def move_other_loot(self, wn, o_turt, turt): """Moves everything from lootPile to otherStoragePile""" while self.lootPile.size() != 0: # removes all the cards from the lootpile and puts them into the storage pile b = self.lootPile.pop() self.otherStoragePile.enqueue(b) Display.comp_storage(self, wn, turt) # displays computer storage pile o_turt.clear() Display.other_storage_number(self, wn, o_turt, self.otherStoragePile.size()) # displays number of cards in storage return self.otherStoragePile
def move_my_loot(self, wn, t_turt, turt): """Moves everything from lootPile to myStoragePile""" while self.lootPile.size() != 0: # removes all the cards from the lootpile and puts them into the storage pile a = self.lootPile.pop() self.myStoragePile.enqueue(a) Display.user_storage(self, wn, turt) # displays user storage pile t_turt.clear() Display.user_storage_number(self, wn, t_turt, self.myStoragePile.size()) # displays number of cards in storage return self.myStoragePile
def display_card(self, wn, p_turt, c_turt): """Displays a card on the screen and returns the value""" a = # looks at the cards in the current stack b = print("Computer has placed a " + str(a)) p_turt.clear() Display.play_card(self, wn, p_turt) # displays user played card Display.played_number(self, wn, p_turt, b) # displays played card number c_turt.clear() Display.play_other_card(self, wn, c_turt) # displays computer card Display.other_played_number(self, wn, c_turt, a) # displays computer card number print("You have placed a " + str(b)) # prints the cards to the screen
def make_move(self, wn, turt): """initiates a round of play and communicates play-by-play during the round returns true when the game is still in play returns false when the game is over Communicates an appropriate message about whether the user beat the computer""" self.currentState += 1 # tells what round of play the game is in print("Round " + str(self.currentState)) mycards = self.myPlayingPile.size() othercards = self.otherPlayingPile.size() if mycards == 0: # indicates who has won print("Computer Won!") Display.win_message(self, wn, turt, 'Computer Won!') # prints computer won quit() return False elif othercards == 0: print("You Won!") Display.win_message(self, wn, turt, 'You Won!') # prints user won quit() return False else: return True
def move_other_storage(self, wn, x_turt, o_turt, cs_turt): """Moves everything from otherStoragePile to otherPlayingPile""" if self.otherPlayingPile.size() == 0: while self.otherStoragePile.size() != 0: # removes all the cards from the storage pile and puts it into the playing hand d = self.otherStoragePile.dequeue() self.otherPlayingPile.push(d) if self.otherStoragePile.size() == 0: return self.otherPlayingPile else: x_turt.clear() Display.other_card_number(self, wn, x_turt, self.otherPlayingPile.size()) # updates computer playing pile number Display.replace_other_card(self, wn, cs_turt) # moves computer storage to playing pile o_turt.clear() Display.other_storage_number(self, wn, o_turt, self.otherStoragePile.size()) # updates computer storage pile number cs_turt.clear() return self.otherPlayingPile
def move_my_storage(self, wn, u_turt, t_turt, s_turt): """Moves everything from myStoragePile to myPlayingPile""" if self.myPlayingPile.size() == 0: while self.myStoragePile.size() != 0: # removes all the cards from the storage pile and puts it into the playing hand c = self.myStoragePile.dequeue() self.myPlayingPile.push(c) if self.myStoragePile.size()== 0: return self.myPlayingPile else: u_turt.clear() Display.user_card_number(self, wn, u_turt, self.myPlayingPile.size()) # updated user card number Display.replace_card(self, wn, s_turt) # moves the storage to the playing pile t_turt.clear() Display.user_storage_number(self, wn, t_turt, self.myStoragePile.size()) # updates storage pile number s_turt.clear() return self.myPlayingPile
def deal(self, wn, turt, u_turt, x_turt): """Deals out 25 cards from to each player's playing pile from shuffled dealers pile """ Display.draw_board(self, wn, turt) # initializes board Display.write_text(self, wn, turt) # initiates user and computer for i in range(1): # deals out 25 cards to player 1 my_card = self.dealingPile.pop() self.myPlayingPile.push(my_card) Display.user_playing(self, wn, turt) # draws user playing pile u_turt.clear() Display.user_card_number(self, wn, u_turt, self.myPlayingPile.size()) # prints number of cards for i in range(1): # deals out 25 cards to the computer other_card = self.dealingPile.pop() self.otherPlayingPile.push(other_card) Display.comp_playing(self, wn, turt) # draws computer playing pile x_turt.clear() Display.other_card_number(self, wn, x_turt, self.otherPlayingPile.size()) # prints the number of cards return self.otherPlayingPile, self.myPlayingPile # returns the storage for each hand
def compare_other(self, wn, u_turt, x_turt): """Gives the cards to whichever layer had the highest played number""" b = a = if b > a: a = self.myCurrent.pop() # removes card and places it in the lootpile self.lootPile.push(a) x = self.otherCurrent.pop() self.lootPile.push(x) while self.war.size() != 0: # removes cards inside the war stack and places it in the lootpile p = self.war.pop() self.lootPile.push(p) u_turt.clear() Display.user_card_number(self, wn, u_turt, self.myPlayingPile.size()) # displays number of cards remaining for user x_turt.clear() Display.other_card_number(self, wn, x_turt, self.otherPlayingPile.size()) print("You won the cards.") return self.lootPile elif b < a: b = self.myCurrent.pop() self.lootPile.push(b) c = self.otherCurrent.pop() # removes card and places it in the lootpile self.lootPile.push(c) while self.war.size() != 0: h = self.war.pop() self.lootPile.push(h) u_turt.clear() Display.user_card_number(self, wn, u_turt, self.myPlayingPile.size()) x_turt.clear() Display.other_card_number(self, wn, x_turt, self.otherPlayingPile.size()) # displays number of cards remaining for computer print("Computer won the cards.") return self.lootPile # returns the lootpile elif b == a: b = self.myCurrent.pop() # puts the player's current card and the computer's current card in a stack if they are the same self.war.push(b) c = self.otherCurrent.pop() self.war.push(c) while self.war.size() != 0: x = self.war.pop() self.lootPile.push(x) u_turt.clear() Display.user_card_number(self, wn, u_turt, self.myPlayingPile.size()) x_turt.clear() Display.other_card_number(self, wn, x_turt, self.otherPlayingPile.size()) return self.lootPile