Exemplo n.º 1
    he = str(getHeight(transcript))
    bm = str(getBMI(transcript))
    o2 = getO2sat(transcript)
    o2_cond = o2[1]
    o2 = str(o2[0])
    if bp != 'NA': bpcount += 1
    if ge != 'NA': gecount += 1
    if ag != 'NA': agcount += 1
    if tp != 'NA': tpcount += 1
    if pu != 'NA': pucount += 1
    if br != 'NA': brcount += 1
    if we != 'NA': wecount += 1
    if he != 'NA': hecount += 1
    if bm != 'NA': bmcount += 1
    if o2 != 'NA': o2count += 1
    exp.addToTable(numb=str(i),  gender=ge, age=ag, bodyTemp=tp, pulse=pu, breath=br, weight=we, height=he, bmi=bm,
                   bloodP=bp, o2sat=o2, o2cond=o2_cond)
    i += 1


print('Hits : (percentage of transcripts where the information has been found)')
print('gender\t\t\t:',              round(gecount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('age\t\t\t:',                 round(agcount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('weight\t\t\t:',              round(wecount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('height\t\t\t:',              round(hecount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('bmi\t\t\t:',                 round(bmcount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('body temperature\t:',        round(tpcount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('pulse\t\t\t:',               round(pucount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('breathing frequency\t:',     round(brcount/i, 2)*100, '%')
print('blood pressure\t\t:',        round(bpcount/i, 2)*100, '%')