Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    '''main to test the program: inputs a date,
    and prints the list of currencies for which there is a date, in format requested
    datetext = input("Greetings User! please enter a date:")

    #value vaildation using the function above, loop untill correct format, with mentioning problem
    while inputdate(datetext) == False:
        #printing error!
            "\Value Error! invalid input-choose an available date\n")

        datetext = input(
            " Let's give it another try! " + "\n" + " please enter a date:" +
            '\n' +
            " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
            + '\n')

    #using the date the user entered, to withdraw the dictionery from exrates file, get_exrate fuction and sorted by code.

    date_Rates = sorted(exrates.get_exrates(datetext))

    #marging two dictionery, to get the name and code in one dictionery
    curlist = exrates.get_currencies()

    #the format requested
    format_list = '{name} ({code})'

    #creating the list, using the format above, while check every code in the updated code list
    Final_list = [
        format_list.format(name=curlist.get(code, "<unknonwn>"), code=code)
        for code in date_Rates

    print('\nHere is a list of correncies available to ' + datetext + " : \n")

    #print the values of the list
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
        inputs two integers - year and mouth.later, it inputs currencies code.
        the program is builting a graph,
        of the month and the currencies change in percentage relative to the USD 

    while True:
            #getting the current year
            now_year = datetime.datetime.now().year
            #input the year, and vaild it
            year = input("Type in the year with four digits: ")

            #assuming no dates befor 2000 has history
            while valid_number(year, now_year) == False or year.isdigit(
            ) == False or int(year) < 2000:
                year = input(
                    "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the year with four digits: "

            #getting the current month
            now_month = datetime.datetime.now().month
            #input the month, and vaild it
            month = input("Type in the month with two digits: ")

            while valid_number(month,
                               now_month) == False or month.isdigit() == False:

                month = input(
                    "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the month with two digits: "

            #the currect month is yet to publish all the exchange rate, therefor a edge case.....
            while int(year) == int(now_year) and int(month) >= int(now_month):
                print("funny! you tried seeing the future?! try again....")

                month = input(
                    "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the month with two digits: "
                while valid_number(
                        month, now_month) == False or month.isdigit() == False:

                    month = input(
                        "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the month with two digits: "

            #vaild the currencies
            currencies = exrates.get_currencies()
            currency_lst = str(
                input("enter currency codes: separate them with comma (,)\n"))
            currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #remove spaces
            currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            #only 3 values key for currency, and making sure the currency exists
            while all(
                    currency.strip(" ") not in currencies
                    for currency in currency_fix_lst) == True:
                #as requested to use
                    "\nsomthing went wrong! are you sure its a vaild currency? - try again\n"

                #input the currencies requested again, if cur dosent exists
                currency_lst = str(
                        'try entering a comma-separated code and space\n i.e. "ILS, USD" is the correct format\n'
                currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

                #remove spaces
                currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            #getting the file name for later - creation of file
            file_name = input("in which name you wish to save the graph?: \n")

            year = int(year)
            month = int(month)

            #start day as the first of each month, end date as the last
            start_dateF = datetime.date(year, month, int(1))
            end_dateF = datetime.date(
                year, month, int(calendar.monthrange(year, month)[-1]))

            #creating pandas database
            daterange = date_range(start_dateF, end_dateF)

            #for each currency, loop by date, to fill all the delta between the dates above
            for each_currency in currency_fix_lst:

                #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                each_currency = each_currency.strip(" ")

                if each_currency in currencies:

                    #getting the rates of the day
                    exrates_base = exrates.get_exrates(

                    #list of x values to the plt - dates
                    date_val = []

                    #list of y values to the plt - currencies values
                    exchange_val = []

                    #loop over dates, using oandas module
                    for date in daterange:

                        #as long as the date in a vaild logical stracture
                        date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

                        #get the exchange rates for the date in the correct format
                        exrates_date = exrates.get_exrates(date_str)

                        #list of dates in month

                        if each_currency in exrates_base and each_currency in exrates_date:
                            diff_val = (float(exrates_date[each_currency]) /
                                        float(exrates_base[each_currency]) -
                                        1) * 100


                        #moving to the next values, to save the previous
                        exrates_base = exrates_date

                    #creating the graph for each currency, with label
                    plt.plot(exchange_val, label=each_currency)

            #plot creating

            #setting x values regarding the date entered earlier
            plt.xlim(0, calendar.monthrange(year, month)[-1])

            #nicer visuallisation for the graph

            plt.title('History of one Month Graph changes')
            plt.ylabel('Change in (%)')
            plt.xlabel('Days of : ' + str(year) + '/' + str(month))

            #saving the graph as .png file
            plt.savefig(os.path.join('data', '{}.png'.format(file_name)))

            print('{}.png'.format(file_name) + ' was succesfully created!')


        except ValueError as V:
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
        main program that inputs two dates, an amount, and codes of two currencies.
        it then prints a table, with the amount converted between those currencies, in both directions

    while True:

            #input values, the time preiod to convert, the amount and the currencies

            basic_date = input("Please enter first date: ")
            #value vaildation using the function above, loop untill correct format, with mentioning problem
            while inputdate(basic_date) == False:

                basic_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            end_date = input("Please enter second date: ")
            #value vaildation using the function above, loop untill correct format, with mentioning problem
            while inputdate(end_date) == False:

                end_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            while True:
                amount = input("Enter the amount you wish to convert: ")
                    val = float(amount)
                    if val < 0:  # if not a positive int print message and ask for input again
                            "Sorry, input must be a positive amount, try again"
                except ValueError:
                    print("come on! I asked for an amount.. not string")

            #vaild the currencies
            currencies = exrates.get_currencies()

            currency_lst = str(
                    "enter two currency codes: separate them with comma (,)\n")
            currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #remove spaces
            currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            #only 3 values key for currency, and making sure the currency exists
            while all(currency.strip() not in currencies for currency in
                      currency_fix_lst) == True or len(currency_fix_lst) != 2:

                #as requested to use
                    "\nsomthing went wrong! are you sure its two vaild currencies? - try again\n"

                #input the currencies requested again, if cur dosent exists
                currency_lst = str(
                        'try entering two currencies with a comma-separated\n i.e. "ILS, USD" is the correct format\n'
                currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #creating currencies in the correct format
            first_cur = str(currency_fix_lst)[2:5]
            sec_cur = str(currency_fix_lst[::-1])[2:5]

            #using the function above to return values in table
            data = convert_time_period(float(amount), first_cur, sec_cur,
                                       basic_date, end_date)

                "\n Here is a list of convertion between two currencies, amount converted: "
                + amount + " \n")

            print("Date", '{0:>30}'.format(first_cur + '#To#' + sec_cur),
                  '{0:>30}'.format(sec_cur + '#To#' + first_cur))

            for key, line in data.items():

                print(key, '{0:>30}'.format(line[0]),

        except ValueError:
            print('ohhhhh.......there has been a Value Error.... try again!')

Exemplo n.º 4
sec_realdate = datetime.strptime(sec_date, date_format)

day_difference = (sec_realdate - real_date1).days

string = input(
    "Enter a list of currency codes with no spaces e.g. (GBP,eur,cAd): "
)  # makes sure it is a string

list_ = string.split(",")
L = list()
for i in list_:
    i = i.upper()

b = sorted(exrates.get_currencies().items()
           )  # imports the currency list, only these currencies will be saved
new_list = list()
cnt = 0
for code in L:  # 'GBP', 'EUR', 'CAD'
    for key, value in b:
        if key == code:
            cnt += 1
if cnt == 0:
        "Error! The input is invalid, please choose at least one valid currency code"
    sys.exit(1)  # stops program

Exemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Created on Tue Aug 11 14:50:23 2015

@author: Ben Longbottom-Smith

Prints the list of all the supported currencies 
and their codes in a tabular form, with the names in the 
first column and their respective codes in the second one, 
sorted by their names. The data has to be retrieved using the 
get_currencies function.
import exrates

b = sorted(exrates.get_currencies().items())         # uses 'get_currencies' function

empty_dic = dict()
for key, value in b:
    tmp = value
    value = key                # swaps my key and value items over
    key = tmp
    empty_dic[key] = value    
good_dic = sorted(empty_dic.items())     # sorted by 'names' now

print("All the supported currencies:\n")
space = 37 - len(str("Name"))
print("Name" + space*" " + " | " + "Code")
print(len(str("Name" + space*" " + " | " + "Code"))*"-")
Exemplo n.º 6
                "Please enter all currencies' codes you want to check (comma-separated): "
        file_name = str(
                "Please enter a path or just a file name to store the data: "))

        # If date1 is later, switch the values between date1 and date2
        if date1 > date2:
            tempdate = date2
            date2 = date1
            date1 = tempdate

        # Getting reed of any unnecessary white sapces in currLst.
        currLst = (" ".join(currLst.split(","))).split()

        currDict = ex.get_currencies()
        fixed_currLst = list(
        )  # A new list to store only the currencies that exist in currencies list (currDict).
        # Every currency that did not ever exist we ignore. we add only existent currency codes.
        for i in range(len(currLst)):
            if currLst[i].upper() in currDict:
        # updating currLst and adding only existent currencies.
        currLst = fixed_currLst

        # If there are no valid currencies, the input is considered invalid.
        if currLst == list():
            raise ValueError()

        #Uppercasing all currLst's values.
        currLst = [element.upper() for element in currLst]
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():
    '''to preform the main: inputs two dates, and codes of two currencies and a file name
        created a file of cscv of the given name.
        saves exchange rates on the given time period
    while True:


            #input date parameters
            start_date = input("enter the start date: ")
            while inputdate(start_date) == False:
                start_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            end_date = input("enter the end date: ")
            while inputdate(end_date) == False:
                end_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            #vaild the currencies
            currencies = exrates.get_currencies()
            currency_lst = str(
                    "enter two currency codes: separate them with comma (,)\n")
            currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #remove spaces
            currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            while all(
                    currency.strip(" ") not in currencies
                    for currency in currency_fix_lst) == True:

                #as requested to use
                    "\nsomthing went wrong! invalid currency - try again\n")

                #input the currencies requested again, if cur dosent exists, one currect currency is enoght
                currency_lst = str(
                        'wait a Minute! are you sure its a vaild currency?\n try entering a comma-separated code \n i.e. "ILS, USD" is the correct format'
                currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #input the file requested name
            file_name = input("choose a file name: ")

            with open(os.path.join('data', '{}.csv'.format(file_name)),
                      encoding="utf8") as file_name:

                for currency in currency_fix_lst:

                    #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                    currency = currency.strip(" ")

                    #write only the currencies available
                    if currency in currencies:

                #allowing new input for the loop

                #vaild the order of the input dates
                start_dateF, end_dateF = chron_time(start_date, end_date)

                #loop over dates, using oandas module
                daterange = pd.date_range(start_dateF, end_dateF)

                #loop by date, to fill all the delta between the dates above
                for date in daterange:

                    #as long as the date in a vaild logical stracture
                    date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                    exrates_date = exrates.get_exrates(date_str)

                    #insert to the file the requested values

                    #to each of the currency
                    for currency1 in currency_fix_lst:

                        #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                        currency1 = currency1.strip(" ")

                        if currency1 in currencies:
                            if currency1 not in exrates_date:


                    #moving to the next value in the time periot requested

                    print("successfully created! go to data folder to check")

        except ValueError:
            #bad format Value
                "ohh ohhh......Value Error - are you sure the date exists? try again..."

Exemplo n.º 8
        if real_date <= present_date:                 # checks if date is in the future
            print("Date must not be in the future! Time travel is impossible :) \n" )
    except ValueError:
        if some_date == "":
            some_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")   #  current date
            print("Not a valid date! Enter another :) \n")


b = sorted(exrates.get_currencies().items())

a = sorted(exrates.get_exrates(some_date).items())

curr_dic = dict()

for key, value in b:
    tmp = value
    value = key                # swaps my currency key and value items over
    key = tmp
    curr_dic[key] = value    
curr_dic = sorted(curr_dic.items())     # sorted by name 

empty_dic = dict()
for key, value in curr_dic:
Exemplo n.º 9
    that was created earlier (ertFile). then it is sorted by the currency codes and displayed in
    a tabular form.


import os, csv, urllib3
import exrates as ex
import pandas as pd

while True:
        date = str(input("Please enter a year in 'YYYY/MM/DD' format: "))  #forming the requested date in the right format

        ex.get_exrates(date)  #creating an exrates file (if isn't there one already)
        currencyDict = ex.get_currencies()  #All currencies dictionary
        #reading from the created exchange rates file and writing to a new ert file.
        #the ert file will eventually be the output data.
        with open(os.path.join("data","rates-{}.csv".format(date)), mode="rt",  encoding="utf8") as exFile,\
             open(os.path.join("data","ert-{}.csv".format(date)), mode="wt",encoding="utf8") as ertFile:

            exReader = csv.reader(exFile, delimiter = ",") #creating a "reader" object for "rates-..." file.
            ertWriter = csv.writer(ertFile , delimiter = ",")#creating a "writer" object for ertFile.

            ertFile.write("Name (code), Exchange Rate\n") #Adding column titles
            for row in exReader: #going through every row in the exchange rate file.
                [code, exrate] = row
                noData = True
                for key in currencyDict:
Exemplo n.º 10
exratesDict: Dictionary
    A dictionary of all exchange rates that exist on a certain date.
noData: Boolean
    A veriable that if it's True, it means there is no data for a certain currency on a given date.
    If it's False then it means we found data for the currency.


import pprint, urllib3
import exrates as ex

while True:
        date = str(input("Please enter a year in 'YYYY/MM/DD' format: "))

        currencyDict = ex.get_currencies()  # Getting the currencies' list.
        exratesList = sorted(ex.get_exrates(
            date))  # Getting a sorted exchange rates data for the given date.

        for el in exratesList:  #Going through every currency code (key) in the exrates dictionary.
            noData = True
            for key in currencyDict:  #Comparing every code on exratesList to the codes (keys) on currencyDict.
                if el == key:
                    #If the data exists, print it's name and code. set the noData to False because there is data.
                    print("{} ({})".format(currencyDict[key], key))
                    noData = False
            #If there is no data for a certain currency print this:
            if noData == True:
                print("<unknown> ({})".format(el))
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    '''main to test the program - the program allowing the user to enter 2 dates,
    it then will calculate for each date between them the change in precents,
    and finally will print the extremes value in the given time periot 
    while True:
            #input date parameters
            start_date = input("enter the start date: ")
            while inputdate(start_date) == False:
                start_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            end_date = input("enter the end date: ")
            while inputdate(end_date) == False:
                end_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            #input the currencies requested
            currency_lst = str(
                input("enter a comma-separated list of currency codes: "))
            currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #saving the currencies available using the module exrates
            currency_file = exrates.get_currencies()

            #remove spaces
            currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            #vaildation for currencies entered, allowing capiral and lowers letters
            if all(
                    currency.strip(" ") not in currency_file
                    for currency in currency_fix_lst) == True:
                #as requested to use
                    "\nsomthing went wrong! invalid currency - try again\n")

            with open(os.path.join('data', 'analyze request.csv'),
                      encoding="utf8") as diff_file:

                #begin writing in the file, the titles

                for currency in currency_fix_lst:

                    currency = currency.strip(" ")

                    if currency in currency_file:
                #new line for the values

                #vaild the order of the input dates, with function
                start_dateF, end_dateF = chron_time(start_date, end_date)
                #loop over dates, using oandas module
                daterange = pd.date_range(start_dateF, end_dateF)
                #base to calculate all of the changes
                exrates_base_date = exrates.get_exrates(start_dateF)

                #loop by date, to fill all the delta between the dates above
                for date in daterange:
                    #witdraw the rates for the requested date
                    date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                    exrates_date = exrates.get_exrates(date_str)

                    #insert to the file the requested values

                    #to each of the currency
                    for coin in currency_fix_lst:
                        #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                        coin = coin.strip(" ")

                        if coin in currency_file:

                            if coin in exrates_date and coin in exrates_base_date:

                                diff = (
                                    (float(exrates_date[coin]) /
                                     float(exrates_base_date[coin])) - 1) * 100
                                #if currency dossent exists it will write - as requested
                    #moving the writing forward - new line for new date

                    #saving last day list to calculate diff between each day and his previous...
                    exrates_base_date = exrates_date

            user_date = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data',
                                                 'analyze request.csv'),
            #using a function te create the table as required

        except ValueError:

            #bad format Value
                "ohh ohhh......Value Error - are you sure the date exists? try again..."

        except PermissionError:
                "the file is probbly open, close it beform preforming this program"
Exemplo n.º 12
    sec_date = (str(nxt_year) + "-" + str(nxt_mth) + "-01") 

sec_realdate = datetime.strptime(sec_date, date_format)

day_difference = (sec_realdate - real_date1).days

string = input("Enter a list of currency codes with no spaces e.g. (GBP,eur,cAd): ")     # makes sure it is a string
list_ = string.split(",")
L = list()
for i in list_:
    i = i.upper()

b = sorted(exrates.get_currencies().items())      # imports the currency list, only these currencies will be saved
new_list = list()
cnt = 0
for code in L:                             # 'GBP', 'EUR', 'CAD'
    for key, value in b:
        if key == code:
            cnt += 1
if cnt == 0:
    sys.stderr.write("Error! The input is invalid, please choose at least one valid currency code")
    sys.exit(1)       # stops program         

file_name = input("Enter a file name e.g. (including '.csv'): ")
with open(file_name, mode="wt", encoding="utf8") as g:               # need to re-save old data, then write more
Exemplo n.º 13
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Created on Tue Aug 11 14:50:23 2015

@author: Ben Longbottom-Smith

Prints the list of all the supported currencies 
and their codes in a tabular form, with the names in the 
first column and their respective codes in the second one, 
sorted by their names. The data has to be retrieved using the 
get_currencies function.
import exrates

b = sorted(exrates.get_currencies().items())  # uses 'get_currencies' function

empty_dic = dict()

for key, value in b:
    tmp = value
    value = key  # swaps my key and value items over
    key = tmp
    empty_dic[key] = value

good_dic = sorted(empty_dic.items())  # sorted by 'names' now

print("All the supported currencies:\n")
space = 37 - len(str("Name"))
print("Name" + space * " " + " | " + "Code")
print(len(str("Name" + space * " " + " | " + "Code")) * "-")
for key, value in good_dic: