def _create_custom_profiles(mgmt, partition, custom_profiles):
    incomplete = 0

    customProfiles = False

    # Server profiles may reference a CA cert in another server profile.
    # These need to be loaded first.
    for profile in custom_profiles:
        caFile = profile.get('caFile', '')
        if profile['context'] == 'serverside' and caFile == "self":
            incomplete += create_server_ssl_profile(mgmt, partition, profile)
            customProfiles = True

    for profile in custom_profiles:
        if profile['context'] == 'clientside':
            incomplete += create_client_ssl_profile(mgmt, partition, profile)
            customProfiles = True
        elif profile['context'] == 'serverside':
            caFile = profile.get('caFile', '')
            if caFile != "self":
                incomplete += create_server_ssl_profile(
                    mgmt, partition, profile)
                customProfiles = True
            log.error("Only client or server custom profiles are supported.")

    return customProfiles, incomplete
def _create_custom_profiles(mgmt, partition, custom_profiles):
    incomplete = 0

    customProfiles = False
    for profile in custom_profiles:
        if profile['context'] == 'clientside':
            incomplete += create_client_ssl_profile(mgmt, partition, profile)
            customProfiles = True
        elif profile['context'] == 'serverside':
            incomplete += create_server_ssl_profile(mgmt, partition, profile)
            customProfiles = True
            log.error("Only client or server custom profiles are supported.")

    return customProfiles, incomplete