Exemplo n.º 1
    def Draw ( self, grid, attr, dc, rect, row, column, is_selected ):
        """ Renders the specified grid cell using the specified drawing
        # Create a cell adapter, then ask the editor to paint the cell contents:
        editor = self._editor

        # Draw the 'missing' leftmost cell border (if necessary):
        x = rect.x
        if (x == 0) and (editor.grid_line_color is not None):
            rect.x      = x + 1
            rect.width -= 1
            dc.SetPen( wx.Pen( editor.grid_line_color ) )
            dc.DrawLine( x, rect.y, x, rect.y + rect.height )

        # Draw the contents of the cell:
            set_standard_font( dc ), rect, editor.grid_adapter,
            editor.data_row_for( row ), editor.data_column_for( column ),
            row, is_selected, ''
        editor.paint_cell( cell_adapter )

        # Reset the clipping region set by the editor; otherwise the wx.Grid
        # will not be able to do later updates correctly:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def draw_column_labels ( self, dc, columns, height ):
        """ Draws the set of column labels specified by *columns* using the
            device context specified by *dc*.
        # Draw the contents of the column labels:
        grid         = self.control
        adapter      = self.grid_adapter
        dcf          = self.data_column_for
        ctr          = grid.ColToRect
        cell_adapter = WxCell()

        for column in columns:
            # Get the bounds of the current column:
            rect        = ctr( column )
            rect.height = height

            # Draw the label border (if necessary):
            if self.grid_line_color is not None:
                dc.SetPen( wx.Pen( self.grid_line_color ) )
                dc.SetBrush( wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH )
                x     = rect.x
                width = rect.width + 1
                if x != 0:
                    x     -= 1
                    width += 1
                    rect.x      = 1
                    rect.width -= 1

                dc.DrawRectangle( x, rect.y, width, height )
                rect.y      += 1
                rect.height -= 2

            # Determine any extra text to be added to the label if the current
            # column is also the current sort column:
            extra = ''
            if column == self.grid_sort_column:
                extra = SortOrder[ self.sort_normal + (2 * is_win32) ]

            # Set up the cell adapter and draw the current label:
            cell_adapter.init( set_standard_font( dc ), rect, adapter, -1,
                               dcf( column ), -1, False, extra )
            self.paint_cell( cell_adapter )

            # Reset the clipping region set by the editor; otherwise subsequent
            # updates will not work correctly: