Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    '''main to test the program: inputs a date,
    and prints the list of currencies for which there is a date, in format requested
    datetext = input("Greetings User! please enter a date:")

    #value vaildation using the function above, loop untill correct format, with mentioning problem
    while inputdate(datetext) == False:
        #printing error!
            "\Value Error! invalid input-choose an available date\n")

        datetext = input(
            " Let's give it another try! " + "\n" + " please enter a date:" +
            '\n' +
            " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
            + '\n')

    #using the date the user entered, to withdraw the dictionery from exrates file, get_exrate fuction and sorted by code.

    date_Rates = sorted(exrates.get_exrates(datetext))

    #marging two dictionery, to get the name and code in one dictionery
    curlist = exrates.get_currencies()

    #the format requested
    format_list = '{name} ({code})'

    #creating the list, using the format above, while check every code in the updated code list
    Final_list = [
        format_list.format(name=curlist.get(code, "<unknonwn>"), code=code)
        for code in date_Rates

    print('\nHere is a list of correncies available to ' + datetext + " : \n")

    #print the values of the list
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
        inputs two integers - year and mouth.later, it inputs currencies code.
        the program is builting a graph,
        of the month and the currencies change in percentage relative to the USD 

    while True:
            #getting the current year
            now_year = datetime.datetime.now().year
            #input the year, and vaild it
            year = input("Type in the year with four digits: ")

            #assuming no dates befor 2000 has history
            while valid_number(year, now_year) == False or year.isdigit(
            ) == False or int(year) < 2000:
                year = input(
                    "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the year with four digits: "

            #getting the current month
            now_month = datetime.datetime.now().month
            #input the month, and vaild it
            month = input("Type in the month with two digits: ")

            while valid_number(month,
                               now_month) == False or month.isdigit() == False:

                month = input(
                    "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the month with two digits: "

            #the currect month is yet to publish all the exchange rate, therefor a edge case.....
            while int(year) == int(now_year) and int(month) >= int(now_month):
                print("funny! you tried seeing the future?! try again....")

                month = input(
                    "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the month with two digits: "
                while valid_number(
                        month, now_month) == False or month.isdigit() == False:

                    month = input(
                        "somthing wen't wrong....\n Type in the month with two digits: "

            #vaild the currencies
            currencies = exrates.get_currencies()
            currency_lst = str(
                input("enter currency codes: separate them with comma (,)\n"))
            currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #remove spaces
            currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            #only 3 values key for currency, and making sure the currency exists
            while all(
                    currency.strip(" ") not in currencies
                    for currency in currency_fix_lst) == True:
                #as requested to use
                    "\nsomthing went wrong! are you sure its a vaild currency? - try again\n"

                #input the currencies requested again, if cur dosent exists
                currency_lst = str(
                        'try entering a comma-separated code and space\n i.e. "ILS, USD" is the correct format\n'
                currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

                #remove spaces
                currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            #getting the file name for later - creation of file
            file_name = input("in which name you wish to save the graph?: \n")

            year = int(year)
            month = int(month)

            #start day as the first of each month, end date as the last
            start_dateF = datetime.date(year, month, int(1))
            end_dateF = datetime.date(
                year, month, int(calendar.monthrange(year, month)[-1]))

            #creating pandas database
            daterange = date_range(start_dateF, end_dateF)

            #for each currency, loop by date, to fill all the delta between the dates above
            for each_currency in currency_fix_lst:

                #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                each_currency = each_currency.strip(" ")

                if each_currency in currencies:

                    #getting the rates of the day
                    exrates_base = exrates.get_exrates(

                    #list of x values to the plt - dates
                    date_val = []

                    #list of y values to the plt - currencies values
                    exchange_val = []

                    #loop over dates, using oandas module
                    for date in daterange:

                        #as long as the date in a vaild logical stracture
                        date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

                        #get the exchange rates for the date in the correct format
                        exrates_date = exrates.get_exrates(date_str)

                        #list of dates in month

                        if each_currency in exrates_base and each_currency in exrates_date:
                            diff_val = (float(exrates_date[each_currency]) /
                                        float(exrates_base[each_currency]) -
                                        1) * 100


                        #moving to the next values, to save the previous
                        exrates_base = exrates_date

                    #creating the graph for each currency, with label
                    plt.plot(exchange_val, label=each_currency)

            #plot creating

            #setting x values regarding the date entered earlier
            plt.xlim(0, calendar.monthrange(year, month)[-1])

            #nicer visuallisation for the graph

            plt.title('History of one Month Graph changes')
            plt.ylabel('Change in (%)')
            plt.xlabel('Days of : ' + str(year) + '/' + str(month))

            #saving the graph as .png file
            plt.savefig(os.path.join('data', '{}.png'.format(file_name)))

            print('{}.png'.format(file_name) + ' was succesfully created!')


        except ValueError as V:
Exemplo n.º 3
        "\n\nSince you have picked the present year and month, the file will only print up to today's date :)"

for i in range(day_difference):
    count = i
    day = real_date1 + timedelta(
        days=count)  # we now have all the dates of month
    str_day = day.strftime(date_format)

    with open(file_name, mode="rt", encoding="utf8") as g, \
         open(file_name, mode="at", encoding="utf8") as f:
        f.write(str(str_day) + ",")
        cnt = 0
        code_cnt = 0
        for code in new_list:  # 'GBP','EUR','CAD'
            cnt += 1
            for key, value in sorted(exrates.get_exrates(str_day).items()):
                if key == code:  # writes the rate on file
                    code_cnt += 1
                    if len(new_list) == cnt:
                        f.write(str(value) + "\n")
                        f.write(str(value) + ",")

            if code_cnt == 0:
                if len(new_list) == cnt:
                    f.write("-" + "\n")  # writes '-' on file

Exemplo n.º 4
                  encoding="utf8") as histFile:

            histWriter = csv.writer(histFile, delimiter=",")
            #Write the first row of titles in the created file.
            histFile.write("Date, {}\n".format(",".join(currLst)))

            #Going through every day between date1 and date2.
            while date1 <= date2:
                finish = False
                tempLst = list()
                if date1 == date2:
                    finish = True
                    #Write the current date.
                    #Get the exchange rates data for the current date.
                    ratesDict = ex.get_exrates(date1.strftime(date_format))
                    #If there is data for the codes on currLst on that date, write them in the file.
                    #Else write "-" instead.
                    for i in range(len(currLst)):
                        if currLst[i] in ratesDict:
                if finish:

                #Write the current date.
                #Get the exchange rates data for the current date.
                ratesDict = ex.get_exrates(date1.strftime(date_format))
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    '''to preform the main: inputs two dates, and codes of two currencies and a file name
        created a file of cscv of the given name.
        saves exchange rates on the given time period
    while True:


            #input date parameters
            start_date = input("enter the start date: ")
            while inputdate(start_date) == False:
                start_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            end_date = input("enter the end date: ")
            while inputdate(end_date) == False:
                end_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            #vaild the currencies
            currencies = exrates.get_currencies()
            currency_lst = str(
                    "enter two currency codes: separate them with comma (,)\n")
            currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #remove spaces
            currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            while all(
                    currency.strip(" ") not in currencies
                    for currency in currency_fix_lst) == True:

                #as requested to use
                    "\nsomthing went wrong! invalid currency - try again\n")

                #input the currencies requested again, if cur dosent exists, one currect currency is enoght
                currency_lst = str(
                        'wait a Minute! are you sure its a vaild currency?\n try entering a comma-separated code \n i.e. "ILS, USD" is the correct format'
                currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #input the file requested name
            file_name = input("choose a file name: ")

            with open(os.path.join('data', '{}.csv'.format(file_name)),
                      encoding="utf8") as file_name:

                for currency in currency_fix_lst:

                    #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                    currency = currency.strip(" ")

                    #write only the currencies available
                    if currency in currencies:

                #allowing new input for the loop

                #vaild the order of the input dates
                start_dateF, end_dateF = chron_time(start_date, end_date)

                #loop over dates, using oandas module
                daterange = pd.date_range(start_dateF, end_dateF)

                #loop by date, to fill all the delta between the dates above
                for date in daterange:

                    #as long as the date in a vaild logical stracture
                    date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                    exrates_date = exrates.get_exrates(date_str)

                    #insert to the file the requested values

                    #to each of the currency
                    for currency1 in currency_fix_lst:

                        #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                        currency1 = currency1.strip(" ")

                        if currency1 in currencies:
                            if currency1 not in exrates_date:


                    #moving to the next value in the time periot requested

                    print("successfully created! go to data folder to check")

        except ValueError:
            #bad format Value
                "ohh ohhh......Value Error - are you sure the date exists? try again..."

Exemplo n.º 6
            print("Date must not be in the future! Time travel is impossible :) \n" )
    except ValueError:
        if some_date == "":
            some_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")   #  current date
            print("Not a valid date! Enter another :) \n")


b = sorted(exrates.get_currencies().items())

a = sorted(exrates.get_exrates(some_date).items())

curr_dic = dict()

for key, value in b:
    tmp = value
    value = key                # swaps my currency key and value items over
    key = tmp
    curr_dic[key] = value    
curr_dic = sorted(curr_dic.items())     # sorted by name 

empty_dic = dict()
for key, value in curr_dic:
    k_curr = key
    v_curr = value                # assigns new names for currency
Exemplo n.º 7
    A pandas module object (A data frame) that is used to read from the csv file
    that was created earlier (ertFile). then it is sorted by the currency codes and displayed in
    a tabular form.


import os, csv, urllib3
import exrates as ex
import pandas as pd

while True:
        date = str(input("Please enter a year in 'YYYY/MM/DD' format: "))  #forming the requested date in the right format

        ex.get_exrates(date)  #creating an exrates file (if isn't there one already)
        currencyDict = ex.get_currencies()  #All currencies dictionary
        #reading from the created exchange rates file and writing to a new ert file.
        #the ert file will eventually be the output data.
        with open(os.path.join("data","rates-{}.csv".format(date)), mode="rt",  encoding="utf8") as exFile,\
             open(os.path.join("data","ert-{}.csv".format(date)), mode="wt",encoding="utf8") as ertFile:

            exReader = csv.reader(exFile, delimiter = ",") #creating a "reader" object for "rates-..." file.
            ertWriter = csv.writer(ertFile , delimiter = ",")#creating a "writer" object for ertFile.

            ertFile.write("Name (code), Exchange Rate\n") #Adding column titles
            for row in exReader: #going through every row in the exchange rate file.
                [code, exrate] = row
                noData = True
Exemplo n.º 8
                "Date must not be in the future! Time travel is impossible :) \n"
    except ValueError:
        if some_date == "":
            some_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")  #  current date
            print("Not a valid date! Enter another :) \n")


b = sorted(exrates.get_currencies().items())

a = sorted(exrates.get_exrates(some_date).items())

curr_dic = dict()

for key, value in b:
    tmp = value
    value = key  # swaps my currency key and value items over
    key = tmp
    curr_dic[key] = value

curr_dic = sorted(curr_dic.items())  # sorted by name

empty_dic = dict()
for key, value in curr_dic:
    k_curr = key
    v_curr = value  # assigns new names for currency
Exemplo n.º 9
    A dictionary of all exchange rates that exist on a certain date.
noData: Boolean
    A veriable that if it's True, it means there is no data for a certain currency on a given date.
    If it's False then it means we found data for the currency.


import pprint, urllib3
import exrates as ex

while True:
        date = str(input("Please enter a year in 'YYYY/MM/DD' format: "))

        currencyDict = ex.get_currencies()  # Getting the currencies' list.
        exratesList = sorted(ex.get_exrates(
            date))  # Getting a sorted exchange rates data for the given date.

        for el in exratesList:  #Going through every currency code (key) in the exrates dictionary.
            noData = True
            for key in currencyDict:  #Comparing every code on exratesList to the codes (keys) on currencyDict.
                if el == key:
                    #If the data exists, print it's name and code. set the noData to False because there is data.
                    print("{} ({})".format(currencyDict[key], key))
                    noData = False
            #If there is no data for a certain currency print this:
            if noData == True:
                print("<unknown> ({})".format(el))

    except ValueError:
        print("\nDear sir, please make sure you input in right format")
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    '''main to test the program - the program allowing the user to enter 2 dates,
    it then will calculate for each date between them the change in precents,
    and finally will print the extremes value in the given time periot 
    while True:
            #input date parameters
            start_date = input("enter the start date: ")
            while inputdate(start_date) == False:
                start_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            end_date = input("enter the end date: ")
            while inputdate(end_date) == False:
                end_date = input(
                    " ValueError! Let's give it another try! " + "\n" +
                    " please enter a date:" + '\n' +
                    " i.e. 'YYYY-MM-DD' stracture, an exsample for a vaild format is 2017-03-11"
                    + '\n')

            #input the currencies requested
            currency_lst = str(
                input("enter a comma-separated list of currency codes: "))
            currency_fix_lst = currency_lst.upper().split(",")

            #saving the currencies available using the module exrates
            currency_file = exrates.get_currencies()

            #remove spaces
            currency_fix_lst = [cur.strip(' ') for cur in currency_fix_lst]

            #vaildation for currencies entered, allowing capiral and lowers letters
            if all(
                    currency.strip(" ") not in currency_file
                    for currency in currency_fix_lst) == True:
                #as requested to use
                    "\nsomthing went wrong! invalid currency - try again\n")

            with open(os.path.join('data', 'analyze request.csv'),
                      encoding="utf8") as diff_file:

                #begin writing in the file, the titles

                for currency in currency_fix_lst:

                    currency = currency.strip(" ")

                    if currency in currency_file:
                #new line for the values

                #vaild the order of the input dates, with function
                start_dateF, end_dateF = chron_time(start_date, end_date)
                #loop over dates, using oandas module
                daterange = pd.date_range(start_dateF, end_dateF)
                #base to calculate all of the changes
                exrates_base_date = exrates.get_exrates(start_dateF)

                #loop by date, to fill all the delta between the dates above
                for date in daterange:
                    #witdraw the rates for the requested date
                    date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                    exrates_date = exrates.get_exrates(date_str)

                    #insert to the file the requested values

                    #to each of the currency
                    for coin in currency_fix_lst:
                        #deleting empty space for a vaild format
                        coin = coin.strip(" ")

                        if coin in currency_file:

                            if coin in exrates_date and coin in exrates_base_date:

                                diff = (
                                    (float(exrates_date[coin]) /
                                     float(exrates_base_date[coin])) - 1) * 100
                                #if currency dossent exists it will write - as requested
                    #moving the writing forward - new line for new date

                    #saving last day list to calculate diff between each day and his previous...
                    exrates_base_date = exrates_date

            user_date = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data',
                                                 'analyze request.csv'),
            #using a function te create the table as required

        except ValueError:

            #bad format Value
                "ohh ohhh......Value Error - are you sure the date exists? try again..."

        except PermissionError:
                "the file is probbly open, close it beform preforming this program"
Exemplo n.º 11
    print("\n\nSince you have picked the present year and month, the file will only print up to today's date :)")

for i in range(day_difference):
    count = i
    day = real_date1 + timedelta(days=count)   # we now have all the dates of month
    str_day = day.strftime(date_format)
    with open(file_name, mode="rt", encoding="utf8") as g, \
         open(file_name, mode="at", encoding="utf8") as f: 
        f.write(str(str_day) + ",")
        cnt = 0
        code_cnt = 0
        for code in new_list:                             # 'GBP','EUR','CAD'
            cnt += 1
            for key, value in sorted(exrates.get_exrates(str_day).items()):
                if key == code:                      # writes the rate on file
                    code_cnt += 1
                    if len(new_list) == cnt:
                        f.write(str(value) + "\n") 
                        f.write(str(value) + ",")           
            if code_cnt == 0:
                if len(new_list) == cnt:
                    f.write("-" + "\n")        # writes '-' on file


Exemplo n.º 12
                   for element in currLst]  #uppercasing all currLst elemnts.

        with open("{}.csv".format(file_name), mode="wt",
                  encoding="utf8") as hmgFile:
            hmgWriter = csv.writer(hmgFile, delimiter=",")
            hmgFile.write("Date, {}\n".format(",".join(currLst)))

            # Starting calculating the change from day two.
            date = date + timedelta(days=1)
            #Going through every day between date and until_date.
            while date < until_date:
                tempLst = list()
                #Write the current date in the current row
                #Getting the exchange rates data for the current day and the previous one.
                PreratesDict = ex.get_exrates(
                    (date - timedelta(days=1)).strftime(date_format))
                ratesDict = ex.get_exrates(date.strftime(date_format))

                # Going through every currency code in currLst.
                # If there is data of exchange rate for the currency for the current date
                # and the previous one, compute the change pecentage.
                # If not, consider it as zero change.
                for i in range(len(currLst)):
                    if currLst[i] in ratesDict and currLst[i] in PreratesDict:
                            str((float(ratesDict[currLst[i]]) /
                                 float(PreratesDict[currLst[i]]) - 1) * 100))
                date = date + timedelta(days=1)
Exemplo n.º 13
                    for i in range(len(currLst)):

                        # A temporary float veriable to store the minimum change of a certain currency.
                        minChange = 0.0
                        # A temporary float veriable to store the minimum change of a certain currency.
                        maxChange = 0.0
                        # A temporary float veriable to store the difference between the maximum value
                        # of a certain currency compared to the value on 'date1'.
                        maxDiff = 0.0
                        # A temporary float veriable to store the difference between the max and min change.
                        difference = 0.0

                        #Finding the Maximal change
                        while tempDate <= date2:
                            # Setting dictionries of exchange rates for a current day and the previous.
                            PreRatesDict = ex.get_exrates(date1.strftime(date_format))
                            RatesDict = ex.get_exrates(tempDate.strftime(date_format))

                            #The currency code must exist in the exchange rates dictionaries,
                            #else it get zero as a value because there was no currency and the difference is zero.
                            if currLst[i] in RatesDict and currLst[i] in PreRatesDict:

                                #Every time 'tempDate' changes, 'todayChange' gets updated too.
                                #The change is represented with %.
                                todayChange = abs(float(RatesDict[currLst[i]])/float(PreRatesDict[currLst[i]])-1)*100

                                #Every time there is a change bigger than maxChange, update maxChange.
                                if maxChange < todayChange:
                                    maxChange = todayChange
                                    maxDiff = float(RatesDict[currLst[i]]) - float(PreRatesDict[currLst[i]])