Exemplo n.º 1
def test_find_all_sections():
    section = ExperimentSection(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}), ChainMap())
    sections = list(section.all_subsections(block=[2, 4], trial=[4, 6]))
    assert len(sections) == 4
    for subsection in sections:
        assert subsection.data['block'] in (2, 4)
        assert subsection.data['trial'] in (4, 6)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_add_data():
    section = ExperimentSection(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}), ChainMap())
    yield check_test_data, section
    for block in section:
        yield check_test_data, block
        for trial in block:
            yield check_test_data, trial
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_walk():
    session = ExperimentSection(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}), ChainMap())
    all_sections = [session]
    for block in session:

    assert all_sections == list(session.walk())
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_depth_first_search():
    section = ExperimentSection(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}), ChainMap())
    section[1][2].data['foo'] = True

    key = lambda node: node.data.get('foo', False)
    search_result = section.depth_first_search(key)
    assert search_result == [section, section[1], section[1][2]]

    assert section.depth_first_search(lambda node: False) == []
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_append_child():
    section = ExperimentSection(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}), ChainMap())
    yield check_test_data, section[-1]
    assert section[-1].data['block'] == 7

    for trial in section[-1]:
        yield check_test_data, trial

    section[1].append_child(dict(test=True), to_start=True)
    yield check_test_data, section[1][1]
    assert len(section[1]) == 7
    assert [trial.data['trial'] for trial in section[1]] == list(range(1, 8))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_depth_first_path_search():
    section = ExperimentSection(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}), ChainMap())
    section[2][1].data['foo'] = True  # Target.
    section[1][2].data['foo'] = True  # Red herring.
    section.data['bar'] = True
    section[1].data['bar'] = False

    key = lambda node: node.data.get('foo', False)
    path_key = lambda node: node.data.get('bar', False)
    search_result = section.depth_first_search(key, path_key=path_key)
    assert search_result == [section, section[2], section[2][1]]

    assert section.depth_first_search(lambda node: True, path_key=lambda node: False) == []
    assert section.depth_first_search(lambda node: False, path_key=lambda node: True) == []
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_find_all_sections():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    sections = list(section.all_subsections(block=[2, 4], trial=[4, 6]))
    assert len(sections) == 4
    for subsection in sections:
        assert subsection.data['block'] in (2, 4)
        assert subsection.data['trial'] in (4, 6)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_new():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    assert len(section) == 3*2
    assert len(section[1]) == 3*2
    assert section.level == 'session'
    assert section[1].level == 'block'
    assert section[1][1].level == 'trial'
    assert section[1][1].is_bottom_level
    assert not section.is_bottom_level
    first_trial_data = section[1][1].data
    assert first_trial_data['block'] == first_trial_data['trial'] == 1

    assert list(reversed(section)) == [section[i] for i in reversed(range(1, 7))]
    first_block = section[1]
    second_block = section[1]
    assert first_block in section
    del section[1]
    assert first_block not in section
    assert second_block.data['block'] == 1
    section[2] = first_block
    assert first_block.data['block'] == 2

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        not_a_section = section[0]

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        not_a_section = section[0:]
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_add_data():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    yield check_test_data, section
    for block in section:
        yield check_test_data, block
        for trial in block:
            yield check_test_data, trial
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_as_graph():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {'d': 1}))
    graph = section.as_graph()
    assert len(graph.nodes()) == 1 + 6 + 6**2
    assert len(graph.edges()) == 6 + 6**2
    assert len(graph[(('session', 1),)]) == 6
    assert set(graph.node[(('session', 1),)]) == {'_has_started', '_has_finished'}
    assert set(graph.node[(('session', 1), ('block', 1))]) == {'_has_started', '_has_finished', 'a', 'b', 'd'}
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_walk():
    session = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    all_sections = [session]
    for block in session:

    assert all_sections == list(session.walk())
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_depth_first_search():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    section[1][2].data['foo'] = True

    key = lambda node: node.data.get('foo', False)
    search_result = section.depth_first_search(key)
    assert search_result == [section, section[1], section[1][2]]

    assert section.depth_first_search(lambda node: False) == []
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_section_equality_bug():
    """Exception raised on testing section equality (while running __contains__),
    when Section.data attributes contain DataFrames with different shapes.

    blocks = [ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['block', 'trial'], {}))
              for _ in range(2)]
    assert blocks[0] == blocks[1]
    blocks[0].data['df'] = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    blocks[1].data['df'] = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
    assert blocks[0] != blocks[1]
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_append_child():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    yield check_test_data, section[-1]
    assert section[-1].data['block'] == 7

    for trial in section[-1]:
        yield check_test_data, trial

    section[1].append_child(dict(test=True), to_start=True)
    yield check_test_data, section[1][1]
    assert len(section[1]) == 7
    assert [trial.data['trial'] for trial in section[1]] == list(range(1, 8))
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_depth_first_path_search():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    section[2][1].data['foo'] = True  # Target.
    section[1][2].data['foo'] = True  # Red herring.
    section.data['bar'] = True
    section[1].data['bar'] = False

    key = lambda node: node.data.get('foo', False)
    path_key = lambda node: node.data.get('bar', False)
    search_result = section.depth_first_search(key, path_key=path_key)
    assert search_result == [section, section[2], section[2][1]]

    assert section.depth_first_search(lambda node: True, path_key=lambda node: False) == []
    assert section.depth_first_search(lambda node: False, path_key=lambda node: True) == []
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_appending_tree():
    section = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    assert section.local_levels == {'block'}
    section.append_design_tree(make_tree(['block-test', 'trial-test'], {'foo': 'bar'}), to_start=True)
    assert section.local_levels == {'block', 'block-test'}

    assert len(section) == 10
    assert len(section[1]) == 4
    assert len(section[5]) == 6
    assert section[1].level == 'block-test'
    assert section[1][1].level == 'trial-test'
    assert section[1].data['foo'] == 'bar'
    assert section[1][1].data['foo'] == 'bar'
    assert section[1][1].data['trial-test'] == 1
    assert section[5].data['block'] == 1
    section.append_design_tree(make_tree(['block', 'trial'], {'foo': 'bar'}), to_start=True)
    assert section[9].data['block'] == 5

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        section.append_design_tree(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_heterogeneous_tree_section():
    participant = ExperimentSection.new(make_heterogeneous_tree())
    assert participant.level == 'participant'
    assert len(participant) == 3
    practice_session = participant[1]
    test_sessions = participant[2:]
    assert practice_session.level == test_sessions[0].level == test_sessions[1].level == 'session'
    assert len(practice_session) == 1
    assert len(test_sessions[0]) == len(test_sessions[1]) == 2
    practice_block = practice_session[1]
    assert practice_block.level == 'block'
    assert practice_block.data['design'] == 'practice'
    assert practice_block.data['block'] == 1 and practice_block.data['session'] == 1
    assert len(practice_block) == 2*20
    assert all(trial.data['difficulty'] in (1, 2) for trial in practice_block)
    test_block = test_sessions[1][2]
    assert test_block.level == 'block'
    assert test_block.data['design'] == 'test'
    assert test_block.data['block'] == 2 and test_block.data['session'] == 3
    assert len(test_block) == 4*5
    assert all(trial.data['difficulty'] in (1, 3, 5, 7) for trial in test_block)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_dataframe():
    data = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {})).dataframe
    assert len(data) == 3*2*3*2
    assert set(data.columns) == {'a', 'b'}
    assert int(sum(data['a'] == 0)) == int(sum(data['a'] == 1)) == int(sum(data['a'] == 2)) == 6*6//3
    assert int(sum(data['b'])) == int(sum(-data['b'])) == 6*6//2
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_bizarre_equality():
    block = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['block', 'trial'], {}))
    assert (block == 1) is False
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_description():
    block = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['block', 'trial'], {}))
    assert block.description == 'block'
    for i, trial in enumerate(block):
        assert trial.description == 'trial {}'.format(i + 1)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_tuple_indexing():
    session = ExperimentSection.new(make_tree(['session', 'block', 'trial'], {}))
    assert session[1, 2] is session[1][2]
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_constructor():
    section = ExperimentSection(make_tree(['block', 'trial'], {}), has_started=True)
    assert section.has_started
    assert not section.has_finished