):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
     html  = ""
     if self.idevice.message <> "":
         html += '<p style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">'
         html += '%s</p>' % self.idevice.message
     html += u'<p>'
     html += common.textInput("name"+ self.id, self.idevice.title)
     html += u'</p>'
     forums = [(_(u"New Forum"), 'newForum')]
     forums += [(pt.forumName, pt.forumName) for pt in 
     if self.idevice.isNewForum:
         selected = 'newForum'
         selected = self.forum.forumName
     html  = common.formField('select', 
                              _(u"Forum Name:"),
                              'changeForum', 'forumSelect'+self.id,
                              forums, selected)
     if not self.idevice.noForum:
         introduction = self.forum.introduction.replace("\r", "")
         introduction = introduction.replace("\n","\\n")
         html += common.textInput("fName"+ self.id, self.forum.forumName)
         html += common.elementInstruc(self.forum.nameInstruc)
         html += "<p><b>%s</b></p>" % _("Introduction")
         html += common.richTextArea("fIntro"+self.id, 
     topics = [(_('None'), 'none'), (_('New Topic'), 'newTopic')]
     topics += [(pt.topic, pt.topic) for pt in self.forum.discussions]
     if self.idevice.isNewTopic:
         selected = 'newTopic'
         selected = self.idevice.discussion.topic
     html  = common.formField('select', 
                              _(u"Discussion Topic/Thread:"),
                              'changeTopic', 'topicSelect'+self.id,
                              topics, selected)
     html += self.discussionElement.renderEdit()
     lmss = [(_(u"Please select a LMS"), ''),
             (_('Moodle'), 'moodle'),
             (_('Other'), 'other')]
     html  = common.formField('select', 
                              _(u"Learning Management System:"),
                              'changeLms', 'lmsSelect'+self.id,
                              lmss, self.forum.lms.lms)
     html += self.lmsElement.renderEdit()
     return html
Exemplo n.º 9
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
     html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title) + '<br/><br/>'
     html += self.mediaElement.renderEdit()       
     floatArr    = [[_(u'Left'), 'left'],
                   [_(u'Right'), 'right'],
                   [_(u'None'),  'none']]
     html += common.formField('select', _("Align:"),
                              "float" + self.id, '',
                              floatArr, self.idevice.float)
     html += "<br/>" + self.textElement.renderEdit()
     emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"),     Idevice.NoEmphasis),
                       (_(u"Some emphasis"),   Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]
     html += common.formField('select', _('Emphasis'),
                              'emphasis', self.id, 
                              '', # TODO: Instructions
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u"</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 10
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = u'<div><div class="block">'
        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += common.hiddenField("iconiDevice" + self.id, self.idevice.icon)
        html += u'<a class="js-show-icon-panel-button" href="javascript:showMessageBox(\'iconpanel\');">%s</a>' % _(
            'Select an icon')

        # Get icon source (if it exists)
        icon = self.idevice.icon
        icon_exists = False
        if icon != '':
            idevice_icon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / style /
                                'icon_' + self.idevice.icon + '.gif')
            if idevice_icon.exists():
                icon_exists = True
                idevice_icon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / style /
                                    "icon_" + self.idevice.icon + ".png")
                if idevice_icon.exists():
                    icon_exists = True

        # Icon HTML element
        html += u'<img class="js-idevide-icon-preview" name="iconiDevice%s" id="iconiDevice"' % (
        if icon_exists:
            html += u' src="/style/%s/icon_%s%s"' % (style, icon,
            html += u' src="/images/empty.gif"'
        html += u'/>'

        # Delete button
        html += u'<a href="javascript:deleteIcon(%s);" id="deleteIcon%s" class="deleteIcon" title="%s"' % (
            self.id, self.id, _('Delete'))
        # If the icon doesn't exists
        if not icon_exists:
            html += u' style="display: none;"'
        html += u'>'
        html += u'<img class="js-delete-icon" alt="%s" src="%s"/>' % (
            _('Delete'), '/images/stock-delete.png')
        html += u'</a>'

        html += u'<div class="js-icon-panel-container">'
        html += u'<div id="iconpaneltitle">%s</div>' % _("Icons")
        html += u'<div id="iconpanelcontent">'
        html += self.__renderIcons(style)
        html += u'</div>'
        html += u'</div>'
        html += u"</div>"

        for element in self.elements:
            html += element.renderEdit() + u'<br />'

        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 11
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html = u'<div class="iDevice">\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     label = _(u"Filename")
     if self.idevice.userResources:
         label += u": "
         label += u'<span style="text-decoration:underline">'
         label += self.idevice.userResources[0].storageName
         label += u"</span>\n"
     html += common.formField("textInput", label, "path" + self.id, "", self.idevice.filenameInstruc, size=50)
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u' value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Select a file")
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u"\n<b>%s</b>\n" % _(u"Label")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.labelInstruc)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += common.textInput(u"label" + self.id, self.idevice.label)
     html += common.formField(
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u"\n</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 12
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html = u'<div class="iDevice">\n'
     html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title) + "<br/><br/>"
     html += self.mediaElement.renderEdit()
     floatArr = [[_(u"Left"), "left"], [_(u"Right"), "right"], [_(u"None"), "none"]]
     html += common.formField(
         "select", _("Align:"), "float" + self.id, "", self.idevice.alignInstruc, floatArr, self.idevice.float
     html += "<br/>" + self.textElement.renderEdit()
     emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"), Idevice.NoEmphasis), (_(u"Some emphasis"), Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]
     html += common.formField(
         "",  # TODO: Instructions
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u"</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 13
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html = u'<p class="exe-text-field">\n'
     html += u"<label for='url%s'>%s</label> " % (self.id, _('URL:'))
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.urlInstruc)
     html += common.textInput("url" + self.id, self.idevice.url)
     html += ' <span class="exe-field-instructions">' + _(
         "Remember that HTTP pages cannot be included into HTTPS websites."
     ) + '</span>'
     heightArr = [[_('small'), '200'], [_('medium'), '300'],
                  [_('large'), '500'], [_('super-size'), '800']]
     html += u"</p>\n"
     this_package = None
     if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
         this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
     html += common.formField('select',
                              _('Frame Height:'),
                              "height" + self.id,
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     return html
Exemplo n.º 14
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html  = u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong> " % _('URL:')
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.urlInstruc)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += common.textInput("url"+self.id, self.idevice.url) 
     heightArr = [['small',      '200'],
                  ['medium',     '300'],
                  ['large',      '500'],
                  ['super-size', '800']]
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     this_package = None
     if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
         this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
     html += common.formField('select', this_package, _('Frame Height:'), 
                              options = heightArr,
                              selection = self.idevice.height)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     return html
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        if self.idevice.message<>"":
            html += common.editModeHeading(self.idevice.message)
        title_val = self.idevice.title
        if title_val == _("Multi-choice"):
            title_val = ""
        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, title_val,
                             default_prompt=_("Type your title here")) + '<br/>'
        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit() 
            html += "<br/>"
        html += "<br/>"
        value = _("Add another question")    
        html += common.submitButton("addQuestion"+unicode(self.id), value,
        html += "<br /><br />" 
        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += "</div>\n"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 16
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"

        # JRJ
        # Quitamos el prefijo "FPD -"
        # (let's remove the "FPD -" prefix)
        if self.idevice.title.find("FPD - ") == 0:
            self.idevice.title = x_(u"Now it's your turn")

        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += u"<br/><br/>\n"

        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit() 
        value = _("Add another Question")    
        html += "<br/>" 
        html += common.submitButton("addQuestion"+self.id, value)
        html += "<br/><br/>" 
        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += "</div>\n"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 17
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
        html += self.imageElement.renderEdit()       
        floatArr    = [[_(u'Left'), 'left'],
                      [_(u'Right'), 'right'],
                      [_(u'None'),  'none']]

        this_package = None
        if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
            this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _("Align:"),
                                 "float" + self.id, '',
                                 floatArr, self.idevice.float)

        html += u'<div class="block"><b>%s</b></div>' % _(u"Caption:")
        html += common.textInput("caption" + self.id, self.idevice.caption)
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.captionInstruc)
        html += "<br/>" + self.textElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 18
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html  = u'<div class="iDevice">\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     label = _(u'Filename:')
     if self.idevice.userResources:
         label += u': '
         label += u'<span style="text-decoration:underline">'
         label += self.idevice.userResources[0].userName
         label += u'</span>\n'
     html += u'<div>' 
     html += common.formField('textInput',
                              'path'+self.id, '',
     html += u'</div"><div style="padding-top:28px;" >'
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u' value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Select a file")
     html += u'</div><br style="clear:both;" />' 
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u'\n<b>%s</b>\n' % _(u'Label:')
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.labelInstruc)
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += common.textInput(u'label'+self.id, self.idevice.label)
     html += self.descriptionElement.renderEdit()
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u'\n</div>\n'
     return html
Exemplo n.º 19
 def renderEdit(self):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
     html  = u'<div class="block">'
     html += u"<b>"+self.field.name+":</b>\n"
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.instruc)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50)
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFlash(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u' value="%s" />' % _(u"Select Flash Object")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.fileInstruc)
     html += u'<div class="block"><b>%s</b></div>\n' % _(u"Display as:")
     html += u"<input type=\"text\" "
     html += u"id=\"width"+self.id+"\" "
     html += u"name=\"width"+self.id+"\" "
     html += u"value=\"%s\" " % self.field.width
     html += u"size=\"4\" />px\n"
     html += u"by \n"
     html += u"<input type=\"text\" "
     html += u"id=\"height"+self.id+"\" "
     html += u"name=\"height"+self.id+"\" "
     html += u"value=\"%s\" " % self.field.height
     html += u"size=\"4\" />px\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 20
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
     html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
     html += self.flashMovieElement.renderEdit()       
     floatArr    = [[_(u'Left'), 'left'],
                   [_(u'Right'), 'right'],
                   [_(u'None'),  'none']]
     html += common.formField('select', _("Align:"),
                              "float" + self.id,
                              options = floatArr,
                              selection = self.idevice.float)
     html += u'<div class="block">'
     html += u"<b>%s </b>" % _(u"Caption:")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.captionInstruc)
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">'
     html += common.textInput("caption" + self.id, self.idevice.caption)
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">'
     html += self.textElement.renderEdit()
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u"</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 21
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title) + '<br/><br/>'
        html += self.mediaElement.renderEdit()       
        floatArr    = [[_(u'Left'), 'left'],
                      [_(u'Right'), 'right'],
                      [_(u'None'),  'none']]

        this_package = None
        if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
            this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _("Align:"),
                                 "float" + self.id, '',
                                 floatArr, self.idevice.float)
        #html += u'<div class="block">' #<b>%s</b></div>' % _(u"Caption:")
        #html += common.textInput("caption" + self.id, self.idevice.media.caption)
        #html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.media.captionInstruc)
        html += "<br/>" + self.textElement.renderEdit()
        emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"),     Idevice.NoEmphasis),
                          (_(u"Some emphasis"),   Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]

        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _('Emphasis'),
                                 'emphasis', self.id, 
                                 '', # TODO: Instructions
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 22
 def renderPreview(self):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for previewing this field
     html  = "<b>" + self.field.name + "</b> "
     html += "<br/>" 
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50)
     html += u'<input type="button" ' 
     html += u' value="%s" />' % _(u"Select MP3 file")
     if self.field.instruc != "":
         html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.instruc)
     html += '<br/><b>%s</b><br/>' % _(u"Caption:")
     html += common.textInput("", "")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.captionInstruc)
     html += "<br/>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 23
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = "<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
        if not self.idevice.isAnswered:
            html += common.editModeHeading(
                _("Please select a correct answer for each question."))
        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += u"<br/><br/>\n"

        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit()

        value = _("Add another Question")
        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addQuestion" + unicode(self.id), value)
        html += "<br/><br/>" + _("Select pass rate: ")
        html += "<select name=\"passrate\">\n"
        template = '  <option value="%s0"%s>%s0%%</option>\n'
        for i in range(1, 11):
            if str(i) + "0" == self.idevice.passRate:
                html += template % (str(i), ' selected="selected"', str(i))
                html += template % (str(i), '', str(i))
        html += "</select>\n"
        html += "<br /><br />" + self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += "</div>\n"
        self.idevice.isAnswered = True

        return html
Exemplo n.º 24
 def renderEdit(self):
     html  = u"<div>\n"
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50, \
                 onclick="addFile('%s')" % self.id, readonly="readonly" )
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u'value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Browse")
     buttonName = _(u"Replace")
     if self.field.fileResource is None:
         buttonName = _(u"Upload") 
     html += u'<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s" />' % ("upload"+self.id,
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.fileInstruc)
     html += self.fileDescriptionElement.renderEdit()
     if self.field.fileResource is not None:
         html += "<div class='block'><strong>"
         html += _("File") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName
         if self.showDelFile:
             html += common.submitImage("delfile" + self.id, self.field.fileResource.storageName,
                                         _("Delete File"))
         html += "</strong></div>"
         html += "<i>"+_("No File Uploaded Currently") + "</i>"
     html += "<br/></div>"
     html += field_engine_make_delete_button(self)
     return html
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        if self.idevice.message<>"":
            html += common.editModeHeading(self.idevice.message)

        # JR
	# Quitamos el prefijo "FPD -"
	if self.idevice.title.find("FPD - ") == 0:
		self.idevice.title = x_(u"Autoevaluacion")

#        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title) + '<br/>'
        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit() 
#            html += "<br/>"
        html += "<br/>"
        value = _("Add another question")    
        html += common.submitButton("addQuestion"+unicode(self.id), value)
        html += "<br /><br />" 
        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += "</div>\n"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 26
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        if self.idevice.message <> "":
            html += common.editModeHeading(self.idevice.message)

#        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title) + '<br/>'
        html += common.textInput(
            "title" + self.id,
            self.idevice.alt_title) + '<br/>'  #changed kthamm 111221

        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit()
            html += "<br/>"

        html += "<br/>"
        value = _("Add another question")
        html += common.submitButton("addQuestion" + unicode(self.id), value)
        html += "<br /><br />"
        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += "</div>\n"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 27
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        self.previewing = True

        html  = u'<div class="iDevice"><br/>\n'

   # JRJ
	# Quitamos el prefijo "FPD -"
	# (let's remove the "FPD -" prefix)
	if self.idevice.title.find("FPD - ") == 0:
		self.idevice.title = x_(u"Translation")
        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += self.storyElement.renderEdit()

        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit() 
        html += u"</table>\n"
        value = _(u"Add another activity")    
        html += common.submitButton(u"addQuestion"+unicode(self.id), value)
        html += u"<br /><br />" + self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 28
    def renderEdit(self):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
        html = "<b>%s</b><br/>" % _("Feedback")
        html += "<b>%s </b>" % _("Button Caption")
        html += common.textInput("btnCaption" + self.id, self.field.buttonCaption, 25)
        html += "<br/><br/>"
        html += common.textInput("name" + self.id, self.field.name, 25)
        html += common.submitImage("deleteField", self.id, "/images/stock-cancel.png", _("Delete"), 1)
        html += "<br/>\n"

        this_package = None
        html += common.formField("richTextArea", this_package, "", "instruc", self.id, "", self.field.instruc)
        html += "<br/>"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 29
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block
        html = u"<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
        html += self.flashElement.renderEdit()
        floatArr = [[_(u'Left'), 'left'], [_(u'Right'), 'right'],
                    [_(u'None'), 'none']]

        this_package = None
        if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
            this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
        html += common.formField('select',
                                 "float" + self.id,
        html += u"\n"
        html += u"<b>%s </b>" % _(u"Caption:")
        html += common.textInput("caption" + self.id, self.idevice.caption)
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.captionInstruc)
        html += "<br/>" + self.textElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 30
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html = u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong> " % _('URL:')
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.urlInstruc)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += common.textInput("url" + self.id, self.idevice.url)
     heightArr = [['small', '200'], ['medium', '300'], ['large', '500'],
                  ['super-size', '800']]
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     this_package = None
     if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
         this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
     html += common.formField('select',
                              _('Frame Height:'),
                              "height" + self.id,
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     return html
Exemplo n.º 31
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
     if not self.idevice.isAnswered:
         html += common.editModeHeading(
             _("Please select a correct answer for each question."))
     html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
     html += u"<br/><br/>\n"
     for element in self.questionElements:
         html += element.renderEdit() 
     value = _("Add another Question")    
     html += "<br/>" 
     html += common.submitButton("addQuestion"+unicode(self.id), value)
     html += "<br/><br/>" +  _("Select pass rate: ")
     html += "<select name=\"passrate\">\n"
     template = '  <option value="%s0"%s>%s0%%</option>\n'
     for i in range(1, 11):
         if str(i)+ "0" == self.idevice.passRate:
             html += template % (str(i), ' selected="selected"', str(i))
             html += template % (str(i), '', str(i))
     html += "</select>\n"
     html += "<br /><br />" + self.renderEditButtons()
     html += "</div>\n"
     self.idevice.isAnswered = True
     return html
Exemplo n.º 32
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html = u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong> " % _("URL:")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.urlInstruc)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += common.textInput("url" + self.id, self.idevice.url)
     heightArr = [[_("small"), "200"], [_("medium"), "300"], [_("large"), "500"], [_("super-size"), "800"]]
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     this_package = None
     if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
         this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
     html += common.formField(
         _("Frame Height:"),
         "height" + self.id,
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     return html
Exemplo n.º 33
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Renders a screen that allows the user to enter paragraph text and choose
        which words are hidden.
	html = [
            u'<div class="iDevice">',
            u'<div class="block">',
#            common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title),
            common.textInput("title"+self.id, "Autoevaluaci&oacute;n"),
        return u'\n    '.join(html)"""
        html = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        html = "<div class=\"block\">"

        # JR
        # Quitamos el prefijo "FPD -"
        if self.idevice.title.find("FPD - ") == 0:
            self.idevice.title = x_(u"Autoevaluacion")

        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += "</div>"
        html += self.instructionElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.clozeElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.feedbackElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += "</div>"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 34
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Renders a screen that allows the user to enter paragraph text and choose
        which words are hidden.
	html = [
            u'<div class="iDevice">',
            u'<div class="block">',
#            common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title),
            common.textInput("title"+self.id, "Autoevaluaci&oacute;n"),
        return u'\n    '.join(html)"""
	html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
	html  = "<div class=\"block\">"
	# JR
	# Quitamos el prefijo "FPD -"
	if self.idevice.title.find("FPD - ") == 0:
		self.idevice.title = x_(u"Autoevaluacion")

        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
	html += "</div>"
	html += self.instructionElement.renderEdit()
	html += self.clozeElement.renderEdit()
	html += self.feedbackElement.renderEdit()
	html += self.renderEditButtons()
	html += "</div>"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 35
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block

        html = u"<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        print self.idevice.message
        if self.idevice.message != "":
            html += common.editModeHeading(self.idevice.message)
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.kpseInstruc_)
            html += common.textInput("kpse" + self.id, self.idevice.latexpath)
            html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addKpsepath(\'%s\')"' % self.id
            html += u"value=\"%s\"/>\n" % _(u"Search")
            html += u"<br/><br/>\n"

        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id,
                                 self.idevice.title) + "<br/><br/>"

        this_package = None
        if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
            this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package

        html += common.textInput("path" + self.id, self.idevice.source)
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addTeX(\'%s\')"' % self.id
        html += u"value=\"%s\"/>\n" % _(u"Add file")
        html += common.submitButton(u"loadSource" + self.id, _(u"Load"))

        html += u"<br/>\n"
        html += self.articleElement.renderEdit()
        emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"), Idevice.NoEmphasis),
                          (_(u"Some emphasis"), Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]

        html += common.formField(
            '',  # TODO: Instructions

        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 36
 def renderEdit(self):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
     html  = ""
     html += u'<b>'+self.field.name+':</b>\n'
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.instruc)+'<br/>'
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50)
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addMp3(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u' value="%s" />' % _(u"Select an MP3")
     if self.field.mediaResource:
         html += '<p style="color: red;">'+ self.field.mediaResource.storageName + '</P>'
     html += '<br/><b>%s</b><br/>' % _(u"Caption:")
     html += common.textInput("caption" + self.id, self.field.caption)
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.captionInstruc)
     return html
Exemplo n.º 37
 def renderPreview(self):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for previewing this field
     html  = "<b>" + self.field.name + "</b> "
     html += "<br/>" 
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50)
     html += u'<input type="button" ' 
     html += u' value="%s" />' % _(u"Select MP3 file")
     if self.field.instruc != "":
         html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.instruc)
     html += '<br/><b>%s</b><br/>' % _(u"Caption:")
     html += common.textInput("", "")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.captionInstruc)
     html += "<br/>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 38
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = u'<div>'
        html += '<span class="js-idevice-title-label">'
        html += '<label for="title'+self.id+'">'+_('Title')+':</label> '
        html += common.elementInstruc(_('The title and the icon are not required. If you leave them empty the iDevice will have no emphasis.'))
        html += '</span>'
        html += common.hiddenField("iconiDevice" + self.id, self.idevice.icon)
        html += u'<a class="js-show-icon-panel-button" href="javascript:showMessageBox(\'iconpanel\');" title="%s"><img src="/images/stock-insert-image.png" alt="%s" width="16" height="16" /></a>' % (_('Select an icon'),_('Choose an Image'))        
        # Get icon source (if it exists)
        icon = self.idevice.icon
        icon_exists = False
        if icon != '':
            idevice_icon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir / style / 'icon_' + self.idevice.icon + '.gif')
            if idevice_icon.exists():
                icon_exists = True
                idevice_icon = Path(G.application.config.stylesDir/style/"icon_" + self.idevice.icon + ".png")
                if idevice_icon.exists():
                    icon_exists = True

        # Icon HTML element
        html += u'<img class="js-idevide-icon-preview" name="iconiDevice%s" id="iconiDevice"' % (self.id)
        if icon_exists:
            html += u' src="/style/%s/icon_%s%s"' % (style, icon, idevice_icon.ext)
            html += u' src="/images/empty.gif"'
        html += u'/>'

        # Delete button
        html += u'<a href="javascript:deleteIcon(%s);" id="deleteIcon%s" class="deleteIcon" title="%s"' % (self.id, self.id, _('Delete'))
        # If the icon doesn't exists
        if not icon_exists:
            html += u' style="display: none;"'
        html += u'>'
        html += u'<img class="js-delete-icon" alt="%s" src="%s"/>' % (_('Delete'), '/images/stock-delete.png')
        html += u'</a>'
        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)

        html += u'<div class="js-icon-panel-container">'
        html += u'<div id="iconpaneltitle">%s</div>' % _("Icons")
        html += u'<div id="iconpanelcontent">'
        html += self.__renderIcons(style)
        html += u'</div>'
        html += u"</div>"

        for element in self.elements:
            html += element.renderEdit()

        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 39
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
     html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
     html += self.commentElement.renderEdit()
     html += "<br/>" + self.renderEditButtons()
     html += "</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 40
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html  = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
     html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
     html += self.commentElement.renderEdit()
     html += "<br/>" + self.renderEditButtons()
     html += "</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 41
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form elements for editing this block

        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        print self.idevice.message
        if self.idevice.message != "":
            html += common.editModeHeading(self.idevice.message)
            html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.kpseInstruc_)
            html += common.textInput("kpse" + self.id, self.idevice.latexpath)
            html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addKpsepath(\'%s\')"' % self.id
            html += u"value=\"%s\"/>\n" % _(u"Search")
            html += u"<br/><br/>\n"

        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title) + "<br/><br/>"

        this_package = None
        if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
            this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
        html += common.textInput("path" + self.id, self.idevice.source)
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addTeX(\'%s\')"' % self.id
        html += u"value=\"%s\"/>\n" % _(u"Add file")
        html += common.submitButton(u"loadSource"+self.id, _(u"Load"))
        html += u"<br/>\n"
        html += self.articleElement.renderEdit()
        emphasisValues = [(_(u"No emphasis"),     Idevice.NoEmphasis),
                          (_(u"Some emphasis"),   Idevice.SomeEmphasis)]

        html += common.formField('select', this_package, _('Emphasis'),
                                 'emphasis', self.id, 
                                 '', # TODO: Instructions

        html += self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 42
 def renderPreview(self):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for previewing this field
     html  = "<b>" + self.field.name + "</b> "
     if self.field.instruc != "":
         html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.instruc)
     html += "<br/>\n"  
     html += common.textInput(self.id, self.field.content)
     html += "<br/>\n"
     return html
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html  = u'<div><div class="block">\n'
     html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title) 
     html += u"</div>\n"
     for element in self.elements:
         html += element.renderEdit() + "<br/>"
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u"</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 44
    def renderEdit(self):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
        html  = "<b>%s</b><br/>" % _("Feedback")
        html += "<b>%s </b>" % _("Button Caption")
        html += common.textInput("btnCaption"+self.id, 
                                 self.field.buttonCaption, 25)
        html += "<br/><br/>"
        html += common.textInput("name"+self.id, self.field.name, 25)
        html += common.submitImage("deleteField", self.id, 
                                   _("Delete"), 1)
        html += "<br/>\n"

        this_package = None
        html += common.formField('richTextArea', this_package, '','instruc',
                                 self.id, '',
        html += "<br/>"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 45
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     html  = u'<div><div class="block">\n'
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.instruc)
     html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u"<div class=\"block\">"
     html += u"<div class=\"block\">"
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong>" % _("Email Address")
     html += common.elementInstruc(_("Enter the email address you want\
         feedback to be sent to"))
     html += u"</div>\n"
     if self.idevice.address == "":
         self.idevice.address = self.package.email
     html += common.textInput("address"+self.id, self.idevice.address)
     html += u"<div class=\"block\">\n"
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong>" % _("Subject")
     if self.idevice.subject == "":
         if self.package.title == "":
             self.idevice.subject = _("Feedback on ") + \
               self.package.name + " - " + self.idevice.parentNode.title
             self.idevice.subject = \
                 _("Feedback on ") + self.package.title + " - " + \
     html += common.elementInstruc(_("Enter default subject of feedback"))
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += common.textInput("subject"+self.id, self.idevice.subject)
     html += u"<div class=\"block\">\n"
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong>" % _("Comment")
     html += u"<div>\n"
     html += common.textInput("comment"+self.id, self.idevice.subject)
     html += "</div>\n"
     for element in self.elements:
         html += element.renderEdit() + "<br/>"
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     html += u"</div>\n"
     return html
Exemplo n.º 46
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
     heightArr = [['small', '300'],
                 ['normal', '500'],
                 ['large', '700']]
     html  = u'<div><div class="block">\n'
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong>" % _("PDF import")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.appletInstruc)
     html += u'</div>'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong>" % _("Path to PDF file")
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, self.idevice.path, 50) 
     html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addPdf(\'%s\')"' % self.id
     html += u"value=\"%s\"/>\n" % _(u"Add file")
     html += u'</div>'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += u"<strong>%s</strong>" % _("Pages to import")
     html += common.elementInstruc(self.idevice.pagesInstruc)
     html += u'</div>\n'
     html += u'<div class="block">\n'
     html += common.textInput("pages"+self.id, self.idevice.pages, 10)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += u"<div>\n"
     this_package = None
     if self.idevice is not None and self.idevice.parentNode is not None:
         this_package = self.idevice.parentNode.package
     html += common.formField('select', this_package, _('Frame Height:'),
             "height" + self.id, options = heightArr, 
             selection = self.idevice.height)
     html += u"</div>\n"
     for element in self.elements:
         html += element.renderEdit() + "<br/>"
     html += u"</div>\n"
     html += self.renderEditButtons()
     return html
 def renderEdit(self, style):
     Renders a screen that allows the user to enter paragraph text and choose
     which words are hidden.
     html = [
         u'<div class="iDevice">', u'<div class="block">',
         common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title), u'</div>',
         self.renderEditButtons(), u'</div>'
     return u'\n    '.join(html)
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"

        # JR
        # Quitamos el prefijo "FPD -"
        if self.idevice.title.find("FPD - ") == 0:
            self.idevice.title = x_(u"Orientaciones para el alumnado")

        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += self.activityElement.renderEdit()
        html += "<br/>" + self.renderEditButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 49
    def renderEdit(self):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
        html  = "<b>%s</b><br/>" % _("Text Line")
        html += common.textInput("name"+self.id, self.field.name, 25)
        html += common.submitImage("deleteField", self.id, 
                                   _("Delete"), 1)
        html += "<br/>\n"

        this_package = None
        html += common.richTextArea("instruc"+self.id, self.field.instruc, 
        html += "<br/>"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 50
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = "<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"

        # JRJ
        # Quitamos el prefijo "FPD -"
        # (let's remove the "FPD -" prefix)
        if self.idevice.title.find("FPD - ") == 0:
            self.idevice.title = x_(u"You Should Know")

        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += self.activityElement.renderEdit()
        html += "<br/>" + self.renderEditButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 51
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = u'<div class="iDevice">\n'
        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += "<br/><br/>\n"
        value = _("Add another Term")
        html += common.submitButton("addTerm" + self.id, value)
        for element in self.termElements:
            html += element.renderEdit()

        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"

        return html
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = "<div class=\"iDevice\">\n"
        html += common.textInput("title" + self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += u"<br/><br/>\n"

        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit()

        #value = _("Add another Question")
        #html += "<br/>"
        #html += common.submitButton("addQuestion"+self.id, value)

        html += "<br/><br/>" + self.renderEditButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 53
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        self.previewing = True

        html  = u'<div class="iDevice"><br/>\n'
        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += self.storyElement.renderEdit()

        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit() 
        html += u"</table>\n"
        value = _(u"Add another activity")    
        html += common.submitButton(u"addQuestion"+unicode(self.id), value)
        html += u"<br /><br />" + self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Exemplo n.º 54
    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice\"><br/>\n"
        html += common.textInput("title"+self.id, self.idevice.title)
        html += u"<br/><br/>\n"
        html += self.instructionElement.renderEdit()

        for element in self.questionElements:
            html += element.renderEdit() 
        value = _(u"Add another question")    
        html += common.submitButton("addQuestion"+unicode(self.id), value)
        html += u"<br /><br />" + self.renderEditButtons(undo=self.idevice.undo)
        html += u"</div>\n"

        return html
Exemplo n.º 55
    def renderEdit(self):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this field
        html  = common.textInput("name"+self.id, self.field.name, 25)
        html += common.submitImage("deleteField", self.id, 
                                   _("Delete"), 1)
        html += "<br/>\n"
        html += common.image("img"+self.id, 
        html += "<br/>\n"

        this_package = None
        html += common.formField('richTextArea', this_package, '','instruc',
                                 self.id, '',
        return html