Exemplo n.º 1
def load_identities(directory):
    Loads all the public keys from a given directory and returns a dictionary
    of identities for those public keys.

        The directory to search in for public keys.

    If directory isn't a valid directory or one of the publickey files is
    improperly formated, an exception will be raised.

  <Side Effects>

    A dictionary with public key names (the file name minus the ending
    .publickey) mapping to identities for the public keys.

    identitydict = {}
    filelist = os.listdir(directory)

    for entry in filelist:
        if entry.endswith(".publickey"):
            identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(directory +
                                                                    "/" +
            keyname = entry[:-len(".publickey")]
            identitydict[keyname] = identity
            oldlocationdict[keyname] = []

    return identitydict
Exemplo n.º 2
def load_identities(directory):
    Loads all the public keys from a given directory and returns a dictionary
    of identities for those public keys.

        The directory to search in for public keys.

    If directory isn't a valid directory or one of the publickey files is
    improperly formated, an exception will be raised.

  <Side Effects>

    A dictionary with public key names (the file name minus the ending
    .publickey) mapping to identities for the public keys.

  identitydict = {}
  filelist = os.listdir(directory)

  for entry in filelist:
    if entry.endswith(".publickey"):
      identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(
                                                    directory + "/" + entry)
      keyname = entry[:-len(".publickey")]
      identitydict[keyname] = identity
      oldlocationdict[keyname] = []

  return identitydict
Exemplo n.º 3
def _beta_keys():
    To generate a dictionary of beta keys for 
    checking to see if a node is a production node or
    a beta node based off of what user keys its vessels
    Possible IO errors if keys have not been downloaded
    to their correct locations.
  <Side Effects>
    Returns a dictionary of beta keys in the form
    of {'key_name':publickey_dict}.

    beta_keys_dict = {}

    beta_key_names = [
        'acceptdonation', 'canonical', 'movingtoonepercent_manyevents',

    for name in beta_key_names:
        beta_keys_dict[name] = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(
            BETA_KEY_PATH + name + '.publickey').get('publickey_dict')

    return beta_keys_dict
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(identity, nodelocation_list)

  print("Number of active vessels: " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)))

  # Note that we could use experimentlib.run_parallelized() to parallelize
  # this, but for simplicity we do each sequentially.

  for vesselhandle in vesselhandle_list:
      nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(vesselhandle)
      nodelocation = experimentlib.get_node_location(nodeid)
      # Note: you may want to reset_vessel().
      experimentlib.upload_file_to_vessel(vesselhandle, identity, PROGRAM_FILE)
      print("Uploaded " + PROGRAM_FILE + " to " + nodelocation + " vessel " + vesselname)
      experimentlib.start_vessel(vesselhandle, identity, PROGRAM_FILE, ARGUMENTS_TO_START_PROGRAM_WITH)
      print("Program started on " + nodelocation + " vessel " + vesselname)
    except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, e:
      print("Failure on vessel " + vesselhandle + ". Error was: " + str(e))
def main():

  monitorhandle = None
  while True: 
    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME)

    # Get a list of nodes advertising under the public key. Some of these
    # nodes may be unreachable or may have gone offline since they advertised.
    # This won't try to communicate with the actual nodes.
    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)
    # Contact each node and find out which vessels are usable by this identity/key. 
    vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(identity, nodelocation_list)
    print("Lookup and vessel discovery shows " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)) + " active vessels.")

    # Either register a monitor if this is the first time through the loop or
    # just add the vesselhandles to the existing monitor. Adding the vesselhandles
    # will not remove the old one and duplicates will be ignored.
    if monitorhandle is None:
      monitorhandle = vesselstatusmonitor.register_vessel_status_monitor(identity, vesselhandle_list, vessel_status_callback,
      print("Vessel status monitor registered.")
      vesselstatusmonitor.add_to_vessel_status_monitor(monitorhandle, vesselhandle_list)  

def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(

    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(
    print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

    if MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT is not None:
        print("DEBUG: only looking at " + str(MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT) +
              " nodes.")
        nodelocation_list = nodelocation_list[:MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT]

    # Talk to each nodemanager to find out vessel information.
    browse_successlist, failurelist = \
        experimentlib.run_parallelized(nodelocation_list, browse_node_for_available_vessels)

    # Create a dictionary whose keys are the nodeids and values are lists of
    # vesseldicts of the available vessels on that node.
    available_vesseldicts_by_node = {}
    for (nodeid, available_vesseldicts) in browse_successlist:
        if available_vesseldicts:
            available_vesseldicts_by_node[nodeid] = available_vesseldicts

    print("Number of nodes that SeattleGENI vessels are available on: " +
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(identity, nodelocation_list)

  print("Number of active vessels: " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)))

  # Note that we could use experimentlib.run_parallelized() to parallelize the
  # uploading of files and speed things up, but for simplicity we do each
  # upload sequentially.

  for vesselhandle in vesselhandle_list:
      nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(vesselhandle)
      nodelocation = experimentlib.get_node_location(nodeid)
      for local_filename in FILES_TO_UPLOAD:
        experimentlib.upload_file_to_vessel(vesselhandle, identity, local_filename)
        print("Uploaded " + local_filename + " to " + nodelocation + " vessel " + vesselname)
    except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, e:
      print("Failure on vessel " + vesselhandle + ". Error was: " + str(e))
Exemplo n.º 8
def _beta_keys():
    To generate a dictionary of beta keys for 
    checking to see if a node is a production node or
    a beta node based off of what user keys its vessels
    Possible IO errors if keys have not been downloaded
    to their correct locations.
  <Side Effects>
    Returns a dictionary of beta keys in the form
    of {'key_name':publickey_dict}.

  beta_keys_dict = {}
  beta_key_names = ['acceptdonation', 'canonical', 'movingtoonepercent_manyevents',

  for name in beta_key_names:
    beta_keys_dict[name] = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(BETA_KEY_PATH + name + 
  return beta_keys_dict
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME)

    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

    print("Number of nodes advertising their location under this key: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

    for nodelocation in nodelocation_list:
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME)

    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(

    print("Number of nodes advertising their location under this key: " +

    for nodelocation in nodelocation_list:
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(

    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(

    print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

    vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(
        identity, nodelocation_list)

    print("Number of active vessels: " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)))

    for vesselhandle in vesselhandle_list:
            # Generate the vessel directory name with format: host_port_vesselname
            nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(
            nodelocation = experimentlib.get_node_location(nodeid)
            host, port = experimentlib.get_host_and_port(nodelocation)
            dirname = host + "_" + str(port) + "_" + vesselname

            # Create the vessel directory if it doesn't already exist.
            vessel_directory = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, dirname)
            if not os.path.exists(vessel_directory):

            # Get a list of files on the vessel.
            filelist = experimentlib.get_vessel_file_list(
                vesselhandle, identity)

            print("Files on " + nodelocation + " " + vesselname + ": " +

            for remote_filename in filelist:
                local_filename = os.path.join(vessel_directory,
                    vesselhandle, identity, remote_filename, local_filename)
                print("Downloaded " + local_filename)

        except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, e:
            print("Failure on vessel " + vesselhandle + ". Error was: " +
Exemplo n.º 12
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(

    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(

    print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

    vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(
        identity, nodelocation_list)

    print("Number of active vessels: " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)))

    # Note that we could use experimentlib.run_parallelized() to parallelize
    # this, but for simplicity we do each sequentially.

    for vesselhandle in vesselhandle_list:
            nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(
            nodelocation = experimentlib.get_node_location(nodeid)

            # Note: you may want to reset_vessel().

            experimentlib.upload_file_to_vessel(vesselhandle, identity,
            print("Uploaded " + PROGRAM_FILE + " to " + nodelocation +
                  " vessel " + vesselname)

            experimentlib.start_vessel(vesselhandle, identity, PROGRAM_FILE,
            print("Program started on " + nodelocation + " vessel " +

        except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, e:
            print("Failure on vessel " + vesselhandle + ". Error was: " +
Exemplo n.º 13
def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  browse_successlist, browse_failurelist = experimentlib.run_parallelized(nodelocation_list,
                                                                          experimentlib.browse_node, identity)

  vesseldict_list = []
  for (nodeid, vesseldicts_of_node) in browse_successlist:
    vesseldict_list += vesseldicts_of_node

  print("Good vessels: " + str(len(vesseldict_list)))

  set_keys_successlist, set_keys_failure_list = experimentlib.run_parallelized(vesseldict_list, set_keys, identity)
  print("Vessels with proper user keys: " + str(len(set_keys_successlist)))
  print("Vessels that failed user key setting: " + str(len(set_keys_failure_list)))

Exemplo n.º 14
def main(appmap_config):
  # Set SSL security level and warn user if running without SSL
  experimentlib.SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_ALLOW_SSL_INSECURE = appmap_config['allow_ssl_insecure']
  if appmap_config['allow_ssl_insecure']:
    print "Running without secure SSL connection to SeattleGENI"
  # Get GENI user identity object and port
  CBFUNC_CONTEXT['identity'] = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(appmap_config['geni_username'] + ".publickey", appmap_config['geni_username'] + ".privatekey")

  # If --insecure switch not used, attempt a secure SSL connection to
  # SeattleGENI. If SeattleClearinghouseError exception thrown, print warning.
    CBFUNC_CONTEXT['geniport'] = experimentlib.seattlegeni_user_port(CBFUNC_CONTEXT['identity'])
  except Exception, e:
    if repr(e).startswith("SeattleClearinghouseError"):
      print """Error: Cannot make secure SSL connection to SeattleGENI
Please make sure that:
  * M2Crypto is installed
  * the current directory contains a valid PEM file containing CA certificates

To run appmap.py without SSL authentication, use the `--insecure` switch. Check documentation for more details."""

Exemplo n.º 15
def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(identity, nodelocation_list)

  print("Number of active vessels: " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)))

  for vesselhandle in vesselhandle_list:
      # Generate the vessel directory name with format: host_port_vesselname
      nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(vesselhandle)
      nodelocation = experimentlib.get_node_location(nodeid)
      host, port = experimentlib.get_host_and_port(nodelocation)
      dirname = host + "_" + str(port) + "_" + vesselname
      # Create the vessel directory if it doesn't already exist.
      vessel_directory = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, dirname)
      if not os.path.exists(vessel_directory):
      # Get a list of files on the vessel.
      filelist = experimentlib.get_vessel_file_list(vesselhandle, identity)
      print("Files on " + nodelocation + " " + vesselname + ": " + str(filelist))
      for remote_filename in filelist:
        local_filename = os.path.join(vessel_directory, remote_filename)
        experimentlib.download_file_from_vessel(vesselhandle, identity, remote_filename, local_filename)
        print("Downloaded " + local_filename)
    except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, e:
      print("Failure on vessel " + vesselhandle + ". Error was: " + str(e))
def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(SEATTLEGENI_PUBLICKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)
  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  if MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT is not None:
    print("DEBUG: only looking at " + str(MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT) + " nodes.")
    nodelocation_list = nodelocation_list[:MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT]

  # Talk to each nodemanager to find out vessel information.
  browse_successlist, failurelist = \
      experimentlib.run_parallelized(nodelocation_list, browse_node_for_available_vessels)

  # Create a dictionary whose keys are the nodeids and values are lists of
  # vesseldicts of the available vessels on that node.
  available_vesseldicts_by_node = {}
  for (nodeid, available_vesseldicts) in browse_successlist:
    if available_vesseldicts:
      available_vesseldicts_by_node[nodeid] = available_vesseldicts

  print("Number of nodes that SeattleGENI vessels are available on: " + 
Exemplo n.º 17
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

    print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

    vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(identity, nodelocation_list)

    print("Number of active vessels: " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)))

    for vesselhandle in vesselhandle_list:
            nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(vesselhandle)
            nodelocation = experimentlib.get_node_location(nodeid)

            print("Log from " + nodelocation + " " + vesselname)
            logcontents = experimentlib.get_vessel_log(vesselhandle, identity)

        except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, e:
            print("Failure on vessel " + vesselhandle + ". Error was: " + str(e))
Exemplo n.º 18
def main():

    monitorhandle = None

    while True:
        identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(

        # Get a list of nodes advertising under the public key. Some of these
        # nodes may be unreachable or may have gone offline since they advertised.
        # This won't try to communicate with the actual nodes.
        nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(

        # Contact each node and find out which vessels are usable by this identity/key.
        vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(
            identity, nodelocation_list)

        print("Lookup and vessel discovery shows " +
              str(len(vesselhandle_list)) + " active vessels.")

        # Either register a monitor if this is the first time through the loop or
        # just add the vesselhandles to the existing monitor. Adding the vesselhandles
        # will not remove the old one and duplicates will be ignored.
        if monitorhandle is None:
            monitorhandle = vesselstatusmonitor.register_vessel_status_monitor(
            print("Vessel status monitor registered.")
                monitorhandle, vesselhandle_list)

Exemplo n.º 19
def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(identity, nodelocation_list)

  print("Number of active vessels: " + str(len(vesselhandle_list)))

  for vesselhandle in vesselhandle_list:
      nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(vesselhandle)
      nodelocation = experimentlib.get_node_location(nodeid)
      print("Log from " + nodelocation + " " + vesselname)
      logcontents = experimentlib.get_vessel_log(vesselhandle, identity)
    except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, e:
      print("Failure on vessel " + vesselhandle + ". Error was: " + str(e))
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

    # Get a list of nodes advertising under the public key. Some of these
    # nodes may be unreachable or may have gone offline since they advertised.
    # This won't try to communicate with the actual nodes.
    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

    print("nodelocation_list:" + str(nodelocation_list))

    # Talk to each advertising node to find out which vessels we have on each.
    # We get back a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary describes a
    # vessel. There may be multiple vessels from any single node in this list.
    active_vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(identity, nodelocation_list)

    print("active_vesselhandle_list:" + str(active_vesselhandle_list))

    # Now we want to find out which vessels we've acquired through seattlegeni
    # that are not in our list. We may, for example, want to release those
    # vessels because we consider them unusable.

        expected_vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.seattlegeni_get_acquired_vessels(identity)

        print("expected_vesselhandle_list:" + str(expected_vesselhandle_list))

        # If we already have enough usable vessels, we're done.
        if len(active_vesselhandle_list) >= MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP:
                "There are already "
                + str(len(active_vesselhandle_list))
                + " active vessels "
                + "and our MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP is "
                + str(MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP)

        # We assume all of our vessels come from seattlegeni, so if any vessels we
        # should have access to according to seattlegeni aren't accessible or
        # otherwise usable, then release them.
        vesselhandles_to_release = []
        for vesselhandle in expected_vesselhandle_list:
            if vesselhandle not in active_vesselhandle_list:

        if vesselhandles_to_release:
                + " vessels were inaccessible, so will try to release them:"
                + str(vesselhandles_to_release)
                experimentlib.seattlegeni_release_vessels(identity, vesselhandles_to_release)
            except experimentlib.SeattleClearinghouseError, e:
                print("Failed to release vessels: " + str(e))
                print("Vessels successfully released.")

        # Determine the maximum number of vessels we can acquire through seattlegeni.
        max_vessels_allowed = experimentlib.seattlegeni_max_vessels_allowed(identity)
        print("max_vessels_allowed: " + str(max_vessels_allowed))

        # Determine the number of vessels we already have acquired through seattlegeni.
        num_currently_acquired = len(experimentlib.seattlegeni_get_acquired_vessels(identity))
        print("currently_acquired_count: " + str(num_currently_acquired))

        # Let's try to get as close to MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP without requesting more
        # than is allowed by this account.
        num_vessels_to_request = min(max_vessels_allowed, MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP) - num_currently_acquired

        if num_vessels_to_request <= 0:
            print("This account doesn't have enough vessel credits to request more vessels.")
            print("Will try to acquire " + str(num_vessels_to_request) + " vessels.")

        vessel_type = experimentlib.SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_WAN
        acquired_vessels = experimentlib.seattlegeni_acquire_vessels(identity, vessel_type, num_vessels_to_request)

        print("Acquired " + str(num_vessels_to_request) + " vessels: " + str(acquired_vessels))
Exemplo n.º 21
def init(geni_username, vesselcount, vesseltype, program_filename):
    Initializes the deployment of an arbitrary service. Populates a global
    configuration dictionary and returns a dict of data that could be required
    by the run() function. init() must be called before the run() function.

    Note on the return dict:
      The return value of init() is meant to contain data that is needed by
      calls to explib.start_vessel() within the run() function. At the time of
      creation of this library, the only such data that is required by
      deployable services is the user's GENI port.

      To add support for services requiring more arguments, simply add the
      necessary data to the dictionary returned by this function.

      SeattleGENI username. Used to locate and handle public and private key
      The number of vessels on which to deploy.
      The type of vessel to acquire, based on the SEATTLEGENI_VESSEL_TYPE_*
      constants within experimentlib.py
      The filename of the program to deploy and monitor on vessels.

      Raised if argument vesseltype doesn't match one of the experimentlib
      SEATTLEGENI_VESSEL_TYPE_* constants, if argument program file does not
      exist, or if argument number of vessels on which to deploy exceeds the
      user's number of vessel credits.

  <Side Effects>
    Initializes certain global variables.
    A dictionary containing data that clients might need for running program on
  # Fill config dict with argument data
  # Validate vesseltype, based on constants in explib
  if vesseltype not in [explib.SEATTLEGENI_VESSEL_TYPE_WAN,
    raise ValueError('Invalid vessel type specified. Argument vessel type must be one of the SEATTLEGENI_VESSEL_TYPE_* constants defined in experimentlib.py')
  config['vesseltype'] = vesseltype
  # Verify that program file exists
  if not os.path.isfile(program_filename):
    raise ValueError('Specified program file ' + program_filename + ' does not exist')
  config['program_filename'] = program_filename
  # Setup explib identity object and GENI details
  config['identity'] = explib.create_identity_from_key_files(
    geni_username + '.publickey',
    geni_username + '.privatekey')
  print config['identity']
  config['geni_port'] = explib.seattlegeni_user_port(config['identity'])
  # Validate number of vessels on which to deploy
  num_vslcredits = explib.seattlegeni_max_vessels_allowed(config['identity'])
  if vesselcount > num_vslcredits:
    raise ValueError('Invalid number of vessels specified. The number of deployed vessels must be less than or equal to the user\'s number of vessel credits.')
  config['vesselcount'] = vesselcount

  # Create and populate the return dict
  ret_dict = {
    'geni_port': config['geni_port']

  return ret_dict
Exemplo n.º 22
def poll_data():
    This is used to collect and store node/vessel data.
      This error will be raised if we are unable to 
      lookup any node locations because there won't 
      be any nodes to look up any information on.
      If any experiment library errors occur they will
      be logged in 'fail_list.dat.gz' at the end of poll_data()
  <Side Effects>
    Creates a new folder at the users path (specified above) with a timestamp. 
    Inside that folder will exist 2 gzip files one called 'nodes_list.gz' and 
    one called 'fail_list.gz', these are compressed python pickles of the 
    objects used in this script.
  poll_identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PATH_TO_EXP_LIB +

  # Creates a list of IPs that are associated with this identity.
  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(poll_identity)

  # The format of the timestamp is of the form:
  # YYYYMMDD_HHMM, with single digits zero padded (5 -> 05).
  curr_time = datetime.datetime.now()
  # Converts datetime object to a formated string.
  folder_name = datetime.datetime.strftime(curr_time, "%Y%m%d_%H%M")
  month_folder = datetime.datetime.strftime(curr_time, "%Y_%m")

  # If a folder does not exist for the month of the poll, it is created.
  if not os.path.isdir(PATH_TO_EXP_LIB + "seattle_node_data/" + month_folder):
    os.mkdir(PATH_TO_EXP_LIB + "seattle_node_data/" + month_folder)
  # Create the folder for this poll data to be stored.
  data_storage_path = PATH_TO_EXP_LIB + "seattle_node_data/" + month_folder + "/" + folder_name
  # Checks to make sure we have enough node locations to continue with the
  # poll, if not a NodeLocationListEmpty Error is raised.
  if(len(nodelocation_list) < 0):
    raise NodeLocationListEmptyError("Node location list is empty, " +
                                     "poll_data stopped at: " + str(curr_time))
  # Creates initial gzip data files to be saved (appends if needed).
  nodes_file = gzip.open(data_storage_path + "/node_list.dat.gz",'ar')
  fail_file = gzip.open(data_storage_path + "/fail_list.dat.gz",'ar')

  # The initial data structures to be pickled.
  total_node_dicts = {}
  fail_dict = {}
  for node_ip in nodelocation_list:
    single_node_dict = {}
    single_node_dict['timestamp'] = curr_time
    time_before_browsenode = time.time()
    # If browse_node fails it will throw an ExperimentLibError which means we 
    # are not able to communicate with the node so it is added to the list 
    # of failed nodes.
      list_of_vessel_dicts = experimentlib.browse_node(node_ip)
    except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, err:
      time_atfail_browsenode = time.time()
      elapsed_time_fail = time_atfail_browsenode - time_before_browsenode
      fail_dict[str(node_ip)] = [err, elapsed_time_fail]
      time_before_browsenode = 0
      time_after_browsenode = 0
    time_after_browsenode = time.time()
    elapsed_time = time_after_browsenode - time_before_browsenode
    single_node_dict['responsetime'] = elapsed_time
    single_node_dict['nodelocation'] = node_ip
    single_node_dict['version'] = list_of_vessel_dicts[0].get('version')
    unique_id = list_of_vessel_dicts[0].get('nodeid')
    single_node_dict['nodeid'] = unique_id
    single_node_dict['vessels'] = list_of_vessel_dicts
    total_node_dicts[str(unique_id)] = single_node_dict
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self,
      Initializes an instance of Overlord for the deployment of an arbitrary service.
      Populates the instance's configuration dictionary, which can be accessed from
      the object if data is needed for the run() function

        SeattleGENI username. Used to locate and handle public and private key
        The number of vessels on which to deploy.
        The type of vessel to acquire, based on the SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_*
        constants within experimentlib.py
        The filename of the program to deploy and monitor on vessels.
        The file the user wants overlord to log to. If None, logs directly to

        Raised if argument vesseltype doesn't match one of the experimentlib
        SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_* constants, if argument program file does not
        exist, or if argument number of vessels on which to deploy exceeds the
        user's number of vessel credits.

    <Side Effects>
      Initializes certain global variables.
      Removes 'stop' file from directory if it exists
      Sets the functions that makes up run() to the default methods listed at the
      end of the code.
        # If a stop file still exists, delete it for the user
        if os.path.isfile("./stop"):

        # List of valid vessel types.
        vessel_types = [

        if vessel_type not in vessel_types:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid vessel type specified. Argument 'vessel_type' must be one of "
                "the SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_* constants defined in 'experimentlib.py'"

        self.config['vessel_type'] = vessel_type

        # If a program file isn't passed, assume user will handle the issue
        if program_filename:
            # Verify that program file exists
            if not os.path.isfile(program_filename):
                raise ValueError("Specified program file '" +
                                 program_filename + "' does not exist")

            self.config['program_filename'] = program_filename

        # Setup explib identity object and GENI details
        self.config['identity'] = explib.create_identity_from_key_files(
            geni_username + '.publickey', geni_username + '.privatekey')
        self.config['geni_port'] = explib.seattlegeni_user_port(

        # Ensure that the user has enough credits to acquire the specified number of vessels.
        num_vessel_credits = explib.seattlegeni_max_vessels_allowed(

        if vessel_count > num_vessel_credits:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid number of vessels specified. The number of deployed vessels must "
                "be less than or equal to the user's number of vessel credits."

        self.config['vessel_count'] = vessel_count

        # Set up the logger according to passed arguments
        if log_filename:
            # Add the file logger.
            fileLog = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, 'w')
                logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
                                  '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
            # Add the console logger.
            consoleLog = logging.StreamHandler()
                logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',

        # Setting the functions of 'run' to default
        self.init_overlord_func = default_init_overlord
        self.acquire_vessels_func = default_acquire_vessels
        self.init_vessels_func = default_initiate_vessels
        self.remove_vessels_func = default_remove_vessels
        self.maintenance_func = default_maintenance
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, geni_username, vessel_count, vessel_type, program_filename, log_filename=None):
      Initializes an instance of Overlord for the deployment of an arbitrary service.
      Populates the instance's configuration dictionary, which can be accessed from
      the object if data is needed for the run() function

        SeattleGENI username. Used to locate and handle public and private key
        The number of vessels on which to deploy.
        The type of vessel to acquire, based on the SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_*
        constants within experimentlib.py
        The filename of the program to deploy and monitor on vessels.
        The file the user wants overlord to log to. If None, logs directly to

        Raised if argument vesseltype doesn't match one of the experimentlib
        SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_* constants, if argument program file does not
        exist, or if argument number of vessels on which to deploy exceeds the
        user's number of vessel credits.

    <Side Effects>
      Initializes certain global variables.
      Removes 'stop' file from directory if it exists
      Sets the functions that makes up run() to the default methods listed at the
      end of the code.
        # If a stop file still exists, delete it for the user
        if os.path.isfile("./stop"):

        # List of valid vessel types.
        vessel_types = [

        if vessel_type not in vessel_types:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid vessel type specified. Argument 'vessel_type' must be one of "
                + "the SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_* constants defined in 'experimentlib.py'"

        self.config["vessel_type"] = vessel_type

        # If a program file isn't passed, assume user will handle the issue
        if program_filename:
            # Verify that program file exists
            if not os.path.isfile(program_filename):
                raise ValueError("Specified program file '" + program_filename + "' does not exist")

            self.config["program_filename"] = program_filename

        # Setup explib identity object and GENI details
        self.config["identity"] = explib.create_identity_from_key_files(
            geni_username + ".publickey", geni_username + ".privatekey"
        self.config["geni_port"] = explib.seattlegeni_user_port(self.config["identity"])

        # Ensure that the user has enough credits to acquire the specified number of vessels.
        num_vessel_credits = explib.seattlegeni_max_vessels_allowed(self.config["identity"])

        if vessel_count > num_vessel_credits:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid number of vessels specified. The number of deployed vessels must "
                + "be less than or equal to the user's number of vessel credits."

        self.config["vessel_count"] = vessel_count

        # Set up the logger according to passed arguments
        if log_filename:
            # Add the file logger.
            fileLog = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, "w")
            fileLog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
            # Add the console logger.
            consoleLog = logging.StreamHandler()
            consoleLog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%H:%M:%S"))

        # Setting the functions of 'run' to default
        self.init_overlord_func = default_init_overlord
        self.acquire_vessels_func = default_acquire_vessels
        self.init_vessels_func = default_initiate_vessels
        self.remove_vessels_func = default_remove_vessels
        self.maintenance_func = default_maintenance
Exemplo n.º 25
def poll_data():
    This is used to collect and store node/vessel data.
      This error will be raised if we are unable to 
      lookup any node locations because there won't 
      be any nodes to look up any information on.
      If any experiment library errors occur they will
      be logged in 'fail_list.dat.gz' at the end of poll_data()
  <Side Effects>
    Creates a new folder at the users path (specified above) with a timestamp. 
    Inside that folder will exist 2 gzip files one called 'nodes_list.gz' and 
    one called 'fail_list.gz', these are compressed python pickles of the 
    objects used in this script.

    poll_identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(
        PATH_TO_EXP_LIB + "stat_lib/perc20.publickey")

    # Creates a list of IPs that are associated with this identity.
    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(

    # The format of the timestamp is of the form:
    # YYYYMMDD_HHMM, with single digits zero padded (5 -> 05).
    curr_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Converts datetime object to a formated string.
    folder_name = datetime.datetime.strftime(curr_time, "%Y%m%d_%H%M")
    month_folder = datetime.datetime.strftime(curr_time, "%Y_%m")

    # If a folder does not exist for the month of the poll, it is created.
    if not os.path.isdir(PATH_TO_EXP_LIB + "seattle_node_data/" +
        os.mkdir(PATH_TO_EXP_LIB + "seattle_node_data/" + month_folder)

    # Create the folder for this poll data to be stored.
    data_storage_path = PATH_TO_EXP_LIB + "seattle_node_data/" + month_folder + "/" + folder_name

    # Checks to make sure we have enough node locations to continue with the
    # poll, if not a NodeLocationListEmpty Error is raised.
    if (len(nodelocation_list) < 0):
        raise NodeLocationListEmptyError("Node location list is empty, " +
                                         "poll_data stopped at: " +

    # Creates initial gzip data files to be saved (appends if needed).
    nodes_file = gzip.open(data_storage_path + "/node_list.dat.gz", 'ar')
    fail_file = gzip.open(data_storage_path + "/fail_list.dat.gz", 'ar')

    # The initial data structures to be pickled.
    total_node_dicts = {}
    fail_dict = {}

    for node_ip in nodelocation_list:
        single_node_dict = {}
        single_node_dict['timestamp'] = curr_time

        time_before_browsenode = time.time()

        # If browse_node fails it will throw an ExperimentLibError which means we
        # are not able to communicate with the node so it is added to the list
        # of failed nodes.
            list_of_vessel_dicts = experimentlib.browse_node(node_ip)
        except experimentlib.SeattleExperimentError, err:
            time_atfail_browsenode = time.time()
            elapsed_time_fail = time_atfail_browsenode - time_before_browsenode
            fail_dict[str(node_ip)] = [err, elapsed_time_fail]
            time_before_browsenode = 0
            time_after_browsenode = 0

        time_after_browsenode = time.time()
        elapsed_time = time_after_browsenode - time_before_browsenode

        single_node_dict['responsetime'] = elapsed_time
        single_node_dict['nodelocation'] = node_ip
        single_node_dict['version'] = list_of_vessel_dicts[0].get('version')
        unique_id = list_of_vessel_dicts[0].get('nodeid')
        single_node_dict['nodeid'] = unique_id
        single_node_dict['vessels'] = list_of_vessel_dicts
        total_node_dicts[str(unique_id)] = single_node_dict
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(

    # Get a list of nodes advertising under the public key. Some of these
    # nodes may be unreachable or may have gone offline since they advertised.
    # This won't try to communicate with the actual nodes.
    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(

    print("nodelocation_list:" + str(nodelocation_list))

    # Talk to each advertising node to find out which vessels we have on each.
    # We get back a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary describes a
    # vessel. There may be multiple vessels from any single node in this list.
    active_vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.find_vessels_on_nodes(
        identity, nodelocation_list)

    print("active_vesselhandle_list:" + str(active_vesselhandle_list))

    # Now we want to find out which vessels we've acquired through seattlegeni
    # that are not in our list. We may, for example, want to release those
    # vessels because we consider them unusable.

        expected_vesselhandle_list = experimentlib.seattlegeni_get_acquired_vessels(

        print("expected_vesselhandle_list:" + str(expected_vesselhandle_list))

        # If we already have enough usable vessels, we're done.
        if len(active_vesselhandle_list) >= MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP:
            print("There are already " + str(len(active_vesselhandle_list)) +
                  " active vessels " + "and our MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP is " +

        # We assume all of our vessels come from seattlegeni, so if any vessels we
        # should have access to according to seattlegeni aren't accessible or
        # otherwise usable, then release them.
        vesselhandles_to_release = []
        for vesselhandle in expected_vesselhandle_list:
            if vesselhandle not in active_vesselhandle_list:

        if vesselhandles_to_release:
                str(len(vesselhandles_to_release)) +
                " vessels were inaccessible, so will try to release them:" +
                    identity, vesselhandles_to_release)
            except experimentlib.SeattleClearinghouseError, e:
                print("Failed to release vessels: " + str(e))
                print("Vessels successfully released.")

        # Determine the maximum number of vessels we can acquire through seattlegeni.
        max_vessels_allowed = experimentlib.seattlegeni_max_vessels_allowed(
        print("max_vessels_allowed: " + str(max_vessels_allowed))

        # Determine the number of vessels we already have acquired through seattlegeni.
        num_currently_acquired = len(
        print("currently_acquired_count: " + str(num_currently_acquired))

        # Let's try to get as close to MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP without requesting more
        # than is allowed by this account.
        num_vessels_to_request = min(
            max_vessels_allowed, MIN_VESSELS_TO_KEEP) - num_currently_acquired

        if num_vessels_to_request <= 0:
                "This account doesn't have enough vessel credits to request more vessels."
            print("Will try to acquire " + str(num_vessels_to_request) +
                  " vessels.")

        vessel_type = experimentlib.SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_VESSEL_TYPE_WAN
        acquired_vessels = experimentlib.seattlegeni_acquire_vessels(
            identity, vessel_type, num_vessels_to_request)

        print("Acquired " + str(num_vessels_to_request) + " vessels: " +