def run(self, git_branch='master'): """ Install theme to WordPress theme dir. """ with cd(env.REPO_DIR): git.git_pull(git_branch) run('rsync -avLP {} {}'.format(THEME_DIR, REMOTE_THEME_DIR))
def update(): """ Updates vim repository and plugins. """ # git pull with cd('.vim'): git_pull() # plugins update cmd = 'vim +NeoBundleUpdate +qa!' run(cmd)
def update(): """ Updates vim repository and plugins. """ # plugins dependencies install_dependencies() # git pull with cd('.vim'): print(green('Updating .vim folder')) git_pull() print(green('Updating submodules')) run('git submodule update --init') # plugins update cmd = 'vim +NeoBundleUpdate +qa!' run(cmd)
def install_db_backups_manager(): """ Installs project py-db-backup """ if path_exists('py-db-backup'): update_manager = prompt(green('DB backups manager already installed. ' 'Would you like to update it?'), default='Yes') if update_manager in ('Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y'): with cd('py-db-backup'): git_pull() return # install git if is not available git_install() print(green('Cloning py-db-backup repository.')) git_clone('git://', 'py-db-backup') print(green('Installing py-db-backup')) with cd('py-db-backup'): cmd = './' run(cmd)