Exemplo n.º 1
def prepare_vm(battery_dest,fields=None,vm_repo=None,vm_type="vagrant"):
    Prepare virtual machine to run local with vagrant, or with vagrant-aws
    :param battery_dest: the battery destination folder
    :param fields: if specified, will be added to the config.txt
    :param vm_repo: the expfactory-vm repo to use for templates. If not provided, one will be downloaded to a temporary directory for use.
    :param vm_type: one of "vagrant" or "aws" Default is "vagrant" meaning a localvirtual machine with vagrant.

    # Download vm_repo if it hasn't been specified
    if not vm_repo:
        download_repo("vm","%s/vm" %battery_dest)

    # Grab the appropriate vagrantfile template
    if vm_type == "aws":
        template = get_template("%s/vm/VagrantfileAWS" %(battery_dest))
        template = get_template("%s/vm/VagrantfileLocal" %(battery_dest))

    # If the user has custom config fields, write to file
    if fields != None:
        fields = clean_fields(fields)
        template = sub_template(template,"[SUB_CONFIG_SUB]",str(fields))
        template = sub_template(template,"[SUB_CONFIG_SUB]","None")

    # Change file to be a custom install
    template = sub_template(template,'CUSTOM_INSTALL="False"','CUSTOM_INSTALL="True"')
    output_file = "%s/Vagrantfile" %(battery_dest)
    return template
Exemplo n.º 2
def prepare_vm(battery_dest, fields=None, vm_repo=None, vm_type="vagrant"):
    Prepare virtual machine to run local with vagrant, or with vagrant-aws
    :param battery_dest: the battery destination folder
    :param fields: if specified, will be added to the config.txt
    :param vm_repo: the expfactory-vm repo to use for templates. If not provided, one will be downloaded to a temporary directory for use.
    :param vm_type: one of "vagrant" or "aws" Default is "vagrant" meaning a localvirtual machine with vagrant.

    # Download vm_repo if it hasn't been specified
    if not vm_repo:
        download_repo("vm", "%s/vm" % battery_dest)

    # Grab the appropriate vagrantfile template
    if vm_type == "aws":
        template = get_template("%s/vm/VagrantfileAWS" % (battery_dest))
        template = get_template("%s/vm/VagrantfileLocal" % (battery_dest))

    # If the user has custom config fields, write to file
    if fields != None:
        fields = clean_fields(fields)
        template = sub_template(template, "[SUB_CONFIG_SUB]", str(fields))
        template = sub_template(template, "[SUB_CONFIG_SUB]", "None")

    # Change file to be a custom install
    template = sub_template(template, 'CUSTOM_INSTALL="False"',

    output_file = "%s/Vagrantfile" % (battery_dest)
    save_template(output_file, template)
    return template
Exemplo n.º 3
def specify_experiments(battery_dest,experiments):
    Specify experiments for a Vagrantfile in an output folder
    :param battery_dest: destination folder for battery
    :param experiments: a list of experiment tags to include
    experiments = [e.encode("utf-8") for e in experiments]
    vagrantfile = "%s/Vagrantfile" %(battery_dest)
    if not os.path.exists(vagrantfile):
    template = get_template(vagrantfile)
    template = sub_template(template,"[SUB_EXPERIMENTS_SUB]",str(experiments))
    return template
Exemplo n.º 4
def specify_experiments(battery_dest, experiments):
    Specify experiments for a Vagrantfile in an output folder
    :param battery_dest: destination folder for battery
    :param experiments: a list of experiment tags to include
    experiments = [e.encode("utf-8") for e in experiments]
    vagrantfile = "%s/Vagrantfile" % (battery_dest)
    if not os.path.exists(vagrantfile):
    template = get_template(vagrantfile)
    template = sub_template(template, "[SUB_EXPERIMENTS_SUB]",
    save_template(vagrantfile, template)
    return template
Exemplo n.º 5
def generate_config(battery_dest, fields):
    takes a dictionary, and for matching fields, substitues and prints to "config.txt" in a specified battery directory
    :param battery_dest: should be the copied, skeleton battery folder in generation
    :param fields: should be a dictionary with fields that match those in the config non matching fields will be ignored.
    config = get_config()
    # Convert dictionaries back to string
    for l in range(len(config)):
        line = config[l]
        if isinstance(line, dict):
            linekey = line.keys()[0]
            if linekey in fields.keys():
                config[l][linekey] = fields[linekey]
            config[l] = "%s = %s" % (linekey, config[l][linekey])
    config = "\n".join(config)
    save_template("%s/config.txt" % battery_dest, config)
    return config
Exemplo n.º 6
def generate_config(battery_dest,fields):
    takes a dictionary, and for matching fields, substitues and prints to "config.txt" in a specified battery directory
    :param battery_dest: should be the copied, skeleton battery folder in generation
    :param fields: should be a dictionary with fields that match those in the config non matching fields will be ignored.
    config = get_config()
    # Convert dictionaries back to string
    for l in range(len(config)):
        line = config[l]
        if isinstance(line,dict):
            linekey = line.keys()[0]
            if linekey in fields.keys():
                config[l][linekey] = fields[linekey]
            config[l] = "%s = %s" %(linekey,config[l][linekey])
    config = "\n".join(config)    
    save_template("%s/config.txt" %battery_dest,config)
    return config
Exemplo n.º 7
def main(args, parser, subparser):

    folder = args.folder
    if folder is None:
        folder = os.getcwd()

    source = args.src[0]
    if source is None:
        bot.error('Please provide a Github https address to install.')

    # Is the experiment valid?
    cli = ExperimentValidator()
    valid = cli.validate(source, cleanup=False)
    exp_id = os.path.basename(source).replace('.git', '')

    if valid is True:

        # Local Install
        if os.path.exists(source):
            config = load_experiment(source)
            source = os.path.abspath(source)
            config = load_experiment("%s/%s" % (cli.tmpdir, exp_id))
            source = "%s/%s" % (cli.tmpdir, exp_id)

        exp_id = config['exp_id']
        python_module = exp_id.replace('-', '_').lower()
        bot.error('%s is not valid.' % exp_id)

    # Move static files to output folder
    dest = "%s/%s" % (folder, exp_id)

    bot.log("Installing %s to %s" % (exp_id, dest))

    # Building container
    in_container = False
    if os.environ.get('SINGULARITY_IMAGE') is not None:
        in_container = True

    # Running, live container
    elif os.environ.get('EXPFACTORY_CONTAINER') is not None:
        in_container = True

    if in_container is True:

        # if in container, we always force
        args.force = True

        bot.log("Preparing experiment routes...")
        template = get_template('experiments/template.py')
        template = sub_template(template, '{{ exp_id }}', exp_id)
        template = sub_template(template, '{{ exp_id_python }}', python_module)

        # 1. Python blueprint
        views = get_viewsdir(base=args.base)
        view_output = "%s/%s.py" % (views, python_module)
        save_template(view_output, template, base=views)

        # 2. append to __init__
        init = "%s/__init__.py" % views
        with open(init, 'a') as filey:
            filey.writelines('from .%s import *\n' % python_module)

        # 3. Instructions
        if "instructions" in config:
            instruct = "%s/%s.help" % (views, python_module)
        with open(instruct, 'w') as filey:

    if not os.path.exists(dest):
        os.system('mkdir -p %s' % dest)
        if args.force is False:
            bot.error('%s is not empty! Use --force to delete and re-create.' %

    # We don't need to copy if experiment already there
    if source != dest:
        os.system('cp -R %s/* %s' % (source, dest))
Exemplo n.º 8
def main(args,parser,subparser):

    folder = args.folder
    if folder is None:
        folder = os.getcwd()

    source = args.src[0]
    if source is None:
        bot.error('Please provide a Github https address to install.')

    # Is the experiment valid?
    cli = ExperimentValidator()
    valid = cli.validate(source, cleanup=False)
    exp_id = os.path.basename(source).replace('.git','')

    if valid is True:

        # Local Install
        if os.path.exists(source):
            config = load_experiment(source)
            source = os.path.abspath(source)
            config = load_experiment("%s/%s" %(cli.tmpdir,exp_id))
            source = "%s/%s" %(cli.tmpdir,exp_id)

        exp_id = config['exp_id']
        python_module = exp_id.replace('-','_').lower()
        bot.error('%s is not valid.' % exp_id)

    # Move static files to output folder
    dest = "%s/%s" %(folder,exp_id)

    bot.log("Installing %s to %s" %(exp_id, dest))
    # Building container
    in_container = False
    if os.environ.get('SINGULARITY_IMAGE') is not None:
        in_container = True

    # Running, live container
    elif os.environ.get('EXPFACTORY_CONTAINER') is not None:
        in_container = True

    if in_container is True:

        # if in container, we always force
        args.force = True

        bot.log("Preparing experiment routes...")
        template = get_template('experiments/template.py')
        template = sub_template(template, '{{ exp_id }}', exp_id)
        template = sub_template(template, '{{ exp_id_python }}', python_module)

        # 1. Python blueprint
        views = get_viewsdir(base=args.base)
        view_output = "%s/%s.py" %(views, python_module)
        save_template(view_output, template, base=views)
        # 2. append to __init__
        init = "%s/__init__.py" % views
        with open(init,'a') as filey:
            filey.writelines('from .%s import *\n' %python_module)

        # 3. Instructions
        if "instructions" in config:
            instruct = "%s/%s.help" %(views, python_module)
        with open(instruct,'w') as filey:

    if not os.path.exists(dest):
        os.system('mkdir -p %s' %dest)
        if args.force is False:
            bot.error('%s is not empty! Use --force to delete and re-create.' %folder)

    # We don't need to copy if experiment already there
    if source != dest:
        os.system('cp -R %s/* %s' %(source, dest))