Exemplo n.º 1
def put(class_name):
    model = getattr(models, class_name)
    collection_name = model.meta['collection']

    user_id = "50468de92558713d84b03fd7"

    response = {}
    status = 200
    docs = []

    # let's deserialize mongo objects
    data = json.loads(request.data, object_hook=json_util.object_hook)

    # expecting where
    where = data['where']
    patch = data['patch']

    # validata patch
    # init model for this doc
    patch_errors = validate(model, patch)
    if patch_errors:
        response['errors'] = patch_errors['errors']
        response['total_errors'] = patch_errors['count']
        status = 400

        return prep_response(response, status=status)

    # until we get signals working
    # manually include modified event details
    # patch['mBy'] = user_id
    patch['mBy'] = ObjectId(user_id)
    patch['mOn'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    db = get_db(current_app)

    # https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver/blob/master/pymongo/collection.py#L1035
    resp = db.command('findAndModify',
                      update={"$set": patch},

    response['collection'] = collection_name
    response['total_invalid'] = 0
    response['id'] = id.__str__()
    response['doc'] = resp['value']

    return prep_response(response, status=status)
Exemplo n.º 2
def put(class_name):
    model           = getattr(models, class_name)
    collection_name = model.meta['collection']

    user_id = "50468de92558713d84b03fd7"

    response = {}
    status   = 200
    docs     = []

    # let's deserialize mongo objects
    data = json.loads(request.data, object_hook=json_util.object_hook)

    # expecting where
    where = data['where']
    patch = data['patch']

    # validata patch
    # init model for this doc
    patch_errors    = validate(model, patch)
    if patch_errors:
        response['errors']        = patch_errors['errors']
        response['total_errors']  = patch_errors['count']
        status                    = 400

        return prep_response(response, status = status)

    # until we get signals working
    # manually include modified event details
    # patch['mBy'] = user_id
    patch['mBy'] = ObjectId(user_id)
    patch['mOn'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    db = get_db(current_app)

    # https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver/blob/master/pymongo/collection.py#L1035
    resp = db.command('findAndModify', collection_name,
        query = where,
        update = {"$set": patch},
        new = True

    response['collection']    = collection_name
    response['total_invalid'] = 0
    response['id']            = id.__str__()
    response['doc']           = resp['value']

    return prep_response(response, status = status)
Exemplo n.º 3
def load_data(db, json_filepath):
    '''Bulk load from json into corresponding collections.
    Each item is expected to contain '_cls' which represents the model class and the collection it belongs to.
    Validation rules are tested for each doc.

    # let's grab the data, error check?
    data  = open(json_filepath).read()

    data  = bson_json_util.loads(data)

    response     = {}
    status       = 200
    docs         = []

    load_errors  = []
    total_errors = 0
    total_added  = 0

    for doc in data:
        class_id        = doc['_c']
        model           = getattr(models, class_id)
        collection_name = model.meta['collection']
        collection      = db[collection_name]
        errors          = {}

        # Validate
        doc_errors    = validate(model, doc)
        if doc_errors:
            total_errors += doc_errors['count']

        # init model for this doc
        initialized_model    = model(**doc)
        #log date time user involved with this event
        # m.logit(user_id, 'post')
        # need to stuff into mongo
        doc_validated        = initialized_model.to_python()
        dumped               = bson_json_util.dumps(doc_validated)
        doc_info             = {}
        doc_validated['_id'] = doc['_id']
        doc_validated['_id'] = collection.save(doc_validated, safe=True)
        total_added += 1

    response['total_inserted'] = len(docs)

    if load_errors:
        response['total_invalid'] = len(load_errors)
        response['errors']        = load_errors
        response['total_errors']  = total_errors
        status                    = 400
        response['total_invalid'] = 0

    response['docs'] = docs

    print "{count} docs loaded from: {json_filepath}!".format(count=total_added, json_filepath=json_filepath)

    return {'response':response, 'status':status}
Exemplo n.º 4
def post(class_name):
    model = getattr(models, class_name)
    collection_name = model.meta['collection']

    db = get_db(current_app)
    collection = db[collection_name]
    response = {}
    status = 200
    docs = []

    # let's deserialize mongo objects
    docs_to_post = json.loads(request.data, object_hook=json_util.object_hook)

    # if a dict, then stuff it into a list
    if type(docs_to_post) == dict: docs_to_post = [docs_to_post]

    post_errors = []
    total_errors = 0
    for doc in docs_to_post:
        errors = {}
        user_id = "50468de92558713d84b03fd7"

        # need to stuff in class_name
        doc['_c'] = class_name

        # Validate
        doc_errors = validate(model, doc)
        if doc_errors:
            total_errors += doc_errors['count']

        # init model for this doc
        m = model(**doc)

        #log date time user involved with this event
        m.logit(user_id, 'post')

        # need to stuff into mongo
        doc_validated = m.to_python()
            doc_validated['_c'] = m.meta['_c']

        dumped = dumps(doc_validated)
        doc_info = {}

        id = str(collection.insert(doc_validated, safe=True))
        doc_info['id'] = id
        doc_info['doc'] = doc_validated
        doc_info['link'] = get_document_link(class_name, id)


    response['total_inserted'] = len(docs)

    if post_errors:
        response['total_invalid'] = len(post_errors)
        response['errors'] = post_errors
        response['total_errors'] = total_errors
        status = 400
        response['total_invalid'] = 0

    response['docs'] = docs

    return prep_response(response, status=status)
Exemplo n.º 5
def post_embedded(collection, id, embedded):
    # get collection name for this model
    col = models[collection].meta['collection']
    _cls = models[collection].meta['_c']

    user_objectId = ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7")

    response = {}
    status = 200
    docs = []

    # Retrieve base doc to insert new embedded docs
    base_doc = mongo.db[col].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)})
    base_model = models[col](**base_doc)

    #log date time user involved with this event
    base_model.logit(user_objectId, 'patch')

    # grab data and parse
    js = json.loads(request.data)

    # what is the doc class for these docs to embed
    field_name = js['field_name']
    _cls = js['_c']

    # docs to insert
    docs_to_post = js['docs']

    # if a dict, then stuff it into a list
    if type(docs_to_post) == dict: docs_to_post = [docs_to_post]

    post_errors = []
    total_errors = 0
    for doc in docs_to_post:
        # Validate
        doc_errors = validate(models[field_name], doc)

        if doc_errors:
            total_errors += doc_errors['count']

        doc_model = models[field_name](**doc)

        doc_info = {}
        doc_info['doc'] = doc_model.to_python()


    response['total_inserted'] = len(docs)
    if post_errors:
        response['total_invalid'] = len(post_errors)
        response['errors'] = post_errors
        response['total_errors'] = total_errors
        status = 400
        response['total_invalid'] = 0

        for doc in docs:
            base_model.emails.insert(1, doc)

        js = base_model.to_python()
        doc = mongo.db[col].update({"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": js})

    response[collection] = docs

    return prep_response(response, status=status)
Exemplo n.º 6
def patch_embedded(collection, id, embedded):
    # get collection name for this model
    col = models[collection].meta['collection']
    _cls = models[collection].meta['_c']

    user_objectId = ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7")

    response = {}
    status = 200
    docs = []

    # grab data and parse
    js = json.loads(request.data)

    # what is the doc class for these docs to embed
    field_name = js['field_name']
    _cls = js['_c']

    # Retrieve base doc to insert new embedded docs
    doc_to_patch = mongo.db[col].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)})
    if not doc_to_patch:
        return 'error'
    base_model = models[col](**doc_to_patch)
    #log date time user involved with this event
    base_model.logit(user_objectId, 'patch')

    # docs to insert
    original_values = js['original_values']
    key_field = original_values['key_field']

    replacement_values = js['replacement_values']

    # need to get the position of original embedded doc to update
    embedded_pos = [
        for i, x in enumerate([x[key_field] for x in doc_to_patch[field_name]])
        if x == original_values['value']
    if not embedded_pos:
        return 'error: did not find item to replace'

    embedded_pos = embedded_pos[0]
    elem = doc_to_patch[field_name][embedded_pos]
    print 'found', elem
    for fld, val in replacement_values.iteritems():
        print fld, val
        elem[fld] = val
    print 'replacement_values', replacement_values
    print 'updated', elem
    # replace this element with new one
    doc_to_patch[field_name][embedded_pos] = elem

    doc = mongo.db[col].update(
        {"_id": ObjectId(id)},
        {"$set": {
            "%s" % field_name: doc_to_patch[field_name]

    post_errors = []
    total_errors = 0

    # make sure doc_to_path exists

    # Validate
    doc_errors = validate(models[field_name], replacement_values)

    if doc_errors:
        total_errors += doc_errors['count']
        doc_model = models[field_name](**doc)

        doc_info = {}
        doc_info['doc'] = doc_model.to_python()


    response['total_inserted'] = len(docs)
    if post_errors:
        response['total_invalid'] = len(post_errors)
        response['errors'] = post_errors
        response['total_errors'] = total_errors
        status = 400
        response['total_invalid'] = 0

        for doc in docs:
            base_model.emails.insert(1, doc)

        js = base_model.to_python()
        doc = mongo.db[col].update({"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": js})

    response[collection] = docs

    return prep_response(response, status=status)
Exemplo n.º 7
def patch_embedded(collection, id, embedded):
    # get collection name for this model
    col  = models[collection].meta['collection']
    _cls = models[collection].meta['_c']

    user_objectId = ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7")

    response = {}
    status   = 200
    docs     = []

    # grab data and parse
    js = json.loads(request.data)

    # what is the doc class for these docs to embed
    field_name = js['field_name']
    _cls       = js['_c']

    # Retrieve base doc to insert new embedded docs
    doc_to_patch   = mongo.db[col].find_one({"_id":ObjectId(id)})
    if not doc_to_patch:
        return 'error'
    base_model = models[col](**doc_to_patch)
    #log date time user involved with this event
    base_model.logit(user_objectId, 'patch')

    # docs to insert
    original_values    = js['original_values']
    key_field          = original_values['key_field']

    replacement_values = js['replacement_values']

    # need to get the position of original embedded doc to update
    embedded_pos = [i for i,x in enumerate([x[key_field] for x in doc_to_patch[field_name]]) if x == original_values['value']]
    if not embedded_pos:
        return 'error: did not find item to replace'

    embedded_pos = embedded_pos[0]
    elem = doc_to_patch[field_name][embedded_pos]
    print 'found', elem
    for fld, val in replacement_values.iteritems():
        print fld, val
        elem[fld] = val
    print 'replacement_values', replacement_values
    print 'updated', elem
    # replace this element with new one
    doc_to_patch[field_name][embedded_pos] = elem

    doc = mongo.db[col].update({"_id":ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": {"%s" % field_name:doc_to_patch[field_name]}})

    post_errors        = []
    total_errors       = 0

    # make sure doc_to_path exists

    # Validate
    doc_errors = validate(models[field_name], replacement_values)

    if doc_errors:
        total_errors += doc_errors['count']
        doc_model   = models[field_name](**doc)

        doc_info         = {}
        doc_info['doc']  = doc_model.to_python()


    response['total_inserted'] = len(docs)
    if post_errors:
        response['total_invalid'] = len(post_errors)
        response['errors']        = post_errors
        response['total_errors']  = total_errors
        status                    = 400
        response['total_invalid'] = 0

        for doc in docs:
            base_model.emails.insert(1, doc)

        js  = base_model.to_python()
        doc = mongo.db[col].update({"_id":ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": js})

    response[collection] = docs

    return prep_response(response, status = status)
Exemplo n.º 8
def post(class_name):
    model           = getattr(models, class_name)
    collection_name = model.meta['collection']

    db              = get_db(current_app)
    collection      = db[collection_name]
    response        = {}
    status          = 200
    docs            = []

    # let's deserialize mongo objects
    docs_to_post = json.loads(request.data, object_hook=json_util.object_hook)

    # if a dict, then stuff it into a list
    if type(docs_to_post) == dict: docs_to_post = [docs_to_post]

    post_errors = []
    total_errors = 0
    for doc in docs_to_post:
        errors = {}
        user_id = "50468de92558713d84b03fd7"

        # need to stuff in class_name
        doc['_c']     = class_name

        # Validate
        doc_errors    = validate(model, doc)
        if doc_errors:
            total_errors += doc_errors['count']

        # init model for this doc
        m   = model(**doc)

        #log date time user involved with this event
        m.logit(user_id, 'post')

        # need to stuff into mongo
        doc_validated    = m.to_python()
            doc_validated['_c'] = m.meta['_c']

        dumped = dumps(doc_validated)
        doc_info         = {}

        id               = str(collection.insert(doc_validated, safe=True))
        doc_info['id']   = id
        doc_info['doc']  = doc_validated
        doc_info['link'] = get_document_link(class_name, id)


    response['total_inserted'] = len(docs)

    if post_errors:
        response['total_invalid'] = len(post_errors)
        response['errors']        = post_errors
        response['total_errors']  = total_errors
        status                    = 400
        response['total_invalid'] = 0

    response['docs'] = docs

    return prep_response(response, status = status)
Exemplo n.º 9
def post_embedded(collection, id, embedded):
    # get collection name for this model
    col  = models[collection].meta['collection']
    _cls = models[collection].meta['_c']

    user_objectId = ObjectId("50468de92558713d84b03fd7")

    response = {}
    status   = 200
    docs     = []

    # Retrieve base doc to insert new embedded docs
    base_doc   = mongo.db[col].find_one({"_id":ObjectId(id)})
    base_model = models[col](**base_doc)

    #log date time user involved with this event
    base_model.logit(user_objectId, 'patch')

    # grab data and parse
    js = json.loads(request.data)

    # what is the doc class for these docs to embed
    field_name = js['field_name']
    _cls       = js['_c']

    # docs to insert
    docs_to_post       = js['docs']

    # if a dict, then stuff it into a list
    if type(docs_to_post) == dict: docs_to_post = [docs_to_post]

    post_errors = []
    total_errors = 0
    for doc in docs_to_post:
        # Validate
        doc_errors = validate(models[field_name], doc)

        if doc_errors:
            total_errors += doc_errors['count']

        doc_model   = models[field_name](**doc)

        doc_info         = {}
        doc_info['doc']  = doc_model.to_python()


    response['total_inserted'] = len(docs)
    if post_errors:
        response['total_invalid'] = len(post_errors)
        response['errors']        = post_errors
        response['total_errors']  = total_errors
        status                    = 400
        response['total_invalid'] = 0

        for doc in docs:
            base_model.emails.insert(1, doc)

        js  = base_model.to_python()
        doc = mongo.db[col].update({"_id":ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": js})

    response[collection] = docs

    return prep_response(response, status = status)