Exemplo n.º 1
 def _item_size_modified ( self ):
     """ Handles the size of the displayed items being modified.
     if self._updating_size:
         self._resized = True
         do_later( self._update_size )
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _file_name_set ( self, file_name ):
        """ Handles the 'file_name' facet being changed.
        if file_name != '':
            file_name  = abspath( file_name )
            text_files = self.text_files
            if self.auto_close:
                for i in xrange( len( text_files ) - 1, -1, -1 ):
                    text_file = text_files[ i ]
                    if ((not text_file.modified) and
                        (file_name != text_file.file_name)):
                        del text_files[ i ]

            for text_file in text_files:
                if file_name == text_file.file_name:
                text_file = TextFile(
                    file_name = file_name,
                    text      = read_file( file_name ) or ''
                    modified  = False
                text_files.append( text_file )
                self.text_file = text_file

            do_later( self.set, file_name = '' )
Exemplo n.º 3
 def object_ok_changed ( self, info ):
     """ Handles the user clicking the OK button.
     if self.is_save_file and exists( self.file_name ):
         do_later( self._file_already_exists )
         info.ui.dispose( True )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _editing_completed(self, control, hint):
        """ Handles an in-cell edit being completed.
        # Clean up the cell editor (if necessary):
        handler = getattr(control, "_handler", None)
        if handler is not None:
            del control._handler
            handler.closed(None, True)

        editor = getattr(control, "_editor", None)
        if editor is not None:
            del control._editor

        grid = self.control
        if grid is not None:
            # Restore the size of the edited grid row (if necessary):
            row = getattr(control, "_row", None)
            if row is not None:
                header = grid.verticalHeader()
                header.resizeSection(row, header.defaultSectionSize())

            # Restore the size of the edited grid column (if necessary):
            column = getattr(control, "_column", None)
            if column is not None:
                do_later(self._restore_column_width, column, control._width)

            self.editing -= 1
            if self.editing == 0:
                self._edit_row = self._editor = None
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _get_source_files(self):
     """ Adds the next batch of source files to the list.
     files = self.find_source_files.source_files()
     if len(files) > 0:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _edit_colors ( self, event ):
        """ Displays a pop-up color editor based upon the currently selected
            color palette cells.
        self._cell1, self.cell1 = self.cell1, None
        self._cell2, self.cell2 = self.cell2, None
        r1, c1      = self._cell1
        r2, c2      = self._cell2
        self.color1 = self._color_at( r1, c1, UseDefaultColor )
        color       = self._color_at( r2, c2, UseNone )
        self.linked = (color is None)
        if self.linked:
            dr, dc         = abs( r2 - r1 ), abs( c2 - c1 )
            self.linked    = (max( dr, dc ) > 0)
            color          = self.color1
            self.divisions = min( dr, dc ) + 1
            self.color2    = self._complementary_color_for( color,
                                                            self.divisions )
            self.color2 = color

        do_later( self._color_gradient )

        if (not event.shift_down) and (self._cell1 == self._cell2):
            self.edit_facets( parent = self.control )
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _file_position_set(self, file_position):
        """ Handles the 'file_position' facet being changed.
        if file_position is not None:
            # Reset the current file position to None, so we are ready for a
            # new one:
            do_later(self.set, file_position=None)

            viewers = self.viewers
            for i, viewer in enumerate(viewers):
                if (
                    (file_position.name == viewer.name)
                    and (file_position.file_name == viewer.file_name)
                    and (file_position.lines == viewer.lines)
                    and (file_position.object == viewer.object)

                    viewer.selected_line = file_position.line
                    self.selected = viewer


            # Create the viewer:
            viewer = AnFBIViewer(**file_position.get("name", "file_name", "line", "lines", "object"))

            # Make sure the # of viewers doesn't exceed the maximum allowed:
            if len(viewers) >= self.max_viewers:
                del viewers[0]

            # Add the new viewer to the list of viewers (which will cause it to
            # appear as a new notebook page):
Exemplo n.º 8
 def object_resized_changed ( self, info ):
     """ Force the user interface to be rebuilt when the underlying object
         list is resized.
     if info.initialized:
         info.initialized = False
         do_later( self._rebuild_ui, info )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _item_set ( self, item ):
        """ Handles the 'item' facet being changed.
        if isinstance( item, HasPayload ):
            item = item.payload

        if isinstance( item, FacetsNode ):
            item = item.value

        if item is not None:
            inspectors       = []
            self._file_names = []
            description      = ''
            for klass in item.__class__.__mro__:
                module = klass.__module__.split( '.' )
                module_name = module[ -1 ]
                if module_name != '__builtin__':
                    module_name += '.py'

                if len( description ) > 0:
                    description += ' -> '

                description += '%s[%s]' % ( klass.__name__, module_name )
                inspector = self.inspector_for( join( * module ), item )
                if inspector is not None:
                    inspectors.append( inspector )
                    self._file_names.append( inspector.file_name )

            self.inspectors  = inspectors
            self.description = description
            do_later( self.set, item = None )

#-- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _object_set ( self, value ):
        """ Handles the 'object' facet being changed.
        if value is not None:
            # Reset the current object to None, so we are ready for a new one:
            do_later( self.set, object = None )

            name = title = ''
            if isinstance( value, HasPayload ):
                name  = value.payload_name
                title = value.payload_full_name
                value = value.payload

            viewers = self.viewers
            for i, viewer in enumerate( viewers ):
                if value is viewer.object:
                    if i == (len( viewers ) - 1):

                    del viewers[ i ]

                # Create the viewer:
                viewer = AnObjectViewer( name   = name,
                                         title  = title ).set(
                                         object = value )

                # Make sure the # of viewers doesn't exceed the maximum allowed:
                if len( viewers ) >= self.max_viewers:
                    del viewers[0]

            # Add the new viewer to the list of viewers (which will cause it to
            # appear as a new notebook page):
            viewers.append( viewer )
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _on_add_perspective ( self, info ):
     """ Allows the user to add a new perspective.
     ap = ChangePerspective( tools = self )
     if ap.edit_facets().result:
         name = user_name_for( ap.name )
         self.perspective_names.append( name )
         do_later( self.facet_set, perspective_name = name )
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _input_image_set ( self, image ):
     """ Handles the 'input_image' facet being changed.
     if image is not None:
         root, ext = splitext( image.name.lstrip( '@' ) )
         self.output_file_name = '%s_knifed%s' % ( root, ext or '.png' )
         if not self.auto_reset:
             do_later( self._reset_image_zoom_editor )
Exemplo n.º 13
    def write ( self, buffer ):
        """ Handles 'write' calls to the file.
        if self.owner.passthru:
            self.file.write( buffer )

        self.buffer += buffer
        do_later( self._parse_lines )
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _path_set ( self, path ):
        if ((not self._ignore_set) and
            (path is not None)     and
            (path[:1] != '?')):
            if path[:1] == '.':
                path = path[1:]

            do_later( self._update_path, path )
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__ ( self, **facets ):
     """ Initializes the object.
     super( ObjectDebugger, self ).__init__( **facets )
     self.module = CBModuleFile( path        = self.file_name,
                                 python_path = self.python_path,
                                 object      = self.object )
     do_later( self.select_object )
Exemplo n.º 16
    def feature_bar_closed ( self ):
        """ Finishes the processing of a feature popup.
        if self.feature_mode == FEATURE_DROP_VISIBLE:
            self.feature_mode = FEATURE_DROP
            self.feature_mode = FEATURE_NORMAL

        do_later( self._redraw_control )
Exemplo n.º 17
    def click ( self ):
        """ Handles the user left clicking on the feature image.
        from facets.extra.tools.vip_shell import VIPShell

        shell = VIPShell(
            values = { 'info': DebugInfo( dock_control = self.dock_control ) }
        do_later( shell.set, command = 'info' )
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _profile_set ( self, file_position ):
     """ Handles the 'profile' facet being changed.
     if file_position is not None:
         do_later( self.set, profile = None )
         if file_position.class_name != '':
             if file_position.method_name != '':
                 self.add_method( file_position )
                 self.add_class( file_position )
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _error_buffer_modified ( self ):
        """ Handles new data being written to 'stderr' by making sure that it
            gets processed in the future by the UI thread. We don't process it
            now because the data for a traceback tends to get written in small
            chunks. Deferring it should allow for all of the data to be
            accumulated in the 'error_buffer' before being processed'
        do_later( self._process_error_buffer )

#-- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _output_image_modified ( self ):
     """ Handles any facet affecting the output image being changed.
     # If the input image is too large, schedule the update for later;
     # otherwise do it now. This helps makes the tool more responsive when
     # working with larger images using the editing widgets:
     image = self.input_image
     if (image is not None) and ((image.width * image.height) > 300000):
         do_later( self._update_image )
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _timer_pop ( self ):
        """ Handles the timer event popping.
        # Restore the normal appearance of the control:
        self.control.screen_graphics = None

        # Notify the owner that we are done:
        self.owner.flashed = self

        # Cancel our timer later:
        do_later( self._terminate )
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _source_files_modified(self):
        root = self.root if self.root != "" else getcwd()
        if isfile(root):
            root = dirname(root)

        self.find_source_files = FindSourceFiles(
            root=root, file_type=self.file_type, recursive=self.recursive, live_search=self.filter
        self.selected = None
        self.source_files = []
Exemplo n.º 23
    def add_paths ( self, paths ):
        """ Adds paths to the work queue.
        paths = [ cb_path.path for cb_path in paths
                  if cb_path.path not in self.paths ]

        if len( paths ) > 0:
            self.paths.extend( paths )
            if self.lock is None:
                self.lock = Lock()
                do_later( self.start_thread )

            self.init_queue( paths )
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _value_modified ( self, value ):
        """ Handles the history object's 'value' facet being changed.
        if not self._dont_update:
            history = self.history
                self._dont_update = True
                self.value        = history.value
                history.error     = False
                history.error = True

            do_later( self.set, _dont_update = False )
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _load_history(self, restore=None, select=True):
        """ Loads the current history list into the control.
        control = self.control

        if restore is None:
            restore = control.GetValue()

        for value in self.history:

        self._restore = True
        do_later(self._thaw_value, restore, select)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _load_history ( self, restore = None, select = True ):
        """ Loads the current history list into the control.
        control = self.control
        control.frozen = True

        if restore is None:
            restore = control.value

        for value in self.history:
            control.add_item( value )

        self._restore = True
        do_later( self._thaw_value, restore, select )
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _handle_click(self, column, allow_shift=True):
        """ Perform 'special' click handling on either a cell or column header.
            Returns True if special handling occurred, or False to indicate that
            normal handling can proceed.
        modifiers = int(QApplication.keyboardModifiers())
        control = modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier
        if allow_shift and (modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier):
            do_later(self._hide_show_section, column, control)

            return True

        if control:

            return True

        return False
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _create_control ( self, parent ):
        """ Creates the toolkit-specific control for the widget.
        # Base-class constructor:
        self.control = stc = _Scintilla( self, parent )

        # Use the Python lexer with default settings:
        lexer = Qsci.QsciLexerPython( stc )
        stc.setLexer( lexer )

        # Mark the maximum line size:
        stc.setEdgeMode( Qsci.QsciScintilla.EdgeLine )
        stc.setEdgeColumn( 80 )

        # Display line numbers in the margin:
        if self.show_line_numbers:
            stc.setMarginLineNumbers( 1, True )
            stc.setMarginWidth( 1, 45 )
            stc.setMarginWidth( 1, 4 )
            stc.setMarginsBackgroundColor( QtCore.Qt.white )

        # Create 'tabs' out of spaces!
        stc.setIndentationsUseTabs( False )

        # One 'tab' is 4 spaces:
        stc.setTabWidth( 4 )

        # Line ending mode:
        stc.setEolMode( Qsci.QsciScintilla.EolUnix )

        stc.connect( stc, QtCore.SIGNAL( 'modificationChanged(bool)' ),
                     self._on_dirty_modified )
        stc.connect( stc, QtCore.SIGNAL( 'textChanged()' ),
                     self._on_text_modified )

        # Load the editor's contents:

        # Make sure we check the font once initialization is complete:
        do_later( self._check_font )

        return stc
Exemplo n.º 29
    def _on_rename_perspective ( self, info ):
        """ Allows the user to rename the current perspective.
        ap = ChangePerspective( tools = self )
        if ap.edit_facets().result:
            new_name    = user_name_for( ap.name )
            old_name    = self.perspective_name
            perspective = self.perspective

            perspective.id = '%s:%s' % ( self.application, new_name )

            self.perspective_cache[ new_name ] = perspective
            del self.perspective_cache[ old_name ]

            self.perspective_names.remove( old_name )
            self.perspective_names.append( new_name )

            do_later( self.facet_set, perspective_name = new_name )
Exemplo n.º 30
    def update_object ( self, event ):
        """ Handles the user selecting a new value from the combo box.
        name = event.value
        for item in self.items:
            if name == item.get_name():
                id_item = id( item )
                object  = self._object_cache.get( id_item )
                if object is None:
                    object = item.get_object()
                    if (not self.factory.editable) and item.is_factory:
                        view = self.view_for( object, self.item_for( object ) )
                        view.ui( object, self.control, 'modal' )

                    if self.factory.cachable:
                        self._object_cache[ id_item ] = object

                self.value = object
                do_later( self.resynch_editor )
