Exemplo n.º 1
 def photon(self):
     photon = Photon()
     photon.source = self.source_id
     photon.id = self.throw
     self.throw = self.throw + 1
     intphi = np.random.randint(1, self.spacing+1)        
     inttheta = np.random.randint(1, self.spacing+1)
     phi = intphi*(self.phimax-self.phimin)/self.spacing
     if self.thetamin == self.thetamax:
         theta = self.thetamin
         theta = inttheta*(self.thetamax-self.thetamin)/self.spacing
     x = np.cos(phi)*np.sin(theta)      
     y = np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta) 
     z = np.cos(theta)
     direction = (x,y,z)
     transform = tf.translation_matrix((0,0,0))
     point = transform_point(self.center, transform)
     photon.direction = direction
     photon.position = point
     if self.spectrum != None:
         photon.wavelength = self.spectrum.wavelength_at_probability(np.random.uniform())
         photon.wavelength = self.wavelength
     photon.active = True
     return photon
Exemplo n.º 2
    def photon(self):
        photon = Photon()
        photon.source = self.source_id
        photon.id = self.throw
        self.throw = self.throw + 1

        phi = np.random.uniform(self.phimin, self.phimax)
        theta = np.random.uniform(self.thetamin, self.thetamax)

        x = np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta)
        y = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)
        z = np.cos(theta)
        direction = (x, y, z)

        transform = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, 0))
        point = transform_point(self.center, transform)

        photon.direction = direction
        photon.position = point

        if self.spectrum != None:
            photon.wavelength = self.spectrum.wavelength_at_probability(
            photon.wavelength = self.wavelength

        photon.active = True

        return photon
Exemplo n.º 3
def coil_transform_pos(pos):
    pos[1] = -pos[1]
    a, b, g = np.radians(pos[3:])
    r_ref = tf.euler_matrix(a, b, g, 'sxyz')
    t_ref = tf.translation_matrix(pos[:3])
    m_img = tf.concatenate_matrices(t_ref, r_ref)

    return m_img
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _draw(self):
        glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

        view_mat = translation_matrix((0, 0, -self.dist))
        view_mat = view_mat.dot(self.ball.matrix())
        view_mat = view_mat.dot(scale_matrix(self.zoom))
        self.VMatrix = view_mat
Exemplo n.º 5
    def photon(self):
        photon = Photon()
        photon.source = self.source_id
        photon.id = self.throw
        self.throw = self.throw + 1

        #This does not work, since the area element scales with Sin(theta) d theta d phi
        #See  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpherePointPicking.html
        #Reimplementing the Randomizer

        phi = np.random.uniform(self.phimin, self.phimax)
        #theta = np.random.uniform(self.thetamin, self.thetamax)

        theta = -1
        while theta > self.thetamax or theta < self.thetamin:
            theta = np.arccos(2 * np.random.uniform(0, 1) - 1)

        x = np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta)
        y = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)
        z = np.cos(theta)
        direction = (x, y, z)

        transform = tf.translation_matrix((0, 0, 0))
        point = transform_point(self.center, transform)

        photon.direction = direction
        photon.position = point

        if self.spectrum != None:
            photon.wavelength = self.spectrum.wavelength_at_probability(
            photon.wavelength = self.wavelength

        photon.active = True

        return photon
Exemplo n.º 6
    def photon(self):
        photon = Photon()
        photon.source = self.source_id
        photon.id = self.throw
        self.throw = self.throw + 1
		#This does not work, since the area element scales with Sin(theta) d theta d phi
		#See  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpherePointPicking.html
		#Reimplementing the Randomizer
        phi = np.random.uniform(self.phimin, self.phimax)
        #theta = np.random.uniform(self.thetamin, self.thetamax)
        theta = -1
        while theta > self.thetamax or theta < self.thetamin :
            theta = np.arccos(2* np.random.uniform(0,1)-1)	
        x = np.cos(phi)*np.sin(theta)
        y = np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta)
        z = np.cos(theta)
        direction = (x,y,z)
        transform = tf.translation_matrix((0,0,0))
        point = transform_point(self.center, transform)
        photon.direction = direction
        photon.position = point
        if self.spectrum != None:
            photon.wavelength = self.spectrum.wavelength_at_probability(np.random.uniform())
            photon.wavelength = self.wavelength
        photon.active = True
        return photon
Exemplo n.º 7
 def translate(self, translation):
Exemplo n.º 8
 def translate(self, translation):
Exemplo n.º 9
 def intersection(self, ray):
     Returns all forward intersection points with ray and the capped cylinder. 
     The intersection algoithm is taken from, "Intersecting a Ray with a Cylinder"
     Joseph M. Cychosz and Warren N. Waggenspack, Jr., in "Graphics Gems IV", 
     Academic Press, 1994.
     >>> cld = Cylinder(1.0, 1.0)
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([0.0,0.0,0.5], [1,0,0]))
     [array([ 1. ,  0. ,  0.5])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-5,0.0,0.5], [1,0,0]))
     [array([-1. ,  0. ,  0.5]), array([ 1. ,  0. ,  0.5])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([.5,.5,-1], [0,0,1]))
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ]), array([ 0.5,  0.5,  0. ])]
     >>> cld.intersection( Ray([0.0,0.0,2.0], [0,0,-1]))
     [array([ 0.,  0.,  1.]), array([ 0.,  0.,  0.])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-0.2, 1.2,0.5],[0.75498586, -0.53837322,  0.37436697]))
     [array([ 0.08561878,  0.99632797,  0.64162681]), array([ 0.80834999,  0.48095523,  1.        ])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray(position=[ 0.65993112596983427575736414, -0.036309587083015459896273569,  1.        ], direction=[ 0.24273873128664008591570678, -0.81399482405912471083553328,  0.52772183462341881732271531]))
     [array([ 0.65993113, -0.03630959,  1.        ])]
     >>> cld.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,1])
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-5,0.0,1.5], [1,0,0]))
     [array([-1. ,  0. ,  1.5]), array([ 1. ,  0. ,  1.5])]
     >>> cld.transform = tf.identity_matrix()
     >>> cld.transform = tf.rotation_matrix(0.25*np.pi, [1,0,0])
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-5,-.5,-0.25], [1,0,0]))
     [array([-0.84779125, -0.5       , -0.25      ]), array([ 0.84779125, -0.5       , -0.25      ])]
     # Inverse transform the ray to get it into the cylinders local frame
     inv_transform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
     rpos = transform_point(ray.position, inv_transform)
     rdir = transform_direction(ray.direction, inv_transform)
     direction = np.array([0,0,1])
     normal = np.cross(rdir, direction)
     normal_magnitude = magnitude(normal)
     #print normal_magnitude, "Normal magnitude"
     if cmp_floats(normal_magnitude, .0):
         # Ray parallel to cylinder direction
         normal = norm(normal)
         #d = abs(np.dot(rpos, direction))
         #D = rpos - d * np.array(direction)
         #if magnitude(D) <= self.radius:
         # Axis aligned ray inside the cylinder volume only hits caps
         #print "Inside axis aligned ray only hits caps"
         bottom = Plane()
         top = Plane()
         top.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,self.length])
         p0 = top.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         p1 = bottom.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         cap_intersections = []
         if p0 != None:
         if p1 != None:
         points = []
         for point in cap_intersections:
             if point[0] != None:
                 point = point[0]
                 point_radius = np.sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2)
                 if point_radius <= self.radius:
                     #print "Hit cap at point:"
                     #print point
                     #print ""
         if len(points) > 0:
             world_points = []
             for pt in points:
                 world_points.append(transform_point(pt, self.transform))
             #print "Local points", points
             #print "World points", world_points
             return world_points
         return None
     # finish axis parallel branch
     #print "Not parallel to cylinder axis."
     #print ""
     normal = norm(normal)
     d = abs(np.dot(rpos, normal))
     if d <= self.radius:
         #Hit quadratic surface
         O = np.cross(rpos, direction)
         t = - np.dot(O,normal) / normal_magnitude
         O = np.cross(normal, direction)
         O = norm(O)
         s = abs(np.sqrt(self.radius**2 - d**2) / np.dot(rdir, O))
         t0 = t - s
         p0 = rpos + t0 * rdir
         t1 = t + s
         p1 = rpos + t1 * rdir
         points = []
         if (t0 >= 0.0) and (.0 <= p0[2] <= self.length):
         if (t1 >= 0.0) and (.0 <= p1[2] <= self.length):
         #print "Hits quadratic surface with t0 and t1, ", t0, t1
         #print ""
         #print "Intersection points:"
         #p0 = rpos + t0 * rdir
         #p1 = rpos + t1 * rdir
         # Check that hit quadratic surface in the length range
         #points = []
         #if (.0 <= p0[2] <= self.length) and not Ray(rpos, rdir).behind(p0):
         #    points.append(p0)
         #if (.0 <= p1[2] <= self.length) and not Ray(rpos, rdir).behind(p1):
         #    points.append(p1)
         #print points
         #Now compute intersection with end caps
         #print "Now to calculate caps intersections"
         bottom = Plane()
         top = Plane()
         top.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,self.length])
         p2 = top.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         p3 = bottom.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         cap_intersections = []
         if p2 != None:
         if p3 != None:
         for point in cap_intersections:
             if point[0] != None:
                 point = point[0]
                 point_radius = np.sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2)
                 if point_radius <= self.radius:
                     #print "Hit cap at point:"
                     #print point
                     #print ""
         #print points
         if len(points) > 0:
             world_points = []
             for pt in points:
                 world_points.append(transform_point(pt, self.transform))
             return world_points
         return None