Exemplo n.º 1
def test_hdf5():
    """Test HDF5 IO
    test_file = op.join(tempdir, 'test.hdf5')
    x = dict(a=dict(b=np.zeros(3)), c=np.zeros(2, np.complex128),
             d=[dict(e=(1, -2., 'hello'))])
    write_hdf5(test_file, 1)
    assert_equal(read_hdf5(test_file), 1)
    assert_raises(IOError, write_hdf5, test_file, x)  # file exists
    write_hdf5(test_file, x, overwrite=True)
    assert_raises(IOError, read_hdf5, test_file + 'FOO')  # not found
    xx = read_hdf5(test_file)
    print(object_diff(x, xx))
    assert_true(object_diff(x, xx) == '')  # no assert_equal, ugly output
subj_ord = new_subj_ord

# yaml params
with open(yaml_param_file, 'r') as yp:
    yaml_params = yaml.load(yp)
    subjects = yaml_params['subjects']  # already in npz file
    listening_difficulty = np.array(yaml_params['lis_diff'])
    spatial_mapping = yaml_params['spatial_mapping']
    talker_mapping = yaml_params['talker_mapping']
    t_min = yaml_params['t_min']
    t_max = yaml_params['t_max']
    t_peak = yaml_params['t_peak']

# hdf5 params
params = read_hdf5(param_file)
cond_mat:         array (384, 4). columns are [attn, spatial, idents, gap]
attns:            maintain vs switch
spatials:         -30x30, 30x-30, -30x-30, 30x30
idents:           MM, FF, MF, FM (male/female talkers)
stim_times:       array[0.0, 0.4, 1.2, 1.6, 2.6, 3.]
stim_times = params['stim_times'][0]  # gap included already
cond_mat = params['cond_mat']
# figure params
with open(op.join(styledir, 'figure-params.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
    fig_params = yaml.load(fp)
    signifcol = fig_params['signif_color']
    cue = fig_params['cue_color']
    msk = fig_params['msk_color']
Exemplo n.º 3

# set configuration
fs = 44100
noise_db = 45  # dB for background noise
stim_db = 65  # dB for stimuli
min_resp_time = 0.1
max_resp_time = 2.0
feedback_dur = 0.5
isi = 0.2
running_total = 0

# you should run stimuli/generate_stimuli first to make the stimuli
# load the result here
stims = read_hdf5(op.join('stimuli', 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'))
orig_rms = stims['rms']
freqs = stims['freqs']
fs = stims['fs']
trial_order = stims['trial_order']
num_trials = len(trial_order)
num_freqs = len(freqs)

if num_freqs > 8:
    raise RuntimeError('Too many frequencies, not enough buttons.')

# keep only sinusoids, order low-high, convert to list of arrays
wavs = [stims[k] for k in sorted(stims.keys()) if k.startswith('stim_')]

# instructions
instructions = ('You will hear tones at {0} different frequencies. Your job is'
data = []
keydetection = []
for cue in ['NOCUE', 'WITHCUE']:
#    for sbj in [2, 4]:
    for sbj in [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
        # identify subject and block number
        if sbj <= 9:
            subj_num = '40%s' % sbj
            subj_num = '4%s' % sbj
        work_dir = ('/home/lindsey/Desktop/PythonFiles/Shams/Flashbeeps2.0/%s/Blocks' % cue)
        # import data file and relevant variables
        for bi in range(1, 16):
            blc_num = bi
            d = read_hdf5(op.join(work_dir, 'subj%s_block%s.hdf5' %
                          (subj_num, blc_num)))

            presses = d['presses']
            played = d['played']
            flashed = d['flashed']
            flash_timing = d['flipplay_times']
            current_block = d['current_block']
            condition_type = d['condition_stamp']

            control = current_block[::, 3]
            wavfile = current_block[::, 1]
            number_pressed = [x for x, _ in presses]
            raw_RT = [x[1] for x in presses]
            timingcheck = trialtiming(control, flash_timing)
            if '3' in number_pressed:
                keydetection.append((sbj, cue, blc_num, number_pressed.count('3')))
Exemplo n.º 5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from os import path as op
import numpy as np
from expyfun import (ExperimentController, visual, assert_version,
                     get_keyboard_input, decimals_to_binary)
from expyfun.io import read_hdf5, read_wav

feedback = False  # should be False for MEG
p = read_hdf5(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'params.hdf5'))
stim_dir = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), p['stim_dir'])

bg_color = [0.2] * 3
fix_color = [0.5] * 3
v_off = 2.

with ExperimentController('standard_setup',
                          version='9c4bcea') as ec:
    square = visual.Rectangle(ec, [0, 0, 10, 10], units='deg')
    ec.screen_text('expy_standard_setup_test.', wrap=False)
    fix = visual.FixationDot(ec, colors=[fix_color, bg_color])
Exemplo n.º 6
Created on Thu Jul 26 11:35:55 2018

@author: rkmaddox

import numpy as np
from expyfun.io import read_hdf5
from pandas import DataFrame
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
from statsmodels.stats.anova import anova_lm
from statsmodels.graphics.gofplots import qqplot
from scipy.stats import ttest_rel, ttest_1samp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pc = read_hdf5(
    '/home/maddy/Code/data_analysis/Flip_Detect/matrix1.hdf5')['data'] * 100
# sub - cond - snr

snr = np.array([0, -3, -6])
conds = ['0', '90', '180', 'static']
n_sub = pc.shape[0]

# plt.plot(snr, pc[:, 0].T, 'k')
# plt.plot(snr, pc[:, 2].T, 'r')

dpc = pc[:, :3] - pc[:, [3]]

dpc_sem = np.std(dpc, axis=0) / np.sqrt(n_sub)
dpc_mean = dpc.mean(0)

for ci in range(dpc_mean.shape[0]):
Exemplo n.º 7
fs = 44100
noise_db = 45  # dB for background noise
stim_db = 65  # dB for stimuli
min_resp_time = 0.1
max_resp_time = 2.0
max_wait = np.inf
feedback_dur = 2.0
isi = 0.2
running_total = 0

# make the stimuli if necessary and then load them
fname = 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'
if not op.isfile(fname):
    from stimuli.plot_generate_simple_stimuli import generate_stimuli
stims = read_hdf5(fname)
orig_rms = stims['rms']
freqs = stims['freqs']
fs = stims['fs']
trial_order = stims['trial_order']
num_trials = len(trial_order)
num_freqs = len(freqs)

if num_freqs > 8:
    raise RuntimeError('Too many frequencies, not enough buttons.')

# keep only sinusoids, order low-high, convert to list of arrays
wavs = [stims[k] for k in sorted(stims.keys()) if k.startswith('stim_')]

# instructions
instructions = ('You will hear tones at {0} different frequencies. Your job is'
Exemplo n.º 8
min_resp_time = 0.1
max_resp_time = 2.0
max_wait = np.inf
feedback_dur = 2.0
isi = 0.2
running_total = 0

# make the stimuli if necessary and then load them
fname = 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'
if not op.isfile(fname):
    # This sys.path wrangling is only necessary for Sphinx automatic
    # documentation building
    sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
    from generate_simple_stimuli import generate_stimuli
stims = read_hdf5(fname)
orig_rms = stims['rms']
freqs = stims['freqs']
fs = stims['fs']
trial_order = stims['trial_order']
num_trials = len(trial_order)
num_freqs = len(freqs)

if num_freqs > 8:
    raise RuntimeError('Too many frequencies, not enough buttons.')

# keep only sinusoids, order low-high, convert to list of arrays
wavs = [stims[k] for k in sorted(stims.keys()) if k.startswith('stim_')]

# instructions
instructions = ('You will hear tones at {0} different frequencies. Your job is'
Exemplo n.º 9

# set configuration
fs = 44100
noise_db = 45  # dB for background noise
stim_db = 65  # dB for stimuli
min_resp_time = 0.1
max_resp_time = 2.0
feedback_dur = 0.5
isi = 0.2
running_total = 0

# you should run stimuli/generate_stimuli first to make the stimuli
# load the result here
stims = read_hdf5(op.join('stimuli', 'equally_spaced_sinewaves.hdf5'))
orig_rms = stims['rms']
freqs = stims['freqs']
fs = stims['fs']
trial_order = stims['trial_order']
num_trials = len(trial_order)
num_freqs = len(freqs)

if num_freqs > 8:
    raise RuntimeError('Too many frequencies, not enough buttons.')

# keep only sinusoids, order low-high, convert to list of arrays
wavs = [stims[k] for k in sorted(stims.keys()) if k.startswith('stim_')]

# instructions
instructions = ('You will hear tones at {0} different frequencies. Your job is'
improvements = np.empty((len(subjects), 5))
sems = np.empty((len(subjects), 2))
pvals = np.zeros((len(subjects),))
lapse = np.empty((len(subjects), 1))
thresh = np.empty((len(subjects), 2))
slope = np.empty((len(subjects), 1))
perform_imp = np.empty((len(subjects), 1))
data_resamp = np.empty((len(subjects), 1000, 2, 5))
responses = []
biases = []
d_prime = np.empty((len(subjects), 5))
stem_perimp = np.empty((len(subjects), 1000, 2))
stem_thimp = np.empty((len(subjects), 1000, 2))

for i, s in enumerate(subjects):
    data = read_hdf5(path + 'percent_' + s)
    thresholds[i] = data['thresholds']
    per_cor[i] = data['percent']
    ok = data['ok']
    params = data['params']
    curves[i] = [sigmoid(20 * np.log10(x_plot_fit), lower=0.5, upper=ok[2],
                         midpt=p[0], slope=ok[1]) for p in params]
    perform_imp[i] = data['perform_imp']
    lapse[i] = [ok[2]]
    slope[i] = [ok[1]]
    thresh[i] = [params[0], params[1]]

percent = np.mean(per_cor, 0)

inds = np.argsort(thresholds[:, 0])
Exemplo n.º 11
# subj-level RT summary
cols = ['subj', 'rt']
rt_summary = slot_hitonly[cols].groupby(cols[:-1]).aggregate('median')
print(rt_summary.describe(), end='\n\n')

# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# post-hoc: foils by slot #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
ph = slot_df.groupby(['lisdiff', 'slot'])['ff'].aggregate('sum').unstack(0)
# ph.plot()

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# post-hoc: correlate switch-minus-maintain AUC against slot 4 AUC  #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# hdf5 params
params = read_hdf5(param_file)
cond_mat = params['cond_mat']
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['attn'] = np.array(params['attns'])[cond_mat[:, 0]]
df['spat'] = np.array(params['spatials'])[cond_mat[:, 1]]
df['iden'] = np.array(params['idents'])[cond_mat[:, 2]]
df['lr'] = df['spat'].map(spatial_mapping)
df['mf'] = df['iden'].map(talker_mapping)
# load pupil data
pupil_data = np.load(op.join(datadir, 'capd-pupil-data.npz'))
subj_ord = pupil_data['subjects']
times = pupil_data['t_fit']
data = pupil_data['fits']
t_zero_ix = np.where(np.isclose(times, 0))[0][0]
delta_t = times[-1] - times[t_zero_ix]
assert np.array_equal(subj_ord, np.array(subjects))