Exemplo n.º 1
def assignIOValues(graphStorage, myTraceFileName):

        Collect values for I/O *memory* parameters
        (registers already have their values)

    # Init the start and end time for easy research

    startTimeLDF = dict()  # time -> LDF
    for ldfKey in graphStorage.keys():
        currentLDF = graphStorage[ldfKey]

        if currentLDF.startTime not in startTimeLDF.keys():
            startTimeLDF[currentLDF.startTime] = set()


    endTimeLDF = dict()  # time -> LDF
    for ldfKey in graphStorage.keys():
        currentLDF = graphStorage[ldfKey]
        if currentLDF.endTime not in endTimeLDF.keys():
            endTimeLDF[currentLDF.endTime] = set()

        endTimeLDF[currentLDF.endTime].add(currentLDF)  # ref

    # Collect values

    ldfIDs = set()
    currentLDF = dict()

    time = 0
    f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')

    for line in f:

        ins = executionTrace.lineConnector(line)
        if ins is None:
            time += 1

        if time in startTimeLDF.keys():

            for startingLDF in startTimeLDF[time]:

                currentLDF[startingLDF.ID] = startingLDF

                # Build the set of input bytes

                for iv in startingLDF.inputParameters:

                    # Registers AND constants have already their values

                    if iv.registerName == '' and iv.constant == 0:
                        for c in range(0, iv.size):
                            addr = iv.startAddress + c
                            startingLDF.WALFI[addr] = 'U'  # Undefined value

                # Build the set of output bytes

                for ov in startingLDF.outputParameters:

                    # Registers have already their values

                    if ov.registerName == '':
                        for c in range(0, ov.size):
                            addr = ov.startAddress + c
                            startingLDF.WALFO[addr] = 'U'  # Undefined value

        if len(ldfIDs) != 0:

            for currentLDFID in ldfIDs:

                count = 0
                for rAddr in ins.memoryReadAddress:
                    for indexByte in range(0,
                        addrReadByte = int(rAddr, 16) + indexByte  # int
                        if addrReadByte in currentLDF[currentLDFID].WALFI.keys():

                            # First time it is read, it gives its final value
                            if currentLDF[currentLDFID].WALFI[addrReadByte] == 'U':
                                valueReadByte = (ins.memoryReadValue[count])[indexByte* 2:indexByte * 2 + 2]
                                currentLDF[currentLDFID].WALFI[addrReadByte] = valueReadByte

                    count += 1

                count = 0
                for wAddr in ins.memoryWriteAddress:
                    for indexByte in range(0, ins.memoryWriteSize[count]):

                        addrWriteByte = int(wAddr, 16) + indexByte  # int

                        # Each time it is written, it updates its value

                        if addrWriteByte in currentLDF[currentLDFID].WALFO.keys():
                            valueWriteByte = (ins.memoryWriteValue[count])[indexByte* 2:indexByte * 2 + 2]
                            currentLDF[currentLDFID].WALFO[addrWriteByte] = valueWriteByte
                    count += 1

        if time in endTimeLDF.keys():

            for endingLDF in endTimeLDF[time]:

                # Copy the collected values back in the input variables

                for iv in endingLDF.inputParameters:
                    if iv.registerName == '' and iv.constant == 0:
                        for c in range(0, iv.size):

                            if endingLDF.WALFI[iv.startAddress + c] == 'U':
                                print 'ERROR - A value missed ?! (r)'

                            iv.value[c] = endingLDF.WALFI[iv.startAddress + c]

                # Copy the collected values back in the output variables

                for ov in endingLDF.outputParameters:
                    if ov.registerName == '':
                        for c in range(0, ov.size):

                            if endingLDF.WALFO[ov.startAddress + c] == 'U':
                                print 'ERROR - A value missed ?! (w)'

                            ov.value[c] = endingLDF.WALFO[ov.startAddress + c]


        time += 1

Exemplo n.º 2
def buildLoopIOMemory(myLoopStorage, myTraceFileName):
        Build I/O parameters from memory. A parameter is defined as a set of
        bytes adjacent in memory *and* used (R|W) by a same instruction in a
        loop body. The actual values of these parameters will be set later 
        during the loop data flow graph building.

    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():

        myLoop = myLoopStorage[k]

        # For all instances of the loop

        for instanceCounter in myLoop.instances.keys():

            # Only take into account the valid instances

            if myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].valid == 0x0:

            model = list()
            for ins in range(0x0, len(myLoop.body)):
                model[ins].append(set())  # Read memory addresses
                model[ins].append(set())  # Written memory addresses

            writtenAddresses = set()

            insCounter = 0x0
            time = myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].startTime

            f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')
            lineCounter = 1

            # Go to the first line

            while lineCounter != time + 1:
                lineCounter += 1

            firsTurn = 1
            while time <= myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].endTime:

                myIns = executionTrace.lineConnector(f.readline())
                if myIns is None:
                    time += 1

                # Jump over nested loops
                # The nested loop can turn a different number of times at each turn of the big loop

                if str(myLoop.body[insCounter]).startswith('+L'):

                    # Goal : move the time over the loop in the trace

                    loopId = int(str(myLoop.body[insCounter])[2:])

                    # Look for the associated instance based on its starttime

                    found = 0x0
                    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():
                        if myLoopStorage[k].ID == loopId:
                            found = 1

                            foundBis = 0x0
                            for kk in myLoopStorage[k].instances.keys():
                                if myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime \
                                    == time:

                                    # carry out the instance length in the trace

                                    lengthToJump = \
    myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].endTime \
    - myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime + 1
                                    foundBis = 1
                                            [k, kk])

                            if foundBis == 0x0:
                                print 'Fail to find the instance!'
                                print 'Loop ' + str(myLoop.ID)
                                print 'We look for ' + str(loopId) \
                                    + ' at time ' + str(time)

                    if found == 0x0:
                        print 'Fail to find the loop !!!'

                    time += lengthToJump

                    lineCounter = 0x0

                    # Go to the first line

                    while lineCounter != lengthToJump - 1:
                        lineCounter += 1

                    # Read

                    count = 0x0
                    for rAddr in myIns.memoryReadAddress:
                        for b in range(0x0, myIns.memoryReadSize[count]):
                            addr = int(rAddr, 16) + b

                            # Not previously written ?

                            if addr not in writtenAddresses:
                        count += 1

                    # Write

                    count = 0x0
                    for wAddr in myIns.memoryWriteAddress:
                        for b in range(0x0, myIns.memoryWriteSize[count]):
                            addr = int(wAddr, 16) + b
                        count += 1

                    time += 1

                insCounter = (insCounter + 1) % len(myLoop.body)
                if insCounter == 0x0:
                    firsTurn = 0x0


            # Build input variables

            inputVar = list()
            for ins in range(0x0, len(myLoop.body)):

                if len(model[ins][0x0]) != 0x0:
                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)
                    for addr in range(min(model[ins][0x0]),
                                      max(model[ins][0x0]) + 1):
                        if addr in model[ins][0x0]:
                            if var.startAddress == 0x0:
                                var.startAddress = addr

                            # Close existing var if there is one

                            if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                                var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

                    # Close last one

                    if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                        var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

            # Build output variables

            outputVar = list()
            for ins in range(0x0, len(myLoop.body)):

                if len(model[ins][1]) != 0x0:
                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)
                    for addr in range(min(model[ins][1]),
                                      max(model[ins][1]) + 1):
                        if addr in model[ins][1]:
                            if var.startAddress == 0x0:
                                var.startAddress = addr

                            # Close existing var if there is one

                            if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                                var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

                    # Close last one

                    if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                        var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

            # Deal with doublons

            # Input vars

            i = 0x0
            while i < len(inputVar):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(inputVar)):
                    if inputVar[i].contains(inputVar[j]):
                        del inputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                    if inputVar[i].intersects(inputVar[j]):
                        inputVar[i] = inputVar[i].merge(inputVar[j])
                        del inputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                i += 1

            # # Output vars

            i = 0x0
            while i < len(outputVar):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(outputVar)):
                    if outputVar[i].contains(outputVar[j]):
                        del outputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                    if outputVar[i].intersects(outputVar[j]):
                        outputVar[i] = outputVar[i].merge(outputVar[j])
                        del outputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                i += 1

            myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].inputMemoryParameters = inputVar
                instanceCounter].outputMemoryParameters = outputVar
Exemplo n.º 3
def buildLoopIORegisters(myLoopStorage, myTraceFileName):
        Build I/O parameters from register. Such parameters are defined as
        bytes manipulated by a same instruction in a loop body *and* in the same
        register at this moment. In contrary to memory I/O parameters, we set
        their values here.

    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():

        myLoop = myLoopStorage[k]

        # for all instances of the loop

        for instanceCounter in myLoop.instances.keys():

            # Only take into account the valid instances

            if myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].valid == 0x0:

            registerInputBytes = dict()  # addr -> value
            registerOutputBytes = dict()

            insCounter = 0x0
            time = myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].startTime

            f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')
            lineCounter = 1

            # Go to the first line

            while lineCounter != time + 1:
                lineCounter += 1

            firsTurn = 1
            while time <= myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].endTime:

                myIns = executionTrace.lineConnector(f.readline())

                if myIns is None:

                    # print "continue"

                    time += 1

                # Jump over nested loops
                # The nested loop can turn a different number of times at each turn of the big loop

                if str(myLoop.body[insCounter]).startswith('+L'):

                    # Goal : move the time over the loop in the trace
                    # What loop ?

                    loopId = int(str(myLoop.body[insCounter])[2:])

                    # Look for the associated instance (could we make the assumption that the key == ID ?)

                    found = 0x0
                    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():
                        if myLoopStorage[k].ID == loopId:
                            found = 1

                            # Look for the instance with the right start time

                            foundBis = 0x0
                            for kk in myLoopStorage[k].instances.keys():
                                if myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime \
                                    == time:

                                    # carry out the instance length in the trace

                                    lengthToJump = \
    myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].endTime \
    - myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime + 1
                                    foundBis = 1
                                            [k, kk])

                            if foundBis == 0x0:
                                print 'Fail to find the instance!'
                                print 'Loop ' + str(myLoop.ID)
                                print 'We look for ' + str(loopId) \
                                    + ' at time ' + str(time)

                    if found == 0x0:
                        print 'Fail to find the loop !!!'

                    time += lengthToJump

                    lineCounter = 0x0

                    # Go to the first line

                    while lineCounter != lengthToJump - 1:
                        lineCounter += 1

                    # Read

                    count = 0x0
                    for rReg in myIns.registersRead:
                        countAddr = 0x0
                        for addr in utilities.registersAddress(rReg):
                            if addr not in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                                registerInputBytes[addr] = \
                                    * 2:countAddr * 2 + 2]
                            countAddr += 1
                        count += 1

                    # Write

                    count = 0x0
                    for wReg in myIns.registersWrite:
                        countAddr = 0x0
                        for addr in utilities.registersAddress(wReg):
                            registerOutputBytes[addr] = \
                                * 2:countAddr * 2 + 2]
                            countAddr += 1
                        count += 1

                    time += 1

                insCounter = (insCounter + 1) % len(myLoop.body)
                if insCounter == 0x0:
                    firsTurn = 0x0


            # Input register parameters

            for reg in utilities.GPR32:

                # Check which parts of the reg have been used
                existL = 0x0  # AL, BL...
                existH = 0x0  # AH, BH...
                existX = 0x0  # EAX, EBX...

                if reg + '3' in registerInputBytes.keys():
                    existL = 1

                if reg + '2' in registerInputBytes.keys():
                    existH = 1

                if reg + '1' in registerInputBytes.keys():
                    existX = 1

                if existX:  # 32 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 4, reg)

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '0']
                    var.value[1] = registerInputBytes[reg + '1']
                    var.value[2] = registerInputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[3] = registerInputBytes[reg + '3']


                elif existH and existL:  # 16 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 2, reg[1:])

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[1] = registerInputBytes[reg + '3']


                elif existH:  # 8 bytes register (AH, BH...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'h')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '2']


                elif existL:  # 8 bytes register (AL, BL...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'l')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '3']


            # Output register parameters

            for reg in utilities.GPR32:

                # Check which parts of the reg have been used
                existL = 0x0  # AL, BL...
                existH = 0x0  # AH, BH...
                existX = 0x0  # EAX, EBX...

                if reg + '3' in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                    existL = 1

                if reg + '2' in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                    existH = 1

                if reg + '1' in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                    existX = 1

                if existX:  # 32 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 4, reg)

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '0']
                    var.value[1] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '1']
                    var.value[2] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[3] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '3']


                elif existH and existL:  # 16 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 2, reg[1:])

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[1] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '3']


                elif existH:  # 8 bytes register (AH, BH...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'h')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '2']


                elif existL:  # 8 bytes register (AL, BL...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'l')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '3']

Exemplo n.º 4
def buildLoopIOConstants(myLoopStorage, myTraceFileName):
        Build constant parameters for loops, e.g. 0x42 in MOV EAX, 0x42. In
        particular, these are only input parameters. It actually only works 
        for 4-byte contants (cf. TODO list).

    constantAddr = 0x0

    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():

        myLoop = myLoopStorage[k]

        # For all instances of the loop

        for instanceCounter in myLoop.instances.keys():

            # Only take into account the valid instances

            if myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].valid == 0x0:

            constantSet = set()
            insCounter = 0x0
            time = myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].startTime

            f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')
            lineCounter = 1

            # Go to the first line

            while lineCounter != time + 1:
                lineCounter += 1

            firsTurn = 1
            while time <= myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].endTime:

                myIns = executionTrace.lineConnector(f.readline())

                if myIns is None:

                    # print "continue"

                    time += 1

                # Jump over nested loops
                # The nested loop can turn a different number of times at each turn of the big loop

                if str(myLoop.body[insCounter]).startswith('+L'):

                    # Goal : move the time over the loop in the trace
                    # What loop ?

                    loopId = int(str(myLoop.body[insCounter])[2:])

                    # Look for the associated instance (could we make the assumption that the key == ID ?)

                    found = 0x0
                    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():
                        if myLoopStorage[k].ID == loopId:
                            found = 1

                            # Look for the instance with the right start time

                            foundBis = 0x0
                            for kk in myLoopStorage[k].instances.keys():
                                if myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime \
                                    == time:

                                    # Carry out the instance length in the trace

                                    lengthToJump = myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].endTime \
                                                    - myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime + 1
                                    foundBis = 1
                                            [k, kk])

                            if foundBis == 0x0:
                                print 'Fail to find the instance!'
                                print 'Loop ' + str(myLoop.ID)
                                print 'We look for ' + str(loopId) \
                                    + ' at time ' + str(time)

                    if found == 0x0:
                        print 'Fail to find the loop !!!'

                    time += lengthToJump

                    lineCounter = 0x0

                    # Go to the first line

                    while lineCounter != lengthToJump - 1:
                        lineCounter += 1

                    for cte in myIns.constants:

                        if cte not in constantSet:


                            # Due to the way we represent parameters, we have
                            # to attribute fake addresses to constant parameters. These
                            # adresses need to be unique, in order to not
                            # influence the data-flow building step.

                            var = variable.variable(constantAddr, 4)
                            var.constant = 1
                            constantAddr += 4

                            for i in range(0x0, 4):
                                var.value[i] = cte[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]


                    time += 1
Exemplo n.º 5
def detectLoop(myTraceFileName):
        Recognition of a loop (a word in the language w.w) from the machine
        instructions in an execution trace. 

    global onGoingLoopsStacks

    loopStorage = dict()
    history = executionHistory()

    f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')

    time = 0x0
    for line in f:

        if time != 0x0 and time % 100000 == 0x0:
            print '100000 lines...'

        if debugMode == 1:
            if time != 0x0 and time % 10000 == 0x0:
                print 'S:10000 lines...'
                print 'History depth'
                print len(history.elements)

            if time != 0x0 and time % 1000 == 0x0:
                print 'SS:1000 lines...'
                print 'History depth'
                print len(history.elements)

                # history.display()

        ins = executionTrace.lineConnector(line)

        if ins is None:
            time += 1  # time is actually the number of lines (including "API CALL .." lines)

        if debugMode:
            print '_ _ _ _\n'
            print '++ Read from trace : ' + str(ins)

        confirmedLoop = None

        # The list order is important

        for p in onGoingLoopsStacks:

            if not p.empty():
                if debugMode:
                    print '++ Test loop stack: '
                if match(loopStorage, ins, p, history, time):
                    confirmedLoop = p
                    break  # As soon as we got a confirmed loop we are happy!

        if confirmedLoop is None:
            # We test if the current instruction can begin a loop
            if createLoops(loopStorage, history.possibleLoops(ins), time,
                history.append(ins, time)  # We dont append for 1-inst loop
            # Only one confirmed loop at a time, we can clean the others
        time += 1


    if debugMode:
        print '\nHistory'

    return loopStorage
Exemplo n.º 6
def assignIOValues(graphStorage, myTraceFileName):
        Collect values for I/O *memory* parameters
        (registers already have their values)

    # Init the start and end time for easy research

    startTimeLDF = dict()  # time -> LDF
    for ldfKey in graphStorage.keys():
        currentLDF = graphStorage[ldfKey]

        if currentLDF.startTime not in startTimeLDF.keys():
            startTimeLDF[currentLDF.startTime] = set()


    endTimeLDF = dict()  # time -> LDF
    for ldfKey in graphStorage.keys():
        currentLDF = graphStorage[ldfKey]
        if currentLDF.endTime not in endTimeLDF.keys():
            endTimeLDF[currentLDF.endTime] = set()

        endTimeLDF[currentLDF.endTime].add(currentLDF)  # ref

    # Collect values

    ldfIDs = set()
    currentLDF = dict()

    time = 0
    f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')

    for line in f:

        ins = executionTrace.lineConnector(line)
        if ins is None:
            time += 1

        if time in startTimeLDF.keys():

            for startingLDF in startTimeLDF[time]:

                currentLDF[startingLDF.ID] = startingLDF

                # Build the set of input bytes

                for iv in startingLDF.inputParameters:

                    # Registers AND constants have already their values

                    if iv.registerName == '' and iv.constant == 0:
                        for c in range(0, iv.size):
                            addr = iv.startAddress + c
                            startingLDF.WALFI[addr] = 'U'  # Undefined value

                # Build the set of output bytes

                for ov in startingLDF.outputParameters:

                    # Registers have already their values

                    if ov.registerName == '':
                        for c in range(0, ov.size):
                            addr = ov.startAddress + c
                            startingLDF.WALFO[addr] = 'U'  # Undefined value

        if len(ldfIDs) != 0:

            for currentLDFID in ldfIDs:

                count = 0
                for rAddr in ins.memoryReadAddress:
                    for indexByte in range(0, ins.memoryReadSize[count]):
                        addrReadByte = int(rAddr, 16) + indexByte  # int

                        if addrReadByte in currentLDF[currentLDFID].WALFI.keys(

                            # First time it is read, it gives its final value
                            if currentLDF[currentLDFID].WALFI[
                                    addrReadByte] == 'U':
                                valueReadByte = (ins.memoryReadValue[count]
                                                 )[indexByte *
                                                   2:indexByte * 2 + 2]
                                    addrReadByte] = valueReadByte

                    count += 1

                count = 0
                for wAddr in ins.memoryWriteAddress:
                    for indexByte in range(0, ins.memoryWriteSize[count]):

                        addrWriteByte = int(wAddr, 16) + indexByte  # int

                        # Each time it is written, it updates its value

                        if addrWriteByte in currentLDF[
                            valueWriteByte = (
                                ins.memoryWriteValue[count])[indexByte *
                                                             2:indexByte * 2 +
                                addrWriteByte] = valueWriteByte
                    count += 1

        if time in endTimeLDF.keys():

            for endingLDF in endTimeLDF[time]:

                # Copy the collected values back in the input variables

                for iv in endingLDF.inputParameters:
                    if iv.registerName == '' and iv.constant == 0:
                        for c in range(0, iv.size):

                            if endingLDF.WALFI[iv.startAddress + c] == 'U':
                                print 'ERROR - A value missed ?! (r)'

                            iv.value[c] = endingLDF.WALFI[iv.startAddress + c]

                # Copy the collected values back in the output variables

                for ov in endingLDF.outputParameters:
                    if ov.registerName == '':
                        for c in range(0, ov.size):

                            if endingLDF.WALFO[ov.startAddress + c] == 'U':
                                print 'ERROR - A value missed ?! (w)'

                            ov.value[c] = endingLDF.WALFO[ov.startAddress + c]


        time += 1

Exemplo n.º 7
def buildLoopIORegisters(myLoopStorage, myTraceFileName):

        Build I/O parameters from register. Such parameters are defined as
        bytes manipulated by a same instruction in a loop body *and* in the same
        register at this moment. In contrary to memory I/O parameters, we set
        their values here.

    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():

        myLoop = myLoopStorage[k]

        # for all instances of the loop

        for instanceCounter in myLoop.instances.keys():

            # Only take into account the valid instances

            if myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].valid == 0x0:

            registerInputBytes = dict()  # addr -> value
            registerOutputBytes = dict()

            insCounter = 0x0
            time = myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].startTime

            f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')
            lineCounter = 1

            # Go to the first line

            while lineCounter != time + 1:
                lineCounter += 1

            firsTurn = 1
            while time <= myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].endTime:

                myIns = executionTrace.lineConnector(f.readline())

                if myIns is None:

                    # print "continue"

                    time += 1

                # Jump over nested loops
                # The nested loop can turn a different number of times at each turn of the big loop

                if str(myLoop.body[insCounter]).startswith('+L'):

                    # Goal : move the time over the loop in the trace
                    # What loop ?

                    loopId = int(str(myLoop.body[insCounter])[2:])

                    # Look for the associated instance (could we make the assumption that the key == ID ?)

                    found = 0x0
                    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():
                        if myLoopStorage[k].ID == loopId:
                            found = 1

                            # Look for the instance with the right start time

                            foundBis = 0x0
                            for kk in myLoopStorage[k].instances.keys():
                                if myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime \
                                    == time:

                                    # carry out the instance length in the trace

                                    lengthToJump = \
    myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].endTime \
    - myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime + 1
                                    foundBis = 1

                            if foundBis == 0x0:
                                print 'Fail to find the instance!'
                                print 'Loop ' + str(myLoop.ID)
                                print 'We look for ' + str(loopId) \
                                    + ' at time ' + str(time)

                    if found == 0x0:
                        print 'Fail to find the loop !!!'

                    time += lengthToJump

                    lineCounter = 0x0

                    # Go to the first line

                    while lineCounter != lengthToJump - 1:
                        lineCounter += 1

                    # Read

                    count = 0x0
                    for rReg in myIns.registersRead:
                        countAddr = 0x0
                        for addr in utilities.registersAddress(rReg):
                            if addr not in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                                registerInputBytes[addr] = \
                                    * 2:countAddr * 2 + 2]
                            countAddr += 1
                        count += 1

                    # Write

                    count = 0x0
                    for wReg in myIns.registersWrite:
                        countAddr = 0x0
                        for addr in utilities.registersAddress(wReg):
                            registerOutputBytes[addr] = \
                                * 2:countAddr * 2 + 2]
                            countAddr += 1
                        count += 1

                    time += 1

                insCounter = (insCounter + 1) % len(myLoop.body)
                if insCounter == 0x0:
                    firsTurn = 0x0


            # Input register parameters

            for reg in utilities.GPR32:
                # Check which parts of the reg have been used
                existL = 0x0 # AL, BL...
                existH = 0x0 # AH, BH...
                existX = 0x0 # EAX, EBX...

                if reg + '3' in registerInputBytes.keys():
                    existL = 1

                if reg + '2' in registerInputBytes.keys():
                    existH = 1

                if reg + '1' in registerInputBytes.keys():
                    existX = 1

                if existX: # 32 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 4, reg)

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '0']
                    var.value[1] = registerInputBytes[reg + '1']
                    var.value[2] = registerInputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[3] = registerInputBytes[reg + '3']

                elif existH and existL: # 16 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 2, reg[1:])

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[1] = registerInputBytes[reg + '3']


                elif existH: # 8 bytes register (AH, BH...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'h')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '2']

                elif existL: # 8 bytes register (AL, BL...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'l')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerInputBytes[reg + '3']

            # Output register parameters

            for reg in utilities.GPR32:
                # Check which parts of the reg have been used
                existL = 0x0 # AL, BL...
                existH = 0x0 # AH, BH...
                existX = 0x0 # EAX, EBX...

                if reg + '3' in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                    existL = 1

                if reg + '2' in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                    existH = 1

                if reg + '1' in registerOutputBytes.keys():
                    existX = 1

                if existX: # 32 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 4, reg)

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '0']
                    var.value[1] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '1']
                    var.value[2] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[3] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '3']

                elif existH and existL: # 16 bytes register

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 2, reg[1:])

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '2']
                    var.value[1] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '3']


                elif existH: # 8 bytes register (AH, BH...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'h')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '2']

                elif existL: # 8 bytes register (AL, BL...)

                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 1, reg[1:2] + 'l')

                    var.value[0x0] = registerOutputBytes[reg + '3']
Exemplo n.º 8
def buildLoopIOMemory(myLoopStorage, myTraceFileName):

        Build I/O parameters from memory. A parameter is defined as a set of
        bytes adjacent in memory *and* used (R|W) by a same instruction in a
        loop body. The actual values of these parameters will be set later 
        during the loop data flow graph building.

    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():

        myLoop = myLoopStorage[k]

        # For all instances of the loop

        for instanceCounter in myLoop.instances.keys():

            # Only take into account the valid instances

            if myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].valid == 0x0:

            model = list()
            for ins in range(0x0, len(myLoop.body)):
                model[ins].append(set())  # Read memory addresses
                model[ins].append(set())  # Written memory addresses

            writtenAddresses = set()

            insCounter = 0x0
            time = myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].startTime

            f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')
            lineCounter = 1

            # Go to the first line

            while lineCounter != time + 1:
                lineCounter += 1

            firsTurn = 1
            while time <= myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].endTime:

                myIns = executionTrace.lineConnector(f.readline())
                if myIns is None:
                    time += 1

                # Jump over nested loops
                # The nested loop can turn a different number of times at each turn of the big loop

                if str(myLoop.body[insCounter]).startswith('+L'):

                    # Goal : move the time over the loop in the trace

                    loopId = int(str(myLoop.body[insCounter])[2:])

                    # Look for the associated instance based on its starttime

                    found = 0x0
                    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():
                        if myLoopStorage[k].ID == loopId:
                            found = 1

                            foundBis = 0x0
                            for kk in myLoopStorage[k].instances.keys():
                                if myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime \
                                    == time:

                                    # carry out the instance length in the trace

                                    lengthToJump = \
    myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].endTime \
    - myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime + 1
                                    foundBis = 1

                            if foundBis == 0x0:
                                print 'Fail to find the instance!'
                                print 'Loop ' + str(myLoop.ID)
                                print 'We look for ' + str(loopId) \
                                    + ' at time ' + str(time)

                    if found == 0x0:
                        print 'Fail to find the loop !!!'

                    time += lengthToJump

                    lineCounter = 0x0

                    # Go to the first line

                    while lineCounter != lengthToJump - 1:
                        lineCounter += 1

                    # Read

                    count = 0x0
                    for rAddr in myIns.memoryReadAddress:
                        for b in range(0x0,
                            addr = int(rAddr, 16) + b

                            # Not previously written ?

                            if addr not in writtenAddresses:
                        count += 1

                    # Write

                    count = 0x0
                    for wAddr in myIns.memoryWriteAddress:
                        for b in range(0x0,
                            addr = int(wAddr, 16) + b
                        count += 1

                    time += 1

                insCounter = (insCounter + 1) % len(myLoop.body)
                if insCounter == 0x0:
                    firsTurn = 0x0


            # Build input variables

            inputVar = list()
            for ins in range(0x0, len(myLoop.body)):

                if len(model[ins][0x0]) != 0x0:
                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)
                    for addr in range(min(model[ins][0x0]),
                            max(model[ins][0x0]) + 1):
                        if addr in model[ins][0x0]:
                            if var.startAddress == 0x0:
                                var.startAddress = addr

                            # Close existing var if there is one

                            if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                                var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

                    # Close last one

                    if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                        var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

            # Build output variables

            outputVar = list()
            for ins in range(0x0, len(myLoop.body)):

                if len(model[ins][1]) != 0x0:
                    var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)
                    for addr in range(min(model[ins][1]),
                            max(model[ins][1]) + 1):
                        if addr in model[ins][1]:
                            if var.startAddress == 0x0:
                                var.startAddress = addr

                            # Close existing var if there is one

                            if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                                var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

                    # Close last one

                    if var.startAddress != 0x0:
                        var = variable.variable(0x0, 0x0)

            # Deal with doublons

            # Input vars

            i = 0x0
            while i < len(inputVar):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(inputVar)):
                    if inputVar[i].contains(inputVar[j]):
                        del inputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                    if inputVar[i].intersects(inputVar[j]):
                        inputVar[i] = inputVar[i].merge(inputVar[j])
                        del inputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                i += 1

            # # Output vars

            i = 0x0
            while i < len(outputVar):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(outputVar)):
                    if outputVar[i].contains(outputVar[j]):
                        del outputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                    if outputVar[i].intersects(outputVar[j]):
                        outputVar[i] = outputVar[i].merge(outputVar[j])
                        del outputVar[j]
                        i = -1
                i += 1

            myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].inputMemoryParameters = inputVar
            myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].outputMemoryParameters = outputVar
Exemplo n.º 9
def detectLoop(myTraceFileName):     
        Recognition of a loop (a word in the language w.w) from the machine
        instructions in an execution trace. 

    global onGoingLoopsStacks

    loopStorage = dict()
    history = executionHistory()

    f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')

    time = 0x0
    for line in f:

        if time != 0x0 and time % 100000 == 0x0:
            print '100000 lines...'

        if debugMode == 1:
            if time != 0x0 and time % 10000 == 0x0:
                print 'S:10000 lines...'
                print 'History depth'
                print len(history.elements)

            if time != 0x0 and time % 1000 == 0x0:
                print 'SS:1000 lines...'
                print 'History depth'
                print len(history.elements)

                # history.display()

        ins = executionTrace.lineConnector(line)

        if ins is None:
            time += 1  # time is actually the number of lines (including "API CALL .." lines)

        if debugMode:
            print '_ _ _ _\n'
            print '++ Read from trace : ' + str(ins)

        confirmedLoop = None

        # The list order is important

        for p in onGoingLoopsStacks:

            if not p.empty():
                if debugMode:
                    print '++ Test loop stack: '
                if match(loopStorage, ins, p, history, time):
                    confirmedLoop = p
                    break  # As soon as we got a confirmed loop we are happy!

        if confirmedLoop is None:
            # We test if the current instruction can begin a loop
            if createLoops(loopStorage, history.possibleLoops(ins),
                           time, history):
                history.append(ins, time)  # We dont append for 1-inst loop
            # Only one confirmed loop at a time, we can clean the others
        time += 1


    if debugMode:
        print '\nHistory'

    return loopStorage
Exemplo n.º 10
def buildLoopIOConstants(myLoopStorage, myTraceFileName):

        Build constant parameters for loops, e.g. 0x42 in MOV EAX, 0x42. In
        particular, these are only input parameters. It actually only works 
        for 4-byte contants (cf. TODO list).

    constantAddr = 0x0

    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():

        myLoop = myLoopStorage[k]

        # For all instances of the loop

        for instanceCounter in myLoop.instances.keys():

            # Only take into account the valid instances

            if myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].valid == 0x0:

            constantSet = set()
            insCounter = 0x0
            time = myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].startTime

            f = open(myTraceFileName, 'r')
            lineCounter = 1

            # Go to the first line

            while lineCounter != time + 1:
                lineCounter += 1

            firsTurn = 1
            while time <= myLoop.instances[instanceCounter].endTime:

                myIns = executionTrace.lineConnector(f.readline())

                if myIns is None:

                    # print "continue"

                    time += 1

                # Jump over nested loops
                # The nested loop can turn a different number of times at each turn of the big loop

                if str(myLoop.body[insCounter]).startswith('+L'):

                    # Goal : move the time over the loop in the trace
                    # What loop ?

                    loopId = int(str(myLoop.body[insCounter])[2:])

                    # Look for the associated instance (could we make the assumption that the key == ID ?)

                    found = 0x0
                    for k in myLoopStorage.keys():
                        if myLoopStorage[k].ID == loopId:
                            found = 1

                            # Look for the instance with the right start time

                            foundBis = 0x0
                            for kk in myLoopStorage[k].instances.keys():
                                if myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime \
                                    == time:

                                    # Carry out the instance length in the trace

                                    lengthToJump = myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].endTime \
                                                    - myLoopStorage[k].instances[kk].startTime + 1
                                    foundBis = 1

                            if foundBis == 0x0:
                                print 'Fail to find the instance!'
                                print 'Loop ' + str(myLoop.ID)
                                print 'We look for ' + str(loopId) \
                                    + ' at time ' + str(time)

                    if found == 0x0:
                        print 'Fail to find the loop !!!'

                    time += lengthToJump

                    lineCounter = 0x0

                    # Go to the first line

                    while lineCounter != lengthToJump - 1:
                        lineCounter += 1

                    for cte in myIns.constants:

                        if cte not in constantSet:


                            # Due to the way we represent parameters, we have
                            # to attribute fake addresses to constant parameters. These
                            # adresses need to be unique, in order to not
                            # influence the data-flow building step.

                            var = variable.variable(constantAddr, 4)
                            var.constant = 1
                            constantAddr += 4

                            for i in range(0x0, 4):
                                var.value[i] = cte[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]


                    time += 1