Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_list_of_object(self):
        #test if the function get_list_of_object is correct
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('Upload.objects.all()',
                                                   [(1, 2)])
        self.assertEqual(message, 'ok')  #check if the returned message is 'ok;

        #check if the returned objects list is the correct list
        self.assertEqual(objects_list[0], self.upload)
        self.assertEqual(len(objects_list), 1)

        #test for exception, when both argument of this function is empty:
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('', [])
        self.assertEqual(message, 'The data function should be specify!')
        self.assertEqual(objects_list, [])

        #test if the function is not correct, then the correct message should be returned
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('toilatung', [(1, 2)])
                         'Definition of data function error at cell C2')
        self.assertEqual(objects_list, [])

        #test if the function if correct, but returned value of object_list is not appropriate
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('Upload.objects', [(1, 2)])
            'The function you defined returns wrong result (must return a list of objects):cell C2'
        self.assertEqual(objects_list, [])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_list_of_object(self):
        #test if the function get_list_of_object is correct
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('Upload.objects.all()', [(1,2)])
        self.assertEqual(message, 'ok') #check if the returned message is 'ok;

        #check if the returned objects list is the correct list

        #test for exception, when both argument of this function is empty:
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('',[])
        self.assertEqual(message, 'The data function should be specify!')
        self.assertEqual(objects_list, [])

        #test if the function is not correct, then the correct message should be returned
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('toilatung', [(1,2)])
        self.assertEqual(message, 'Definition of data function error at cell C2')
        self.assertEqual(objects_list, [])

        #test if the function if correct, but returned value of object_list is not appropriate
        message, objects_list = get_list_of_object('Upload.objects', [(1,2)])
        self.assertEqual(message, 'The function you defined returns wrong result (must return a list of objects):cell C2')
        self.assertEqual(objects_list, [])
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate(filename, request):
    fname = filename  #name of the input file
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/ms-excel')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = u'attachment; filename=%s' % fname

    #read input file, style list:
    input_book = xlrd.open_workbook(
        '%s/%s' % (FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, filename),
        formatting_info=True)  #Read excel file for get data
    style_list = copy2(
    )  #copy the content and the format(style) of the input file into wtbook
    #create output file:
    wtbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')  #create new workbook

    for i in range(input_book.nsheets):
        sheet = input_book.sheet_by_index(i)  # Get the first sheet

            #extract the specified information
            function_name, index_of_function, group, index_of_group, body, indexes_of_body, index_of_excel_function, excel_function, body_input, index_of_body_input, head, index_of_head, head_input, index_of_head_input, foot, index_of_foot, foot_input, index_of_foot_input, once, index_of_once, once_input, index_of_once_input, reserve_postions = fileExtractor(
            return 'Wrong input file, please check all data', response  #if cannot extract the data, return wrong message
            message, list_objects = get_list_of_object(function_name,

            if message != 'ok':
                return message, response
            #generate the report to the excel file, message here is the signal of the success
            message = generate_output(
                list_objects, index_of_function, group, index_of_group, body,
                indexes_of_body, fname, index_of_excel_function,
                excel_function, body_input, index_of_body_input, head,
                index_of_head, head_input, index_of_head_input, foot,
                index_of_foot, foot_input, index_of_foot_input, request, once,
                index_of_once, once_input, index_of_once_input, sheet,
                style_list, wtbook, reserve_postions)

            if message != 'ok':
                return message, response
    if request.session.get('is_spreadsheet'):
        wtbook.save('%s/%s' % (FILE_GENERATE_PATH, fname))
    return 'ok', response
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate(filename, request):
    fname = filename #name of the input file
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/ms-excel')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = u'attachment; filename=%s' % fname

    #read input file, style list:
    input_book = xlrd.open_workbook('%s/%s' % (FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, filename), formatting_info=True)     #Read excel file for get data
    style_list = copy2(input_book) #copy the content and the format(style) of the input file into wtbook
    #create output file:
    wtbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8') #create new workbook

    for i in range(input_book.nsheets):
        sheet = input_book.sheet_by_index(i) # Get the first sheet

            #extract the specified information
            function_name, index_of_function, group, index_of_group, body, indexes_of_body, index_of_excel_function, excel_function, body_input, index_of_body_input, head, index_of_head, head_input, index_of_head_input, foot, index_of_foot, foot_input, index_of_foot_input, once, index_of_once, once_input, index_of_once_input, reserve_postions, index_of_end_group = fileExtractor(sheet)
            return 'Wrong input file, please check all data', response #if cannot extract the data, return wrong message
            message, list_objects = get_list_of_object(function_name,index_of_function, request)

            if message != 'ok':
                return message, response

            #generate the report to the excel file, message here is the signal of the success
            message = generate_output(list_objects, index_of_function, group, index_of_group, body,
                                      indexes_of_body, fname, index_of_excel_function, excel_function,
                                      body_input, index_of_body_input,
                                      head, index_of_head, head_input, index_of_head_input,
                                      foot, index_of_foot, foot_input, index_of_foot_input, request,
                                      once, index_of_once, once_input, index_of_once_input,
                                      sheet, style_list, wtbook, reserve_postions, index_of_end_group)

            if message != 'ok':
                return message, response
    if request.session.get('is_spreadsheet'):
        wtbook.save('%s/%s' % (FILE_GENERATE_PATH, fname))
    return 'ok', response