Exemplo n.º 1
 def _copy_files(self, src, dst, path, src_i, dst_i, files, truncated= False, depth= 0, cached_status= None,verbose=True):
     if verbose and files: print "\t"*depth+"Copy files"
     status= cached_status
     for file, info in files:
         if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Object: "+file
         if not cached_status or cached_status==PathStatus.ignore or not self.cache_file_status:
             status= self.config.GetPathStatus(path+[file])
         if status==PathStatus.include:
             src_index= None
             dst_index= None
             src_mtime= info["modified_time"]
             src_filesize= info["size"]
                 copyfile(src, file, dst, file)
                 #Change mod of newly created file
                 #to mod of a source file
                 dst.chmod(file, get_fmod(info))
             if src_filesize>=0:
                 print "Sync synch synch..............................."
                 src_index= src_i.GetPathPart([src_i.name,file], True)
                 dst_index= dst_i.GetPathPart([dst_i.name,file], True)
                 src_index.CreationTime= self.dt2ut(src_mtime)
                 dst_index.CreationTime= self.dt2ut(dst.getinfo(file)["modified_time"])   
         if status==PathStatus.stop:
             if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Removing file"
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _make_links(self, src, dst, path, src_i, dst_i, links, truncated= False,depth= 0, cached_status= None,verbose=True):
     if verbose and links: print "\t"*depth+"Make links"
     status= cached_status
     for link, info in links:
         if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Object: "+link
         if not cached_status or not self.cache_file_status:
             (truncated, status)= self.config.GetPathStatus(path+[link], True)
         if truncated:
             cached_status= status
         if status==PathStatus.include:
             lnk= src.readlink(link)
             if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Creating link to"+lnk
             dst.symlink(lnk, link)
             #Change mod of newly created link
             #to mod of a source link
             dst.chmod(link, get_fmod(info))
         elif status==PathStatus.stop:
             if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Removing link"
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _copy_dirs(self, src, dst, path, src_i, dst_i, dirs, truncated= False, depth= 0, cached_status= None,verbose=True):
     if verbose and dirs: print "\t"*depth+"Copy dirs"
     status= cached_status
     for file, sinfo, dinfo in dirs:
         if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Object: "+file
         l_cached_status= None
         if not cached_status:
             (truncated, status)= self.config.GetPathStatus(path+[file], True)
         if truncated:
             l_cached_status= status
         if status==PathStatus.include or (status==PathStatus.ignore and self.config.PathExists(path+[file])):
             if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"dir_enter->"
             new_src= src.makeopendir(file)
             new_dst= dst.makeopendir(file)
             #Change mod of newly created file
             #to mod of a source file
             dst.chmod(file, get_fmod(sinfo))
             self._synch_walk(new_src, new_dst, path[:]+[file], src_i.GetPathPart([src_i.name,file], True), dst_i.GetPathPart([dst_i.name,file], True), depth+1, l_cached_status)
             if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"<-dir_leave"
         elif status==PathStatus.stop:
             if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Removing dir"
             src.removedir(file, force=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
             #to mod of a source link
             dst.chmod(link, get_fmod(info))
         elif status==PathStatus.stop:
             if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Removing link"
 def _update_permissions(self, src, dst, files, truncated= False,depth= 0, cached_status= None,verbose=True):):
     if verbose and links: print "\t"*depth+"Update permissions"
     #Here we can't act based on modification time,
     #so we have to decide based on options.
     for file, sinfo, dinfo in files:
         if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Object: "+file
         #We update in case if st_modes are different
         #this should be sufficient detection.
         if get_fmod(sinfo["st_mode"])!=get_fmod(dinfo["st_mode"]):
             dst.chmod(file, get_fmod(sinfo))
             #src.chmod(file, dmod)
 def _update_links(self, src, dst, path, src_i, dst_i, links, truncated= False,depth= 0, cached_status= None,verbose=True):
     if verbose and links: print "\t"*depth+"Update links"
     status= cached_status
     for file, sinfo, dinfo in links:
         if verbose: print "\t"*depth+"Object: "+file
         if not cached_status or not self.cache_file_status:
             (truncated, status)= self.config.GetPathStatus(path+[file], True)
         if truncated:
             cached_status= status
         if status==PathStatus.include:
             #Links point to same location, do nothing.
             slnk= src.readlink(file)