Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_error_handling_unhandled_error(self, mock_ez_outlet):
        Given: Mock ez_outlet.EzOutlet.reset() configured to raise an
               Exception on reset().
          and: Mock STDERR, STDOUT.
         When: Calling main().
         Then: EXIT_CODE_ERR is returned
          and: STDERR <= ez_outlet.ERROR_STRING.format(ez_outlet.PROGRAM_NAME,
          and: STDOUT is silent.
          and: Mock ez_outlet.EzOutlet.reset() was called.
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'reset', '']

        # When
        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        # Then
        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_ERR

        assert re.search(ezoutlet.constants.ERROR_STRING.format(ezoutlet.constants.PROGRAM_NAME,
                         flags=re.DOTALL) is not None

        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''

Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_missing_cmd_py2(self):
        Given: Mock EzOutlet.
        When: Calling main() with no arguments.
        Then: EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR is returned
         and: STDERR includes ".*: error: too few arguments"
         and: STDOUT is silent.
        args = ['ez_outlet.py']

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR

        assert re.search(".*: (error: too few arguments)",
                         ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue()) is not None

        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_version_command(self):
        Given Nothing
        When Calling main() with 'version' argument
        Then EXIT_CODE_OK is returned
         and Application name and version are printed on STDOUT
         and STDERR is quiet
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'version']

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_OK

        assert re.match('\s*{0} {1}\s*'.format('ezoutlet', ezoutlet.__version__),

        assert ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue() == ''
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_reset_cmd_unknown_arg(self, ):
        Given: Mock EzOutlet.
        When: Calling main() with required arguments and an extra unknown argument.
        Then: EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR is returned
         and: STDERR <= ".*: error: unrecognized arguments: {0}".format(bad_arg)
         and: STDOUT is silent.
        bad_arg = '--blab'
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'reset', '', bad_arg]

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR

        assert re.search(".*: error: unrecognized arguments: {0}".format(bad_arg),
                         ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue()) is not None
        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_unknown_cmd(self):
        Given: Mock EzOutlet.
        When: Calling main() with no arguments.
        Then: EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR is returned
         and: STDERR includes ".*: error: argument subcommand: invalid choice:"
         and: STDOUT is silent.
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'someUnknownCommand']

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR

        # Error message differs between Python 2 and 3 versions of argparse
        assert re.search(".*: (error: argument subcommand: invalid choice:)",
                         ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue()) is not None

        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_reset_cmd_reset_time_negative(self):
        Given: Mock EzOutlet.
        When: Calling main() with hostname and negative reset time argument.
        Then: EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR is returned
         and: STDERR <= ez_outlet.ERROR_STRING.format(ez_outlet.PROGRAM_NAME,
         and: STDOUT is silent.
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'reset', '', ezoutlet.constants.RESET_TIME_ARG_LONG, str(-1)]

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR

        assert re.search(ezoutlet.constants.ERROR_STRING.format(ezoutlet.constants.PROGRAM_NAME,
                         ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue()) is not None
        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_reset_cmd_missing_target(self):
        Given: Mock EzOutlet.
        When: Calling main() with no arguments.
        Then: EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR is returned
         and: STDERR includes ".*: error: too few arguments"
         and: STDOUT is silent.
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'reset']

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR

        # Error message differs between Python 2 and 3 versions of argparse
        assert re.search(".*: (error: too few arguments|the following arguments are required:)",
                         ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue()) is not None

        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_reset_cmd_reset_time_long(self, mock_ez_outlet):
        Given: Mock EzOutlet.
        When: Calling main() with hostname and --reset-time arguments.
        Then: EzOutlet constructor is called with hostname == given value
              and wait_time == given value.
         and: EzOutlet.reset is called
         and: STDOUT is silent.
         and: STDERR is silent.
         and: EXIT_CODE_OK is returned
        hostname = ''
        wait_time = 77
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'reset', hostname, ezoutlet.constants.RESET_TIME_ARG_LONG, str(wait_time)]

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''
        assert ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue() == ''
        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_OK
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_error_handling_ez_outlet_reset_usage_error(self, mock_parser):
        Given: Mock ez_outlet._Parser() configured to raise on
          and: Mock STDERR, STDOUT.
         When: Calling main().
         Then: EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR is returned
          and: STDERR <= ez_outlet.ERROR_STRING.format(ez_outlet.PROGRAM_NAME, self.arbitrary_msg_1)
          and: STDOUT is silent.
          and: Mock ez_outlet._Parser.parse_args() was called.
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'reset', '']

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_PARSER_ERR

        assert re.search(ezoutlet.constants.ERROR_STRING.format(ezoutlet.constants.PROGRAM_NAME, self.arbitrary_msg_1),
                         ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue()) is not None
        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''

Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_reset_cmd(self, mock_ez_outlet):
        Given: Mock EzOutlet.
        When: Calling main() with a single argument.
        Then: EzOutlet constructor is called with hostname == given value
              and wait_time == ez_outlet.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME.
         and: EzOutlet.reset is called
         and: STDOUT is silent.
         and: STDERR is silent.
         and: EXIT_CODE_OK is returned
        hostname = ''
        args = ['ez_outlet.py', 'reset', hostname]

        exit_code = ezoutlet.main(args)

        # Duplicate reference to DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME needed because
        # we mocked away EzOutlet.
        assert ez_outlet.sys.stdout.getvalue() == ''
        assert ez_outlet.sys.stderr.getvalue() == ''
        assert exit_code == EXIT_CODE_OK
Exemplo n.º 11
import sys

import ezoutlet

if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemplo n.º 12
import sys

import ezoutlet

if __name__ == '__main__':