def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	wf = xa.params['Par_0']['Value']
	kernel = lpa3D_init(xs, ys, zs, wf)
	gam = 1/(8*((min(xs,ys,zs)-1)*wf)**2)
	while True:
		r = np.zeros((10,xa.TI['nrsamp']))
		for i in range(0,10):
			r[i,:] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input,kernel[i])
		A = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[4],r[7]/2, r[8]/2], [r[7]/2, r[5], r[9]/2], [r[8]/2, r[9]/2, r[6]]]),2)
		AAT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', A, np.swapaxes(A,1,2))
		B = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[1]],[r[2]],[r[3]]]),2)
		BBT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', B, np.swapaxes(B,1,2))
		T = AAT+gam*BBT
		p = np.rollaxis(T,0,3)
		xa.Output['t1x'] = p[0,0,:]*np.sign(p[0,2,:])
		xa.Output['t1y'] = p[0,1,:]*np.sign(p[0,2,:])
		xa.Output['t1z'] = p[0,2,:]*np.sign(p[0,2,:])
		xa.Output['t2x'] = p[1,0,:]*np.sign(p[1,2,:])
		xa.Output['t2y'] = p[1,1,:]*np.sign(p[1,2,:])
		xa.Output['t2z'] = p[1,2,:]*np.sign(p[1,2,:])
		xa.Output['t3x'] = p[2,0,:]*np.sign(p[2,2,:])
		xa.Output['t3y'] = p[2,1,:]*np.sign(p[2,2,:])
		xa.Output['t3z'] = p[2,2,:]*np.sign(p[2,2,:])
def doCompute():
    xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
    ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
    zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin'][
        'Value'][0] + 1
    wf = xa.params['Par_0']['Value']
    kernel = lpa3D_init(xs, ys, zs, wf)
    gam = 1 / (8 * ((min(xs, ys, zs) - 1) * wf)**2)
    while True:
        r = np.zeros((10, xa.TI['nrsamp']))
        for i in range(0, 10):
            r[i, :] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input, kernel[i])
        A = np.rollaxis(
            np.array([[r[4], r[7] / 2, r[8] / 2], [r[7] / 2, r[5], r[9] / 2],
                      [r[8] / 2, r[9] / 2, r[6]]]), 2)
        AAT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', A, np.swapaxes(A, 1, 2))
        B = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[1]], [r[2]], [r[3]]]), 2)
        BBT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', B, np.swapaxes(B, 1, 2))
        T = AAT + gam * BBT
        p = np.rollaxis(T, 0, 3)
        xa.Output['t1x'] = p[0, 0, :] * np.sign(p[0, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t1y'] = p[0, 1, :] * np.sign(p[0, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t1z'] = p[0, 2, :] * np.sign(p[0, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t2x'] = p[1, 0, :] * np.sign(p[1, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t2y'] = p[1, 1, :] * np.sign(p[1, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t2z'] = p[1, 2, :] * np.sign(p[1, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t3x'] = p[2, 0, :] * np.sign(p[2, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t3y'] = p[2, 1, :] * np.sign(p[2, 2, :])
        xa.Output['t3z'] = p[2, 2, :] * np.sign(p[2, 2, :])
Exemplo n.º 3
def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	wf = xa.params['Par_0']['Value']
	maxDip = xa.params['Par_1']['Value']
	kernel = lpa3D_init(xs, ys, zs, wf)
	gam = 1/(8*((min(xs,ys,zs)-1)*wf)**2)
	inlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['inldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	crlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['crldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	smb,sma = butter(4, 0.3, btype='lowpass', analog=False)
	while True:
		r = np.zeros((10,xa.TI['nrsamp']))
		for i in range(0,10):
			r[i,:] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input,kernel[i])
		A = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[4],r[7]/2, r[8]/2], [r[7]/2, r[5], r[9]/2], [r[8]/2, r[9]/2, r[6]]]),2)
		AAT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', A, np.swapaxes(A,1,2))
		B = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[1]],[r[2]],[r[3]]]),2)
		BBT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', B, np.swapaxes(B,1,2))
		T = AAT+gam*BBT
		evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
		ndx = evals.argsort()[:,-1]
		evecs = evecs[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),:,ndx]
		dip = -evecs[:,1]/evecs[:,2]*crlFactor
		dip[dip>maxDip] = 0.0
		dip[dip<-maxDip] = 0.0
		xa.Output['Crl_dip'] = filtfilt(smb, sma, dip)
		dip = -evecs[:,0]/evecs[:,2]*inlFactor
		dip[dip>maxDip] = 0.0
		dip[dip<-maxDip] = 0.0
		xa.Output['Inl_dip'] = filtfilt(smb, sma, dip)
def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	wf = xa.params['Par_0']['Value']
	kernel = lpa3D_init(xs, ys, zs, wf)
	gam = 1/(8*((min(xs,ys,zs)-1)*wf)**2)
	while True:
		r = np.zeros((10,xa.TI['nrsamp']))
		for i in range(0,10):
			r[i,:] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input,kernel[i])
		A = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[4],r[7]/2, r[8]/2], [r[7]/2, r[5], r[9]/2], [r[8]/2, r[9]/2, r[6]]]),2)
		AAT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', A, np.swapaxes(A,1,2))
		B = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[1]],[r[2]],[r[3]]]),2)
		BBT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', B, np.swapaxes(B,1,2))
		T = AAT+gam*BBT
		w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(T)
		e1 = v[2,:]
		e2 = v[1,:]
		e3 = v[0,:]
		e1me2 = e1-e2
		e1me3 = e1-e3
		e2me3 = e2-e3
		e1pe3 = e1+e3
		xa.Output['Cline'] = e2me3/(e2+e3)
		xa.Output['Cplane'] = e1me2/(e1+e2)
		xa.Output['Cfault'] = xa.Output['Cline']*(1.0 - xa.Output['Cplane'])
		xa.Output['Cchaos'] = 4.0 * e1 * e3 * (e1 + e2 + e3)/(e1pe3*e1pe3)
		xa.Output['Ctype'] = (e1me2*e1me2 + e1me3*e1me3 + e2me3*e2me3)/(e1*e1 + e2*e2 + e3*e3)
def doCompute():
    xs = xa.SI["nrinl"]
    ys = xa.SI["nrcrl"]
    zs = xa.params["ZSampMargin"]["Value"][1] - xa.params["ZSampMargin"]["Value"][0] + 1
    wf = xa.params["Par_0"]["Value"]
    kernel = lpa3D_init(xs, ys, zs, wf)
    gam = 1 / (8 * ((min(xs, ys, zs) - 1) * wf) ** 2)
    while True:
        r = np.zeros((10, xa.TI["nrsamp"]))
        for i in range(0, 10):
            r[i, :] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input, kernel[i])
        A = np.rollaxis(
            np.array([[r[4], r[7] / 2, r[8] / 2], [r[7] / 2, r[5], r[9] / 2], [r[8] / 2, r[9] / 2, r[6]]]), 2
        AAT = np.einsum("...ij,...jk->...ik", A, np.swapaxes(A, 1, 2))
        B = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[1]], [r[2]], [r[3]]]), 2)
        BBT = np.einsum("...ij,...jk->...ik", B, np.swapaxes(B, 1, 2))
        T = AAT + gam * BBT
        w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(T)
        v = np.rollaxis(np.sort(w), 1)
        xa.Output["e1"] = v[2, :]
        xa.Output["e2"] = v[1, :]
        xa.Output["e3"] = v[0, :]
def doCompute():
	dz = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	kernel = lpa3D_init(xa.SI['nrinl'], xa.SI['nrcrl'], dz, xa.params['Par_0']['Value'])[0]
	while True:
		xa.Output = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input, kernel)
def doCompute():
    xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
    ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
    zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin'][
        'Value'][0] + 1
    wf = xa.params['Par_0']['Value']
    kernel = lpa3D_init(xs, ys, zs, wf)
    gam = 1 / (8 * ((min(xs, ys, zs) - 1) * wf)**2)
    while True:
        r = np.zeros((10, xa.TI['nrsamp']))
        for i in range(0, 10):
            r[i, :] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input, kernel[i])
        A = np.rollaxis(
            np.array([[r[4], r[7] / 2, r[8] / 2], [r[7] / 2, r[5], r[9] / 2],
                      [r[8] / 2, r[9] / 2, r[6]]]), 2)
        AAT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', A, np.swapaxes(A, 1, 2))
        B = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[1]], [r[2]], [r[3]]]), 2)
        BBT = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', B, np.swapaxes(B, 1, 2))
        T = AAT + gam * BBT
        w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(T)
        v = np.rollaxis(np.sort(w), 1)
        xa.Output['e1'] = v[2, :]
        xa.Output['e2'] = v[1, :]
        xa.Output['e3'] = v[0, :]
def doCompute():
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	kernel = lpa3D_init(xa.SI['nrinl'], xa.SI['nrcrl'], zs, xa.params['Par_0']['Value'])
	while True:
		for i in range(0,10):
			xa.Output['r'+str(i)] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input,kernel[i])
Exemplo n.º 9
def doCompute():
    dz = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin'][
        'Value'][0] + 1
    kernel = lpa3D_init(xa.SI['nrinl'], xa.SI['nrcrl'], dz,
    while True:
        xa.Output = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input['Input'], kernel)
Exemplo n.º 10
def doCompute():
    zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin'][
        'Value'][0] + 1
    kernel = lpa3D_init(xa.SI['nrinl'], xa.SI['nrcrl'], zs,
    while True:
        for i in range(0, 10):
            xa.Output['r' + str(i)] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input, kernel[i])
Exemplo n.º 11
def doCompute():
    xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
    ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
    zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin'][
        'Value'][0] + 1
    kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs - 4, ys - 4, zs - 4)
    inlFactor = xa.SI['zstep'] / xa.SI['inldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
    crlFactor = xa.SI['zstep'] / xa.SI['crldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
    while True:

        g = xa.Input['Input']
        # Compute gradients
        gx = xl.farid5(g, axis=0)
        gy = xl.farid5(g, axis=1)
        gz = xl.farid5(g, axis=2)
        #	Inner product of  gradients
        gx2 = gx[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :] * gx[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :]
        gy2 = gy[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :] * gy[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :]
        gz2 = gz[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :] * gz[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :]
        gxgy = gx[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :] * gy[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :]
        gxgz = gx[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :] * gz[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :]
        gygz = gy[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :] * gz[2:xs - 2, 2:ys - 2, :]
        #	Outer gaussian smoothing
        rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(gx2, kernel)
        rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(gy2, kernel)
        rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(gz2, kernel)
        rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(gxgy, kernel)
        rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(gxgz, kernel)
        rgygz = xl.sconvolve(gygz, kernel)
        #	Form the structure tensor
        T = np.rollaxis(
            np.array([[rgx2, rgxgy, rgxgz], [rgxgy, rgy2, rgygz],
                      [rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2]]), 2)
        #	Get the eigenvalues and eigen vectors and calculate the dips
        evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
        ndx = evals.argsort()
        evecs = evecs[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), :, ndx[:, 2]]
        e1 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 2]]
        e2 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 1]]
        xa.Output['Crl_dip'] = -evecs[:, 1] / evecs[:, 2] * crlFactor
        xa.Output['Inl_dip'] = -evecs[:, 0] / evecs[:, 2] * inlFactor
        xa.Output['True Dip'] = np.sqrt(
            xa.Output['Crl_dip'] * xa.Output['Crl_dip'] +
            xa.Output['Inl_dip'] * xa.Output['Inl_dip'])
        xa.Output['Dip Azimuth'] = np.degrees(
            np.arctan2(xa.Output['Inl_dip'], xa.Output['Crl_dip']))
        coh = (e1 - e2) / (e1 + e2)
        xa.Output['Coherency'] = coh * coh
Exemplo n.º 12
def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs, ys, zs)
	while True:

		gx = xa.Input['In-line gradient']
		gy = xa.Input['Cross-line gradient']
		gz = xa.Input['Z gradient']
#	Inner product of  gradients
		gx2 = gx * gx
		gy2 = gy * gy
		gz2 = gz * gz
		gxgy = gx * gy
		gxgz = gx * gz
		gygz = gy * gz
#	Outer gaussian smoothing
		rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(gx2, kernel)
		rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(gy2, kernel)
		rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(gz2, kernel)
		rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(gxgy, kernel)
		rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(gxgz, kernel)
		rgygz = xl.sconvolve(gygz, kernel)
#	Form the structure tensor
		T = np.rollaxis(np.array([	[rgx2,  rgxgy, rgxgz],
									[rgxgy, rgy2,  rgygz],
									[rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2 ]]), 2)
#	Get the eigenvalues
		w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(T)
		v = np.rollaxis(np.sort(w),1)
		e1 = v[2,:]
		e2 = v[1,:]
		e3 = v[0,:]
# Calculate the attributes
		e1me2 = e1-e2
		e1me3 = e1-e3
		e2me3 = e2-e3
		e1pe3 = e1+e3
		xa.Output['Cline'] = e2me3/(e2+e3)
		xa.Output['Cplane'] = e1me2/(e1+e2)
		xa.Output['Cfault'] = xa.Output['Cline']*(1.0 - xa.Output['Cplane'])
		xa.Output['Cchaos'] = 4.0 * e1 * e3 * (e1 + e2 + e3)/(e1pe3*e1pe3)
		xa.Output['Ctype'] = (e1me2*e1me2 + e1me3*e1me3 + e2me3*e2me3)/(e1*e1 + e2*e2 + e3*e3)

def doCompute():
    xs = xa.SI["nrinl"]
    ys = xa.SI["nrcrl"]
    zs = xa.params["ZSampMargin"]["Value"][1] - xa.params["ZSampMargin"]["Value"][0] + 1
    kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs - 4, ys - 4, zs - 4)
    inlFactor = xa.SI["zstep"] / xa.SI["inldist"] * xa.SI["dipFactor"]
    crlFactor = xa.SI["zstep"] / xa.SI["crldist"] * xa.SI["dipFactor"]
    while True:

        g = xa.Input["Input"]
        # Compute gradients
        gx = xl.farid5(g, axis=0)
        gy = xl.farid5(g, axis=1)
        gz = xl.farid5(g, axis=2)
        # 	Inner product of  gradients
        gx2 = gx[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :] * gx[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :]
        gy2 = gy[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :] * gy[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :]
        gz2 = gz[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :] * gz[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :]
        gxgy = gx[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :] * gy[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :]
        gxgz = gx[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :] * gz[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :]
        gygz = gy[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :] * gz[2 : xs - 2, 2 : ys - 2, :]
        # 	Outer gaussian smoothing
        rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(gx2, kernel)
        rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(gy2, kernel)
        rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(gz2, kernel)
        rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(gxgy, kernel)
        rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(gxgz, kernel)
        rgygz = xl.sconvolve(gygz, kernel)
        # 	Form the structure tensor
        T = np.rollaxis(np.array([[rgx2, rgxgy, rgxgz], [rgxgy, rgy2, rgygz], [rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2]]), 2)
        # 	Get the eigenvalues and eigen vectors and calculate the dips
        evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
        ndx = evals.argsort()
        evecs = evecs[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), :, ndx[:, 2]]
        e1 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 2]]
        e2 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 1]]
        xa.Output["Crl_dip"] = -evecs[:, 1] / evecs[:, 2] * crlFactor
        xa.Output["Inl_dip"] = -evecs[:, 0] / evecs[:, 2] * inlFactor
        xa.Output["True Dip"] = np.sqrt(
            xa.Output["Crl_dip"] * xa.Output["Crl_dip"] + xa.Output["Inl_dip"] * xa.Output["Inl_dip"]
        xa.Output["Dip Azimuth"] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(xa.Output["Inl_dip"], xa.Output["Crl_dip"]))
        coh = (e1 - e2) / (e1 + e2)
        xa.Output["Coherency"] = coh * coh
def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs, ys, zs)
	inlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['inldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	crlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['crldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	while True:

		gx = xa.Input['In-line gradient']
		gy = xa.Input['Cross-line gradient']
		gz = xa.Input['Z gradient']
#	Inner product of  gradients
		gx2 = gx * gx
		gy2 = gy * gy
		gz2 = gz * gz
		gxgy = gx * gy
		gxgz = gx * gz
		gygz = gy * gz
#	Outer gaussian smoothing
		rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(gx2, kernel)
		rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(gy2, kernel)
		rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(gz2, kernel)
		rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(gxgy, kernel)
		rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(gxgz, kernel)
		rgygz = xl.sconvolve(gygz, kernel)
#	Form the structure tensor
		T = np.rollaxis(np.array([	[rgx2,  rgxgy, rgxgz],
									[rgxgy, rgy2,  rgygz],
									[rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2 ]]), 2)
#	Get the eigenvalues and eigen vectors and calculate the dips
		evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
		ndx = evals.argsort()
		evecs = evecs[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),:,ndx[:,2]]
		eval2 = evals[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),ndx[:,2]]
		eval1 = evals[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),ndx[:,1]]
		xa.Output['Crl_dip'] = -evecs[:,1]/evecs[:,2]*crlFactor
		xa.Output['Inl_dip'] = -evecs[:,0]/evecs[:,2]*inlFactor
		xa.Output['True Dip'] = np.sqrt(xa.Output['Crl_dip']*xa.Output['Crl_dip']+xa.Output['Inl_dip']*xa.Output['Inl_dip'])
		xa.Output['Dip Azimuth'] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(xa.Output['Inl_dip'],xa.Output['Crl_dip']))
		coh = (eval2-eval1)/(eval2+eval1) 
		xa.Output['Coherency'] = coh * coh
def doCompute():
    xs = xa.SI["nrinl"]
    ys = xa.SI["nrcrl"]
    zs = xa.params["ZSampMargin"]["Value"][1] - xa.params["ZSampMargin"]["Value"][0] + 1
    wf = xa.params["Par_0"]["Value"]
    kernel = lpa3D_init(xs, ys, zs, wf)
    gam = 1 / (8 * ((min(xs, ys, zs) - 1) * wf) ** 2)
    inlFactor = xa.SI["zstep"] / xa.SI["inldist"] * xa.SI["dipFactor"]
    crlFactor = xa.SI["zstep"] / xa.SI["crldist"] * xa.SI["dipFactor"]
    while True:
        r = np.zeros((10, xa.TI["nrsamp"]))
        for i in range(0, 10):
            r[i, :] = xl.sconvolve(xa.Input, kernel[i])
        A = np.rollaxis(
            np.array([[r[4], r[7] / 2, r[8] / 2], [r[7] / 2, r[5], r[9] / 2], [r[8] / 2, r[9] / 2, r[6]]]), 2
        AAT = np.einsum("...ij,...jk->...ik", A, np.swapaxes(A, 1, 2))
        B = np.rollaxis(np.array([[r[1]], [r[2]], [r[3]]]), 2)
        BBT = np.einsum("...ij,...jk->...ik", B, np.swapaxes(B, 1, 2))
        T = AAT + gam * BBT
        evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
        ndx = evals.argsort()
        evecs = evecs[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), :, ndx[:, 2]]
        eval2 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 2]]
        eval1 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 0]]

        xa.Output["Crl_dip"] = -evecs[:, 1] / evecs[:, 2] * crlFactor
        xa.Output["Inl_dip"] = -evecs[:, 0] / evecs[:, 2] * inlFactor
        xa.Output["True Dip"] = np.sqrt(
            xa.Output["Crl_dip"] * xa.Output["Crl_dip"] + xa.Output["Inl_dip"] * xa.Output["Inl_dip"]
        xa.Output["Dip Azimuth"] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(xa.Output["Inl_dip"], xa.Output["Crl_dip"]))
        coh = (eval2 - eval1) / (eval2 + eval1)
        xa.Output["Coherency"] = coh * coh

def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs, ys, zs)
	while True:

		gx = xa.Input['In-line gradient']
		gy = xa.Input['Cross-line gradient']
		gz = xa.Input['Z gradient']
#	Inner product of  gradients
		gx2 = gx * gx
		gy2 = gy * gy
		gz2 = gz * gz
		gxgy = gx * gy
		gxgz = gx * gz
		gygz = gy * gz
#	Outer gaussian smoothing
		rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(gx2, kernel)
		rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(gy2, kernel)
		rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(gz2, kernel)
		rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(gxgy, kernel)
		rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(gxgz, kernel)
		rgygz = xl.sconvolve(gygz, kernel)
#	Form the structure tensor
		T = np.rollaxis(np.array([	[rgx2,  rgxgy, rgxgz],
									[rgxgy, rgy2,  rgygz],
									[rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2 ]]), 2)
#	Get the eigenvalues
		w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(T)
		v = np.rollaxis(np.sort(w),1)
		xa.Output['e1'] = v[2,:]
		xa.Output['e2'] = v[1,:]
		xa.Output['e3'] = v[0,:]
def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][0] + 1
	kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs-2, ys-2, zs-2)
	hxs = xs//2
	hys = ys//2
	inlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['inldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	crlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['crldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	while True:

		s = xa.Input['Input']
		sh = np.imag( hilbert(s) ) 
#	Compute partial derivatives
		sx = xl.kroon3( s, axis=0 )
		sy = xl.kroon3( s, axis=1 )
		sz = xl.kroon3( s, axis=2 )
		shx = xl.kroon3( sh, axis=0 )
		shy = xl.kroon3( sh, axis=1 )
		shz = xl.kroon3( sh, axis=2 )
		px = s[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * shx[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] - sh[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * sx[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:]
		py = s[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * shy[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] - sh[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * sy[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:]
		pz = s[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * shz[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] - sh[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * sz[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:]
#	Inner product of gradients
		px2 = px * px
		py2 = py * py
		pz2 = pz * pz
		pxpy = px * py
		pxpz = px * pz
		pypz = py * pz
# Outer smoothing
		rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(px2, kernel)
		rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(py2, kernel)
		rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(pz2, kernel)
		rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(pxpy, kernel)
		rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(pxpz, kernel)
		rgygz = xl.sconvolve(pypz, kernel)
#	Form the structure tensor
		T = np.rollaxis(np.array([	[rgx2,  rgxgy, rgxgz],
									[rgxgy, rgy2,  rgygz],
									[rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2 ]]), 2)
#	Get the eigenvalues and eigen vectors and calculate the dips
		evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
		ndx = evals.argsort()
		evec = evecs[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),:,ndx[:,2]]
		e1 = evals[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),ndx[:,2]]
		e2 = evals[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),ndx[:,1]]
		xa.Output['Crl_dip'] = -evec[:,1]/evec[:,2]*crlFactor
		xa.Output['Inl_dip'] = -evec[:,0]/evec[:,2]*inlFactor
		xa.Output['True Dip'] = np.sqrt(xa.Output['Crl_dip']*xa.Output['Crl_dip']+xa.Output['Inl_dip']*xa.Output['Inl_dip'])
		xa.Output['Dip Azimuth'] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(xa.Output['Inl_dip'],xa.Output['Crl_dip']))
		xa.Output['Cplane'] = (e1-e2)/(e1+e2)

def doCompute():
    xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
    ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
    zs = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1] - xa.params['ZSampMargin'][
        'Value'][0] + 1
    kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs - 2, ys - 2, zs - 2)
    hxs = xs // 2
    hys = ys // 2
    inlFactor = xa.SI['zstep'] / xa.SI['inldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
    crlFactor = xa.SI['zstep'] / xa.SI['crldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
    while True:

        s = xa.Input['Input']
        sh = np.imag(hilbert(s))
        #	Compute partial derivatives
        sx = xl.kroon3(s, axis=0)
        sy = xl.kroon3(s, axis=1)
        sz = xl.kroon3(s, axis=2)
        shx = xl.kroon3(sh, axis=0)
        shy = xl.kroon3(sh, axis=1)
        shz = xl.kroon3(sh, axis=2)

        a = s[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * s[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] + sh[
            1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * sh[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :]
        px = (s[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * shx[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] -
              sh[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * sx[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :]) / a
        py = (s[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * shy[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] -
              sh[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * sy[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :]) / a
        pz = (s[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * shz[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] -
              sh[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :] * sz[1:xs - 1, 1:ys - 1, :]) / a
        #	Inner product of gradients
        px2 = px * px
        py2 = py * py
        pz2 = pz * pz
        pxpy = px * py
        pxpz = px * pz
        pypz = py * pz
        # Outer smoothing
        rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(px2, kernel)
        rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(py2, kernel)
        rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(pz2, kernel)
        rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(pxpy, kernel)
        rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(pxpz, kernel)
        rgygz = xl.sconvolve(pypz, kernel)
        #	Form the structure tensor
        T = np.rollaxis(
            np.array([[rgx2, rgxgy, rgxgz], [rgxgy, rgy2, rgygz],
                      [rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2]]), 2)
        #	Get the eigenvalues and eigen vectors and calculate the dips
        evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
        ndx = evals.argsort()
        evec = evecs[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), :, ndx[:, 2]]
        e1 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 2]]
        e2 = evals[np.arange(0, T.shape[0], 1), ndx[:, 1]]

        xa.Output['Crl_dip'] = -evec[:, 1] / evec[:, 2] * crlFactor
        xa.Output['Inl_dip'] = -evec[:, 0] / evec[:, 2] * inlFactor
        xa.Output['True Dip'] = np.sqrt(
            xa.Output['Crl_dip'] * xa.Output['Crl_dip'] +
            xa.Output['Inl_dip'] * xa.Output['Inl_dip'])
        xa.Output['Dip Azimuth'] = np.degrees(
            np.arctan2(xa.Output['Inl_dip'], xa.Output['Crl_dip']))
        xa.Output['Cplane'] = (e1 - e2) / (e1 + e2)

Exemplo n.º 19
def doCompute():
	xs = xa.SI['nrinl']
	ys = xa.SI['nrcrl']
	zs = min(2*int(xa.params['Par_0']['Value'])+1,3)
	kernel = xl.getGaussian(xs-2, ys-2, zs-2)
	hxs = xs//2
	hys = ys//2
	inlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['inldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	crlFactor = xa.SI['zstep']/xa.SI['crldist'] * xa.SI['dipFactor']
	N = xa.params['ZSampMargin']['Value'][1]
	band = xa.params['Par_1']['Value']
	hilbkernel = xl.hilbert_kernel(N, band)
	while True:

		indata = xa.Input['Input']
#	Analytic Signal
		ansig = np.apply_along_axis(np.convolve,-1, indata, hilbkernel, mode="same")
		sr = np.real(ansig)
		si = np.imag(ansig)
#	Compute partial derivatives
		sx = xl.kroon3( sr, axis=0 )
		sy = xl.kroon3( sr, axis=1 )
		sz = xl.kroon3( sr, axis=2 )
		shx = xl.kroon3( si, axis=0 )
		shy = xl.kroon3( si, axis=1 )
		shz = xl.kroon3( si, axis=2 )
		px = sr[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * shx[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] - si[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * sx[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:]
		py = sr[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * shy[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] - si[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * sy[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:]
		pz = sr[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * shz[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] - si[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:] * sz[1:xs-1,1:ys-1,:]
#	Inner product of gradients
		px2 = px * px
		py2 = py * py
		pz2 = pz * pz
		pxpy = px * py
		pxpz = px * pz
		pypz = py * pz
# Outer smoothing
		rgx2 = xl.sconvolve(px2, kernel)
		rgy2 = xl.sconvolve(py2, kernel)
		rgz2 = xl.sconvolve(pz2, kernel)
		rgxgy = xl.sconvolve(pxpy, kernel)
		rgxgz = xl.sconvolve(pxpz, kernel)
		rgygz = xl.sconvolve(pypz, kernel)
#	Form the structure tensor
		T = np.rollaxis(np.array([	[rgx2,  rgxgy, rgxgz],
									[rgxgy, rgy2,  rgygz],
									[rgxgz, rgygz, rgz2 ]]), 2)
#	Get the eigenvalues and eigen vectors and calculate the dips
		evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(T)
		ndx = evals.argsort()
		evec = evecs[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),:,ndx[:,2]]
		e1 = evals[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),ndx[:,2]]
		e2 = evals[np.arange(0,T.shape[0],1),ndx[:,1]]
		xa.Output['Crl_dip'] = -evec[:,1]/evec[:,2]*crlFactor
		xa.Output['Inl_dip'] = -evec[:,0]/evec[:,2]*inlFactor
		xa.Output['True Dip'] = np.sqrt(xa.Output['Crl_dip']*xa.Output['Crl_dip']+xa.Output['Inl_dip']*xa.Output['Inl_dip'])
		xa.Output['Dip Azimuth'] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(xa.Output['Inl_dip'],xa.Output['Crl_dip']))
		xa.Output['Cplane'] = (e1-e2)/(e1+e2)
